Nifedipine photo
What do you need to know before taking Nifedipine for blood pressure?
Nifedipine has antianginal and antihypertensive effects. Relaxes the smooth muscles of blood vessels (relieves spasm), dilates
Increased level of monocytes in the blood of an adult: what does this mean, reasons
The main functions of monocytes Monocytes with their morphological structure are very similar to lymphoblasts, although they differ markedly
analysis by a narcologist
Fluoxetine - the most popular questions about the antidepressant and answers to them. You will find out everything!
But this connection is still visible. Some types of psychoneurotic disorders affect human eating behavior.
Woman in a business suit heading to the toilet
Diarrhea in an adult: main causes, treatment and diet
Perhaps there is no person who has never encountered such troubles as diarrhea. Diarrhea
Suppositories with papaverine to eliminate uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy
Category: Published 05/04/2016 · Comments: · Reading time: 4 min · Views: 5,638
Rosuvastatin tablets
Rosuvastatin - instructions for use of tablets, indications, dosage, side effects, analogues and price
Rosuvastatin tablets are designed to reduce the production of your own cholesterol in the body. With an increase in the indicators of this
Relative density of urine
General urine analysis - table, norm and interpretation of results in adults
Features of decoding a general urine test in adults, children and pregnant women General urine test
Suprax - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms: capsules or tablets 200 mg and 400 mg, suspension or syrup, medications for the treatment of sore throat, pharyngitis and sinusitis in adults, children and pregnancy. Antibiotic composition
Antibiotic Suprax: which group of antibiotics it belongs to, instructions for use, release forms for children and adults
Overdose If the patient exceeds the dose recommended by the doctor, the severity of adverse reactions may increase.
Iron supplements for anemia
Which iron preparations for intravenous administration are better?
Why does the body need iron? Iron is a unique microelement that is vital for the body. Being part of
Gabapentin: composition, indications and contraindications, side effects
Gabapentin - what it helps with, instructions for use
1124 It’s no secret that foreign brands are becoming increasingly popular
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