Thrush starts after menstruation - why?
Many women have more than once encountered such an unpleasant disease as thrush. She not only
Trichopolum for thrush in men
Trichopolum tablets - use for thrush
What is Trichopolum? The drug Trichopolum is a medicine that has universal properties and is used for
Vaginal suppositories during pregnancy 1
The best suppositories for thrush during pregnancy and treatment recommendations
As you know, pregnancy is a period when a woman is prohibited from taking most medications, so
thoracic bandage
Postoperative orthopedic bandage on the abdominal wall: should I buy it or not?
Is a bandage needed after surgery? The postoperative effect of the bandage is the external pressure, which is elastic
death from cancer
Stage 4 cervical cancer: advanced form of the disease
Cancer - what is it? Cancer is a tumor that arises as a result of continuous division
where are the glands located
Removal of Bartholin gland cyst with laser (my experience)
Bartholinitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the Bartholin gland, located in the vestibule of the vagina.
Types of polyps in the uterus
Polyp during pregnancy: symptoms, causes, what to do – Is polyposis dangerous in early pregnancy – Women’s Medical Center in Moscow
The mucous membrane of the uterus is covered with a thin layer, medically called the endometrium. During menstruation
When will labor begin if the cervix misses 1 finger?
How does the female reproductive system work? Before answering the question, is it really possible to get
Can uterine fibroids develop into cancer: a detailed overview of the problem
Uterine fibroids - malignant or not Uterine fibroids are estrogen-dependent benign tumors,
How long does it take to treat thrush in women?
How long does it take to treat thrush in women?
Treatment of candidiasis To successfully combat fungi and restore normal microflora, first of all, eliminate
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