Vitamins Aevit: varieties, internal and external use

Pharmacies sell drugs that are ingenious in their simplicity, cost mere pennies, and can transform the skin better than an expensive cosmetic procedure. One of the pharmacy miracle drugs is capsules with vitamins A and E in oil. Aevit for facial skin can work wonders, and now you will see for yourself.

While we are running around boutiques with expensive cosmetics, there are products in the pharmacy that really work. These include vitamin aevit. There is nothing unusual in this product - just a mixture of vitamins A and E in oil, since these are fat-soluble vitamins, they are useless in another environment.

Are there any contraindications to the use of Aevit?

The drug should not be taken if you are intolerant to it. This is extremely rare, but in such cases you should stop taking it immediately.

If you have chronic problems with blood circulation, you should not take the drug either. It can provoke a deterioration in the patient's condition.

There are a number of diseases for which the complex must be used with great caution and only under the supervision of a doctor, undergoing regular tests. These include the following ailments:

  • heart attack and other heart diseases;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • inflammatory kidney diseases.

During pregnancy, only a doctor can prescribe a vitamin complex. Moreover, the reasons for this must be extremely compelling. It is better for a patient expecting a baby to consult with several doctors before taking the drug.

"Aevit" for hair

If your hair is brittle, dull, oily, or falling out, then “Aevit” is an ambulance for your hair! It is also indispensable for some scalp diseases. The instructions say nothing about this positive property of the drug, but it has been proven (confirmed by practice) that regular use of Aevita not only maintains the health of the body, but also actively affects the condition of the hair.

It is necessary to take the drug in accordance with the instructions, in extreme cases - in agreement with the doctor - increase the dosage to 2 capsules 2-3 times a day. Tocopherol and retinol in combination help restore skin elasticity and tissue regeneration functions, the roots are strengthened, as a result, hair grows faster and becomes healthier.

“Aevit” can also be used as a mask - when applied, vitamins penetrate directly into the scalp, accelerating and enhancing the effect. To see immediate results - shiny and elastic curls, use the vitamins contained in the drug "Aevit", for which they are added to the shampoo before washing your hair. The disadvantage of this method is that the problem with split ends is not solved.

It is also useful to rub the contents of one or two capsules into the scalp at night and rinse in the morning with hair detergent. Within a month you will notice how much the condition of your hair has improved, how voluminous and voluminous your hair has become.

Women's indications for the use of multivitamins

Representatives of the fairer sex are prescribed Aevit more often than men. Why do women take this multivitamin? It is widely used in gynecology: it is used in the treatment of diseases caused by changes in hormonal balance, including menstrual disorders. Helps reduce pain during menstruation and reduce blood loss. These vitamins are also prescribed to those who are trying to recover from infertility.

Another purely female problem in which it is necessary to replenish vitamin A and E reserves is mastopathy. Aevit has a positive effect on the balance of progesterone and estrogen, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mammary glands. This multivitamin is very useful in the postpartum period, since retinol reduces the recovery time of the uterine mucosa.

How should women take Aevit vitamins to solve gynecological problems? The regimen remains unchanged - 2 capsules daily. You can achieve the desired result only if the course lasts at least 10-15 days. The gynecologist can correct this model and prescribe the medication as follows: 1 capsule per month (but not more than 40 days). Repeated course - no earlier than after 3 months.

How to get beautiful skin and luxurious hair with Aevit?

The condition of the skin depends on proper nutrition, heredity and general well-being. If there is a lack of retinol and vitamin E, then the skin loses its attractiveness, becomes dry, loses its natural shine, and flakes. Aevit is an effective remedy for improving its appearance and eliminating acne.

But before adults take Aevit for their skin, of course, they should undergo an examination to be sure that it has lost its freshness precisely because of the lack of these two vitamins. Usually, to solve skin problems, the drug is taken 1 capsule for 2 weeks.

If a woman is unhappy with the way her skin looks, then she can use Aevit externally to prepare a homemade cream. It only takes a couple of minutes: just take your face cream and add 1-2 vitamin capsules to it. The resulting product should be used for a month. It will make the skin whiter and lighten age spots.

If you are tormented by pustular rashes or acne, then Aevit lotion will come to the rescue. Puncture the capsule and apply the vitamin oil to the problem area of ​​the skin. In the same way, you can save dry, chapped lips.

The vitamin has proven itself in the treatment of damaged, dull hair. It is useful to apply it with massage movements, without diluting, to the hair roots. Leave the oil until the morning. You can enrich your shampoo, balm or mask with Aevit: 2 capsules per bottle of cosmetic product - this will solve the problem of split ends.

As a pleasant bonus, this drug will give a woman strong, healthy nails. It will nourish and moisturize the nail plate. To care for cuticles and prevent brittle nails, it is best to mix Aevit with olive oil.

Instructions for use of Aevit externally

The cosmetic effect of Aevita is manifested in eliminating dry skin, excellent anti-aging effect, eliminating acne, and adding shine to hair. The drug is used externally, mixed with other agents or in its pure form. To do this, pierce the capsule, squeeze out the contents and apply directly to the skin. If you mix Aevit with cream, gel, balm, then for 5-10 g of base you need to take 1-3 capsules of the drug.

For face

Gelatin capsules will demonstrate their beneficial properties for skin care, as will vitamin E for the face in its pure form. In just two weeks, using Aevit for wrinkles, you can simultaneously reduce pores, tighten the skin, and remove acne if you apply 3-5 drops of oil to the skin daily. Aevit helps whiten, protect the skin and eliminate age spots.

For hair

Damaged, dull hair needs special care. External use of Aevita in its pure form helps strengthen hair roots if the drug is applied directly to the scalp, rubbed in with massage movements, leaving the oil overnight. Enriching other hair care cosmetics (shampoos, masks, balms) also helps solve the problem of split ends, and for this three capsules are enough for a one-time volume of product used.

For nails

A multivitamin preparation is good because it helps cope with brittleness, deeply nourishing and moisturizing the nail plate. The most effective combination is Aevita capsules and olive oil, although any hand cream is suitable. When caring for cuticles or trying to improve the condition of nails, the oil can be applied in its pure form, simply rubbing the product in until completely absorbed.

When it's really necessary

This drug rarely acts as an independent treatment: it is usually included in a complex therapy regimen. The main thing for which Aevit is taken is the elimination of hypovitaminosis A, E. It is indicated for those who have had to eat poorly for a long time due to illness, as a result of which there is a lack of retinol and tocopherol in the body. As a rule, this condition develops when:

Hemorrhoids kill the patient in 79% of cases

  • diarrhea;
  • Crohn's disease, malabsorption, celiac disease;
  • gastrectomy;
  • chronic cholestasis;
  • bile duct dysfunction;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • pathologies of the pancreas;
  • cirrhosis;
  • steatorrhea;
  • infectious diseases (both acute and chronic);
  • addiction to alcohol, drugs and smoking;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • the use of medications and oils containing iron;
  • prolonged stress;
  • sudden weight loss.

The drug is also prescribed for the following health problems:

  • dermatological – eczema, psoriasis, acne;
  • eye pathologies - optic nerve atrophy, retinal diseases, dry cornea and conjunctiva;
  • disruption of cellular nutrition and tissue microcirculation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • damage to peripheral vessels - endarteritis.

Aevit is very often used for recovery after surgery. This is a good remedy for protection against cancer.


Since Aevit is a medicinal drug, you should consult a doctor before using it orally or intramuscularly. Like any medicine, Aevit has a number of contraindications that should never be ignored.

First of all, this is undoubtedly an existing hypervitaminosis. In addition, "Aevit" cannot be used for diseases such as thyrotoxicosis, glomerulonephritis, renal failure, some other kidney diseases, as well as cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hypoprothrombinemia.

Alcoholism is a contraindication for taking the drug.

Contraindications also include:

  • cardiovascular failure;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Those who have hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components should not take the drug. In this case, Aevit cannot be used externally either.

The drug is not recommended for children under 14 years of age, elderly people, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Only two vitamins, but which ones?

Everyone can tell what Aevit consists of, because the answer is in its name. The main components are natural vitamins A and E. They are extremely necessary for the human body in adequate quantities. Retinol (vitamin A) is responsible for visual health. Its deficiency leads to night blindness - the eyes lose the ability to adapt to the dark. It can be found in anti-aging creams, as it helps the skin stay fresh and tight by triggering the natural mechanisms of cell renewal.

No less valuable is the second component of Aevit - tocopherol (vitamin E). This is a powerful antioxidant. It prevents free radicals from destroying cells, monitors the proper use of proteins, normalizes blood circulation in capillaries, and increases tissue resistance to hypoxia. Tocopherol has a positive effect on the reproductive sphere and maintains hormonal balance.

Both vitamins strengthen the immune system. In this combination, the effect of each of them is enhanced

If Aevit has so many benefits, then why not drink it for everyone? The fact is that it contains increased doses of fat-soluble vitamins, and the body cannot regulate their quantity itself and does not remove them from the body, even if there are too many of them. An overdose of such elements is no less dangerous than a deficiency, so taking this medicine “just like that” is not recommended.

Aevit for wrinkles

With age, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, which is why folds, wrinkles and so-called “crow's feet” appear on the face. Very often cosmetologists prescribe Aevit to combat this problem. One capsule of the product contains an oil solution of vitamins A and E, which stimulate the processes of rejuvenation and skin renewal. Vitamins relieve skin from dryness and flaking and give it a healthy appearance. Aevit is able to fight shallow and deep wrinkles.

Aevit perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the delicate skin around the eyes, eliminates dark circles and sagging skin.

What happens if you take Aevit incorrectly?

If there are indications for treatment with Aevit, then how to take it can be found in the instructions, but mechanically following its instructions is incorrect. After all, this is a strong allergen that contains shock doses of vitamins. For example, it is extremely dangerous to give injections at home without first testing for individual intolerance.

All procedures associated with external use should not last longer than a month. If this rule is violated, addiction may occur, and the skin will no longer be able to cope without constant replenishment of the multivitamin.

Attention: who should not use this product?

Although there are few contraindications to this drug, they are quite serious. It is forbidden to try to eliminate the deficiency of retinol and tocopheron with its help if you have the following diseases:

  • myocardial infarction in the acute stage (during the recovery period - under control);
  • chronic circulatory failure;
  • inflammatory process in the kidneys (so as not to provoke renal failure);
  • cholecystitis (this can lead to thickening of bile).

You should not take Aevit in any form in the first trimester of pregnancy (expectant mothers are not recommended to use it at all) or during lactation.

As for children, this drug is prohibited from being prescribed under 14 years of age. The only exception is dermatological skin problems. So, if a child has keratosis pilaris, then he can be prescribed Aevit, but under the strict supervision of a doctor and according to an individual regimen that includes breaks in taking it.

Why is vitamin oversaturation dangerous?

Side effects are rare, mainly in case of overdose. These are abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, stool upset, skin rash, itching, dry feet and palms, headache and joint pain, irritability, decreased performance.

Incorrect use can aggravate cholelithiasis and pancreatitis, cause baldness and enlargement of the liver and spleen.

Aevit – vitamins with a wide spectrum of action. If you use them correctly and in recommended doses, your skin, hair and nails will thank you. But despite the positive reputation of this drug and the fact that it is sold without a prescription, do not start taking it without asking your doctor for advice. The results of such “self-rejuvenation” may unpleasantly disappoint you.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Despite its beneficial properties, the drug has the following contraindications:

  1. Allergy to vitamins A and E.
  2. Thyrotoxicosis.
  3. Glomerulonephritis.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys (with extreme caution).
  5. Atherosclerosis.
  6. Pregnancy and lactation (only with the permission of the supervising specialist).
  7. Age up to 14 years.
  8. Cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, cholecystitis (prescribed only by a doctor).

In addition, the following side effects may occur when taking Aevit:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • itching;
  • rash;
  • redness;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, be sure to consult your doctor before starting to take the drug and strictly follow the prescribed dosage.

A and E are fat-soluble vitamins. Such substances can accumulate in the body, so there is no point in taking them constantly. Otherwise, you are inviting an overdose, which in turn can lead to side effects.

Composition and dosage

Vitamin complex "Aevit" is produced in the form of capsules and injections

Vitamins "Aevit" are available in the form of capsules or injections.

One capsule contains:

  • 100,000 IU vitamin A;
  • 0.1 g vitamin E.

Injection composition:

  • 0.035 g vitamin A;
  • 0.1 g vitamin E.

Or in other words, retinol, in the body is involved in the processes of protein synthesis, it is necessary for cell growth and slows down the aging process. It works in conjunction with (tocopherol), which is a powerful antioxidant. It prevents the oxidation of retinol in the body.

It follows from this that if there is a lack of tocopherol, vitamin A will not be absorbed in the required volume. Vitamin E normalizes metabolic function. It is also called the vitamin of female beauty because it helps maintain youth.

Only a doctor can correctly determine the duration of treatment and dosage.

Women are usually prescribed 1 capsule per day, regardless of food intake, men - two capsules.

Aevit: method of application

The leaflet for the drug or your attending physician will tell you how to take Aevit. Standard dosage: 1 capsule (orally) 2-3 times a day, preferably after meals. The capsules are swallowed whole and washed down with plain drinking water. Depending on the indications, the amount of the drug used daily may increase or decrease. You should not increase the dosage on your own. The result of such treatment can be disastrous.

Intramuscularly (injections) Aevit can be prescribed in an amount of 1 ml once every 24 hours. The preparation must be slightly warmed up first. This therapy is prescribed exclusively by a doctor and is carried out under the supervision of medical staff. The duration of the course is 20 days, for endarteritis and trophic pathologies - 40 days. Repeated treatment is carried out no earlier than after 4 months.

Typically the course lasts from 20 to 40 days. Its duration depends on the diagnosis and is determined by the attending physician. The break between periods of taking the drug is at least 3 months, in some cases it lasts six months.

External use of Aevit is acceptable. The drug is applied to the skin of the face and hands as an independent nutritional product and added to the cream. It is advisable to carry out the procedures before bedtime. For the first ten days, the capsules are used daily, then 1 use per week is sufficient.

Before starting a treatment course, you need to try the drug on a small area of ​​skin, because such use of a fortified composition can cause many problems if the body is found to be intolerant to its components, expressed as an allergy.

Regardless of the method of use, it is advisable not to carry out independent treatment with Aevit. This is a medicine that, if used incorrectly, can at best cause allergies, and at worst lead to more serious poisoning and intoxication of the body.

Composition of Aevita

What makes Aevit a special drug is its composition. There are two vitamins in it: A (retinol) and E (tocopherol). The drug is taken as prescribed by a doctor if there is a shortage of these substances in the body. When they are deficient, the skin becomes dry and gray in color. Vitamin A helps improve the condition of the skin from the inside, as it normalizes the functioning of the body as a whole, in particular the digestive system. Vitamin E promotes the absorption of other elements, including vitamin A.

These substances, of course, are also found in foods, but we do not always receive adequate nutrition, in which the body is replenished with a sufficient amount of necessary vitamins, minerals, etc. “Aevit” contains all of them in the required volume.

Who is Aevit intended for?

“Aevit” in capsules or injections is prescribed for a lack of vitamins A and E in the body, which may be caused by poor nutrition, digestive system disorders, or impaired absorption of these vitamins.

The drug is also effective for muscular dystrophy, vascular atherosclerosis, menstrual irregularities in women and diseases of the reproductive system in men. Injections of vitamins "Aevit" are used for acne and acne in adolescents during puberty.

Vitamin A is involved in growth, bone formation, has a beneficial effect on the development of the embryo, and plays an important role in the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system - for this reason, Aevit is prescribed to pregnant women. Retinol also normalizes epithelial growth and helps launch the process of natural cell rejuvenation.

Since vitamins A and E are fat-soluble, the excipients in this preparation are soybean or corn oil. The drug has an oily consistency, so its injections are quite painful. In this regard, it is more often used in capsules in a gelatin shell that does not irritate the stomach wall.

"Aevit" in capsules or injections can be prescribed in combination with other medications for a number of diseases resulting from vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis of vitamins A and E, namely:

  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • chronic cholestasis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • disorders caused by nicotine, drug or alcohol addiction;
  • visual impairment.

A multivitamin complex is prescribed by a doctor individually depending on the characteristics of the disease and its severity.

What is Aevit

Aevit vitamins differ significantly from those multivitamin complexes that are sold in large assortments in pharmacies. First of all, it is not recommended to take them without consulting a doctor. Of course, ideally any drug should be prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, the risks of side effects increase. And in the case of Aevit vitamins, you can also get real poisoning. Especially if you violate the recommended dosage.

In many reviews of Aevit vitamins, consumers report their low cost. On average, one package costs from seventy to one hundred rubles, which is significantly lower compared to newfangled multivitamin complexes, the price of which is rarely less than 600 rubles.

Interestingly, there are many methods for external use of Aevit vitamins on the Internet (they are not listed in the instructions for use). If you have problems with your skin and hair, but you are afraid to take capsules internally, then masks will be the best way out of the situation.

I would also like to clarify that this drug contains fat-soluble vitamins that are perfectly absorbed by our body. But it contains a minimum of excipients, which is ideal for people prone to allergic reactions.

Doctors, characterizing Aevit vitamins, note that they have an immunostimulating effect. In addition, the drug has antioxidant properties, which especially attracts representatives of the fair half of humanity. For women, Aevit vitamins are a real godsend when they need to quickly restore the beauty of hair, nails and skin after illness, childbirth or long-term use of medications. It is also often drunk in preparation for pregnancy. We'll talk about this in more detail a little later.

How to use the vitamin complex

Instructions for using the complex are often standard. For adults, oral administration of the Aevit capsule is prescribed, once a day. The capsule should be taken without chewing, with plenty of water. The average course of treatment is 30-40 days. Taking into account the characteristics of the body, the course and nature of the disease, instructions for use can be given by a doctor individually. For the treatment of facial skin, the course of oral administration is usually 15-20 days. The use of the complex during pregnancy should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, after weighing the benefits for the mother and the possible risks for the fetus. During lactation, the drug is also taken under the supervision of a doctor. If the therapy turned out to be insufficiently effective and it needs to be repeated, drinking Aevit is allowed after a time interval of 3-6 months after the course has been completed.

Interaction with other drugs

"Aevit" is often taken together with other medications for various reasons. First of all, you need to inform your doctor about what medications you are already taking. Interaction with some reduces the effectiveness of Aevit or the drug taken with it or even leads to unpleasant consequences. But some, on the contrary, act more effectively under the influence of the vitamins contained in the drug "Aevit", for which they can be prescribed by a doctor together.

Various mineral oils, Colestipol, Kolestyramine reduce the absorption of retinol and tocopherol.

Oral contraceptives promote the accumulation of vitamins in plasma.

When taking Aevita and drugs of the tetracycline group together, the possibility of increasing intracranial pressure increases.

Tocopherol enhances the effect of antioxidants, vitamins A and D, cardiac glycosides, reduces their toxicity, but if the dosage is exceeded, it increases the risk of vitamin A deficiency.

High doses of iron supplements and iron-containing products enhance oxidation processes, as a result of which the body's need for vitamin E increases.

Contraindications and side effects

Aevit cosmetics have only one contraindication for use and side effect - allergies. Redness and rashes on the skin may occur due to the presence of herbal components in the composition of the products (for example, nourishing night cream contains extracts of sea buckthorn, flax, calendula, grape seed, thyme).

The drug may cause an allergic reaction.

Medicinal capsules have contraindications and possible undesirable consequences. The drug should not be used by pregnant and lactating women with hypersensitivity to the components.

Caution must be observed when taking capsules:

  • with alcoholism;
  • with a reduced level of prothrombin in the blood;
  • in old age;
  • when the level of thyroid hormones increases due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • with inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • in conditions accompanied by increased permeability of blood vessels;
  • when the structure of the liver is damaged due to irreversible proliferation of connective tissue;
  • with renal failure;
  • with viral hepatitis.

A common side effect when taking capsules is an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes. Some patients experience epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. With prolonged use of large doses, chronic pancreatitis and cholelithiasis worsen.

Overdose symptoms

With acute vitamin A intoxication, a person becomes lethargic, headaches, dizziness, sleepiness appear, severe vomiting begins, consciousness becomes confused, and intracranial pressure increases.

In case of overdose, lethargy and dizziness may occur.

With prolonged vitamin A intoxication in patients:

  • convulsions occur;
  • anorexia is diagnosed;
  • sensitivity to visible and ultraviolet radiation increases;
  • hair fall out;
  • orange-yellow spots appear above the upper lip and on the palms and soles.

When a large dose of vitamin E enters the body, visual function deteriorates. Patients complain of headaches, dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea. If you have hypovitaminosis K, the risk of bleeding increases. Also, an overdose of vitamin E can cause sepsis and hemorrhagic stroke.

List of indications

Since this complex contains vitamins that are involved in almost all processes of the body, they are used quite widely. First of all, the drug is prescribed in cases of limited nutrition and problems with the absorption and digestibility of vitamins.

Doctors also recommend Aevit for liver diseases, including cirrhosis. The drug has a good effect on the body in case of frequently recurring diarrhea and impaired absorption of fats in the digestive tract. If you have been diagnosed with problems with the patency of the biliary tract, the doctor will prescribe Aevit in parallel with other drugs.

In order to recover faster after a long illness, this complex is almost ideal. It is often prescribed for frequent infectious diseases to boost immunity.

For those who cannot balance their diet on their own, are constantly on a diet, or simply limit themselves by counting calories, a vitamin complex is also indicated. It will help balance hormonal levels and support the body, despite a number of restrictions.

Reviews of Aevit often indicate that it is very effective for people who have been under stress for a long time. Vitamins strengthen the nervous system and maintain good health.

Doctors also prescribe vitamins for different types of addiction: nicotine, alcohol and drugs.

In cosmetology, Aevit vitamins are also very often prescribed: for the face, beautiful hair and strong nails. The complex is taken mainly internally, but it is also included in various homemade masks.

"Aevit" for skin beauty

The drug actively improves metabolism, as a result of which the vast majority of skin problems are eliminated: inflammation, ulcers and acne are significantly reduced, dryness and flaking disappear. But “Aevit” has a particularly beneficial effect on wrinkles: after several courses of treatment, they become less pronounced, the skin acquires elasticity, and the relief improves.

Vitamin “Aevit” for facial skin can be used both internally and externally - in the form of masks, lotion, or added to the cream you use. This is another option for taking Aevit vitamins in capsules. The instructions do not contain information about external use. But usually (as experts recommend) the contents of 1-2 capsules are enough to wipe your face or add to a cosmetic product. You can use the drug in this way for no longer than a month; then, as the skin gets used to it, the effectiveness will decrease.

Vitamins Aevit, why is the drug useful for men and women?

We have already briefly described the effects of vitamins on our body, and now we will talk about this in more detail. If we talk about women, the drug has a targeted effect in addition to general strengthening properties. For example, doctors often prescribe it during preparation for pregnancy. We all know that while carrying a baby, the body experiences serious stress and needs good supplies of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, pregnancy planning cannot be done without taking vitamin complexes. But Aevit must be taken several months before the expected conception, otherwise an excess of vitamins may form in the body, which will only harm the unborn baby.

If everything is done correctly, then by the time of conception your body will improve metabolic processes, supply organs and tissues with oxygen, and strengthen the immune system. All this will have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. During pregnancy, you should never drink Aevit without permission. In some cases, the doctor still makes a decision about the need for the expectant mother to use this complex. This usually occurs when the process of oxygen supply to tissues and organs is disrupted, which causes hypoxia in the fetus. But the dosage for pregnant women is chosen to be extremely gentle, and it is also determined by the doctor.

Aevit is often prescribed as part of complex therapy for the treatment of mastopathy. Its main task is to normalize hormonal levels; in parallel, the drug prevents toxic poisoning of cells. It helps restore glandular tissue and protects the mammary glands from complications, which are very common with mastopathy.

Men should also pay attention to Aevit vitamins. They, of course, will not use it for hair and skin, but it can improve reproductive function

Expectant fathers can take the drug both before the expected conception and during the process. In the case of men, the complex will not damage their seminal fluid, which means it will not have a negative impact on the unborn baby.

To summarize, we can say that in some situations it is simply impossible to do without Aevit vitamins. You already know why this complex is useful for women and men. But besides this, it also has general indications for use, which we will also talk about.

Effect of vitamins

Retinol (retinol palmitate), or vitamin A, is an important component for the restoration of epithelial skin cells, which is where its anti-aging effect lies.

Retinol is also required for the normal functioning of the retina and other processes associated with vision, bone growth and fetal development, and is involved in many biochemical processes in the body.

Hypovitaminosis leads to a number of skin abnormalities - dryness, peeling, dermatitis, diaper rash. A lack of vitamin A also manifests itself in the so-called “night blindness” - decreased vision when moving from a light place to a dark place. In children, in addition, a long-term lack of retinol can lead to a decrease in immunity and, in some cases, to delayed mental and physical development.

Tocopherol, or vitamin E, is an antioxidant that prevents the formation of harmful substances in the body that can damage cells and tissues. Therefore, it is extremely important in the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. It also prevents the accumulation of free radicals in the body, prevents oxygen starvation of tissues, and participates in the synthesis of growth hormones and gonadotropins. Together with selenium, it slows down the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and prevents the destruction of red blood cells.

Hypovitaminosis occurs infrequently and is most often associated with impaired absorption and lack of plant products in the body. With a lack of tocopherol, the condition of the skin worsens, immunity decreases, and the risk of anemia increases.

Features of the use of Aevit in women

Doctors have long understood why women take Aevit. The answer here is obvious: strengthen your hair and nails, make your skin softer. Also, this complex of vitamins has a beneficial effect on the state of the reproductive system and normalizes hormonal levels in mastopathy. Women can take this complex if:

Despite concerns, Aevit vitamins cannot provoke an overdose. However, try not to exceed the average daily dose of the drug.

You will be able to feel the first results from this therapy within a few weeks: the skin appears healthy and soft, the nails become stronger and begin to grow faster. If you don’t know why you should take Aevit, your local physician should tell you about it.

Why and how to take it for men

In addition to general strengthening of the body, Aevit affects men as follows:

  1. The effect of Aevit is similar to the action of hormones that are responsible for muscle growth. Athletes often use this. To achieve maximum effect, it is enough to take one or two capsules of the drug per day.
  2. Doctors prescribe Aevit for men with reproductive disorders. Thanks to the drug, sperm become more active, making conception more likely.
  3. Aevit is recommended for increased physical activity. Taking the drug accelerates muscle recovery.

A regularly exercising man needs to take additional vitamins.

Before you start taking Aevit to build muscle or improve reproductive function, you should consult with your doctor. But if you want to use the drug to strengthen the immune system, then take one capsule a day for a month. Then you need to take a break for several weeks and repeat the treatment.

Interestingly, Aevit is suitable for men, as well as women, to improve the condition of their skin, hair and nails. The methods of application are the same as for the fair half of humanity.

Application of Aevita for hair beauty

Aevit vitamins are often used for the beauty and strength of your hair. However, if you decide to use them for this purpose, choose ampoules - this will make them easier to use. Preparing a vitamin complex is quite simple; for this you will need burdock and linseed oil. Mix them in equal proportions, then add 2 ampoules of Aevita. The resulting mask must be thoroughly mixed and then applied to the hair roots. It is best to do this with massaging movements so that the product is evenly distributed throughout the head and has time to be absorbed.

As a base oil, you can use castor oil, which perfectly strengthens hair and accelerates its growth.

After you have treated your entire head, wrap it in film and wrap a towel over it. This will speed up the absorption process and prevent you from ruining your clothes and furniture. On average, such a vitamin mask needs to be left on for an hour, after which it must be washed off with plenty of water. Immediately after use, you will notice that your hair has become soft and silky.


But we should talk about overdose in more detail. If you oversaturate the body with vitamin A or E (it doesn’t matter), a huge number of different not very pleasant sensations and conditions can develop. For example, with an overdose of vitamin A (that is, retinol), you can get drowsiness, lethargy, irritability, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding gums, increased intraocular pressure, dry skin and lips, peeling lips, dry mouth and many, many other things. If the body receives more vitamin E than required, this will also result in headache, nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea. And also blurred vision, sepsis, renal failure and so on. Thus, it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to taking vitamins, because even seemingly harmless supplements can cause significant damage to health.

By the way, in the case of vitamin Aevit, an overdose can manifest itself in three forms: acute or chronic overdose of vitamin A and simply an overdose of vitamin E. In the first case, symptoms begin within six hours after taking Aevit, in the second the reaction is not so fast: It may take quite a long period of use, a week or even a month, before the first signs of drug poisoning begin to appear. As practice shows, an overdose of retinol occurs more often than with tocopherol.

Why and how to take it for children

Aevit is indicated for children in the following cases:

  1. Avitaminosis. This is a lack of certain substances in the body, due to which the general condition of the child worsens significantly.
  2. Developmental delay. The child’s body is constantly growing, so it needs nutrients, vitamins and minerals. If there is a deficiency of several elements at once, then development is slowed down. To prevent this from happening, children need to regularly take vitamins, including Aevit.
  3. Loss of visual acuity. Schoolchildren and students read a lot and work on the computer. In this regard, people at an early age often lose their vision completely or partially. Aevit is a good prevention of such problems.
  4. Great physical activity. In order for muscles to recover quickly, it is necessary to constantly maintain a balance of vitamins and minerals in the body. Aevit is one of the most important elements.
  5. Dry hair, brittle nails and dull skin. Often these problems arise in children who are busy with studies and various classes. Aevit will help support a young body.

It is very important for children to receive the necessary vitamins and microelements, but Aevit is not recommended for children under 14 years of age.

For children, Aevit is prescribed by a doctor. It is not recommended to take the drug under 14 years of age. Once you reach this age, consult your doctor for advice on dosage and side effects. If the specialist deems it necessary, he will prescribe Aevita for the child.

Dosage form

The pharmaceutical drug is available in several forms, but for external use an ointment (nourishing cream) in 50 ml bottles is recommended. A photo of Aevit ointment is presented in the article.

Some people use capsules of the product for external use, but they must be pierced with a sharp object before applying to the surface of the skin. The contents of the capsule are squeezed onto a cleaned surface or added to various ointments and creams.

... and externally as part of masks

In order for damaged and thin hair to become manageable, thick and silky, treatment should be approached comprehensively. One of the simple and effective ways to improve the condition of your curls is to add liquid from the AEVIT capsule or ampoule to your hair shampoo, balm or conditioner immediately before application. The oily vitamin substance perfectly nourishes and restores the structure of damaged curls along the entire length. You can also rub AEVIT into your hair at the roots twice a week at night, and wash it off with regular shampoo in the morning. Overnight, the skin and hair will absorb the required vitamin portion, and after five to six procedures the result will be obvious.

The drug is added to many homemade masks. It beneficially complements the beneficial effects of such natural products as kefir, essential oils, herbal tinctures, onion juice, raw eggs and others. Just rub the prepared mixture into the hair follicles, apply along the entire length of the hair, wrap your head tightly, and after a while rinse well with shampoo.

From fragility

The main signs of dry hair are excessive fragility and split ends. The table presents three recipes for vitamin masks that solve these problems, moisturize, and make strands manageable and silky. Regular use of natural masks does not require additional care with cosmetic balms, conditioners or sprays.

Table - Recipes for hair masks against brittleness

IngredientsTime watchPeriodicityNotes
— 1 ampoule/2 capsules “AEVIT”; - 2 chicken yolks; - 20 g sour cream 21-2 times a week for 3 monthsAfter the course, take a break for 6 months
— 1 ampoule/2 capsules “AEVIT”; - 20 ml flax oil; - 20 ml burdock oil 14 times a monthRecommended for use during the cold season
— 1 ampoule/2 capsules “AEVIT”; - 20 ml olive oil 86-8 times a monthIt is recommended to carry out the procedure at night

To make it easier to wash off large amounts of vegetable oil from your hair, you should apply the shampoo with massaging movements to dry hair. Then moisten with water, lather and rinse thoroughly. Oils are removed the first time.

From fat content

A hair mask with AEVIT and some natural ingredients will also help get rid of excess oil. The recipes outlined in the table will help normalize the metabolic processes of skin cells and the functioning of the sebaceous glands, have a drying effect and improve the structure of the hair.

Table - Masks with AEVIT to eliminate oiliness

IngredientsTime, minutesPeriodicity
— 2 vitamin capsules; - 5 ml of medical alcohol; - 5 ml of water; - 1 chicken yolk 202-3 times a month
— 2 vitamin capsules; - 20 ml cognac; - 1 chicken yolk (optional) 401 time every 10 days

It is not recommended to use such masks too often - alcohol can dry out the scalp, which will cause dandruff. You must first visit a trichologist or dermatologist and make sure there are no skin diseases for which the external use of alcohol components is contraindicated.

For growth

The following mask recipes in the table below help increase blood flow to the hair roots, helping to “awaken” them and accelerate new growth. Weekly rubbing of an onion or mustard mixture with AEVIT into the root zone promises a noticeable result in just one and a half to two months - the strands will be thicker and more voluminous.

Table - Masks for stimulating hair growth

IngredientsTime watchPeriodicity
— 1 capsule of vitamin complex; - juice of 1 onion 0,5Once every 7 days
— 2 capsules/1 ampoule of “AEVIT”; — 1 ampoule of vitamins B1, B6, B12; — 30 ​​ml of warm castor oil; - 1 yolk 3-4Once every 7-10 days

Rinsing with a vinegar solution in the proportion of half a glass of wine or apple cider vinegar per 1 liter of warm water will help neutralize the specific onion smell. The scent disappears after the first rinse.

Against baldness

Does Aevit help with hair loss? Based on a multivitamin complex, you can prepare intensive masks at home to prevent hair loss. Their regular use will significantly strengthen the roots, saturate the skin with nutrients, and give freshness to the hair for a long time. The table shows two recipes for masks against baldness.

Table - Recipes for vitamin masks against hair loss

IngredientsTime watchPeriodicityNotes
— 2 capsules of “AEVIT” — 5 ml of “Dimexide” solution — 5 ml of burdock oil1No more than 2-3 times a monthTo enhance the benefits, the oil mixture should be heated

Strengthening and nourishing

Peculiarities. The composition is relevant for any hair type. After weekly use, after a month, the strands will acquire glossy shine, elasticity and volume. The antioxidants included in the vitamin preparation prevent the destruction of hair follicles, restore damaged strands and stimulate the appearance of new ones.


  • “AEVIT” capsules – 3 pieces;
  • kefir – 30 ml;
  • liquid honey – 30 ml;
  • burdock oil – 30 ml;
  • cognac – 15 ml.


  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Rub at the roots and apply along the entire length of the hair.
  3. Wrap your head with film, a thick towel or scarf.
  4. After an hour, rinse off using shampoo without conditioner and balm.
  5. Carry out the procedure once every seven days. After two months, take a break.

A strong combination of vitamins

Surely decoding the mysterious word that gave the drug its name is no longer a mystery to you. But still, let’s dot the i’s a couple of times.

  1. A is vitamin A. It is also retinol, which is responsible for the acuity of our vision, the condition of hair and skin, metabolic and regenerative processes and immunity. Under his strict guidance, our liver conscientiously fulfills its duties, the central nervous system functions as it should, and blood flows through the veins and arteries at the required speed. Retinol even has an indirect effect on the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid, more popularly known as DNA, and on the development of the fetus in the womb. Try to exclude it from your diet, and problems cannot be avoided.
  2. E is vitamin E or tocopherol. It is known primarily as a powerful antioxidant that prevents the destruction of intercellular membranes and slows down the aging process, but the possibilities of tocopherol do not end there. Thus, it is known that it has a positive effect on the nervous and immune systems, and also contributes to the normal functioning of muscle fibers.
  3. The ending “vit” is a reference to the word “vita”, that is, “life”. By the way, the word “vitamins” itself comes from him. It's all extremely simple, isn't it?

The two vitamins get along well in a tight capsule
. What is especially important is that retinol and tocopherol interact well without weakening each other’s beneficial properties, and both are excellently soluble in oils. Actually, the oil is the third component of Aevit, not mentioned in the name: it fills a gelatin capsule in which vitamins A and E are waiting in the wings to get into your stomach.

Aevit protects our health, youth and beauty from harmful environmental factors and our own bad habits. It strengthens vision, has a positive effect on metabolism, and makes us less susceptible to stress. It raises resistance to disease to new heights, improves digestion, and gives strength. And in general it affects the body in the most positive way.

Why and how to take it for women

Women take Aevit for several purposes:

  • strengthen hair;
  • improve skin condition;
  • make nails stronger;
  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • improve the condition of the reproductive system.

For facial skin

Due to a lack of vitamins A and E, the skin takes on a dull color, small rashes and peeling appear. In this case, there is a high probability of premature wrinkles forming. If such problems arise, usually take one capsule of Aevita daily for 2 weeks.

To improve skin health, Aevit can be added to creams or taken orally

In addition, the product can be used externally. To do this, simply crush one Aevita capsule and add the resulting oil to your favorite face cream. You will receive a product enriched with vitamins. After just a few weeks of use, you can notice how your skin has changed for the better: pimples have dried out, redness has gone away and fine wrinkles have smoothed out. This method can be used on an ongoing basis.

Aevit perfectly fights dry skin on the lips. Crush the capsule and apply its contents to the problem area. After the product is absorbed, apply your regular lip balm. You can do the procedure daily.

For the skin around the eyes

The first signs of aging usually appear on the skin around the eyes. A mask with Aevit will help refresh problem areas. The procedure is performed in several stages:

  1. Cleanse your skin of cosmetics and accumulated impurities. An ordinary washing gel or micellar water is ideal for this.
  2. Pierce the Aevit capsule with a clean needle.
  3. Rub vitamin oil into the skin around the eyes using the pads of your fingers.
    Try to do this along the lines of the massage: start from the inner corner and follow to the outer, completely covering the upper and lower eyelids. Try to massage the skin around your eyes as gently as possible
  4. For the first procedure, five minutes will be enough. After this time, remove any remaining emulsion using a dry cotton pad. Further, the duration of exposure of the mask can be increased. The maximum is twenty minutes.
  5. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the skin with a cream intended for the area around the eyes.
  6. It is advisable to do the mask in the evening. As for the frequency, look at the condition of the skin. If it is excessively dry, then the procedure should be performed as often as possible. If you are making a mask for prevention, then twice a week will be enough.
  7. You can supplement the composition with banana and mashed potatoes, cream and oatmeal.
    Take two teaspoons per three Aevita capsules. Banana puree will additionally moisturize the skin of the eyelids

Video: skin care around the eyes with Aevit

For hair

To strengthen hair, Aevit in the form of ampoules is more suitable, since it will be easier to use the drug. Take burdock and flax oil as a base. Combine the components in a 1:1 ratio and add 2 ampoules of Aevita to the resulting mixture. Mix the emulsion thoroughly. Apply the product to the root zone and wait until the composition is evenly distributed throughout the hair. To speed up this process, give a light head massage.

You can also use castor oil as a base, which significantly accelerates hair growth.

Flaxseed oil is good for hair care

After treating your hair with the mixture, wrap your head with cling film. After an hour, rinse off the product under strong water pressure. There is no need to use shampoo, since the mask remaining on the hair will remain in effect for several more hours.

It will also be beneficial for hair to take Aevit internally. One capsule per day will be enough. Course - 4 weeks. Then you need to take a break for a month and, if necessary, resume treatment.

For nails

The most effective way to use Aevita for nails is an emulsion of olive oil and the drug itself. The ingredients are taken in a 1:1 ratio. Rub the resulting product into the cuticle until completely absorbed.

Olive oil in combination with Aevit perfectly strengthens nails and nourishes the cuticle

It is recommended to perform the procedure several times a week on a regular basis.

To strengthen your nails, it is useful to add a few drops of Aevit to your regular hand cream. In addition, taking capsules orally also helps improve the health of the plates and cuticles.

For other purposes

To normalize hormonal levels and improve the condition of the reproductive system, Aevit is taken in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. Some are prescribed two capsules a day, others one. Be sure to consult with a gynecological specialist; do not engage in amateur activities when treating such serious disorders.

Vitamins AEVIT

In our age, many know first-hand what poor (unstandardized) nutrition, stress and frequent diets are. All these factors negatively affect our body, forcing it to work for wear and tear. As a result, a deficiency of substances necessary for the body inevitably occurs, including beauty vitamins A and E. The lack of these vitamins entails a whole trail of diseases. AEvit has powerful immunostimulating and antioxidant effects, improves the condition of hair follicles and the skin in general, and has a beneficial effect on vision. This drug does not contain any unnecessary components, which virtually eliminates allergic reactions and contributes to a low price compared to similar drugs.

However, it is worth understanding that AEvit is not a panacea. AEvit is an auxiliary element in the system of caring for the body and cannot be a means of replacing a healthy lifestyle.

Vitamins AEvit: composition, properties and effects on the body

AEvit - transparent yellowish gelatin capsules filled with an oily solution.

The combination of vitamins A and E, the main components of the drug, has an effective effect on the vital functions of the body. Separate use of these vitamins gives a weak result, since vitamin E helps the body absorb vitamin A. Vitamin E does not interfere with the oxidation of vitamin A in the intestines. Vitamin A (retinol) helps maintain immunity and is necessary for epithelial regeneration. This is why vitamin A is so popular in cosmetology for the treatment of acne, sunburn, and stimulation of collagen production. Vitamin A takes an active part in the formation of visual pigments and ensures adaptation of the eye in conditions of different levels of illumination (photoreception), helping to preserve and restore vision.

Another important area of ​​activity of vitamin A is the development of the human skeletal system, as well as the correct embryonic development of the fetus.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of harmful substances that negatively affect the body. Vitamin E is responsible for maintaining the normal functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has an anti-sclerotic effect, stimulates the immune system, accelerates tissue regeneration, prevents premature aging of the body, and reduces fatigue.

Application of AEvit for the face

AEvit is a mixture of vitamins A and E in an oil solution. Preserving the youth of the skin directly depends on the sufficient content of vitamins A and E in the body; their combined use increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, which is the main indicator of its youth.

Vitamin A has the following properties:

  • strengthening the antioxidant properties of vitamin E;
  • complete restoration of all epithelial functions;
  • ensuring complete metabolism in tissues at the cellular level;
  • moisture retention in epithelial cells;
  • strengthening cellular immunity and strengthening protective epidermal tissues;
  • stimulation of epithelial cell renewal processes;
  • suppression of the development of viruses and bacteria;
  • improvement of capillary circulation.

Vitamin E has the following effects:

  • in combination with vitamin A, it prevents the latter from oxidizing;
  • gives an antioxidant effect;
  • restores tissue trophism and improves microcirculation;
  • regulates metabolic processes in tissues;
  • penetrates deeply into the layers of the dermis, moisturizes and renews cells;
  • has a pronounced whitening effect, fights pigment spots;
  • stimulates regenerative processes and has a general rejuvenating effect.

The use of the drug has an intense rejuvenating effect on the skin:

  • Wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep wrinkles become less noticeable.
  • Cell regeneration and restoration accelerates.
  • The elasticity and firmness of the skin increases.
  • Improves complexion.
  • The sensitivity of the skin decreases.
  • Pores become smaller.
  • It has a therapeutic effect on acne.

The lack of vitamins A and E in the body is reflected primarily on the face: dryness, peeling, pimples and pustules, inflammatory processes, and wrinkles occur. In cosmetology, AEvit is used in the treatment of dermatological diseases, including psoriasis and seborrhea.

Methods of application

AEvit for the face is applied in its pure form directly to problem areas of the epidermis, including the delicate and sensitive area around the eyes. The drug is best applied in the evening, on cleansed facial skin, for about 45-60 minutes, after which the residue is removed with a paper towel. This use of the drug is carried out in a course of 10 procedures. After all the procedures, you will notice significant improvements in the condition of the skin: wrinkles will become less noticeable, your complexion will improve, and the skin itself will become more velvety and toned. This procedure is also good because it is suitable for all skin types.

AEvit can be added to nightly restorative products (creams, serums, gels, etc.) For a single use, 2-3 drops of the drug are enough (you can get the composition of the capsule by piercing it with a needle).

AEvit is the best component to add to homemade masks. Recipes for face masks with AEvit

Anti-inflammatory acne mask


  • Boiled potatoes in their jackets – 1 pc.
  • AEvit – 1 capsule.

Crush the potatoes until smooth, add vitamins AEvit. Apply the warm mixture to a clean face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water and apply a cream appropriate to your skin type and age category.

Nourishing mask for oily skin.


  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Beeswax – 10 g.
  • Olive oil – 15 ml.
  • AEvit – 2 capsules.
  • Fresh strawberries – 3 pcs.

Melt the butter and wax in a water bath, then add olive oil, strawberry puree (rub through a sieve to get rid of the seeds) and AEvit. Spread the homogeneous mass onto a clean face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with water at room temperature and apply a moisturizing cream.

Purifying mask for oily skin.


  • Lemon zest – from 2 pcs.
  • Boiling water – 1 glass.
  • Butter – 30 g.
  • Olive oil – 50 ml.
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Country honey – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice – 10 drops.
  • AEvit – 2 capsules.
  • Camphor alcohol – 15 ml.
  • Mayonnaise – 15 ml.

Infuse the lemon zest in boiling water for an hour. After this, strain, add the remaining ingredients to the prepared infusion and stir. Then turn on AEvit and stir again. Apply the mixture every evening, two hours before bedtime, to cleansed skin and leave for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water. At the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizer.

Rejuvenating mask for dry skin.


  • Yellow cosmetic clay – 20 g.
  • Warm milk – 20 ml.
  • Fresh mint leaves, crushed – 2 pcs.
  • AEvit – 1 capsule.
  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.

Dilute the clay in milk until smooth without lumps, add the remaining components, and finally AEvit. Apply the mask to a previously cleansed face and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature. After the procedure, moisturize your face with a cream appropriate for your skin type and age.

Cleansing mask for dry skin.


  • AEvit – 4 capsules.
  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • Finely ground sea salt – a pinch.
  • Mix AEvit with the rest of the ingredients and apply to a clean face. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water and apply cream to your face.
  • Nourishing mask.


  • AEvit – 1 capsule.
  • Fresh village honey – 1 tsp.
  • Olive oil (almond, flaxseed) – 1 tbsp. l.

Heat the oil in a water bath, mix with honey, add AEvit. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, lubricate your face with a suitable cream.

It is recommended to do nourishing and rejuvenating masks with AEvit 2 times, and cleansing masks once a week.

Restoration of brittle strands

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To tidy up curls that have lost their shine and elasticity, we recommend using this recipe. An egg, sour cream and Aevit will help bring a dry bunch of straw on your head back to life. After using this mask, your hair will become moisturized and easy to style. You need to take 2 fresh yolks and a spoon of 15-20% sour cream. Puncture the vitamin capsule and pour the contents into the total mass. Apply the mixture with massage movements onto clean scalp. Cover the top with a shower cap (bag or cling film). Leave the mask on for a couple of hours, then rinse thoroughly using shampoo. The recipe must be used 1-2 times a week for 3 months.

Another composition that will help save damaged strands. After using this mask, the curls become well-groomed and beautiful. After the first application, they regain their shine and elasticity. But to consolidate the result, a longer period of use is required (once a week for a couple of months). To prepare, you will need to take two large spoons of olive oil, 10 drops of ylang-ylang ether and 2 capsules (ampoules) of Aevit oil. Mix everything thoroughly and season the roots with this mixture first, then distribute along the entire length of the strands. Leave the mixture to act for half an hour, then rinse off as usual. However, to enhance the effect, it is recommended not to use shampoo.

The easiest way to use the drug

To maintain healthy hair, just buy a package of vitamin oil and add it to your shampoo every time you wash your hair. To do this, immediately before the hygiene procedure, you need to take one capsule (ampoule) of “Aevita” and add it to the usual dose of shampoo. After foaming the mixture generously on damp hair, leave it on for a couple of minutes and rinse with the prepared mixture. Apple cider vinegar is used for this. You can also use a decoction of herbs (burdock, nettle, chamomile).


Nourishing ointment "Aevit" contains the following active elements:

  • demineralized water;
  • glyceryl stearate;
  • oleyl erucate;
  • caprylic/capric/triglycerides;
  • ethylhexylglycerin;
  • propylheptyl caprylate;
  • polyglyceryl-3 methylglucose distearate;
  • vitamins E and A;
  • higher fatty alcohols;
  • blend of plant extracts (rosemary, raspberry, edelweiss);
  • glyceryl;
  • phenoxyethanol.

This cosmetic product is made without the addition of fragrances and artificial colors.

Thanks to its unique composition, Aevit ointment has a regenerating, anti-aging and antioxidant effect. The elements included in the drug make it possible to relieve the skin from excessive dryness, tone it, eliminate signs of peeling, reduce the severity of deep wrinkles, and eliminate other defects.

According to the instructions for use for the Aevit ointment, the active ingredients, after application, penetrate deeply into the superficial and deep layers of the skin, providing them with essential substances. Using the product allows you to achieve the following therapeutic effects:

  • moisturizing facial skin;
  • improvement of elasticity;
  • narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • elimination of cracked lips, pimples, acne;
  • reducing the severity of inflammatory manifestations on the skin;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing hyperpigmentation;
  • elimination of the vascular network;
  • facial rejuvenation, wrinkle elimination;
  • stimulation of natural collagen production processes.

The wide range of effects of this cosmetic drug allows it to be used in cases of other diseases and skin defects. However, it is recommended to use this product with caution, since, despite its natural composition, it has a number of limitations.


A real salvation for skin, hair, nails is the drug “Aevit”. Its price is low, on average about 40 rubles for a package of 10 capsules and just over a hundred rubles for a package of 30 capsules. It is sold at any pharmacy without a prescription.

“Aevit” has a rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole, and as a result of improving the internal state, positive external changes will not take long to appear.

However, Aevit is not a preventative, but a therapeutic agent, so self-medication can lead to dangerous consequences. To avoid hypervitaminosis, it should be used only after consultation with a doctor in a strictly prescribed dosage.

You can also try cosmetics to which Aevit has been added at the factory, such as creams, hygienic lipsticks, etc. And then the effect of using this drug will definitely please you!

"Aevit" for pregnant women

According to the latest scientific data, Aevit, previously actively prescribed to expectant mothers, can be dangerous during pregnancy. Previously, it was believed that the drug improves the possibility of conception and prevents early miscarriages. But now it has become clear that the vitamin content in the drug is higher than the norm allowed during pregnancy. And if the permissible dose is exceeded, retinol can lead to pathologies of intrauterine development; tocopherol causes pregnancy complications and provokes late toxicosis.

For the same reason, it is unacceptable to take Aevit vitamins in childhood. However, for children, including for the normal development of the fetus, both vitamins contained in the preparation are required, because their deficiency also leads to problems in the development of the body. To get out of this vicious circle, it is recommended that during pregnancy and children they obtain them from food. Many foods are rich in retinol: greens, vegetables, such as carrots, fermented milk products, tocopherol is present in large quantities in vegetable oil, potatoes, cucumbers and a number of other products.

If Aevit was prescribed before pregnancy, then during pregnancy planning it is better to discontinue the drug, since retinol accumulates in the liver and is excreted from the body within several months, and this process is not accelerated in any way even by cleansing the liver.

If the onset of pregnancy coincides with taking this drug, it is necessary to neutralize its effect and reduce the risk of pathologies that Aevit entails, for which they take folic acid in an increased dose to the maximum (up to 5 mg per day). If there are no contraindications, you should also take Iodomarin. In addition, mandatory ultrasound examination and screening are recommended.

What is Aevit

Aevit is a complex containing two main components: vitamins A and E. The drug is available in the form of yellow capsules and ampoules for intramuscular injection. The latter are available only by prescription and are not used to improve the condition of skin, hair and nails. Capsules are stored at a temperature not exceeding 20°C for two years from the date of manufacture.

One Aevita capsule contains:

  • 10,000 IU vitamin A (retinol);
  • 100 mg vitamin E (tocopherol).

Aevit is a yellow capsule that contains tocopherol and retinol.

To understand the benefits of the drug, it is necessary to consider each component separately:

  1. Vitamin A: helps strengthen the immune system and improve metabolic processes in tissues, prevents the occurrence of pathologies of the respiratory and digestive systems, promotes the rejuvenation of cells and tissues, increases visual acuity, takes part in the formation of bones and has a positive effect on the functions of the glands.
  2. Vitamin E: fights free radicals in the body's cells, helps normalize metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, prevents a number of cardiovascular diseases, supports reproductive function, prevents cancer and promotes the activation of the immune system in general.

Interestingly, retinol enhances the antioxidant properties of vitamin E. That is why the components of the drug are especially effective together.

Release form and cost

When going to the nearest pharmacy to buy a package of the treasured product, it is worth finding out what it is and how much it costs. You can buy it without a prescription. This is a general purpose multivitamin. Basically, Aevit oil is produced in gelatin capsules. But you can also find this product in glass ampoules. It is produced both in the form of a face cream and as an oil for the delicate skin of the lips. To work with hair, you will need the first two options. Capsules or injection solution from ampoules are mainly used. The cost of capsules per blister (10 pieces) is about 30 rubles. The price of the solution (10 ampoules) varies from 50 to 130 rubles.

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