what to drink for period pain
List of the best painkillers for menstruation
Medicines 10/27/2018 Many women face the problem of painful sensations in the abdomen during menstrual periods.
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Sex during menstruation - when is it possible and when is it not? We dispel myths about sexual intercourse during menstrual periods.
How does sport affect your periods? A classic example that perfectly demonstrates how sports during
What are the differences between menstruation and pathological processes?
Heavy periods or bleeding, how to determine?
Discharge during menstruation is normal. The average statistical interval for the menstrual cycle is three to five weeks. IN
Blood clots appear during menstruation, similar to the liver: what to do
The completeness of the state of a woman’s reproductive system is determined by the characteristics of menstruation and the symptoms accompanying them. Should
WHAT DOES STRONG BROWN DISCHARGE MEAN in the middle of your cycle?
Causes of spotting in the middle of the cycle Sometimes minor spotting appears due to microtrauma of internal organs.
Why are tampons needed and where to insert them?
Hygiene of the future: reusable tampon. Read only for girls!
Physiology of the female body Every 9th grade student is familiar with human anatomy, who has at least one
Basal temperature before menstruation
How does basal temperature change before menstruation? What should be the rectal temperature before menstruation? The concept of basal temperature
Rules of measurement Before talking about specific values, it is important to find out exactly how to measure
What is the danger and how to get rid of secondary amenorrhea
Signs and Symptoms Absence of menstruation Amenorrhea is characterized by the complete absence of menstruation. Other failures in their
Pink vaginal discharge: normal or pathological?
During certain cycles, representatives of the fairer sex may notice that they develop after menstruation.
What does yellow discharge with a sour odor in women indicate?
Taking OCs and menopause Mucous discharge with blood can become the body’s reaction to taking
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