Cold appendages
Cold appendages: symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease
How the ovaries and tubes hurt “...Your feet will freeze - your appendages will ache! And now it’s still stable
discharge after mini-abortion
Brown discharge instead of menstruation after abortion
Discharge after a medical (tablet) abortion Medical abortion is one of the ways to terminate a pregnancy,
Why is the uterus enlarged? Enlarged uterus - what does this mean? Reasons provoking the development of pathology
Features of the menstrual cycle An increase in the reproductive organ in the middle of the cycle may be a sign of ovulation. This
Is it possible to treat thrush with metronidazole?
Treatment of thrush with Metronidazole: application features
From this article you will learn: when Metronidazole is prescribed for thrush, indications for use, in
Thin endometrium: causes, treatment, pregnancy
Definition What is this condition, and in what cases can it be said that there is thinning?
Is it necessary to treat thrush or can it go away on its own?
Thrush is a serious disease that affects almost every woman. The disease affects the mucous membranes
What are the features in the treatment of endometriosis in women after 40 years of age?
Characteristics of the disease When cells in the inner layer of the uterus called the endometrium begin to spread outside of it
Photo: Menu for PCOS
Diet for polycystic ovary syndrome, nutrition and menu for every day for multiple cysts in the ovaries
General rules Polycystic ovary syndrome is characterized by a violation of the production of female sex hormones and excess production
Hydrogen peroxide baths in gynecology
Causes of thrush Often thrush appears in women before menstruation, and the more allergic the woman,
What is cervical canal atresia? The term atresia or stenosis of the cervical canal refers to an anomaly
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