Treatment of Peyronie's disease in men, causes and first symptoms

Peyronie's disease is a non-life-threatening deformation of the male genital organ when it is in a state of erection.
This pathology was described back in 1743 by a surgeon from France, Francois de la Peyronie. This doctor, after whom the disease was named, described the clinical picture in great detail, namely the inclination of the erect penis in relation to the central axis, the angle of which could reach 90 degrees. When palpated, a lump could be felt, and patients felt pain. The compaction was caused by inflammatory processes and the deposition of fibrous plaques under the skin of the penis, as a result of which blood microcirculation was disrupted and microhematomas were formed. Subsequently, the elasticity and extensibility of the tunica albuginea was impaired, which then led to visible curvatures at the site of compaction formation.

Etiology of the disease

The structure of the genital organ contains cavernous bodies, similar to a spongy tube. They contain many small vessels. The corpora cavernosa are enclosed in a proteinaceous membrane made of elastic tissue. During an erection, it stretches. The penis fills with blood, straightens and becomes erect. Peyronie's disease is a disease of this protein membrane. When plaques form in this membrane, they do not allow the protein membrane to stretch. Then there is a deformation of the penis, its curvature. The penis becomes weak and painful.

The reasons for this are not always known. Sometimes everything happens suddenly, even within one night. A healthy man may suddenly find that his penis is bent. But most often the development of the disease occurs slowly, gradually. A scar “lump” appears on a certain area of ​​the penis:

  1. According to doctors, genetic factors can lead to the development of the disease. This occurs when the physical growth of the body is delayed. Lack of growth can lead to stunted growth of the corpora cavernosa. This spongy tissue carries blood to the male organ during an erection. The discrepancy between the growth of the tissues of the male organ and the whole body changes the blood flow in the intimate area. This creates a curvature effect.
  2. Another factor that may contribute to the development of this disease is the habit of young men wearing tight, tight trousers. They disrupt blood flow in the male organs and cause disruption of their functions. This tight clothing is especially harmful if an erection occurs. In this case, the penis is forced to bend. Violations may occur.
  3. The next factor in the disease is intense masturbation, when organ tissues are damaged.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Some types of surgical interventions in the genital area.
  6. Penis injuries. For example, damage to the genital organ during sex, sports activity, or accident. Often a man cannot remember a specific incident of a penis injury. Scar tissue that forms during the healing period sometimes leads to the formation of a fibrous nodule and the development of curvature of the penis.

Various factors can interfere with treatment.

These factors are:

  1. Heredity that leads to an increased risk of disease.
  2. Connective tissue diseases. Men with connective tissue diseases have an increased risk of getting this disease.
  3. Age. At an older age, a man's wounds heal less well.
  4. Vitamin E deficiency.


Disease prevention measures are designed mainly for men over 35, but young people should also adhere to them, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition.

First, you need to eliminate all risk factors, such as injuries during sex. Choose only comfortable positions and do not make love after drinking alcohol or drugs. Wear comfortable underwear that does not compress the genitals.

Since some systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, can provoke Peyronie's disease, they need to be treated promptly.

Complications of this disease

  1. The disease does not pose a serious threat to a man's life. This problem may go away on its own with age. But usually this disease causes many problems in sexual life.
  2. Treatment of curvature of the male organ with surgical methods can have side effects (impotence).
  3. Many men suffer from embarrassment and emotional stress because penis curvature problems have the following consequences:
  • erection hurts;
  • men are forced to avoid sexual contact;
  • In men, this disease leads to problems in their personal lives.

So, when the penis is even slightly curved, huge problems arise with sexual life, since men often do not know where to turn to with this problem.

How can it be cured?

Have you ever wondered how to treat Peyronie's disease? So, first of all, know that all treatment methods used during the detection of this disease can be divided into medicinal, local and surgical.

Non-surgical therapy with drugs

Drug therapy involves the use of medications.

Most often, urologists use vitamin E (procarbazine), potassium paraaminobenzoate, colchicine, tamoxifen, the amino acid L-carnitine, and pentoxifylline for these purposes .

Unfortunately, there is constant debate in medical circles about the effectiveness of these drugs. However, most experts agree that the most effective medications are vitamin E, the amino acid L-carnitine and pentoxifylline.

Therapy with drugs is used only in the acute phase, because in the chronic period such treatment will not give visible results.

Doctors believe that drug therapy only achieves stabilization of the disease, and does not completely relieve a man from it.

Non-surgical local therapy

Such manipulations involve a direct effect on newly formed plaques of the tunica albuginea.

This method of treatment is used exclusively in the chronic phase , when other methods of treatment do not give the desired effect.

To do this, urologists use injections of verapamil or interferon directly into the plaque . Shock wave therapy is also used. The agents injected into the plaque soften it a little, which makes the penis smoother.

Trauma that occurs after the injection is fraught with slight hemorrhage, which, in turn, can cause the growth of a new plaque and relapse of the disease.

When it comes to shock wave therapy, doctors use the same principle used to break up hard deposits in the kidneys and gallbladder. During a more stable period of Peyronie's disease, this treatment method may be the most effective.

For these purposes, a shock wave generator is used, which creates a series of impulses that soften plaques on the penis. Gradually, the penis becomes smoother, and the patient experiences no pain.

However, this treatment method can cause serious injury to the penis itself . After each blow, multiple hematomas are formed on the genital organ, which, if resolved, can lead to a new exacerbation of Peyronie’s disease.

It should be noted that local therapy methods are used only during moderate curvature of the penis (no more than 45°). In other cases, the patient requires surgical intervention .

Surgical treatment (operation)

This method of combating Peyronie's disease is used by urologists only in cases where other methods are ineffective and in case of serious curvature of the penis.

All operations performed to treat Peyronie's disease can be divided into implantation, shortening and lengthening .

Shortening operations

Using this technique, you can maximally straighten the patient's penis . However, during its use, the male genital organ becomes shorter, as the surgeon cuts out part of the tunica albuginea on the side opposite to the curvature.

For example, if the penis has a curvature directed towards the upper part of the body, then the doctor shortens the upper semicircle. If the penis is deformed to the right side, the left side is shortened, etc.

Unfortunately, after such an operation the penis becomes short . Sometimes doctors need to shorten the penis by several centimeters in order to relieve the patient from the unpleasant consequences of Peyronie's disease. In this case, the individual tendency of the body to scarring is taken into account.

You also need to take into account the fact that shortening the penis is impossible with a curvature that exceeds 60°.

Lengthening operations

If the penis is curved by more than 60°, urologists are forced to perform lengthening operations or, in other words, corporoplasty. This operation is also performed in cases where the patient does not want to significantly reduce his penis or this is unacceptable for medical reasons.

During this operation, straightening the penis becomes possible by lengthening the tunica albuginea in the place where the plaque is located. The first operations to lengthen the penis involved surgical excision of all compacted tissues followed by replacement of the resulting defect using special biological materials.

Recent studies have shown that excision of the plaque is fraught with damage to the cavernous tissue, which directly affects the patient's erectile function.

Due to its low effectiveness, this technique is practically not used, so urologists suggest that the patient make a dissection of the seal in the shape of the letter H. After the operation, doctors replace the resulting defect using the same biological materials. Synthetic fabrics in the form of patches from Dacron, Gortex, and Pelvicol also

In any case, the patient needs to take into account that lengthening operations are considered one of the most difficult , so their cost can be quite high. If financial resources do not allow, then it is better to use cheaper shortening methods.

Implant treatment methods

For curvature of the penis, a similar surgical technique is often used. It has been shown to work well for the treatment of this disease in combination with erectile dysfunction, which cannot be cured with medications.

When using this method, surgeons do not act on the tunica albuginea, but replace the cavernous tissue of the penis with an implant .

It can be semi-rigid or hydraulic. The first version of prostheses is cheaper, so the patient may feel some discomfort while wearing it.

As for hydraulic prostheses, they consist of several parts: a fluid reservoir, which is placed on the anterior wall of the peritoneum, working cylinders installed instead of the corpora cavernosa, and a pump implanted into the skin of the scrotum.

Simply press on the implant and it will become active. In this case, the penis becomes erect. To deactivate the prosthesis, simply press lightly on the other part of the pump.

Folk remedies without surgery

In some cases, alternative medicine is a fairly effective way to combat Peroni's disease. It allows the patient to reduce the symptoms of the disease without surgery.

Moreover, such treatment is more gentle, since it has little effect on a man’s reproductive function . Unfortunately, such treatment has a slow effect on the patient , so you need to be as patient as possible.

Treatment with chestnuts

It has long been noted that this disease can be treated with chestnut decoction.

To do this, you need to take 20 g of chestnut kernels and then grind them using a blender.

The resulting mass is poured with boiling water, placed on the stove and boiled for another 15 minutes over low heat.

After boiling, the chestnut broth should stand until completely cooled, after which it should be strained using gauze. The finished decoction should be taken orally once a day in a dosage of one glass. On average, the course of treatment lasts 3 months .

The use of leeches for treatment

In addition, Peyronie's disease can be treated with leeches.

They dissolve scars and plaques very quickly. However, leeches themselves can be used for treatment as raw materials.

An ointment is made on their basis. To do this, you need to take 1/4 cup of dried leeches, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, and mix them with 15 g of heparin ointment, 2 tbsp. spoons of Dimexide, as well as a glass of acacia honey. Then the mixture must be mixed well and refrigerated.

Every evening the patient should rub this ointment into the penis until it is completely absorbed. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts until the ointment is completely used up . If necessary, treatment can be repeated.

Therapeutic baths

This method of treatment is considered one of the most effective among traditional healers.

To prepare such baths, collections of medicinal herbs and roots are used, which contain sage.

Usually three packs of this collection are taken, which are brewed in a bucket of boiling water. To infuse the broth better, cover the bucket with a lid and infuse for 30 minutes. Then the broth is decanted and poured into the bathroom. The patient should lie in such a bath for 15 minutes, and then go to bed to rest.

Herbal treatment

Using herbs to treat Peyronie's disease allows a man not only to get rid of an unpleasant disease, but also helps to strengthen the overall immune system.

To make a decoction, you need to purchase sage herb, burdock root, cap, toadflax and oregano from the pharmacy. All this should be washed thoroughly and then chopped in a blender.

After this, the grass is placed in a thermos and filled with boiling water.

The herbal decoction should steep overnight, after which it should be divided into 4 parts. The patient should take it every half hour for meals for several months. However, you need to take into account the fact that some plants can be poisonous.

That is why you should consult your doctor before preparing the decoction .

Other treatments

A less common method of treating penile curvature is the Nesbit technique, which was proposed back in 1965. The essence of this method is to remove several rounded sections of the tunica albuginea of ​​the penis on the side where there is no curvature. After this, all acquired defects are sutured and the penis becomes smoother.

Using this technique, ideal results for the patient can be achieved, but many patients complain of worsening erections. Most likely, this is due to the deformation of the cavernous tissue that occurs during surgery. Because of this, the Nesbit technique is rarely used in modern medical practice .

In 1984, P. A. Shcheplev was able to propose another method of straightening the penis. It is called tunica albuginea plication. During the operation, the cavernous tissue is not affected, so in the future the man will not complain about the lack of erection .

The technique involves placing non-absorbable sutures on the tunica albuginea on the side opposite to the curvature. The length of the penis undoubtedly decreases, but surgery does not have a negative effect on erectile function.

Find out what the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis are and what to do about it.

Find out here about the treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies.

And on this page: you can learn about the miraculous “red root” tablets

Peyronie's treatment

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Traditionally, modern medicine offers primarily a surgical method of solving the problem, appealing to the fact that the effect and result of the operation will appear as quickly as possible.

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Peyronie's treatment surgical

However, male psychology is structured in such a way that few patients find the courage to visit a doctor, preferring to use home remedies. Fortunately, traditional medicine methods are very effective against Peyronie's disease.


It is not surprising, but in case of deformation of the penis, close attention should be paid to ensure that sources of vitamin E are present on the table.


They contain the most tocopherol:

  • vegetable oils (soybean, flaxseed, corn, from sprouted wheat grains);
  • corn, peas, beans, soybeans;
  • green salad, parsley, celery;
  • sprouted wheat.

Vitamin E breaks down under the influence of sunlight, so if you have Peyronie's disease, it is not recommended to abuse tanning and prolonged exposure to the sun. It is recommended to limit the consumption of foods containing calcium.

Plant therapy

Plant therapy

The action of herbs recommended in the treatment of this disease is primarily aimed at destroying subcutaneous plaques, toning the muscles of the penis, eliminating pain symptoms and improving general condition. In addition, many herbs have a good calming effect, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.

Herbs, rhizomes, flowers and fruits are used as natural components. The undoubted advantage of this treatment is its safety for a man’s health.

A collection of finely chopped herbs sage, primrose, oregano, toadflax, capitula and burdock root, taken in equal quantities (one teaspoon), pour into a liter thermos and fill with boiling water to the top. The herbs should be infused for about 12 hours, and in the morning, strain and drink the resulting drink throughout the day in small portions, preferably before meals.

It is important not to use “yesterday’s” infusion, even if it remains, but to prepare a fresh one every day, since after a day the effect of the active substances of the drink decreases


Leeches are widely used in folk medicine, thanks to the biologically active substances contained in their saliva that have a beneficial effect on the body. The same substances are also found in dried leech bodies.

To prepare a healing ointment, you will need ¼ cup of dried leeches, which should be ground into powder or until finely dispersed, add a third of a tube of heparin ointment, two full teaspoons of dimexide, and a whole glass of bee honey. Mix everything thoroughly and rub into the genitals after a shower. The ointment is used until it runs out, then you need to take a break of two weeks and repeat the course. The maximum effect is observed if you start therapy on the 10th lunar day.

Treatment with chestnuts

Horse chestnut kernels are rich in nutrients and biologically active elements, containing significant amounts of starch, sugar, fiber, mineral components and vitamins. Therefore, decoctions from it are of high value.

Treatment with chestnuts

For the decoction you will need to take 20g of horse chestnut kernels and chop them thoroughly, pour in a glass of boiling water and boil over medium heat, simmer for a quarter of an hour, cool, strain and leave for a little while. Divide the resulting infusion into several parts and drink throughout the day. To sweeten the drink, a small amount of honey can be added. The average course of chestnut therapy is one month.

Herbal baths

It is best to take such baths in the evening, at the end of the working day. In addition to the healing effect, water with the addition of herbal extracts has a relaxing effect and perfectly relieves stress.

Herbal baths

The mixture used for a medicinal bath must necessarily include sage. It is better to prepare the infusion concentrated, then the benefits of this procedure will be greater. The average procedure time is 15-20 minutes. It is better to strain the infusion before use. Good results can be achieved if, after a sage bath, you use an ointment based on dried leeches.


People diagnosed with hereditary Peyronie's disease often do not require treatment. In their case, the changes in shape are small, and the sensations that make it difficult to have sex are weakly expressed. Growths of a traumatic nature, on the contrary, tend to progress.


The main difficulty with the treatment of this deviation lies in its poorly understood causes. There are additional complications in the form of a threat of relapse or increased symptoms after treatment.

This is possible with surgical removal of tumors, local injections of agents that stop collagen synthesis, or sepsis agents.


Drug therapy in men is used only in the acute stage. The reason is that it rarely produces significant results when the process is chronic. The optimal drugs here are those that do not require administration through an injection (at least locally).

Treatment is carried out:

  • AEvit complex - to normalize the renewal and growth of connective tissues throughout the body. AEvit is taken up to 800 mg per day, with food, for a month or longer;
  • potassium aminobenzoate and colchicine - promoting the destruction of “extra” tissue. The first is prescribed to drink 12 g per day, for any number of doses. The second is used only in combination with vitamin E, 2 mg per day;
  • Tamoxifen is an antagonist of the female sex hormones estrogen, usually used in the fight against hormone-dependent tumors (including men). To treat Peyronie's disease, it is prescribed 20 mg every 12 hours for 3 months.

You can also drink carnitine, an amino acid with a stimulating effect on sugar metabolism, a milligram twice in 24 hours. Men suffering from the autoimmune “version” are also prescribed corticosteroids - local injections of hydrocortisone or an ointment with it. With weak immunity, the pathology can be triggered by chronic sepsis. Then local administration of interferons, antiviral proteins, seems more appropriate.

For symptoms of impaired blood microcirculation, Trental, which reduces blood viscosity, is also included in the treatment. Tablets with it are shown in quantities of 2-4, no more than 3 times a day (maximum dose - 1200 mg). To slow down or block the calcification of tumors, you can drink Verapamil - 120-480 milligrams per day, washing down the tablets with plenty of water.

For hereditary defects in the formation of connective membranes, the drugs Lidaza and Longidaza are used. But given the organ’s high susceptibility to injury, any invasive manipulations with it are performed exclusively in the hospital.


Only a few procedures that alleviate the patient’s condition and improve blood circulation can and should be carried out at home:

  • massage is not forbidden if it turns out to be erotic and “smoothly transitions” into healthy sex;
  • applying ointments - in particular, heparin. Heparin is a direct anticoagulant. In case of Peyronie's disease in men, it is advisable to include it in the therapy when large trunks that fill the penis with blood are compressed by cords/plaques;
  • steaming is also unable to get rid of the defect itself, but improves blood supply to the organ and promotes normal erection. The most convenient way to steam the genitals is in a sitz bath. More than 20 minutes is usually not required.

Of the procedures performed in a hospital, shock wave therapy and electrophoresis are most often performed in the treatment of Peyronie's disease. The standard area of ​​application of UVT is the crushing of kidney stones. However, one day it was accidentally noted that it had a positive effect on the texture of calcifications inside the penis in men. Electrophoresis is usually carried out with lidase, but another enzyme, chymotrypsin, that breaks down connective fibers is also used.


The essence is the surgical removal of foreign formations, followed by prosthetics of the removed parts with a fragment of the body’s own tissues. The main advantage of the operation is a one hundred percent guarantee of restoration of the organ’s shape and erection. And the disadvantages include:

  • high probability of relapse given the injuries caused;
  • frequent reduction in size due to scarring.

On the other hand, some “minus” in centimeters of organ length is compensated by sewing in implants.

Folk remedies

Healers do not have any means that can seriously influence the course or symptoms of the pathology, and treating Peyronie’s disease at home can only trigger it. If at the initial stage there is a chance to do without surgery, the infatuation with techniques that mask its symptoms will make surgical intervention inevitable.

The only alternative method of combating it conditionally approved by science is hirudotherapy - the use of leeches or ointment/cream with their extract. Their saliva contains the anticoagulant hirudin, and the entire technique duplicates erection relief with heparin or Trental.

“Experts” also claim that regular consumption of garlic in heavy doses (over 5 cloves per day) can help a man against Peyronie’s disease. But there have been no recorded cases where the patient himself cured tumors with its help, although the use of this spice really helps with many urological and digestive pathologies.

Other approaches

Pseudoscientific methods of treating Peyronie's disease are even more dangerous than hopes for “resorption” of subcutaneous fibrinous nodules under the influence of herbs or massage. The myth that the onset and progression of curvature is strongly influenced by the consumption of alcohol, including low-alcohol drinks and beer, sounds similar to the “miraculous” effect of garlic.

Alcoholism really leads to large-scale disturbances in the composition of the blood and the functioning of the heart, liver, central nervous system, and blood vessels, and it is absolutely “lethal”. However, moderate drinking is associated with Peyronie's disease in only one aspect - an increased risk of injury during reckless "drunk" sex. Otherwise, ethanol even helps restore the filling of the cavernous bodies and serves as a mild analgesic for unpleasant sensations.

Some patients also believe that an extender, a simple placebo device sold in many modifications on the Internet, helps straighten an organ affected by curvature. It is equally traumatic and ineffective when used in any way - to enlarge a healthy penis or to “straighten” one affected by Peyronie’s disease. In the first case, it can itself provoke ruptures of the tissues that form the organ; in the latter, the use of an extender is even more contraindicated.

Another myth about the possibility of curing Peyronie’s disease on your own concerns drugs from the ASD series (Dorogov’s activator-stimulator). Most often, “traditional healers” recommend fraction ASD 3. This is a veterinary drug based on bone ash. Ingestion of ASD by people results in erosions of the stomach and duodenum. It has the same local irritant effect on the skin.

Definition of disease. Causes of the disease

Peyronie's disease is a disease in which scar connective tissue plates (plaques) form in the tunica albuginea of ​​the penis, causing pain and leading to curvature of the penis during erection.

The tunica albuginea is a dense but elastic structure that surrounds the erectile tissue of the penis. During sexual arousal, erectile tissue fills with blood and increases in volume, and the tunica albuginea stretches. When stretching reaches its limit, a rigid (hard) erection is formed. As a result of the formation of connective tissue plaques in the structure of the tunica albuginea, its extensibility decreases, erection becomes painful, and curvature of the penis occurs.

The disease occurs in only 0.4-9% of men. The risk group includes men with erectile dysfunction and diabetes mellitus, average age 55-60 years.

The causes of the disease have not been definitively established. It is believed that connective tissue plaques are formed due to repeated microtrauma to the tunica albuginea of ​​the penis during sexual intercourse. But when there is an active sexual life, such microtraumas occur to one degree or another in all men, so this factor alone is not enough for the development of the disease. Probably, the basis for its development is a violation of the blood supply to the tunica albuginea of ​​the penis. That is why men suffering from diabetes mellitus, hypertension, blood lipid disorders, coronary heart disease, erectile dysfunction, as well as smokers and alcohol abusers are more often susceptible to the disease. Another predisposing factor may be an excessive tendency to form connective tissue, in connection with which Peyronie's disease is more often observed in men with Dupuytren's contracture (the inability to fully extend the fingers) and a tendency to form rough (keloid) scars.

If you notice similar symptoms, consult your doctor. Do not self-medicate - it is dangerous for your health!


Although this disease is not life-threatening, if left untreated it can lead to sexual dissatisfaction, painful erections and irreversible functional impairment.

The course of the disease is also complicated by the danger of psychotraumatization of patients who are seriously experiencing their “illness.”

With a small percentage of penis deviation, this cannot yet be called a disease. Peyronie's disease is accompanied by a significant increase in fibrous tissue, leading to the formation of compactions - this can ultimately lead to the inability to perform sexual intercourse (dysfunction).

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies

What is the best folk remedy for treatment?

Booster capsules with herbal supplements for three months. This product contains asparagus, saffron, ginger, licorice and other beneficial substances. You should drink milk and plenty of water with these capsules. This strengthens the muscles and tissues of the male organ and helps normal blood flow to the spongy tissue, which reduces the curvature of the penis as scar tissue is loosened. These capsules improve sperm quality and testosterone levels. They contain nutrients that reduce anxiety and maintain optimism, helping to avoid depression. These substances treat sexual weakness. Men's herbal supplements are used throughout the world to increase natural testosterone levels and improve sexual stamina and performance. These supplements make a man healthier and stronger.

You can use Mast Mood Oil. The ingredients of this oil are exotic herbs and natural oils. It does not contain chemicals. The use of oil strengthens the strength of the penile muscles. You should take a sufficient amount of oil on your palm and rub it to make a thin film on the genitals, without leaving a dry place. Massage the penis with oil once or twice a day for two or three months to get good results. After using this oil, the blood vessels dilate and the nutrition of the penis improves. It is recommended to massage the intimate area with this oil daily for a month. For better results, it is better to use this oil together with Booster capsules.

Treatment with folk remedies can be carried out using chestnut fruits. They need to be crushed and add a glass of water. After boiling this over low heat for a quarter of an hour, then strain the broth. Divide one glass of decoction into three servings and drink it daily before meals.


Another folk remedy for treatment is to make a mixture of the following fresh or dried herbs: sage leaf, burdock roots, cap, oregano, primrose, toadflax. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the herb, leave, strain the broth and take fresh three times daily.

A fairly effective folk remedy is to make a decoction of three packs of dried sage. Pour it into a bath, which you take daily before bed.

Rub ointment with dried leeches into the penis every day (mix dried leeches with heparin ointment, a glass of honey and 2 tablespoons of dimexide). One of the best folk remedies.


Sexual life becomes impossible. But if you persistently treat this pathology, you can achieve positive treatment results. The main conditions for this are the patient’s desire to be cured and timely access to a doctor.

How does the disease progress?

Peyronie's disease often occurs in a mild form. The patient may suddenly develop plaques on the penis , but they disappear safely after six months or a year without any treatment.

In addition, the symptoms of this disease can constantly progress either towards improvement or towards worsening within a year and a half after the first appearance. Unfortunately, after a year, conservative treatment does not give the desired effect, so doctors resort to surgical procedures.

Conservative therapy

Modern means of self-defense are an impressive list of items that differ in their operating principles. The most popular are those that do not require a license or permission to purchase and use. In the online store, you can buy self-defense products without a license.

  • Vitamin E, pentoxifylline, colchicine, unfortunately, have shown their low effectiveness, although they are still used.
  • Injections of glucocorticosteroids into plaques show real improvement, but can cause complications after surgical treatment. Also, these injections can lead to atrophy of the corpora cavernosa, which in itself can cause erectile dysfunction.
  • Verapamil slows down the rate of disease progression in 60% of patients.
  • Physiotherapy (magnetic, laser, iontophoresis) - at least, do not cause harm, but their effectiveness is questionable.

The summary of what has been said is as follows: after establishing a diagnosis, treatment tactics should be as expectant as possible. Over the course of a year, it is necessary to try to eliminate the psychological problems caused by the curvature of the penis, carry out conservative therapy and monitor the course of the disease.


For Peyronie's disease, surgical treatment is more effective, since it allows one to simultaneously correct the curvature and remove compacted nodes. The surgical procedure is determined in each case of Paironi's disease individually.

So, if the curvature of the penis is less than 45 degrees, and its length is sufficient, then plication, when the defect is corrected by applying folds on the opposite side, is most preferable. The tissue is sutured with non-absorbable suture material, the penis loses some length, but the likelihood of complications is minimal.

If the length of the penis is sufficient and the curvature is more than 45 degrees, the tunica albuginea is excised in the form of ellipses, and the side opposite the curvature is sutured with non-absorbable suture material. If the length of the penis is insufficient or if the patient refuses the above methods, they resort to dissection or excision of the plaque, followed by the use of plastic surgery. A defect in the tunica albuginea is eliminated using the tunica vaginalis of the testicle, a skin flap, or synthetic materials.

If Peyronie's Disease occurs with erectile dysfunction, then the optimal solution is penile prosthesis or dildo implantation. This allows you to eliminate problems with erection and correct the curvature of the penis.


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  • 7. Kadioglu A., Tefekli A., Erol B., Oktar T., Tunc M., Tellaloglu S. A retrospective review of 307 men with Peyronie's disease // J Urol. ‒ 2002. ‒ T. 168, No. 3. ‒ P. 1075-1079
  • 8. Bekos A., Arvaniti M., Hatzimouratidis K., Moysidis K., Tzortzis V., Hatzichristou D. The natural history of Peyronie's disease: an ultrasonography-based study // Eur Urol. ‒ 2008. ‒ T. 53, No. 3. ‒ P. 644-651
  • 9. Nelson CJ, Diblasio C., Kendirci M., Hellstrom W., Guhring P., Mulhall JP The chronology of depression and distress in men with Peyronie's disease // The journal of sexual medicine. ‒ 2008. ‒ T. 5, No. 8. ‒ C. 1985-1990
  • 10. Rosen RC, Riley A., Wagner G., Osterloh IH, Kirkpatrick J., Mishra A. The international index of erectile function (IIEF): a multidimensional scale for assessment of erectile dysfunction // Urology. ‒ 1997. ‒ T. 49, No. 6. ‒ P. 822-830
  • 11. Savoca G., Trombetta C., Ciampalini S., De Stefani S., Buttazzi L., Belgrano E. Long-term results with Nesbit's procedure as treatment of Peyronie's disease // International journal of impotence research. ‒ 2000. ‒ T. 12, No. 5. ‒ P. 289-293
  • 12. Ralph DJ, Al-Akraa M., Pryor JP Nesbit Operation for Peyronie's Disease: 16-Year Experience // J Urol. ‒ 1995. ‒ T. 154, No. 4. ‒ P. 1362-1363
  • 13. Kadioglu A., Akman T., Sanli O., Gurkan L., Cakan M., Celtik M. Surgical treatment of Peyronie’s disease: a critical analysis // Eur Urol. ‒ 2006. ‒ T. 50, No. 2. ‒ P. 235-248

Clinical picture

The clinical picture is individual for each patient. The most common symptoms of Peyronie's disease are:

  • curvature of the penis during erection;
  • pain during and after sexual intercourse;
  • fibrous plaque noticeable on palpation;
  • decreased elasticity of the penis.

As already mentioned, the disease occurs in two stages: painful and functional.

During the first stage, patients complain of pain that occurs during an erection and continues for some time after it. At this stage, there are no characteristic symptoms of the disease. There are cases when Peyronie's disease occurs without visible symptoms. The concern is caused by a fibrous plaque, which the patient notices when palpating the penis. This is the main reason for seeking medical help for most men.

During the second stage, along with pain, curvature of the penis is observed. This can significantly complicate the patient's sex life. In the absence of effective treatment, the plaque can grow so large that it mechanically compresses the blood arteries and nerve fibers passing near it. This will lead to disruption of the blood filling of the organ, as well as its innervation, which actually means the impossibility of erection.

In contrast to the generally accepted classification of Peyronie's disease given above, V.E. Mazo divides its course into 4 stages with their characteristic symptoms:

  1. Latent:
      pain during erection;
  2. the presence of a plaque, but it is not detected during palpation;
  3. slight curvature of the penis;
  4. minor circulatory disorders in the organ.
  5. Manifestations:
      moderate pain;
  6. the plaque begins to be identified upon palpation;
  7. more noticeable curvature of the penis;
  8. the plaque is not visible on ultrasound and x-ray.
  9. Stabilization:
      mild pain;
  10. clearly defined plaque;
  11. severe deformation of the penis during erection;
  12. the plaque is visible on ultrasound.
  13. Terminal:
      no pain;
  14. the plaque is very hard, large in area;
  15. sharp curvature of the penis;
  16. the plaque is visible on all standard examinations.

The latent stage of the disease can last up to 8 months. At this time, symptoms may not appear at all. Even when the first signs of the disease appear, most men are in no hurry to seek medical help. They try to solve the problem on their own. This only leads to further development of the disease, and often to additional undesirable consequences.

Diagnosis of gynecomastia in Saratov

After examination by a doctor, a laboratory test is carried out: a blood test for serum levels of testosterone, estradiol, LH, FSH, prolactin, thyrotropin, human chorionic gonadotropin, liver enzymes, nitrogen, urea, creatinine. The examination can be supplemented by instrumental research methods aimed at finding a specific cause that could lead to the appearance of gynecomastia. For example, if breast cancer is suspected, mammography (x-ray examination of the breast), biopsy (puncture of the formation with a thin needle), ultrasound examination of the breast and axillary lymph nodes are prescribed. Treatment of gynecomastia is carried out depending on the causes of the disease. 1. If the cause is liver disease, especially cirrhosis, it is necessary to use drugs that inhibit the development of cirrhosis, as well as improve liver function. 2. If the cause is hormonal disorders (associated with tumors of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, testicles), then first of all the tumor is removed and the activity of the glands is corrected, including the thyroid gland (especially if its function is reduced) 3. If the cause is long-term use of hormonal hormones drugs such as estrogen, progesterone, gonadotropins, spironolactone and others, it is necessary to reduce the doses of drugs with the inclusion of homeopathic remedies. Sometimes, even after eliminating the cause and stopping medications, especially steroids, the glands remain enlarged, painful, and not aesthetically pleasing. This forces men to turn to surgeons. Take your time. There is a method that can reduce the size of the mammary glands without surgery and eliminate pain. I mean the method of applying medicinal leeches. In this case, it is effective to apply leeches directly to the areola area.

Immediately after the first session, swelling and pain in the gland will decrease. This occurs due to the action of enzymes that enter the patient’s blood from the leech secretion. Scars soften quite quickly, cysts resolve and breast tissue becomes more elastic. If a diagnosis of benign breast enlargement has been established, there is no need to rush to see surgeons. Hirudotherapy has helped many, and it will help you too. Call or write to schedule a free consultation - 89873610367.


Peyronie's disease is classified according to stage, cause and degree of deformity.

Taking into account the cause of occurrence, the following are distinguished:

  • acquired form – developed as a result of hormonal imbalance or injury;
  • congenital – formed as a result of intrauterine disorders.

According to the degree of progression, Peyronie's disease is divided into:

  • pain – severe pain is observed at rest and during erection;
  • functional - apart from pain, with the disease it is impossible to lead a normal sex life.

According to the degree of deformation, the disease is divided into several types:

  • dorsal – the penis is directed upward;
  • ventral – the genital organ is tilted down;
  • lateral - the penis is directed to the side.

Peyronie's disease is not a disease that poses a threat to human life, but has a high social significance, since it has a direct impact on sexual communication, and, therefore, the quality of life of men of active working age.

When to consult your doctor

A doctor’s help is needed when the curvature of the penis interferes with a man’s sexual life and causes pain. It is better to consult a specialist in male sexual disorders (urologist).

You need to make a list of information for the doctor ahead of time. This list should include:

  1. Symptoms that arose. Any symptoms should be reported, even if they may not seem related to Peyronie's disease.
  2. Personal information, including recent life changes.
  3. Medicines the man is taking, including any vitamins or supplements.
  4. History of penile trauma.
  5. Family history of Peyronie's disease, if available.

The doctor will ask a series of questions. You need to be ready to answer them.

  1. When did you first notice problems with your penis?
  2. Has the curvature of the penis increased over time?
  3. Is there pain during erection?
  4. Has the pain decreased/increased?
  5. Have you ever had a penis injury?
  6. Are there symptoms that limit your ability to have sex?

What questions should you ask your doctor?

  1. What tests need to be done?
  2. What treatment is recommended?
  3. Could the symptoms get worse?


  1. Visual inspection. It is often enough to determine the presence of this disease.
  2. The doctor may ask for photographs of the erect penis taken at home. This will help determine the degree of curvature and the location of scar tissue.
  3. Your doctor may order an ultrasound, which is the most widely used test to examine penis abnormalities. Ultrasound tests use sound waves. These tests can show the presence of pathology, the quality of blood flow to the penis and any other abnormalities.


At present, the true causes of the disease have not been established. At first, medicine leaned toward its hormonal nature, but sometimes an autoimmune reaction becomes the cause.

Among the main factors:

  • microtraumas - caused by rough sexual intercourse, excess friction due to lack of lubrication, or the use of foreign devices during friction;
  • penile fracture is an uncommon occurrence that affects men who have intense sex or with an incomplete erection;
  • autoimmune process - attack of protective bodies on white tissue;
  • angiopathy - of various origins, including atherosclerosis and deep vein thrombosis;
  • metabolic pathologies – gout, diabetes;
  • deficiency of vitamins A and E – as those responsible for the proper formation of connective and superficial tissues;
  • history of traumatic interventions on the organ - treatment with injections and douching, surgical interventions, insertion of foreign objects into the urethra, including a catheter;
  • other congenital or acquired abnormalities of connective tissue development - scleroderma, myopathy, contracture (Dupuytren's disease). Against the background of such reasons, fibrous growths of the penis often become a symptom accompanying the main process.

In some cases, relapses of Peyronie's disease demonstrate a relationship with surges in the level of the “wakefulness hormone” serotonin.

What treatment options are available for Peyronie's disease?

There are several treatment options available today for men suffering from this condition:

  1. Surgical intervention. This is the most radical type of treatment. It is used if other types of treatment do not achieve results. But it has risks of impotence and side effects. They consist of reducing the size of the penis after removing scar tissue. During surgery, the plaques are removed. As a result, an erection occurs evenly. The ability to have sexual intercourse returns again.
  2. Drug treatment consists of taking medications orally or by injecting the drug into pathological plaques using electrophoresis. This drug is called "Collagenase" and it reduces the development of fibrous tissue.
  3. Nowadays, many doctors prefer physical therapy. There are two main physical therapy methods used to increase penis size and treat erectile dysfunction: manual stretching and machine stretching.
  4. Using penis lengthening methods.

Often men are concerned about their curved penis as a result of Peyronie's disease. Because they are afraid of their penis shrinking in size. They actually lose some centimeters of this organ. But the good news is that penis traction machines can actually correct penile curvature. As a result of this stretching, the penis becomes slightly longer.

Peyronie's disease - what is it?

The essence of the disease, named after the doctor who first gave a systematic description of the symptoms of Peyronie's disease, comes down to the proliferation of connective tissue fibers inside the tunica albuginea of ​​the penis.

They cause interference with the filling of the corpora cavernosa with blood during erection in men and give the penis an irregular shape. The defect is clearly visible only in an erect state.

Why does gynecomastia occur?

There are about 30 causes of pathological gynecomastia. All these reasons can be divided into 3 main groups: • The predominance of female sex hormones in the male body. • Decrease in the level of male sex hormones (testosterone). • Use of certain medications. About two dozen medications cause gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia in men can occur - - during the recovery period after exhaustion, - when using medications - • cimetidine • relanium • myelosan • vincristine • methyldopa • estrogens • reserpine • sprironolactone • some antidepressants. • antitumor drugs for prostate cancer. - in bodybuilders when using steroids - in case of impaired kidney function, - with cirrhosis of the liver (most often with alcoholism) - sometimes after an inflammatory process in the testicles - with tumors of the testicles, adrenal glands, lungs. Gynecomastia mostly regresses spontaneously and does not cause any serious inconvenience for men. However, if gynecomastia persists for a long time, it increases the risk of developing breast cancer. This disease is relatively rare in men, but often has the same serious consequences as breast cancer in women. Symptoms that are suspicious for breast cancer include bloody discharge from the nipple, the appearance of a dense lump, changes in the skin over the lesion, the appearance of ulceration, and enlarged axillary lymph nodes.


The causes of Peyronie's disease are not fully understood. There are a lot of different theories and opinions on this subject in the medical literature. But scientists agree that the following factors can influence the development of the disease:

  • all kinds of damage to the penis, resulting both from sexual intercourse and other impacts on the organ;
  • frequent masturbation;
  • various injuries of the penis, invisible to the human eye, accompanied by pain;
  • closed fracture of the penis without violating the integrity of the skin, but with extensive hemorrhages;
  • autoimmune diseases – the body’s immune system, for various reasons, fights its own cells and tissues;
  • diabetes;
  • injection of drugs directly into the penis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • connective tissue pathologies;
  • gout;
  • decreased levels of calcium and vitamin E;
  • taking medications for impotence;
  • high level of serotonin (causative agent of inflammatory processes);
  • age.

Peyronie's disease in men is extremely rarely a congenital pathology. The main difference between the congenital and acquired forms of the disease is the absence of fibrous plaque. Congenital pathology is associated with an abnormally short urethra. It manifests itself as a slight curvature of the penis and does not require immediate treatment.

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Reasons for development

Injury to the shaft of the penis leads to ruptures and displacement of collagen fibers, damage to blood vessels, and the formation of hematomas. Normally, tissue regeneration occurs without consequences, but in some cases, fibroblast cells are activated, producing fibrin in large quantities. Gradually, the inflamed area is replaced by scar tissue, which over time “matures,” calcifies and becomes hard (osteogenic degeneration).

Injuries are considered the most common cause of onset of the disease. In 70% of patients with Peyronie's disease, damage to the penis occurred during sexual intercourse when the partner was on top.

A significant part of specialists in the field of urology are inclined to the autoimmune origin of the disease, believing that the cause of scar formation is an attack of one’s own immunity on the tissue of the tunica albuginea. This pathology is not systemic in nature, like lupus or arthritis.

According to the genetic theory, fibrous deformities develop due to a congenital disorder of the processes of collagen protein synthesis. Peyronie's disease can also be diagnosed in newborns if the urethral canal is too short or there is hypoplasia of the tunica albuginea. There are no pronounced plaques in such cases, but neoplasms of connective tissue are found in the cavernous bodies.

The main risk factors for the disease:

  • age. The older the man, the less elastic the penis, and therefore the risk of injury increases significantly;
  • disturbances in the processes of development and regeneration of connective tissue (Dupuytren's contracture);
  • diabetes;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • collagenoses;
  • dyslipidemia;
  • shortened urethra;
  • deficiency of vitamin E or testosterone.

Peyronie's disease can be provoked by long-term use of a number of drugs:

  • beta blockers;
  • drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • medications that raise blood pressure.

Alcoholism and smoking have an extremely negative effect on the elasticity of blood vessels and skin, and therefore are also included in the list of factors that provoke pathology.

Early diagnosis of Peyronie's disease significantly simplifies and speeds up the course of treatment, providing more opportunities for quick and painless correction of the shape of the penis. Examination methods used:

  • inspection and palpation. At this stage, the doctor can already draw conclusions about the nature of the tumors;
  • Ultrasound of the penis;
  • radiography;
  • cavernosography.

If necessary, an MRI of the pelvis is prescribed. It is important to distinguish a fibrous plaque from a malignant tumor, as well as the consequences of tuberculosis or syphilis.


Vasily, 39 years old: “I have been suffering from Peyronie’s disease for 3 years, the curvature of the penis is insignificant, but to the side, so it interferes with sexual intercourse. UVT did not help, it became even more painful. I bought transdermal gel “Verapamil” 15%, missed a six-month course - it didn’t help either. I lost faith in conservative methods.”

Sergei, 35 years old: “I was diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease at an early stage (plaques cannot yet be palpated). The doctor prescribed exercises with an erection pump (LOD therapy) and the warming ointment “Rubtsevit”. I also want to try placing leeches. Their saliva dissolves all kinds of formations well and accelerates the blood.”

More reviews about various treatment methods can be read on the specialized forum: (the page is automatically translated into Russian).

Signs and symptoms

Detecting the development of the disease is quite simple. There are plaques on the genital organ and its obvious curvature; erection brings extremely unpleasant sensations. If the pathology is congenital, there may not be plaques. In all other cases, their sizes can reach up to two centimeters. Most often, the first symptom is a painful erection.

Violation of the shape of the penis and its curvature occurs due to the formation of plaques. The penis may become narrowed at one point, causing it to look like a bottle.

If we divide all the signs of Peyronie’s disease into categories, they will appear depending on the stage of the disease:

  1. Inflammatory process - an unpleasant sensation appears in the penis, which can intensify during sex or during an erection. Plaques begin to form under the skin of the penis, which are still soft.
  2. Fibrotization - at this stage the formations become hard. Most often they form on the lateral surface of the genital organ. During arousal, the blood is distributed unevenly, as a result the penis is deformed and can bend up to 90 degrees. This leads to painful sensations and sometimes makes sexual intercourse impossible. The urinary system is not affected in any way.

It is now easy to understand what it is - Peyronie's disease. Statistics show that the period from the occurrence of a minor injury to the formation of full-fledged fibrous tissue takes more than a year. After which the development of the disease stops, the sensations remain the same, the formation does not disappear anywhere, but does not grow further.

If you do not resort to treatment, the disease will not disappear on its own. It is rational to use conservative methods to eliminate the sore only at the first stage. Once it comes to scarring, only surgery can help. If the symptoms listed above have been noticed, you should contact a urologist as soon as possible, this will help get rid of the problem without surgical intervention.

Since the symptoms of Peyronie's disease are special and it is extremely difficult to confuse them with another ailment, doctors rarely doubt the diagnosis. To obtain accurate information, an ultrasound is performed, as well as an x-ray of the genital organs - these procedures provide all the necessary data about the presence and stage of the disease. Young patients undergo a more thorough examination, since the described problem is extremely rare in them.

Possible complications of Peyronie's disease and prevention

The only possible complication of this disease is sexual dysfunction due to the inability to have sexual intercourse with a curved penis. In some patients, against the background of this pathology, arterial insufficiency of the penis develops due to impaired venous and arterial patency.

There is no specific prevention of the disease. Since most often the pathology occurs due to microtraumas, you should avoid risky positions in sex, and do not engage in this while intoxicated.

When diagnosing this pathology for preventive purposes to protect against impotence, organ curvature and erectile dysfunction, timely conservative treatment is indicated, which gives good results if carried out at the initial stage of the disease.

Features of home treatment

The choice of treatment method depends on the stage of the disease. If the mild form does not disappear within a year, you should not hope for a favorable result. Conservative therapy in these cases is not always effective, and then surgery has to be resorted to.

This applies to those patients whose penile curvature has reached more than 45 degrees. For a specific case, an operation of one kind or another is needed. However, such organ correction is associated with serious risks.

As for folk remedies, the effects of home therapy can be long-lasting and not very effective. Such recipes act as additional treatment and speed up the healing process.

Treatment with folk remedies is based on toning, relaxing the muscles of the penis, eliminating plaques and lumps. It does not require large financial outlays and is considered the most gentle therapy. Before using non-traditional remedies, you should remember the following points:

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Drug treatment is carried out using drugs from different pharmacological groups. General list of medications used:

  • vitamin E;
  • calcium preparations;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • cytostatics;
  • preparations of trypsin, interferon, lidase, collagenase.

Articles on the topic

  • Peyronie's disease - congenital and acquired causes
  • New in the treatment of Peyronie's disease - drugs, physiotherapy and surgery
  • Weak erection: what to do if erectile dysfunction decreases

Injections are made directly into fibrous plaques. To relieve inflammation, local preparations in the form of gels and ointments are also used. Oral medications also help soften fibrous tissue:

Drug name Action Daily dosage Duration of treatment Side effects Price, rubles
Potaba Softens fibrous compactions, prevents its growth. 12 thousand mg 1 month or more depending on the patient’s condition.
  • weight loss;
  • nausea.
Tamoxifen Suppresses acute inflammatory processes, reduces the volume of fibrous growths. 20 mg 2 times 3 months
  • alopecia;
  • decreased libido;
  • decrease in the amount of sperm during ejaculation.
Procarbazine Suppresses fibroblast activity. 20 mg 2 times Determined individually.
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • severe headaches;
  • digestive disorders;
  • loss of sleep;
  • allergic reactions;
  • leukopenia.
Colchicine Eliminates dryness, softens skin and fibrous formations. 2 mg in 1-2 doses. Can reach 5 years. allergy;

malabsorption syndrome;



peripheral neuritis.


Topical injections

The use of injections is not allowed during the period when Peyronie's disease in men has worsened, since injections can only intensify the process of proliferation of fibrous tissue. The drugs are injected directly into the plaque under local anesthesia. Effective topical injections:

Drug name Action Mode of application A course of treatment Side effects Price, rubles
Collagenase Destroys proteins, “melts” scar tissue, due to which the curvature is reduced. 6000-10000 units per injection Determined by the attending physician allergic reactions;

corneal ulcer.

Verapamil Reduces the stiffness of fibrous tissue and the size of plaques, reduces pain during erection, and reduces the degree of curvature. An injection of 10 ml of Verapamil and saline once every 2 weeks. 10 injections
  • facial redness;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • bradycardia;
  • weight gain;
  • dizziness;
  • pronounced decrease in pressure.
Interferon Inhibits the process of scar tissue formation and stimulates the production of collagenase. Once a week, 5 million units per plaque From 4 weeks Flu-like symptoms. 130

Ointments and gels

The use of local remedies is often associated with phonophoresis, when, under the influence of ultrasound, the active components penetrate deep into the skin. The following ointments and gels bring good results:

Drug name Action Mode of application Side effects Price, rubles
Heparin ointment Reduces inflammation, dilates blood vessels. Lubricate the penis 2-3 times, applying a thin layer and massaging movements.
  • skin rash;
  • itching
Contractubex Has anti-inflammatory, softening and smoothing effects. Rub in until completely absorbed, applying the gel to the skin with a strip about 0.5 cm long.
  • itching;
  • erythema;
  • atrophy of normal skin;
  • swelling;
  • shallow pustular rashes.
Ketoprofen Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Apply with light massaging movements in a 4–6 cm strip at the site of inflammation.
  • allergic reactions;
  • purpura;
  • hyperemia;
  • cutaneous exanthema.

Dear readers, in this article we will look at a rather rare pathology – Peyronie’s disease in men.

What is Peyronie's disease?

Peyronie's disease is the development of fibrous (scar) tissue in the tunica albuginea of ​​the penis, which leads to progressive deformation of the penis and various forms of erectile dysfunction (impotence).

Penises vary in shape and size, and having a curved erection is not necessarily a cause for concern. With Peyronie's disease, some men experience significant curvature of the penis or pain in it. This may interfere with sex and make it difficult to get or maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction). For many men, Peyronie's disease also causes anxiety and stress.

Peyronie's disease sometimes goes away on its own. But in most cases it remains stable or worsens. If the curvature of the penis is severe enough, treatment may be required.


The disease is named after the French surgeon Francois Peyronie, who first described this pathology in 1743. The problem was noted in print as early as 1687, when it was classified as a form of erectile dysfunction.

Peyronie's disease statistics

The prevalence of Peyronie's disease is estimated to be between 1-3%. Most patients with penile deformity are between 40 and 60 years of age. The youngest recorded age is 18 years old and the oldest is 80 years old. The actual incidence of Peyronie's disease may be higher than the estimate due to men's reluctance to seek medical advice for penile conditions.

Risk factors for Peyronie's disease

The cause of Peyronie's disease is largely unknown, but a number of factors appear to be involved. Here are several factors that may be associated with this condition:

  1. Age. Most patients with penile deformity are between 40 and 60 years of age, when the elasticity of the tissues inside the penis decreases.
  2. Sexual trauma. Many patients recall an episode of penile trauma, such as an invasive penile procedure, blunt trauma, or trauma during sexual intercourse. Injury to the penis during erection can cause bleeding and subsequent scarring.
  3. Heredity . If your father or brother has Peyronie's disease, you are at increased risk of the disease.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Patients with a genetic predisposition to poor wound healing.
  6. Connective tissue diseases - for example, systemic lupus erythematosus and scleroderma. Another cause of loss of elasticity may be Dupuytren's contracture or Ledderhose disease (thickening of the fascia on the palms and soles, respectively).
  7. Autoimmune disorders.
  8. Arterial hypertension.
  9. Frequent sexual intercourse.
  10. Some medications, such as beta blockers, may contribute to the development of the disease as a possible side effect.


Complications of Peyronie's disease may include:

  • inability to have sexual intercourse;
  • difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction);
  • anxiety or stress about sexual performance or the appearance of the penis;
  • tension in the relationship with your sexual partner.

Development of Peyronie's disease in men

Peyronie's disease usually begins between the ages of 40 and 60 with the appearance of an area of ​​induration on the upper side of the penis, which is usually associated with the development of penile pain. This area then increases in size over a period of several months to several years, causing the penis to become curved in this area. Over time, the deformation of the penis may increase and lead to difficulties in performing sexual acts. The pain usually goes away spontaneously after about six months as the inflammation subsides. Typically, a patient with Peyronie's disease develops anxiety about sexual intercourse as a result of penile deformation and varying degrees of erectile dysfunction (impotence).

Symptoms of Peyronie's disease

Symptoms of Peyronie's disease may appear suddenly or gradually. The most common symptoms are:

  1. Scar tissue. The presence of an area of ​​compaction on the penis.
  2. Erection problems. Peyronie's disease in men can cause problems getting and keeping an erection (erectile dysfunction).
  3. Significant curvature and shortening of the penis. Increased curvature of the penis or shortening of it during erection. The penis may be curved up, down, or bent to the side. In some cases, the penis may have a narrowing, indentation, or hourglass appearance with a narrow band around the shaft of the penis.
  4. Flaccidity of the glans penis.
  5. Pain in the penis during inflammation.
  6. Complaints from a partner about discomfort during sexual intercourse due to abnormal curvature of the penis.

When you see your doctor, he or she will ask specific questions to determine the duration of the penile inflammation, since drug therapy is still helpful in these cases. The presence of pain, recent penile deformity, and short disease duration are markers of early onset of the disease.

Clinical examination of Peyronie's disease

The doctor will carefully examine the penis to identify areas of thickening and scarring. If Peyronie's disease is still active, it can be painful.

How is Peyronie's disease diagnosed?

There are no general methods for studying Peyronie's disease in men. If a patient is suspected of having the disease, a series of blood tests, X-rays, ultrasound, and an MRI of the penis may typically be performed to determine the extent of vascular calcification.

Prognosis of Peyronie's disease

Peyronie's disease in men has a variable prognosis, depending on the severity of the disease and response to treatment. If the condition is left untreated, the pain will eventually subside, but the patient may be left with permanent penile deformity. The prognosis improves if Peyronie's disease is diagnosed and treated early. Many patients tolerate the resulting penile deformity and only a few require surgical correction.

How is Peyronie's disease treated?

There are many treatments for Peyronie's disease, including medications, physical therapy, or surgery.

  1. Medicines. They are only useful in the early stages of Peyronie's disease, when inflammation of the penis remains active. A number of different treatments have been shown to be effective in reducing the severity of inflammation, resulting in less severe penile deformity. Tested drugs include vitamin E, potassium para-aminobenzoate, tamoxifen, colchicine, verapamil and interferon.
  2. Physiotherapy. The use of ultrasound in a procedure called extracorporeal shock wave therapy has proven effective in reducing penile deformity and pain. However, there are no long-term studies to evaluate the effectiveness of this procedure. Low-dose radiation therapy is also used for long-term Peyronie's disease with good results, however the risk of radiation exposure must be considered when using this form of treatment for the penis.
  3. Surgical intervention. Surgery is needed when the condition is no longer active and medications can no longer provide any benefit. A number of procedures can be performed to straighten the penis, ranging from penile plastic surgery and reshaping, to penile prostheses in more severe and persistent cases.

From this article you learned what Peyronie's disease is in men, risk factors, complications and development of the disease, symptoms and diagnosis of the disease and methods of treating the disease.

Health to you, friends!

Best regards, Sergey Aydinov

The need to influence the disease

Treatment of Peyronie's disease with folk remedies often in combination with complex therapy with pharmacological drugs leads to positive results.

In general, getting rid of this disease requires long and complex efforts, and sometimes surgical intervention. If you supplement them with the use of traditional methods, you can get very good results.

The difficulty of treatment lies in the fact that scientists have not yet identified the causes of the development of Peyronie's disease. Hypotheses include:

  • trauma during first sexual intercourse;
  • wearing synthetic tight underwear;
  • metabolic disease;
  • changes in the structure of penile tissue under the influence of autoimmune reactions.

Sometimes this pathology develops as a result of congenital anomalies. It is very rare and is usually inherited. Usually its development is associated with improper formation of the entire genitourinary sphere of a man.

The use of various correction methods makes it possible to restore the structure of the penis, start redox processes in its cells, and stop the development of autoimmune reactions.

The use of medications helps eliminate atherosclerosis, which contributes to the formation of plaques, and normalizes metabolism.

External agents make it possible to combat the proliferation of fibrous tissue. Herbal medicine replenishes the deficiency of hormones, vitamins, and minerals.

Home methods help to influence the tissues of the penis and also help normalize the functioning of muscle tissue.

Urologists recommend!

To effectively improve potency, experts recommend this particular remedy. This drug:

  • Acts instantly;
  • Increases the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • With long-term use, it provides a stable erection;
  • Does not cause allergies.
  • It has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Urology.

    Find out what kind of remedy has saved hundreds of couples...>>

    This occurs due to the fact that the treatment starts regeneration processes, relieves inflammation, and eliminates changes in the shape of the penis. At the same time, home recipes make it possible to consolidate the results of drug therapy and prevent relapse.

    Therefore, when Peyronie's disease is detected, home treatment should be fully approved by the doctor. It must be carried out under the constant supervision of a specialist.

    It develops slowly and changes caused by the inflammatory process are not always noticeable. Therefore, when treating with traditional recipes, the health worker must constantly check the patient’s condition. If the disease does not progress or even changes for the better are noticeable, therapy can be continued. But at the same time, it is necessary to use it in combination with the use of medications.

Possibility to have children

If a man wants to have a child, then medications and traditional medicine will not help.

This condition can have a negative impact on your ability to conceive a child.

There are cases when a man’s genital organ is so bent that it simply cannot enter a woman’s vagina.

In this case, it is necessary to treat the curvature of the penis using surgical intervention.

Treatment of Peyronie's disease does not take long, but during treatment you must avoid sexual intercourse. It is worth knowing that after the operation, the curvature of the penis will be eliminated, but its size may decrease by approximately 2 cm. In addition, erectile function may weaken.


The disease can be suspected by the presence of primary, characteristic symptoms. When you contact a medical facility, you will be prescribed all the necessary diagnostic procedures.

Initially, a detailed medical history is collected and the organ is examined.

When collecting an anamnesis, the following data are taken into account: the presence of symptoms typical for this pathology and the time of their manifestation, whether any operations were performed on the genital organ, the presence of injuries to the penis in the past, whether the patient had inflammatory processes in the pelvic area. The anamnesis is collected in the form of a simple survey or in the form of a questionnaire.

To conduct a detailed examination of the genitals, an erection is induced in the patient using special medical techniques. The degree of deformation of the organ is assessed, the localization of the plaque and its size are determined by palpation of the organ.

To clarify the diagnosis and other features of the disease, the following medical diagnostic procedures are used:

  1. MRI of the penis. Using layer-by-layer images, the exact size and location of the fibrous plaque is determined, as well as the degree of its impact on the blood vessels and nerve fibers located next to it.
  2. Ultrasound of the blood vessels of the penis allows you to identify disturbances in blood circulation in the organ and find the place where the vessels are compressed by a fibrous plaque.
  3. Cavernosography is an x-ray research method performed using a contrast agent. It makes it possible to assess the internal condition of the penis and localize the compacted area.

If the clinical picture is similar to diseases such as syphilis or carcinoma, the patient is prescribed an additional serological or injection test. Timely diagnosis of the disease greatly facilitates the treatment process and reduces its time.

Which doctor should I contact?

Regarding Peyronie's disease, you should contact a urologist or andrologist . Men usually come to the doctor when the penis is already significantly curved and normal sexual intercourse is practically impossible.

First of all, the specialist interviews the patient and collects anamnesis. Next, the penis is palpated in a calm and erect state (for this they give an injection or give sildenafil) to determine the size and number of plaques.

Instrumental research methods:

  1. Ultrasound of the penis with Dopplerography (checking the quality of blood flow).
  2. Cavernosography (X-ray after administration of a contrast agent).
  3. MRI with contrast.

Signs of Peyronie's disease on ultrasound: plaques in the image (indicated by cross markers, dimensions are indicated in the lower left corner)

Multislice tomogram for Peyronie's disease (hourglass-shaped penis deformity)

When diagnosing Peyronie's disease, attention is also paid to the presence of concomitant systemic diseases that worsen the prognosis.


Transplant surgery moves tissue from one location in the body to another. The surgeon can also replace missing tissue in the penis with donor tissue or a medical graft. Your surgeon will help you decide what type of graft should be used to fill the space left by the plaque.

There are 2 types of grafts that are most often used:

  • Autologous tissue grafts : These are grafts made from tissue taken from another part of the body during surgery. The sources of grafts used to treat Peyronie's disease are veins from the leg (saphenous vein) or skin from behind the ear (temporal fascia). Because autologous grafts are living tissue, they often take to their new location much better than some other materials. The disadvantage of using an autologous graft is that the surgeon must make a second incision elsewhere in the body to collect the graft.
  • Non-autograft : This is material from the tissue of another person or animal. Before use, all materials are sterilized and processed to eliminate the possibility of infection.

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