Why do you crave sweets during your period: possible reasons, hormonal changes in the body and doctors’ opinions
From puberty to the end of reproductive age, every woman regularly faces
Before, during and after menstruation, the right side of the lower abdomen hurts
Many women are accustomed to considering severe pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation as the norm. However, it's far away
how to explain to a girl about periods
How to tell a girl about her first period
When to start a conversation An attentive mother is obliged to mentally prepare her child for this day in advance.
Utrozhestan instructions for delayed menstruation 12/12/2017 16:09 12/12/2017 Vanya Mamatkazin
One of the main causes of menstrual irregularities is a lack of progesterone. Its quantity is replenished with
Menstruation 15 days after previous reasons - menstruation after 2 weeks
If menstruation began 2 weeks after the previous one
A woman’s health is largely determined by the stability of the menstrual cycle. In case of malfunctions in the body
Is it possible to eat prosphora during menstruation?
Why does women's appetite increase during menstruation and what can be done about it?
Briefly about the physiology of women During the menstrual cycle, hormonal levels are constantly changing. Estrogen levels
When does your period start when taking Jess Plus?
The effect of Jess on the menstrual cycle and the woman’s body. Jess tablets are single-phase microdosed
Vitamins for restoring the menstrual cycle
How to restore the menstrual cycle (return, normalize): folk remedies, medications
What are the reasons for cycle failure? Reason Why this happens Endometriosis The frequency of this pathology is steadily increasing
The benefits and harms of panty liners, correct choice and use
Recommendations for the use of sanitary pads Menstruation is the period when fluid containing blood is released from the female body.
Neo penotran forte and alcohol compatibility
The drug Neo-Penotran and instructions for its use
The variety of suppositories for treating various types of inflammation in the vagina sometimes confuses even
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