Brown blood during menstruation: what is the reason?

Most common reasons

Often dark blood during menstruation occurs in those women whose work is physically difficult. This symptom can also be observed in professional athletes. In addition to this phenomenon, many people note the following symptoms during this period:

  • slight pain in the head area;
  • malaise;
  • state of fatigue;
  • increased excitability, so mood may often change;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen before the onset of menstruation.

The presence of brown clots most often appears in women who are over 30 years old. At the same time, a change in menstruation is noticeable, it becomes very viscous and darker.

Another reason why dark blood flows during your period may be the position of your cervix. If there is a bend in it, then the discharge becomes thicker. Rapidly gained weight can also be a cause. In this case, a change in hormonal levels occurs.

There are also other factors that can influence the appearance of black clots:

  • being under constant stress;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • if the internal glands do not work properly;
  • infection;
  • presence of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

It is imperative to go to a gynecologist, since it is unknown what the consequences may be.

Discharge during pregnancy

The moment of conception in some representatives of the fairer sex is indicated by a brown spot, which indicates the implantation of the fertilized egg into the walls of the uterus. During other periods of an interesting situation, such a symptom is unacceptable.

It happens that in the first month of pregnancy the described symptom is indicated. When the time of regulation approaches according to plan, but conception has occurred, the woman may observe brown discharge. During this period, the threat of miscarriage is highest, so you should pay maximum attention to your health and avoid physical activity.

Find out what discharge is like during a miscarriage by following the link.

Sometimes the reason for the presence of brown discharge during menstruation is a pathological pregnancy, namely, an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, not only discharge of an unusual color is observed, but also bursting pain in the lower abdomen and malaise. In such a case, it is necessary to urgently contact a gynecologist to prevent ovarian rupture. Such a violation threatens the woman’s life.

When the pregnancy test is negative, but there is a delay with brown discharge, most often we are talking about pathology, so if there is the slightest change in the menstrual cycle and the nature of your periods, you should consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis.

Remember that the absence of pain, unpleasant odors and discomfort does not exclude pathology.

List of possible diseases

Burgundy blood during menstruation with clots is considered very dangerous if it produces a strong odor. Also an unkind sign is the appearance of leucorrhoea and clots. In this case, black blood flows, which may indicate that some kind of pathology is occurring in the body.

This may be endometriosis or adenomyosis, or there may be infections of an inflammatory or infectious nature. It may also mean that a malignant tumor is growing inside the body. If black blood appears on the first day of menstruation, it can be concluded that the woman is pregnant and that there is a possibility of losing the child. Therefore, you should quickly determine whether you are pregnant using a special test. It’s better to go to the doctor and get the necessary test, since the baby’s life will depend on it.

The presence of black blood may indicate inflammation in the ovaries or epididymis. This symptom often manifests itself in young girls who are ready to dress fashionably, rather than warmly, even in severe frosts. Often black blood occurs due to menopause, and a significant reduction in the cervical canal occurs, which negatively affects the entire menstrual cycle.

At the same time, a burning sensation and itching appear. Hair may begin to fall out, and nails and skin become paler. Your periods begin to come irregularly, and bleeding occurs between them.

Blood color during menstruation

To be honest, while I was writing this article, I was a little dizzy - after all, thinking about bleeding is quite exciting. But I couldn’t stay away; our readers deserve to know as much as possible about their health.

Remember: the key to women's health is not to worry about anything in vain, not to be nervous! Doctors advise women to be in a state of mental rest

during menstruation. This is really important, because negative emotions change the hormonal levels and the whole body suffers.

Alexandra Kilimchuk

She has been interested in medicine since childhood and grew up in a family of doctors. She knows how to prepare a sumptuous breakfast from literally nothing, and is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen: she prepares pies without flour, low-calorie mayonnaise, and healthy sweets. He never gives up and believes that people are created to help each other! Her son Sasha is her assistant in all her household chores. Alexandra’s favorite book is “The Art of Loving” by E. Fromm.

Cause for concern

Sometimes blood that is black or brownish in color indicates that a serious pathological process is occurring in the body. You should definitely go to the doctor if your menstrual cycle is irregular. Dark red blood during menstruation or heavy discharge of a scarlet hue should also alert you.

Under no circumstances should you delay going to the doctor in the following cases:

  • if blood clots are large;
  • bloody discharge is constantly present, even not during menstruation;
  • there is aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • for pain in the bladder or lumbar region;
  • if the ovaries hurt;
  • if there is an unpleasant odor;
  • if there is a constant cough for no reason.

You should be wary if your period is about to end, but it still doesn’t end, that is, it lasts more than 7 days. If at the same time a woman suddenly begins to lose weight, this may indicate that there is a malignant tumor. In this case, an ultrasound is necessarily prescribed in order to identify the problem as early as possible and begin treatment. In order to preserve your health, as well as take care of yourself, first of all, you need to monitor the state of your body as carefully as possible and listen to it. It is also important to do the following:

  • You should undergo a comprehensive examination twice a year.
  • Do an ultrasound at least once a year.
  • Do not have casual sexual intimacy.
  • Do not neglect the rules of intimate hygiene.
  • Rest in a timely manner.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of gynecological pathologies. You should not listen to the advice of friends and traditional healers. If there are any problems, you need to contact a women's doctor to get a competent answer to all your questions.

During lactation, after childbirth or surgery

During surgical interventions, such as: removal of part of the uterus, abortion, cesarean section, removal of polyps and cysts, diagnostic curettage, brown discharge may appear. But pay attention to their smell, note pain and temperature, and if you have such symptoms, immediately go to the doctor.

After childbirth, new changes occur in the female body: hormonal levels gradually return to normal. For some it only takes a couple of months, for others it takes about a year. The duration of this period largely depends on lactation; many nursing mothers observe rare, scanty brown discharge from time to time while they are feeding the baby.

It should also be noted that the cycle will not immediately become regular, and this is quite natural. Normally, after childbirth, it is restored within six months in the absence of lactation, or the same amount after its cessation. If mommy does not experience any discomfort, pain or general weakness, she has nothing to worry about.

A common cause of cycle shifts and “brown” bleeding are surgical interventions: abortion, removal of cysts and polyps, fibroids. After such damage, the uterine mucosa needs time to recover. Only after returning to normal will it begin to produce a characteristic secretion; until then, the discharge can be irregular, scanty or abundant, with an atypical structure and color.

The duration of the recovery period depends on the depth of the damage, how successful the operation was and the general condition of the body (immunity, regenerative abilities). The doctor determines how long it will take for menstruation to normalize after the operation, and the patient must follow all his prescriptions and recommendations.

Throughout life, the female body is subjected to many tests: pregnancy, childbirth, colds, abortions, infections, etc. For numerous restorations, he requires a lot of strength, and often timely assistance. Brown mucus instead of menstrual blood is not a pathology in all cases, but taking care of women's health is always a necessity, at any age and condition.

Apr 7, 2020 Violetta Lekar

Surgery always becomes stressful for the body. Therefore, the first cycles after operations are often different from usual. During such periods, there may be no regulation or dark brown discharge may occur during menstruation.

The appearance of brown clots indicates the removal of residual amniotic tissue after an abortion or clotted blood after surgery.

If the discharge has an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by discomfort, then everything indicates an inflammatory process and infection, which is quite common after gynecological manipulations. To avoid these, it is important to follow all the rules of the rehabilitation period.

Surgery to perform a medical abortion or remove fibroids, polyps, or cysts can cause black menstrual blood.

If after such an intervention there is a sharp jump in body temperature, and the discharge lasts longer than a week and has an unpleasant odor, then this indicates the presence of complications, and you should urgently consult a doctor. After all, curing such complications is much easier than treating infertility later.

Restoring the female body and hormonal levels after childbirth is very long and difficult. The menstrual cycle returns very slowly during breastfeeding. While breastfeeding and several months after lactation ends, young mothers may experience dark brown, and sometimes even black, discharge. They are not dangerous and are considered normal. But if such discharge does not go away for a long time, then expert advice is needed.

External factors affecting the color of menstrual discharge include the following:

  1. Stressful situations in life.
  2. Eating problems, sudden changes in weight.
  3. Lack of sleep, heavy physical activity and bad habits.
  4. Changing of the living place.

All this can be the reason for the appearance of irregular, dark-colored periods. If a woman experiences cycle irregularities, then first of all she needs to pay attention to her diet. The menu should contain foods high in protein and a large variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Try to protect your health from the effects of various negative factors, take walks in the fresh air, create a proper and balanced menu for yourself, and give up alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. These simple steps that anyone can take can greatly improve your overall health.

The treatment process will consist of identifying the reasons for this behavior of the body, and then completely eliminating them.

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