What should you do if you are poisoned by tomatoes?

Dangerous tomatoes

Tomatoes are healthy vegetables that contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is recommended to add them to your diet daily - fresh vegetables in season, and canned ones in winter.

Is it possible to get poisoned by tomatoes? Poisoning does not occur due to the vegetables themselves, but due to microbes or substances that have accumulated in their pulp. The cause of poisoning is unscrupulous farmers, violation of storage rules or sanitary and hygienic standards.

  1. Use of chemicals in fertilization - nitrates, pesticides and other chemical compounds can be used to speed up ripening, increase yield and kill pests. Their concentration in vegetables should be minimal and not have a negative impact on human health, but it is unknown how many chemicals are contained in a particular vegetable. The most dangerous are early tomatoes - to speed up ripening, nitrate fertilizers are used, which accumulate in the fruits and can cause serious poisoning. Other vegetables and fruits also accumulate nitrates: watermelons, melons, potatoes. Symptoms of poisoning from cucumbers or potatoes containing nitrates are similar to those described above.
  2. The location of the beds near highways - if vegetables grow at a distance of less than 100 - 500 m from the highway, they accumulate heavy metal salts as they grow and mature. Their concentration can be dangerous to human health, especially if his body is weakened.
  3. Improper storage and transportation - on the surface of vegetables, and if they are damaged inside, they can become carriers of pathogenic microorganisms. If they are poorly processed when eaten, these microorganisms will enter the body and cause foodborne illness or an infectious disease caused by poorly washed tomatoes. Poisoning can occur if vegetables are collected or sold by people who are carriers of intestinal infections, if the rules for processing vegetables before eating them are violated.
  4. Early picked vegetables – green tomatoes – are poisonous. They contain solanine, a toxic substance that affects the nervous system and blood cells.

Important! Tomatoes are healthy vegetables, but not for everyone. They are not recommended for consumption in case of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or allergies.

Tips and tricks

Pumpkin is a unique product that can and should be eaten. It is used in various variations - from salads to separate hot dishes, raw and boiled, baked, stewed. It is often used in diet food for weight loss, as it contains a minimum of calories, but is very nutritious.

The taste of the product varies depending on the variety and time of collection. Choose a small fruit - the pulp will be less fibrous and without bitterness. The stripes on the pumpkin should be straight and the stem should be dry. The bluish peel is considered a sign of the sweetest fruit. If you knock on a pumpkin, the sound should be dull. The peel should be hard - after pressing with your finger, there will be no traces left on it. Based on these facts, you can choose delicious, ripe pumpkin without nitrates.

If you decide to introduce pumpkin complementary foods to your baby, then introduce them gradually, starting with 0.5 tsp. and within a week increasing the volume to 5 tsp. Although pumpkin is a laxative, it can cause constipation in your baby.

The fruit contains a significant amount of sugars, so the product is not recommended for diabetics. Always listen to your body and evaluate how you feel after eating pumpkin - if it causes bloating or gastrointestinal upset, eliminate the product from your diet. You cannot prepare cream soup with cow's milk - it does not combine well with other products. It is better to use cream, sour cream or plant milk.

When cooking, experiment with herbs and spices - they will make the taste of the dish rich, balanced and pleasant. Pumpkin is often cooked with spicy spices (cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg), as well as curry.

Canned vegetables

Canned vegetables can also be dangerous if the rules of preservation and pasteurization are not followed. Canned tomatoes are not a source of botulism, but they can cause severe food poisoning. It occurs if, during canning, the vegetables were poorly washed, there were dents or damage to them, or the rules for storing canned food were violated. Avoiding such poisoning is quite simple - you should not eat salted or pickled tomatoes with a swollen lid, cloudy brine, bitter taste, or stored for a long time after opening. Poisoning with canned tomatoes can be much more severe than with fresh ones, so if there is any suspicion that the twist is of poor quality, it is better to stop eating it.

Stages of diet for intestinal disorders

In the first 1-2 days of bowel dysfunction, you can refuse food and transfer the child completely to a drinking regime. You should not exceed this period, since a deficiency of nutrients significantly reduces the body's defenses. On day 3, the baby can eat slimy soups, fruit and vegetable purees, and jelly. On day 7, you can add minced meat and fish dishes to your diet. You should not force feed your baby.

If there is an increase in appetite, this is the first signal of recovery. But you should not overfeed your baby. Give him food often, but in small portions.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms of tomato poisoning depend on its cause. When poisoned by poorly washed vegetables, the signs of the disease are the same as with any intestinal infection, but solanine in tomatoes or nitrates cause completely different symptoms.

If the tomatoes were poorly washed, when infectious agents or toxins enter the digestive tract, symptoms appear:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Temperature rises to 38-39 degrees
  • Stool disorder
  • Head pain, weakness.

The first symptoms appear 2-6 hours after eating low-quality or poorly processed vegetables. Diarrhea from tomatoes can persist for several days.

When eating tomatoes with high levels of nitrates:

  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weakness, headache
  • Increased body temperature
  • Characteristic symptom: blue discoloration of lips and nails
  • A characteristic symptom: darkening of the stool to a dark brown color or the appearance of blood in it.

If such symptoms appear, you should urgently seek medical help, as a sharp deterioration of the condition is possible.

When eating tomatoes containing heavy metal salts - lead, mercury, cadmium):

  • Pain in the abdomen and intestines
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • A characteristic symptom is irritation, redness of the mouth, nasal passages, and pharynx.

Exposure to metals in the body can cause the development of kidney and liver failure - impaired urination, severe intoxication - repeated vomiting, loss of consciousness, blurred vision.

When eating green tomatoes:

  • Sharp, severe abdominal pain
  • Paroxysmal nausea with vomiting
  • Diarrhea with a pronounced, pungent, unpleasant odor
  • Increased salivation
  • Bitterness in the mouth
  • Increased heart rate and heart rate
  • Weakness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Convulsions

Solanine poisoning is very dangerous; with a high concentration of poison in the blood, it causes disruption of the respiratory system and heartbeat.

Peas for acute pancreatitis

Pea soup for acute pancreatitis is not a good idea. The reason is the fiber contained in peas, which strains the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract, causing gas-forming processes and aggravating the stomach.

The pancreas must be in a relaxed state; peas disrupt relaxation and are therefore strictly prohibited. If the prohibition is violated, the patient faces:

  • profuse diarrhea (due to accelerating digestion processes and increasing the presence of diarrhea);
  • bloating (due to insufficient cooking of peas);
  • unnecessary cleansing of the body (useful minerals are removed);
  • intestinal colic.

Peas can cause a new attack and further deterioration of the situation. It is better to wait for the onset of stable remission of chronic pancreatitis.

First aid for poisoning

What to do if you are poisoned by tomatoes? First aid for poisoning is to call a doctor or take the victim to a medical facility.

Before the doctor arrives or if it is impossible to urgently transport the patient to the hospital, you can try to help him at home:

  • Gastric lavage - there are different methods of gastric lavage, depending on the age and type of poisoning. At home, it is important to remove the toxic substance from the body. You need to rinse your stomach when the first symptoms of poisoning appear.
  • Give sorbents - they will help remove toxic substances and toxins from the body. At home, you can give activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of weight, enterosorb or any other.
  • Drinking - with diarrhea and vomiting, a person loses a lot of fluid and developing dehydration worsens the patient’s condition. It is especially important to feed children in the first years of life; before a child is one year old, dehydration can occur when a child loses 200-500 ml of fluid. To prevent this from happening, patients need to be hydrated. Adults and children over 10 years old can simply be asked to drink as much water or rehydron as possible - the volume of liquid should be at least 2-3 liters per day. For young children, it is necessary to restore water balance under the supervision of parents. To avoid inducing vomiting, the liquid is given in small portions - 1 teaspoon or tablespoon every 5 minutes, continuously for an hour.

What soup can an adult and child eat for diarrhea?

Dietary soups for diarrhea can restore intestinal microflora and normalize the absorption of fluids and nutrients. But so that the effect does not take long to appear, you must follow some cooking rules:

  • All products must be boiled! No overcooking should be added to the soup;
  • It is not allowed to add vegetable or animal fat during cooking;
  • the meat should be very finely chopped or passed through a blender;
  • It is worth eating in small portions, but often.

Chicken soup

Chicken broth is the most gentle during the period of stool disorder. You can prepare regular chicken soup with the addition of potatoes, carrots and onions. And you can make it more healthy, nutritious and incredibly tasty. For this you need 300-400 grams of sirloin, one carrot, 3 potatoes, one onion, oatmeal (rolled oats), a bunch of dill and salt.

Preparation procedure:

  • remove the skin from the meat, fill the pan with water and put it on gas;
  • Skim off any foam all the time and cook for 20 minutes;
  • cut potatoes, onions and carrots into cubes;
  • Place all the chopped ingredients into the prepared broth and simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat;
  • add a heaping tablespoon of rolled oats and let it boil for another 4-6 minutes;
  • after turning off the gas, add salt, add dill and cover with a lid.

The first one will turn out cloudy, slimy and thick, but that’s how it should be due to the properties of oatmeal.

Turkey soup

Turkey tastes like chicken, but much tastier. The meat of this bird is dietary. That is why it is recommended to cook turkey soup for diarrhea. To do this you need 350 grams of fillet, several potatoes, one medium-sized carrot, onion, rice cereal, dill and salt.

Preparation procedure:

  • fill the pan with meat with water, add salt, and when it boils, cook for half an hour;
  • Meanwhile, chop the potatoes, onions and grate the carrots;
  • after half an hour, put the prepared ingredients and rice into the broth, after washing it (cooking time about 15 minutes);
  • after removing the pan from the gas, add the herbs and cover with a lid;
  • Serve with yesterday's bread or crackers.

Fish soup

This is truly a dietary but satisfying first course. During diarrhea, it is recommended at any age and has virtually no contraindications for use. For the soup you need fish with white meat 0.5 kg, 3 tablespoons of semolina, 3 large potatoes, one carrot, 2 medium onions, dill to taste and salt.

Preparation procedure:

  • clean the fish from scales, cut off the head and tail;
  • cut into several pieces, add water and put on fire, cook for about 20 minutes;
  • Strain the broth, put it back on the fire and add one onion, cook for another 10 minutes;
  • cut potatoes, onions and grate carrots. Add everything to the broth and cook until completely cooked;
  • add semolina, stirring all the time so that no lumps form;
  • after removing from the stove, add herbs and salt, then cover with a lid;
  • Serve with crackers.

Meat soup (veal, beef, rabbit)

Lean meat is indicated for making soups for diarrhea. To diversify your diet, you can prepare soup with meat and buckwheat. For it you will need: half a kilo of meat, 250 grams of buckwheat, 4-5 large potatoes, one carrot, herbs, onions, a clove of garlic (for adults) and salt.

Preparation procedure:

  • pour water over the meat and cook for about two hours;
  • cut potatoes, carrots and onions into cubes;
  • Once the meat is cooked, add chopped vegetables to the broth;
  • 10 minutes after the vegetables boil, add buckwheat and cook until tender;
  • after removing the pan from the heat, squeeze out the garlic and add herbs and salt to taste;


Treatment for tomato poisoning depends on the severity of the condition, the age of the victim and the cause of the poisoning. It can be carried out in medical institutions or at home. Hospitalization is required for children in the first year of life, pregnant women and those whose symptoms of poisoning do not disappear within 2-3 days.

In the hospital, treatment is prescribed depending on the prevailing symptoms and dysfunction of vital organs: heart, kidneys, liver, and so on.

Typically treatment includes:

  • Infusion therapy - intravenous administration of saline or glucose helps reduce the level of intoxication and restore the water-alkaline balance in the body.
  • Reception of sorbents.
  • Taking enzymes – if digestive processes are disrupted, patients are prescribed Mezim, Creon, Pancreatin.
  • Antibiotic therapy - if poisoning is caused by pathogenic bacteria, treatment is carried out with nifuroxazide, phthalosol, cefix and others.

If necessary, medications are prescribed to maintain heart function, stabilize hemoglobin levels, and so on.

In the first day after poisoning, it is better to completely stop eating, and then follow a diet for another 7-10 days: give up fatty, fried foods, meat dishes, strong broths, semi-finished products, dishes with a lot of salt, pepper and other seasonings. Food during this period should be easily digestible and nutritious: porridge with water, liquid soups, boiled meat, plenty of liquid.

Sometimes lovers of vegetable dishes wonder: is it possible to eat tomatoes in case of poisoning or is it better to avoid them completely? These vegetables are not recommended to be included in the diet menu, as they are difficult to digest. It is better to include tomatoes in the menu after poisoning only 2-3 weeks after recovery.

Composition and calorie content

A dish made with dry peas is higher in calories than one made with young ones. 100 g of fat-free water soup contains up to 60 kcal. The calorie content of the product with broth increases slightly - about 70 kcal. Soup with young peas is the least energetically valuable - 30 kcal. Soup with fatty meat additives (cracklings, sausages, smoked meats) has more calories than other types - about 110 kcal.

It is worth taking into account the calorie content of individual components, so per 100 g of dish there are:

  • butter – 650 kcal (with fat content from 72%);
  • young dill – 35 kcal;
  • store-bought low-fat sour cream (up to 15%) – 150 kcal;
  • table salt – has no energy value;
  • carrots, onions – 40 kcal;
  • water is not an energy-valuable product;
  • onions in the form of young feathers – 20 kcal.

The most carbohydrates in a pea dish are 10%. There is noticeably less protein and fat in it - 5% each. Quite a lot of organic acids - 60 g of substance per 1 kg of dish. Dietary fiber in stew – 10 g.

List of vitamins: PP, H, E, D, C, B. Valuable elements of the soup: phosphorus, sodium, silicon, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zirconium, zinc, chromium, fluorine, titanium, strontium, selenium, rubidium, tin, nickel , molybdenum, copper, manganese, lithium, cobalt, iodine, iron, vanadium, boron, aluminum.


Prevention of tomato poisoning means following all sanitary and hygienic rules for food processing and purchasing vegetables only in trusted places - in certified stores, specialized departments or from people you completely trust.

Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are very beneficial for the human body. Tomatoes should be singled out from the general list of these products. They have a large number of useful substances, minerals and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on human health. For example, tomatoes contain a substance called lycopene. It is a natural antioxidant that stops the processes of nervous excitation and inhibits the occurrence and development of cancer. Knowing and taking into account all the benefits, few people wonder why tomatoes can cause diarrhea or vomiting.

Benefits of soups for diarrhea

Nutrition during intestinal upset is very important. Some people prefer to fast for several days, however, this is not the best solution. During diarrhea, the human body loses many valuable vitamins and microelements. If the patient does not eat anything, this loss will not be replenished, and problems may arise.

Due to a lack of nutrients, the body is weakened and does not have enough energy to fight infection. Diet soup is good for a healthy person. Moreover, it will be beneficial during the period of diarrhea.

The benefits of eating soups during diarrhea come down to the following:

  • if the dish includes chicken broth, it perfectly nourishes a weakened body;
  • suitable cereals coat the intestinal walls and relieve inflammation;
  • boiled vegetables normalize peristalsis and help stop diarrhea.

If the recipe includes chicken meat, this has a very beneficial effect on the body suffering from intestinal disorders. This dish will ensure long-term satiety and help eliminate toxic substances.

Why tomatoes are insidious: list of symptoms of poisoning

Not every person, when buying tomatoes in a store out of season, thinks about the fact that they can get severe tomato poisoning, which is fraught with negative consequences for health. Tomatoes, like other foods, can be dangerous to the body. You should find out the main reasons that contribute to the occurrence of tomato poisoning and the symptoms that arise subsequently:

  1. Penetration of microbes into a dish with tomatoes that are on the hands or mucous membranes of a person who has an intestinal disease and took an active part in the preparation.
  2. A tomato, which during the growing process was treated with chemicals that protect the vegetable from pests and parasites, contains a potential poison for humans.
  3. If you have eaten a vegetable that has a spoiled appearance, damaged skin integrity, or a putrid odor. When such a tomato is stored for a long time, the process of proliferation of dangerous bacteria and microorganisms occurs in it.
  4. When growing tomatoes in places close to highways, or to enterprises that use chemicals in their production process. Chemicals can accumulate in tomatoes and then enter the human body.
  5. If you have eaten a tomato that has not been washed well. In this case, the risk of intoxication with nitrates, with which the vegetable was previously processed, is reduced.

Symptoms directly depend on what exactly caused the poisoning. If intoxication occurs due to the high content of heavy metals in the tomato, then the signs will be as follows:

  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • severe diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • failure of the kidneys and liver.

If poisoning occurs when eating a tomato contaminated with bacteria, the disease will manifest itself as follows:

  • headache;
  • increased body temperature;
  • cramping pain in the abdominal area;
  • diarrhea;
  • strong thirst;
  • nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • weakness in the body;
  • muscle pain.

If you have eaten tomatoes that contain excessive amounts of nitrates, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • loose stools that may contain blood streaks;
  • severe nausea;
  • vomiting, reaching 7-10 times a day;
  • blue discoloration of the lips and oral mucosa.

How long can pea soup be stored?

A well-chilled lean pea dish will not spoil for another 5 days after cooking. After this, the dish will begin to ferment. Soup, which is supplemented with meat products (ribs, smoked meats), will spoil in just 2 days. The shelf life is the same for pea soup with added dairy products.

Is it possible to freeze

All soups can be frozen if done correctly:

  1. Freeze the dish you just prepared.
  2. The stew must cool completely, for which it is left in the room.
  3. It is not worth cooling the dish for several hours before freezing, because the consistency will change noticeably (while packaging the mass it will be difficult to control its thickness).
  4. You can speed up cooling by placing the container of soup in a sink of cool water with the lid open.
  5. Special buckets that can be tightly closed are used as containers for freezing.
  6. Stores offer containers varying in size from 0.3 l to 1 l; It is worth choosing the most suitable volume, given that the weight of the average portion is 0.3 liters.
  7. The container is thoroughly washed and dried: it is important that there is no moisture that will freeze inside the container.

Freezing stages:

  1. Place a portion of meat for 1 person at the bottom of each bucket (it will be inconvenient to distribute the meat after defrosting).
  2. When filling the container with mass, try to maintain a balance of liquid and grounds. Also make sure that the mass does not completely fill the bucket: leave 1 cm of space between the dish and the lid. This must be done, because the frozen treat will increase in volume.
  3. Sign the sticker label with the date of preparation and type of soup.
  4. Place the container in the freezer, placing the containers on a flat surface.
  5. The temperature in the chamber is set to -18 degrees. In old refrigerators, it is worth placing buckets with food as close to the back wall of the freezer as possible. It is colder there and temperature changes occur less often.

If the dish is frozen in a bag, the soup is poured into it like this: a portion of the pea mass is placed in the bag and the air is “pulled out” from it. Next, this container is tightly sealed/sealed/sealed, not forgetting the label with the date and name of the dish. Place the workpieces in the chamber.

Soup with meat additives in fatty broth should not be stored for longer than 3 months. A liquid dish with a dairy product does not lose its quality for up to 2 months. If you adhere to the described principles, the taste and smell of the frozen product will not change. Re-freezing is not recommended. If there is no suitable container for freezing, and you need to put the dish in the freezer very quickly, you can put the soup in thick plastic bags. This container is especially suitable for homogeneous cream soups. If the soup contains bones, it is better to remove them so as not to damage the polyethylene.

To defrost a liquid dish for lunch, you should remove it from the chamber in the morning and transfer it to the general compartment. There the mass will thaw well. Before using the preparation, it is poured into a saucepan and heated over low heat. There is no need to boil the mixture.

You can prepare frozen soup for consumption very quickly by using the microwave. Place a container with pea mixture in it and select the “Accelerated defrosting” program.

The soup, which was stored in a bag, can also be partially defrosted in the general chamber of the refrigerator, and then placed in a saucepan on the fire. Another way to speed up defrosting is to place the bag in a container of heated water and finish heating in a saucepan.

Poisoning with green tomatoes, a specific reaction of the body

Eating green tomatoes is dangerous. This component of the diet should be excluded in pregnant women and children. The body can react violently to the consumption of such a product, since the poison in green tomatoes can not only have a strong effect on the spinal cord and brain, but also lead to death. The main features include:

  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • acute cramping pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • nausea;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • dilated pupils;
  • convulsions;
  • drowsiness;
  • diarrhea accompanied by a specific unpleasant odor;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • coma.

Diarrhea from tomatoes is a common symptom in an adult. If there are other alarming symptoms of poisoning, you should immediately call an ambulance, and before that, take a number of actions aimed at alleviating the condition of the victim. To do this you will need:

  1. Rinse the stomach of any bad tomatoes present there to stop the process of toxic substances being absorbed into the bloodstream. To do this, collect one and a half to two liters of clean water at room temperature. Dissolve several granules of potassium permanganate in water. Drink all the water in two sittings. If there is food in the vomit, rinse the stomach again in the same way.
  2. After washing, give the poisoned person a sorbent drug. These are polysorb, activated carbon, smecta, atoxyl, sorbex, enterosgel, etc.
  3. Before doctors arrive, provide the victim with plenty of fluids. This will reduce the risk of dehydration due to severe diarrhea and diarrhea. In this case, rehydron is an effective remedy. If you don’t have one in your home medicine cabinet, then pour half a liter of water, stir in 0.5 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of sugar. You are allowed to drink weakly brewed black tea.

Diet options

To choose the most suitable nutrition option for diarrhea, you can use a sample table with a menu for several days.

Serial number of mealsMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday
1Rice broth, warm jelly.Oatmeal, 1 glass of herbal tea, several crackers.Boiled rice, steam omelette, 1 glass of herbal tea, a slice of rye bread.Omelette of 2 eggs, steamed, a slice of bread, 1 glass of dried fruit compote.
2Herbal tea, crackers.1 glass of warm drink.A glass of jelly, a few crackers.Chicken broth, croutons.
3Rice soup with meatballs, a slice of bread, a glass of tea.Vermicelli with baked fish, 1 glass of jelly.Rice and chicken breast cookies (no more than 200 grams), a glass of green tea, unsweetened cookies.Rice porridge, beef meatballs, a slice of bread, 1 glass of jelly.
4A glass of dried fruit compote, a baked apple.Banana.Baked fruits.Apple casserole.
5Mashed potatoes, boiled fish, a glass of water.Several boiled jacket potatoes, 1 fish cutlet.Buckwheat porridge, a piece of baked chicken, a glass of tea, sushi.Boiled carrot puree, a piece of boiled fish, 1 glass of tea, a slice of bread.

The menu is presented for 4 days; more often, treatment of diarrhea in adults takes approximately this period of time. If necessary, the duration of the diet is increased. A person can use the presented menu exactly or adjust it.

To create a diet, it is enough to use foods allowed for diarrhea, taking into account the quantity and method of cooking.

A few rules for recognizing that tomatoes contain a lot of nitrates

Even those tomatoes that are grown independently are fertilized with nitrates. This is necessary for the plant to develop normally. When consuming such tomatoes, the elimination of nitrates occurs independently due to the metabolic process. If nitrates are added in excessive quantities, then eating such a vegetable will lead to poisoning.

Tomatoes filled with nitrates are easy to identify:

  • their size is larger than average;
  • The skin of the tomato is thick and dense;
  • the presence of a green halo near the base;
  • the pulp has a watery taste;
  • green veins inside;
  • the smell of grass;
  • the skin is darker than the flesh of the vegetable;
  • greenish tomato seeds;
  • tastes like hard pulp.

For children

Parents traditionally have a question about whether it is possible to give such food to an infant. Considering that chicken broth is predominantly a protein food, the baby needs it as a building material for growth.

Pediatricians do not have a clear answer to the question of at what age to introduce such a decoction into the diet. Some believe that six to seven months is the right time to start using chicken broth, as well as soups based on it. Others are of the opinion that it is better to start supplementing the diet with this product at seven to eight months.

Much in this matter depends on how long babies remain on breast milk. The sooner a child switches to artificial feeding, the sooner chicken broth appears in his diet.

Considering that at the age of ten months the baby begins to be fed meat, there is no doubt about whether to give him chicken broth at this time.

At the age of 1 year, he can eat a wide variety of broth-based dishes. It is only important to cook it from chicken fillet, and not from bones and skin. Thanks to such food, the functioning of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract returns to normal.

Question: What should I do if I have diarrhea in the summer from fruits and fresh vegetables?

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

What to do if you have diarrhea in summer from fruits and fresh vegetables?

Fresh fruits and vegetables can cause diarrhea for a number of reasons:

  • The laxative effect of cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, apples, plums, etc. If you consume these products in large quantities, the intestinal mucosa becomes irritated, and then may become inflamed.
  • Some vegetables and berries contain too much acid - sorrel, spinach, tomatoes, red currants, etc. Large amounts of these acidic foods can also cause diarrhea.
  • By consuming unwashed vegetables and fruits, you can become infected with one or another intestinal infection.
  • There is also such a disease as “fruit” colitis: if the mucous membrane of the large intestine is chronically inflamed, then fresh vegetables and fruits cause an exacerbation of the disease, and, consequently, diarrhea.

To prevent fruits and vegetables from causing diarrhea, do not eat a lot of them and combine these foods with regular foods. If diarrhea does occur, stop eating greens and take one of the folk remedies - rice water, infusion of pomegranate peels, blueberry jelly, infusion of walnuts, etc. You can stop diarrhea with the help of Loperamide (Imodium).

If folk remedies do not help and diarrhea continues, you should consult a doctor. And if “summer” diarrhea is combined with an increase in temperature, a doctor should be called immediately.

Tomatoes are rich in useful substances: vitamins, microelements, fiber. They contain lycopene, an antioxidant that prevents the development of cancer. Tomatoes are present in the diet of modern people almost all year round. Unfortunately, they can also cause poisoning.

What should you eat?

Very useful products for diarrhea that your doctor will always recommend:

  • wheat bread crackers;
  • rice porridge cooked in water without adding oil;
  • blueberry jelly;
  • bird cherry decoction or compote.
  • Slimy soups made from low-fat broths or water with the addition of cereals (except pearl barley).
  • Steamed or boiled dishes from lean meat (soufflé, cutlets, quenelles).
  • Steamed or boiled dishes from lean fish (pollock, cod): cutlets, meatballs, meatballs.
  • Dishes made from any cereal, except barley, are best boiled, in water or with the addition of a small amount of milk.
  • Pasta: limited. Boiled vermicelli as a side dish for lunch or dinner.
  • Boiled or baked vegetables: carrots, potatoes, zucchini, green beans, pumpkin and eggplant. The best way to prepare vegetables is in the form of puree.
  • Egg dishes: steam omelette from one egg or one soft-boiled egg for breakfast or dinner.
  • Milk can be added in small quantities to cereals and vegetable purees.
  • Cottage cheese and low-fat mild cheese.
  • Baked fruits and berries. Fruit and berry dishes: compotes, jelly, puddings, jellies, mousses.
  • Dried wheat bread (white) or crackers. Dry cookies (biscuits), drying.
  • Drinks include black and green tea, weak coffee, cocoa brewed with water, and still mineral water.

How does tomato poisoning occur?

During the process of growth, ripening, harvesting, transportation and storage, tomatoes can become contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms. If the vegetable is not washed well before eating, microbes get inside, where they produce toxins that cause inflammation in the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Clinically, this is manifested by gastroenteric syndrome.

Another cause of tomato poisoning can be heavy metal salts. They accumulate in plants when they are grown along busy roads or in environmentally unfavorable places, for example, near chemical plants. Salts of heavy metals, entering the body with tomatoes, cause damage to internal organs.

It is dangerous to eat unripe tomatoes, as they contain the poison solanine. This substance has a toxic effect on the nervous system and also causes hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells). Hemolysis products enter the renal tubules and clog them, causing kidney dysfunction.

In an effort to get a larger harvest, some unscrupulous farmers abuse mineral fertilizers. This leads to the accumulation of nitrates in tomatoes, which, once in the body, disrupt the process of tissue respiration, causing dysfunction of almost all organs and systems.

Is it possible to eat bread if you have diarrhea?

Freshly baked bread is very tasty and aromatic, but, unfortunately, not healthy. Nutritionists have come to the conclusion that bread should sit for at least 8-9 hours from the moment it is baked. Dried or yesterday's bread has even greater beneficial properties.

Stale bread, crackers and toast are less likely to provoke the secretion of digestive juices and have low acidity compared to fresh bread, so they are not so aggressive for the digestive organs. Rusks are not able to cause gas formation and help restore intestinal flora after diarrhea. But why are crackers and stale bread fortified? The fact is that they contain fiber, many microelements (potassium, calcium, iron, B vitamins) and complex carbohydrates that fill the stomach and do not burden it.

White bread is more beneficial than black bread. Rich bakery products are completely excluded from the diet. To get the best effect, it is better to make crackers yourself rather than buy them in a store, since the composition contains all sorts of additives and flavor enhancers that do not bring any benefit, but just the opposite.

Symptoms of poisoning

The clinical picture of tomato poisoning depends on the cause of the poisoning.

Poisoning caused by tomatoes infected with pathogenic microflora is characterized by symptoms of foodborne toxic infection:

  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased feeling of thirst;
  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • muscle pain.

When poisoned by tomatoes with a high content of heavy metal salts (thallium, mercury, cadmium, lead), victims experience:

  • flatulence;
  • stomach ache;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

When poisoning with tomatoes containing large amounts of nitrates, the following occurs:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea, in which the stool contains blood or becomes chocolate-colored;
  • cyanosis of nail beds and lips.

Solanine poisoning when eating unripe tomatoes manifests itself:

  • spasmodic pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • severe weakness;
  • diarrhea with foul-smelling feces;
  • bitterness and burning sensation in the mouth;
  • dilated pupils;
  • increased salivation;
  • arrhythmia of pulse and breathing;
  • convulsive seizures;
  • disturbances of consciousness, up to coma.

Recipes for diarrhea

Below are vegetable recipes that can reduce diarrhea or its effects:

  • Carrot puree with sugar. Recipe: take regular carrots, grate with sugar. Eat 1 spoon every 2-3 hours. This dish will not stop diarrhea, but will provide carbohydrates and nutrients to the weakened body.
  • Pumpkin juice. The pumpkin (pulp) needs to be cut, sprinkled with sugar, put in a blender, and chopped. Strain the resulting mass, then either leave everything as is, or add a little pulp to the juice and stir. The result is an extremely nutritious juice.
  • Juice decoction of fresh potatoes and rice. The potatoes need to be peeled, cut, put through a blender and strain. Boil the rice, drain the resulting water into a container. Mix the resulting juice and decoction in a 1:1 ratio, drink a glass 2 times a day. A heavy dose of astringent starch will help cope with diarrhea.
  • Corn. It needs to be boiled well, then the grains must be separated from the stem and ground to a pulp. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day. Helps with diarrhea with mucus.
  • Pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Dry, fry, peel, grind. Use the same as corn: a tablespoon 4 times a day. Differences: less fiber, more oils. Helps with common diarrhea.

First aid for tomato poisoning

For any type of tomato poisoning, you must first rinse your stomach. To do this, drink several glasses of salt water or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, after which they induce vomiting, irritating the root of the tongue. Repeat the procedure until the rinsing water no longer contains particles of food eaten the day before.

To reduce the absorption of poison that has managed to penetrate the intestines, the victim is given activated carbon, Smecta or any other enterosorbent to drink.

Vomiting and diarrhea lead to the body losing large amounts of water and salts, which leads to dehydration and increases general intoxication. To combat this phenomenon, victims are given a solution of Regidron, Rehydration Salt, Pedithral to drink, and if they are not available, then weak black tea or water. The liquid should be taken in small sips often, so drinking will not cause increased nausea and vomiting.

Benefits of chicken broth

The fact that chicken broth is beneficial for the body has been known for a long time. It is highly nutritious and easily absorbed by the human body. It is used for many purposes.

  • For the treatment of diseases that are popularly called colds. This product helps remove mucus from the body. Thanks to such food, it is easier for a person to cope with pulmonary diseases such as bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • This broth is just what you need for diseases of the intestines and stomach. It has the ability to envelop their walls, as a result of which the body copes with gastritis and ulcers more effectively.
  • Chicken broth is recommended for people watching their weight. With a low calorie content, this meat broth can satiate well, which helps to get rid of the desire to eat for those who are obese.
  • Thanks to the minerals contained in the broth, when consumed, bones are strengthened, the risk of cracks and fractures is reduced, which is especially important for people experiencing increased physical activity - athletes and workers involved in heavy production, as well as for the elderly suffering from osteoporosis.
  • The body receives the vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. A person whose diet includes chicken broth sleeps better and is less prone to irritability.
  • With such food, the condition of the skin, hair, and nails improves, since it contains a huge amount of natural collagen.
  • Eating chicken broth can reduce cholesterol in the circulatory system and improve heart function.
  • Iron from the broth increases hemoglobin and improves oxygen saturation in the body.

Experience shows that the most benefits come from broth made from chicken bones.

They contain the main amount of substances beneficial to health. Broth made from pulp, especially from breast, is considered dietary, although its composition is not as rich in nutrients as that prepared from a soup set.

Damage to chicken broth is possible due to low-quality chicken. If the bird was fed bad food, hormones were added to it so that the chicken gained weight faster, then this cannot but affect the properties of the broth itself (as well as traces of drugs against various diseases for which the bird was vaccinated at the poultry farm).

To get a decoction that will contain exclusively useful substances, after half an hour of cooking it is recommended to drain the first broth - it is at the beginning of cooking that the bad components get into the water.

It should also be taken into account that in case of pathologies of the liver and gall bladder, as well as in case of allergies to chicken meat, thick, rich broth can be harmful.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, before boiling the chicken, it is necessary to remove the fat and skin of the bird.

People with diseases such as gout and kidney stones should not eat this food. These diseases are associated with the accumulation of salts, and chicken broth promotes this process. People who have inflamed esophageal mucosa should also avoid this dish.

When is medical help needed?

Most often, tomato poisoning is mild. Symptoms are quickly relieved by first aid measures, and victims do not go to the doctor. But in some situations medical assistance is necessary:

  • poisoning occurred in a child or pregnant woman;
  • symptoms of poisoning persist for more than two days or intensify despite the measures taken;
  • intense abdominal pain;
  • excessive hypotension and weakness, up to loss of consciousness;
  • decrease in the amount of urine excreted;
  • convulsions.

Therapy for tomato poisoning includes correction of water-salt imbalances and detoxification. In some cases, the prescription of antibacterial drugs is indicated.

Reviews and results

The use of chicken broth to treat various diseases is quite common. Many people note its effectiveness in treating seasonal colds. Such food provides an excellent fight against the unpleasant symptoms that accompany this type of disease. There is no need to stock up on pharmaceutical drugs.

Many insist on using poultry to prepare broth, since there is no risk of substances entering the body that do not at all contribute to improving health.

Those who suffer from heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms in the intestines note that chicken broth reduces the aggressiveness of the effect of gastric juice on the mucous membrane. Regular consumption of chicken broth helps get rid of heartburn and stomach pain.

Many have experienced the miraculous effects of chicken broth on the body as a hangover cure, which becomes important for a large number of people after the long New Year holidays.

To see how healthy chicken broth is, watch the following video.

If you have diarrhea, you can eat food with pectin , but it is better to select the diet individually and take into account the characteristics of the body.

It should be understood that nutrition during diarrhea should be as balanced as possible.

It is necessary to exclude heavy foods and unnecessary carbohydrates, then the gastrointestinal tract will return to normal, and pay special attention to foods containing pectin.

Possible consequences

Tomato poisoning is especially dangerous for children in their first years of life. Their body is very sensitive to fluid loss; dehydration can cause hypovolemic shock and acute renal failure.

After poisoning, digestive dysfunction is often observed during the period of convalescence. To restore them, you should adhere to a diet that provides mechanical and chemical sparing of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. In addition, enzymatic preparations (Acidin pepsin, Festal, Mezim forte) can be prescribed.

What are the benefits of pea soup?

General benefit

The famous pea stew is a healthy food. This product:

  • takes care of improving blood circulation;
  • relieves vascular spasms;
  • prevents the development of depression;
  • improves sleep;
  • is a means of stimulating metabolic processes;
  • considered a preventive product against colds;
  • is one of the auxiliary means against the development of cancer;
  • takes care of the skin;
  • helps remove toxins;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves brain function indicators;
  • gives strength;
  • relieves stress;
  • helps overcome endocrine disorders;
  • has a positive effect on visual acuity and relieves eye fatigue;
  • enhances protective functions, which is why it is useful during epidemics;
  • helps balance fluid levels;
  • helps the body in regeneration processes;
  • speeds up the digestion of consumed foods.

Positive reactions of the body to the consumption of legumes can be observed in people who do not suffer from gastrointestinal disorders.

For women

Women are recommended to use pea soup to relieve pain during menstruation. Peas have a positive effect on hemoglobin levels and improve the function of the reproductive organs, so you should eat peas during menstruation. Cereals contain nutrients necessary for women's comfort: protein is important for blood composition; calcium makes hair stronger and accelerates its growth; folic acid is a substance that stimulates tissue repair.

For men

Folic acid is valuable for the male body. Consuming the vitamin has a positive effect on the number of active sperm and improves reproductive function. The components of peas are beneficial for the health of the genital organs and prevent disruptions in the functioning of the excretory tract. Protein is an important substance for increasing muscle mass. Men who are keen on sports, thanks to peas, recover faster and more fully after exercise.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women will also benefit from soup with dry or young peas. It is better to eat the dish a couple of times every 7 days. This is beneficial not only for the mother’s body, but also for the fetus. Amino acids help the embryo develop correctly. In women, thanks to folic acid, the manifestations of toxicosis are weakened, sleep and the functioning of the nervous system are stabilized, constipation syndromes disappear, and mood improves. It is recommended to flavor the liquid dish with young dill, which neutralizes a possible negative intestinal reaction (pain, gas formation).


proper nutrition during pregnancy Expand

When breastfeeding

It is important to remember: the listed beneficial properties of pea food appear if the dish is consumed only during pregnancy. A nursing woman who consumes legumes passes the composition of the cereal to her baby through her milk. The baby’s body may not be able to cope with these substances and reacts to them with allergies and intestinal colic. You can try eating a small portion of a liquid pea dish and evaluate the reaction of your own stomach and intestines. Most likely, the same manifestations will be observed in the child. During this period, it is important to limit not only the consumption of peas, but also other legumes.

For children

The child's body gratefully accepts plant-based protein foods, including pea dishes. But the recommended amount of such food is 2 medium servings per week. Peas are used as a complementary feeding product. It is recommended to start consuming it at the age of 1.5 years, but exclusively in the form of liquid cream soup from young juicy peas. The benefits of this first dish for a child:

  • strengthening the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels;
  • increasing endurance;
  • appetite stimulation;
  • prevention of eye diseases;
  • stimulation of brain function, strengthening memory;
  • improving the properties of bone tissue (including strengthening teeth).

The baby will also become more cheerful and energetic.

Difference between primary and secondary broths

It is customary to start the meal with the first dishes - they increase the appetite. Why? The primary broth of meat contains more animal fats and extractive substances. They stimulate intestinal motility and cause the digestive glands to produce more juices. And this increases appetite. In addition, chicken and turkey meat sometimes contains many antibacterial and chemical substances present in bird feed. During cooking, all these substances are extracted into the broth. That is why it is advisable to drain the initial decoction (including harmful substances). Secondary broth is classified as a dietary dish that does not contain harmful substances and fat. To prepare, already cooked meat is poured with cold water, brought to a boil again, and then simmered for a long time over low heat.

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