Ferritin. Blood test, what does it mean when it changes
A blood test for ferritin is performed to determine iron stores. Of course it’s what we need
Gastroduodenitis: symptoms, treatment (25 drugs) for exacerbation, chronic, ulcerative form. Diet and questions answered
Gastroduodenitis is an inflammatory process that simultaneously involves the stomach wall and duodenum in the pathology
“Urinary incontinence in women: how to get rid of the problem in old age?”
Causes of urinary incontinence Mechanism of development of urinary incontinence Classification of urinary incontinence Diagnosis of urinary incontinence
How to identify adenoids in a child: photos, signs and symptoms
Constant colds, difficulty breathing through the nose, an incessant runny nose - all these are accompanying signs of adenoids. WITH
Child takes medicine
Antipyretics for high fever in children
An increase in temperature in a child is a protective reaction of the body to the effects of viruses, bacteria, toxins,
Causes of reflux esophagitis, its diagnosis and treatment
How to treat reflux esophagitis? Reflux disease is a complex disease, so patients need to be careful
What does nitroglycerin help with: dosage forms and rules for taking them
Almost all adults know what nitroglycerin helps with. If there is pain in the chest, you need to
The influenza virus and the causative agent of acute respiratory viral infection turned out to be “competitors”
Influenza is a severe viral infection that affects men, women and children of all ages
Instructions for use of Vitaprost tablets for men
Vitaprost Plus: composition, side effects, reviews from doctors and patients
588 One of the natural remedies of animal origin are Vitaprost tablets. This medicine is used
What does it mean if the ESR is higher than normal, what are the reasons for the increase and how to reduce the rate for adults and children?
ESR is one of the important and mandatory laboratory indicators of a clinical blood test. During
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