Indications for hysterectomy. Recovery and characteristics of sexual life after this procedure
Is intimate life acceptable after surgery? The answer to this question is ambiguous. Resumption of sexual life
female belly
Propolis tincture in gynecology application
Propolis therapy in gynecology Traditional medicine has long used propolis and its preparations for
Women's herbs in gynecology 1
The collection of herbs is anti-inflammatory. Gynecological anti-inflammatory herbal collection
Features of herbal medicine Women's herb should be used correctly, only then will it bring tangible benefits to the body.
Adnexitis: causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease
Now it is difficult to imagine how people lived without antibiotics. Then the mortality rate was a hundredfold
What are the dangers of foci of cervical erosion after childbirth?
What is it? Visually, ESM looks like redness around the opening of the cervical canal. Defeat represents
washing for thrush
Cleansers for thrush in women
Washing for thrush: general rules The rules cover not only the procedure itself, but also the actions
Klion D suppositories for the treatment of gynecological diseases
A synthetic combination medicine with a broad spectrum of action is Klion-D 100. Instructions for use indicate that
Let's consider the effective treatment of candidiasis in women with drugs
The appearance of the coveted stripes on the test affects expectant mothers differently: some do not change their
Causes of onion odor from female discharge
The nature of normal secretion The functioning of the female body is always accompanied by vaginal discharge. This symptom is due to the work
The appearance of ovarian cystadenoma in menopause
What is a cyst? The formation of the disease on the female reproductive glands is directly related to their
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