The benefits and harms of panty liners, correct choice and use

Recommendations for using gaskets

Menstruation is a period of release from the female body of fluid containing blood, endometrial particles and mucus. For hygienic and aesthetic reasons, it is necessary to use special products - pads. In order not to provoke disturbances in the intimate area and to avoid “leaking”, girls need to know how to put on pads correctly.

Menstruation is a natural process for all women

How to wear pads correctly

After you have chosen pads, you also need to remember a few rules about how to wear them and use them correctly.

Rule 1

Before putting on a pad, you must wash your hands with soap or disinfect them with sanitary napkins.

Rule 2

It is best to take a shower or perform an intimate hygiene procedure before putting on a pad. If this is not possible for some reason, you can use wet wipes for intimate hygiene, which can be easily purchased at any household chemical store.

Rule 3

If you bought gaskets without wings, then after opening the package, you will see only one tape on the gasket itself. Under this tape there is an adhesive strip, which should keep the pad on the underwear. So, remove the tape and carefully glue the pad to the panties where they are constricted.

If the gaskets have wings, then there will be two additional stripes on the wings. First you need to peel off the middle, largest strip, and then the strip from one wing, and from the other.

Having done everything correctly, you will hardly feel any discomfort, and now you will feel much more confident. If something didn’t work out for you the first time, don’t despair, because you can always watch a video on how to put on pads correctly.

Remember that being interested in the correct handling of hygiene products is not a shame, but useful and very correct!

The first menstruation in a young girl’s life comes unexpectedly, causing her to panic. A teenage girl immediately faces the question of what to use: pads or tampons? Gynecologists strongly recommend using sanitary pads during your first period, and throughout your reproductive years. Currently, there are many varieties of feminine pads. However, not all manufacturing companies include instructions on the packaging for the use of this hygiene product. They naively believe that everything is clear to customers of any age. So now we’ll look at the question of how to put on pads correctly, although it’s practically impossible to put them on incorrectly)

How can you immediately learn how to put on sanitary pads for girls correctly if there are no instructions in the package? What should a girl do if she is confused by the arrival of her first menstruation and does not dare ask her parents or a consultant at the store? Let's start with the right choice of feminine hygiene products. Remember, there is no need to save. The cheaper the pads, the worse the quality of their absorbent fiber, which means that the likelihood of leaks is very high. Also, a cheap top layer of a hygiene product can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. This is also possible if you are not very comfortable with the feeling of pads! Few people succeed in choosing the ideal women's pads for themselves the first time.

What types of gaskets are there?

Among the modern assortment, a woman has the opportunity to choose pads taking into account all the features of menstruation, without depriving herself of the opportunity to maintain comfort, regardless of how the day goes.

There are several categories of products, according to the characteristics of application and manufacture:

  • day and night;
  • normal, thin and ultra-thin;
  • with a dry or soft surface;
  • with absorption volume: light, normal and maxi;
  • with or without a gel layer;
  • flavored, regular and hypoallergenic;
  • made of synthetic or natural material;
  • with or without wings;
  • anatomical and standard

Many women at the end of menstruation use daily sanitary napkins that have minimal absorbency.

What you should always have with you

For many women, menstruation does not start on the same day. In addition, menstruation never comes according to the clock. In order to prevent contamination of underwear, and sometimes outerwear, girls should always have sanitary napkins (daily wipes) and 1 - 2 pcs. ordinary gaskets in individual packaging.

Before your period, it is important to have a supply of pads

If a woman is expecting her period, it is recommended to put a small set in her purse:

  • sanitary wet wipes;
  • daily and regular lining;
  • dry wipes;
  • underwear (panties);
  • a couple of plastic bags.

This simple kit will help if your clothes get dirty from unexpected menstrual flow. During your period, it is recommended to have such a set with you at all times.

How to change the gasket correctly

Most women think they know how to put on pads. But a situation often arises when a hygiene item moves onto the laundry or a leak occurs. All this is due to errors when attaching gaskets. Also, all hygienic rules of the procedure are not always followed.

Recommendations on how to properly put on pads:

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • wash yourself well;
  • unpack the individual wrapper;
  • remove the glued tape;
  • attach the product in the center of the panties;
  • run your fingers along the center of the surface for better fastening;
  • remove the tape from the wings;
  • attach the wings from below;
  • put on underwear.

Used pads should be folded clean side out, wrapped in remaining packaging, and thrown into the trash.

Some advice from gynecologists about pads for you

  1. Choosing pads that contain 100% cotton, the rest, with chemical inclusions, is not recommended by doctors;
  2. Observe the expiration date: no more than two years;
  3. Store in a room where no more than 25 degrees;
  4. The used gasket must be placed in the bag (or any plastic bag) from which you took it out and thrown into the trash can, which you can immediately take out, and not in the toilet, which can easily clog;
  5. After changing the pad, be sure to wash your hands;
  6. You need to change the old pad for a new one every 3-4 hours, so as not to infect yourself with those infections that multiply in an environment favorable to them, at the speed of sound;
  7. Do not leave panty liners on overnight, even if you have heavy discharge at night. For this, there are special night pads or take those designed for critical days;
  8. We must remember that heavy and unpleasant discharge should not give you a reason to buy panty liners. You should urgently go to a gynecologist, who is recommended to visit once every six months.

I hope my note will help you in choosing and using gaskets.

Take care of your health and remember, moderation is always needed in everything.

Where is the best place to change the gasket?

Any girl puts on a pad in a secluded place. Of course, theoretically, you can do this almost anywhere, but to maintain hygiene and maintain aesthetic standards, it is advisable to perform the procedure in the bathroom.

If it is not possible to put on pads in the bathroom, then you can use the toilet or, in extreme cases, a separate room. In such cases, you must definitely use wet wipes. The entire procedure is done with extreme care, not forgetting to subsequently remove the used products.

How to choose the right gaskets

Products used by a woman on menstrual days come in different categories of absorption, shape and quality. You should choose gaskets according to the individual characteristics of the regulation and the body (possible allergic reaction).

Selection criteria.

  1. Absorbency. The volume of absorbed secretions is indicated on the pack in the form of drops. This can be from 1 to 8 drops. Products of the first degree of absorption are recommended on the first and last day of menstruation. In the middle of the regulation, pads of 3–5 drops are used, depending on the abundance of discharge. At night, if menstruation is heavy, you can use products marked 6-8 drops.
  2. Material. Products made from synthetic or cellulose material. Cellulose fiber has greater absorbency and is thinner. The surface is also different: soft (fibrous surface) and dry (mesh surface).
  3. Thickness. Ultra-thin and regular, as well as anatomical (thick).
  4. Form. Wide and narrower, short and long.

Learn about the features of their use of gaskets in this video:

With a modern wide range, you can choose products for certain situations and taking into account all the individual characteristics of the regulation.

Note! Experts recommend purchasing several types of products in advance to select the appropriate option. Then evaluate them on all criteria, especially on the naturalness of the materials.

How often should gaskets be changed?

Women's pads are not intended to be worn for long periods of time. Despite the fact that the secretions are absorbed into the product, the top layer still becomes dirty. In addition, after a few hours, bacteria begin to multiply inside and an unpleasant odor appears.

Gynecologists recommend changing the product at least once every two hours. The frequency of changing pads can be once an hour if menstruation is heavy. Even if your periods are scanty, you still need to change it.

Since even minor discharge provokes the proliferation of microorganisms, which can lead to the development of infectious diseases, cystitis, irritation or infection.

Gaskets must be changed regularly

Every girl from an early age should take care of her hygiene, which includes wearing sanitary pads. This simple and useful invention helps prevent the growth of bacteria and unpleasant odors. In addition, modern gaskets are convenient to use and are practically not felt. Today we will tell you how to use them correctly.

How to wear pads correctly: tips

Alas, our grandmothers were unlucky and could not use this useful invention, since at that time it was almost impossible to get gaskets. They were originally developed in America and gradually they began to conquer the whole world. Today they can be bought anywhere and at a very affordable price. It is recommended to use everyday ones for every day, and on menstruation days - for menstruation. These two types of pads differ from each other in size, shape, and absorbency. The advantage of modern products is that they are practically invisible. Of course, on such days it is better not to wear light clothes, you never know. We also advise you not to save money on their purchase, since most often cheap pads are too uncomfortable and do not retain liquid well.

Menstrual pads are also divided into several types. First of all, you can select them by the number of drops. The drops indicated on the pack indicate the abundance of blood discharge. For days with minimal discharge, options with 1-2 drops are suitable, for more abundant ones - with three or four drops. Well, for the night you can buy night pads, they absorb better.

How to wear feminine pads correctly? This task may seem for a young girl, but in fact it is simple and you will master it in a couple of minutes. On the pad you will find adhesive strips, with their help you can attach them to your underwear, and they will stick firmly to it. Also, most manufacturers equip gaskets with side wings, they will prevent leakage.

To apply the gasket, you need to remove the strip that you will see on the outside. Now you need to attach the pad to the bottom of the panties and carefully glue it. Try to straighten the underwear so that there are as few folds as possible on the bottom, otherwise the fabric and the pad itself will bulge. Don't make a mistake with the gluing location. Then fold the wings and glue them on the outside.

Hygiene rules

In order to prevent the growth of bacteria and unpleasant odors, do not forget to wash with soap or a special product. In the instructions for the pads you will find information that you need to change the hygiene product every 5-6 hours. Follow this recommendation and take care of your hygiene. If the discharge is heavy, you can replace the hygiene product earlier, otherwise it will leak and blood will get on your clothes.

What to do with the used gasket?

It needs to be torn off from your underwear, wrapped in toilet paper or a napkin and thrown into the trash. Never throw hygiene products down the toilet! Be sure to wrap it, as leaving the pad for everyone to see is not only unpleasant, but also unhygienic. After completing the replacement procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

Are there any contraindications?

Unlike tampons, pads have no contraindications. A product from a particular company may not be suitable for you due to the material. But the product range is very large, so you can choose something suitable for yourself. We advise you to avoid scented pads. Despite the fact that they have a pleasant smell, such a product can cause allergies and discomfort.

To avoid awkward situations, always carry 2-3 pads with you. They will be useful to you or your friends, since menstruation may begin unexpectedly. You can buy hygiene products anywhere - in a supermarket, pharmacy.

How to put on a pad: video

If you are still not too clear on how to carry out the procedure, this video will help you master the technique of putting on feminine pads.

Women's site

What are the most famous brands of gaskets?

For each woman, the best pads are an individual choice, but according to reviews and sales estimates, there are several well-known brands that ladies prefer the most.

There are many more brands of pads to maintain hygiene during menstruation. They may differ in price, quality, shape and other criteria, as well as in price. Experts advise not to buy too cheap options, as their quality is much lower, which will affect absorbency and ease of wear.

“They hide pads and tampons as if they were drugs.” Why menstruation is still taboo

When Natalya Vodianova took part in a flash mob that promoted open talk about women’s health and physiology, including menstruation, she was hit with a barrage of criticism from the Russian-speaking audience. Why is this topic still taboo for us? Our columnist Nasta Zakharevich argues.


Women's days, aunt from Krasnodar, red monster, holidays, guests - someday I will compile a dictionary of euphemisms about menstruation. This will be a kind of dictionary of shame - a demonstration of how society is afraid of female physiology and with what disgust it treats it. And this, by the way, is the same society that is literally delusional with the idea that a woman should give birth, give birth, and give birth many more times. But it doesn’t want to know anything about how the female reproductive system actually works. And in general, is it possible to talk about this out loud?

It would seem: menstruation is an ordinary process that most women experience every month for decades. A huge business can be (and is) made from this - the production of pads, tampons, menstrual cups and special underwear, pills to reduce pain, and the development of applications for tracking the menstrual cycle. But this topic, despite everything, remains terribly taboo.

Menstruation is a word that should not be spoken out loud, and the symptoms that may occur during menstruation are generally a sealed secret. Just take the fact that jokes about being especially irritable during menstruation are actually jokes about PMS, which, by the way, not everyone has and can manifest itself in very different ways, but to which it is customary to attribute any female aggression and irritability.

This, by the way, is very convenient: you can do any nasty things to a woman, and when she starts to be indignant, you can quickly blame everything on PMS or menstruation itself.


And if we take into account that the average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, of which 3-5 (again on average) days are bleeding, then from time to time these would-be psychologists turn out to be formally right: a woman who refuses to be sweet and kind has no matter what, your period is either about to start or is happening right now.

But the key word here is “formally”, because during PMS and menstruation itself, the vast majority of women do not lose their minds and the ability to adequately perceive reality. But what a convenient theory!

By the way, it is almost impossible to explain something to a person who firmly believes in female menstrual inadequacy. It’s a vicious circle: you say that it’s not about PMS, that you’re angry because the person is doing something wrong, but they answer that you’re angry right now because of PMS.

This is like a reference to the unconscious: everything can always be attributed to it, because it is impossible to challenge it. If some process occurs at the level of the unconscious, then you are not aware of it and, accordingly, cannot track it. But those around you know exactly what is happening to you and why.

But the problem, of course, is not only in verbal skirmishes. They try to justify discrimination in the labor market and the existence of a list of professions prohibited for women by the presence of menstruation. They refuse to hire women for leadership positions because “for a few days a month they turn into an uncontrollable bundle of hormones,” and they claim that this is not gender discrimination, but “an objective reality.”

However, we are still relatively lucky: in Nepal, during menstruation, women are generally sent to live in special menstrual huts, where they sometimes die. And this is simply due to the belief that a woman becomes untouchable during her menstruation.

Photo: Reuters / “Menstrual huts” in Nepal In Belarus, fortunately, this does not come to this: in our country everything is limited to the fact that women cannot enter temples on menstrual days, so as not to desecrate them with their presence, and also to the fact that women They carefully hide the fact that they are now in the menstrual phase of their cycle.

Girls change pads during menstruation

Menstruation is a part of the menstrual cycle lasting from 3 to 7 days, manifested by bloody discharge as a result of the shedding of the uterine lining. The onset of menstruation indicates puberty and the ability to conceive. How many pads per day during menstruation is the norm depends on factors affecting the menstrual cycle, the degree of absorption of the sanitary product and personal beliefs regarding hygiene of the intimate area.

The first menstrual flow appears in girls aged 11-14 years. This is the gold standard for the formation of the menstrual cycle during puberty. However, a deviation in one direction or another of several years is also included in the boundary norms. The process of releasing menstrual blood occurs every month from the moment the cycle begins and lasts on average up to 5 days. Over the entire reproductive period (mostly up to 40 years), a woman loses up to 60 liters of blood. The intensity of menstruation depends on many factors, but the largest volume of blood released is observed from 2 to 3-4 days. Some women have their periods for 2 days, others – for 7 days or more. If the process of blood release during menstruation does not disturb the woman’s general condition and is stable over many months, she determines in advance how many pads will be removed.

Young girls with irregular menstrual cycles sometimes have difficulty determining the required amount of hygiene products, since the volume of menstruation varies. To determine how many sanitary pads per day is normal during menstruation, it is first necessary to take into account the nature of the discharge present. The usual daily blood loss ranges from 50 ml. During each month, a woman loses up to 250 ml of blood during menstruation.

Duration of menstruationNature of the dischargeVolume (ml/day)Required number of pads per day
2-3 daysScarceUp to 203-4
From 2 days to 5AverageFrom 20 to 50 ml4-6
From 5 days to 7Intensive50 ml or more6-8

When choosing sanitary pads, take into account the degree of absorption. Each brand indicates this information on the back of the package, depicting the degree of absorption in the form of drops. There is no single scale for all sanitary pads; it is adjusted by the product manufacturer, however, the range of products offered on the modern market allows you to purchase products of different shapes, quality, composition, and the presence of fragrances.

Heavy periods are observed in the first three days. The blood that flows from the uterus during menstruation contains particles of rejected endometrium and mucus. Menstrual blood is darker than venous blood. Small bloody clots present in it are considered normal. In the presence of a large amount of mucus (observed during the inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system), women's periods are much lighter.

Heavy scarlet periods that last longer than 7 days may indicate an inflammatory process or injury to the wound surface. Doubts should be completely dispelled if the process of rejection of menstrual blood is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacrum or hips. Normally this does not happen.

Significant blood loss causes the appearance of iron deficiency anemia, so any deviations from the natural process should be a reason to immediately seek qualified help.

How much blood comes out during menstruation, what the nature of the discharge depends on, can be told not only by a gynecologist, but also by other specialists: an endocrinologist, a mammologist, a psychotherapist. Sometimes it is impossible to regulate the menstrual cycle without the help of their recommendations or prescribed treatment.

On average, women have periods until they are 40-45 years old (before menopause). But in some cases, cyclical bleeding is observed not only at 40, but also at 50 years of age. If a woman feels good, then this is normal, and only indicates an individual characteristic of the body.

To understand where they come from and what determines the nature of menstruation, you should evaluate the influence of provoking factors.

If menstruation lasts less than 3 days in an insignificant amount, then the cause of this process may be:

  • nutritional disorders (insufficient intake of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the female reproductive system);
  • anorexia, which occurs as a result of strict diets or starvation, is the main reason why menstruation lasts only 1 day or is absent altogether;
  • how much blood is lost depends on the use of hormonal contraceptives used over the past weeks;
  • if the blood flows for less than two days, then this may be a sign of an ongoing pregnancy (including ectopic) - and this is no longer menstruation, but a sign of an incipient miscarriage;
  • past infectious diseases of the brain disrupt hypothalamic-pituitary function and affect the duration of menstruation;
  • diseases of the ovaries and endocrine system organs disrupt the ovulation process and affect how much blood there will be during the next menstruation;
  • the process of reducing the volume of released blood occurs as the female body ages (closer to menopause);
  • less than four days of menstruation are observed in women of androgenic appearance, whose bodies contain less estrogen.

How to use sanitary pads correctly?

Of course, a mature woman can hardly ask the question “How to use pads?”, since she had to do this more than once. However, for young girls who are faced with such a phenomenon as menstruation for the first time, this question can become quite relevant, because they do not yet have experience in using this hygienic item, and not everyone has the courage to ask basic questions to loved ones. Often girls try to figure out this issue on their own by watching videos or reading articles on various sites. After all, unfortunately, not every mother understands how girls are sometimes afraid to enter a new period of life. But their young daughters very often simply do not know how to use hygiene products for their critical days. Let's talk about how to use pads correctly.

How to use it correctly

To avoid causing any discomfort when using hygiene products, you need to know how to use sanitary pads. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the place of fixation of the hygiene product, but also the location of its absorbent side, and the fastening of additional elements - wings.

How to glue it correctly

So that the use of the product for critical days is not associated with discomfort in the girl, this hygiene product should be properly attached. How to put on a pad correctly:

  • before putting on hygiene products, wash hands thoroughly with soap;
  • intimate places are cleaned with a napkin or water;
  • the packaging is opened, the sticky side of the accessory is separated from the protective tape and put on the inside of the underwear so that the center of the product coincides with the thickening on the panties;
  • The accessory is carefully pressed against the fabric to eliminate the risk of peeling off.

Most often, women use pads with wings. To put them on correctly, you need to use the previous instructions, and then perform one more step: you need to remove the protective strips from the additional fastening elements, and then attach their sticky edge to the opposite side of the panties.

When to change

The answer to the question of how to use feminine pads includes information not only about the methods of attaching these products, but also about...

After the girl puts on the pad, it can be worn for no more than 3-4 hours. It is imperative to change the gasket after this time, even if the hygiene product is not completely filled.

If a girl has symptoms, she needs to put on a new product as soon as the previous one is half full.

Daily sanitary pads should also be changed every 3-4 hours. If various situations arise that do not allow you to change the product, you should simply remove it. This measure will eliminate the possibility of pathogenic microflora entering the genital area and developing an infection. If so, it can be replaced with other hygiene products.

The first pads appeared in the 1970s, and I don’t even want to think about how women coped with the peculiarities of their physiology before they appeared. Horror, horror: a belt with buttons that held a fabric pad, rubber parts of panties, gauze pads...

Use sanitary pads

- it’s a simple matter. But there are certain points that are unknown to most women! Let's lift the curtain.

Choosing the right hygiene product

The first thing to do is decide on the type of hygiene product. Despite all the variety that is presented on store shelves, everything is not so complicated.

Firstly, you should distinguish between pads for critical days and the so-called “daily pads”.

With wipes for daily use, everything is simple. They are not designed to eliminate heavy discharge, therefore they have a minimum thickness, compact size and do not have such additional protective devices as wings - they are simply not necessary. Read what panty liners are for.

With pads for critical days, everything is not much more complicated. They differ:

By absorbency

To determine which products are needed in a given situation, you should pay attention to the abundance of discharge, as well as directly to the absorbent capacity of the hygiene product. These are the same droplets on the packaging. The more there are, the more secretions the pad can accommodate. In the first and last days of menstruation, products with 1-2 drops are sufficient, and during heavy discharge, options with the maximum number of drops will be more reliable.

By shape and size

Hygienic products from different manufacturers may have their own distinctive characteristics. But first of all, they are divided into products with and without wings. Needless to say, products with protective wings are much more functional and convenient, since they allow you to more securely fix the pad on your panties?

The shape of modern hygiene products is created taking into account the anatomical features of the female body. Hygienic products with low absorbency are produced in slightly smaller sizes, and options for heavy discharge are larger in size. There are also special products for use at night; they have a maximum size and increased absorbency, which allows a woman not to interrupt her sleep to replace a hygiene product. Follow the link to find out if you can use tampons at night.

By the presence or absence of aromatic components

Girls who are prone to allergic reactions and skin sensitivity are better off avoiding scented hygiene products, as they often provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

If you still have questions, then you can watch the video on the topic: “How to choose sanitary pads?” And also read in our article about the types of gaskets and their functions.

Find out what you can use instead of a pad in case of emergency by following the link.

Sanitary napkin

Little known facts

  1. Panty liners should not be used every day!
    In this case, the name does not speak for itself.
    Sanitary panty liners
    Under no circumstances should it be used day after day. The body must breathe; constant use of pads provokes the development of pathogenic microflora in intimate areas.

    You should use panty liners only in the days leading up to your period and some time after it, when the discharge becomes more abundant. Important! Change panty liners

    necessary every 2-3 hours, at least. If you do not do this, you can provoke thrush, vaginitis and other unpleasant diseases, the consequences of which can even be infertility.

  2. Choose the correct gasket thickness.
    The moist, warm environment that is created when wearing any pads in the vagina promotes the development of pathogens and gynecological diseases. Therefore, hygiene is important, and you should be very careful in choosing the right hygiene products.

    Wearing overnight pads during the day or pads with the maximum number of “drops” at the very beginning of your period is a crime against your own health.

    If you notice that gaskets often leak

    , check how you attach them to the underwear. Many women claim that pads with wings, which they secured with the long side forward, helped them get rid of the leakage problem.

    The thing is that every woman’s body is special, and the anatomical structure, the location of the genital organs relative to the pelvis is individual. You may not have paid attention to this little thing, but it will help get rid of the problem!

  3. Don't buy scented pads!
    Pads with various impregnations, scented, and patterns can cause allergies and irritation. Preference should be given to “breathable” pads that do not create a breeding ground for bacteria. They still need to be changed as often as possible.
  4. Watch your health carefully.
    If you notice redness or swelling of the genitals, itching in the genital area, burning when urinating or pain during sexual intercourse, consult a doctor immediately. Know that all these symptoms can be caused not only by infection, but also by sanitary pads or an allergic reaction to hygiene products.

    The amount of bleeding during menstruation is also important, especially if the woman has had bleeding. How to monitor the amount of blood that is released? Few people know about this, but there is a revolutionary hygiene product that is absolutely safe for women's health - a menstrual cup


    This clever device is very convenient to use, and also helps to track how much blood has been released throughout the day and prevent the risk of uterine bleeding.

As girls reach puberty, they begin to become interested in how to properly wear pads. Unfortunately, not everyone can consult with their mother or friends about such a rather intimate issue. That is why the question of how to wear pads, and even how to choose them correctly, remains relevant.

Learning to put on a pad

There is no particular difficulty in using pads, but if you are a girl who has never used these hygiene devices, then it would be a good idea to talk in more detail about how to wear pads. The quality of the protection will depend on the correctness of this procedure.

How to properly wear pads for daily use? Most often, this type of product does not have individual packaging, although there are exceptions. Before attaching a sanitary napkin to the laundry, it should be freed from the paper strip that hides the sticky layer. Then you need to stick the pad in the center of the special thickened insert on the underwear. Daily panties can have a standard anatomical shape, designed for regular panties, or they can follow the shape of thong panties.

Now let's look at how to properly use hygiene products intended for critical days. By the way, you can also watch a training video on this topic: “How to use gaskets?”

  1. Most often, the gasket is changed in the bathroom or toilet. Some women do this while sitting, and some while standing. It's a matter of personal preference.
  2. Before performing all procedures, you must wash your hands thoroughly.
  3. The product must be removed from its individual packaging and unwrapped.
  4. On one side there is a special paper tape, under which is hidden an adhesive strip for fixing on underwear. If the gasket has wings, then they also have an adhesive base under paper protection. All these paper tapes should be removed.
  5. The product, straightened and freed from additional protective equipment, should be attached directly to the center of the panties. If you put on a gasket without following this rule, it will be knocked to one side and the quality of protection will deteriorate significantly.
  6. The wings must be straightened and wrapped around the panties, pressing carefully to secure them more securely.
  7. Every girl changes this hygiene product when necessary. During periods of heavy discharge, as a rule, this occurs every 2-4 hours.
  8. Remember that you need to throw away the old gasket by wrapping it in paper, a bag or packaging from a new one. Throwing sanitary napkins into the toilet is prohibited. That's what the trash can is for.

Which panty liners are best for me?

Just like menstrual pads, panty liners vary in thickness and size depending on your needs.

Panty liners can be roughly divided into 3 sizes.

  • Ultra-thin is ideal for small daily discharges. They are so thin and flexible that you will hardly feel them! They protect your laundry from stains and help keep you feeling fresh all day long.
  • Regular panty liners can usually absorb more moisture than ultra-thin ones. They should be used during periods of heavier daily flow, such as during ovulation.
  • Large daily journals are longer, wider and absorb even more than regular ones. They are great for use at the beginning or end of your menstrual cycle, for minor incontinence, or just for extra comfort and protection.

An excellent solution for girls with sensitive skin would be daily aids with aloe or cotton extract. For women who value the flexibility of their daily wear, there are special pads that perfectly adapt to any type of underwear - from regular panties to thongs. Regardless of which type you choose, remember that hygiene products should be changed throughout the day. Keep a few in your purse; there are daily journals in individual envelopes for this purpose.

How to use pads: additional tips

  1. For many years, a well-known brand of hygiene products has been convincing women and girls in our country in their videos that they shouldn’t be afraid of light and tight-fitting clothes “these days.” However, it is better to wear practical clothes on critical days, avoiding excessively tight or easily soiled wardrobe items. Although modern hygiene products do provide comfort and reliable protection, sometimes unpleasant incidents still occur. Therefore, if your menstrual cycle has not yet established itself, or the amount of discharge fluctuates significantly, it is better to wear something more “safe” than, for example, white jeans or a skirt.
  2. As a rule, the girl changes the pads as needed, periodically visiting the toilet to make sure everything is in order. But if we talk about time restrictions, then it is optimal to wear one sanitary napkin for no more than 4 hours.
  3. If the pads cause irritation or provoke the appearance of diseases such as thrush, then they should be changed to others.
  4. Keep spare pads in your purse at all times. This is especially true in the first years after the start of menstruation, when the habit of monitoring the cyclical processes of the body has not yet formed. To keep the situation under control, it is best to keep a special menstrual calendar. It can be in paper format or as an application on your phone. You can learn more about this convenient method by watching the video on request “Menstrual calendar”.
  5. Along with the pads, let your purse contain wet wipes suitable for intimate hygiene. They are indispensable when changing pads during the day, when it is not possible to fully carry out the necessary hygiene procedures.
  6. Do not use thongs during menstruation, as it is extremely difficult to attach a pad to them.
  7. If you live an active life and do not want to change your usual lifestyle during menstrual periods, then try using tampons. Even girls who have no sexual experience can use them. Special types of hygiene products in Mini (Lites) format have been created for them.

Find out which is better than tampons or pads on menstrual days in the article at the link.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to enter a new period of life without unnecessary fears and worries, being in full confidence: “I am using pads correctly!”

Sanitary pads for every day

Gaskets are very convenient for girls and women for every day. They absorb vaginal discharge, protecting underwear from odor and stains.

How do girls change pads every day with different underwear? There are many types of pads for the day: for thongs, white, black for dark underwear. By regularly changing pads during the postpartum period during menopause, women will feel confident and comfortable. Since in the last days of menstruation the discharge is small, you can replace regular pads with daily ones.

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