How is vitamin C (ascorbic acid) used to induce menstruation?
Vitamin C intake and menstruation The general effect of ascorbic acid on the body determines its
In the early period, the corpus luteum ensures the normal process of gestation
Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy: causes and symptoms
Many women do not always know and clearly imagine the processes that occur in their
Indications for cervical suturing
Suturing the cervix during pregnancy consequences
Prevention of ICI In the event that while waiting for a child, ICI is detected, then when
Contents of a woman's handbag
Tablets for PMS: groups of drugs, indications for use
What drugs and when are used for PMS? Anti-PMS pills can be roughly divided into:
Pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, radiating to the legs
The problem of pain in the lower extremities during the menstrual cycle affects all women. The pains are
woman with test
Menstruation after IVF: reasons. Failed in vitro fertilization procedure
IVF: the purpose of the procedure and the reasons for the absence of menstruation Artificial conception is an opportunity for women to become...
Very severe abdominal pain during menstruation. How to reduce menstrual pain: pills, drugs and folk remedies for pain during menstruation
What should be the first menstruation in girls and when does the first menstruation occur? Why do they arise?
Gynecological smear: is it possible to take a smear during menstruation?
The need for a gynecological examination often appears even during menstruation. The most important step in this is
How vitamins help restore the menstrual cycle
Irregular periods are one of the main symptoms of diseases of the female genital organs. To find the right one
Clots during menstruation
Blood clots during menstruation (bleeding with clots): Cause
Changes in the nature of menstruation occur in the first months of taking hormonal contraceptives, in the first years
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