Liver cancer stage 4 symptoms before death
Esophageal cancer shows scary symptoms before death
Subtypes of stage 4 cancer and main symptoms Liver cancer, in particular, stage 4 is divided
Use of ichthyol ointment for hemorrhoids
Detailed instructions for using ichthyol ointment for hemorrhoids
Ichthyol ointment is used for hemorrhoids as an antiseptic and disinfectant. In the photo: ointment
Alcohol and tobacco
Can prostate adenocarcinoma be cured?
Prostate adenocarcinoma is a common cancer in men. The older the man, the
Exogenous poisoning of the body
Endogenous toxicosis: description, stages and types of intoxication
Exogenous intoxication is a disorder caused by negative environmental factors and accompanied by a specific clinical picture.
How and when can you eat currants with pancreatitis?
Vegetables for pancreatitis: prohibited and permitted fruits
Currants are one of the most common shrubs in gardens and vegetable gardens. The berries of this plant
Liver and alcohol
Mechanism and types of liver damage caused by alcohol consumption
The mechanism of the effect of alcohol on the liver Once it enters the body, an alcoholic drink almost immediately ends up in the liver.
Structure of the liver
Symptoms of liver disease: description of the first signs. Diagnosis of liver diseases
It is the largest gland in the human body and is a vital organ. It is located
What inexpensive and effective injections should be given for hemorrhoids in men and women
If bleeding appears If bleeding appears, calm down, do not panic. The phenomenon is not life threatening
Eating chicken for pancreatitis
Is it possible to eat chicken if you have pancreatitis of the pancreas?
When diagnosing pancreatic pathology that has developed against the background of poor nutrition, the development of cholelithiasis in the gallbladder
interpret hepatitis tests
Interpretation of a quantitative blood test for hepatitis C
The human immunodeficiency virus is a dangerous infection in which defense mechanisms are disrupted, and the patient
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