Lipoma - what is it: causes, symptoms and treatment

Many have had to deal with the fact that seals form under the skin, which soon begin to grow.

These are subcutaneous wen that can appear on various parts of the body of a man, woman, and even a child. Often, they are benign and do not cause a person any discomfort. However, this does not mean that therapy is not necessary. Such neoplasms do not go away on their own, but only grow.

What is a lipoma and how is it dangerous, what does it look like?

We will offer several photographs of wen.
Large diffuse nodular lipoma of the back.

Wen on a leg. The thin stalk contains blood vessels and nerves that support the growth and development of the tumor. Most often, the neoplasm has the same color as the skin, but sometimes it is darker in color.

Nodular lipoma: a large subcutaneous node is clearly visible in the absence of obesity in the patient. Such formations can increase in volume quite quickly.

An ordinary wen, consisting only of adipose tissue, is a soft, painless tumor. It can be located above the skin and connected to it by a leg, located under the subcutaneous tissue or in internal organs and various tissues. It grows slowly, but can reach significant sizes. A distinctive feature of the nodes is that their volume does not change with a decrease in the total body weight of the patient.

What kind of disease is internal lipoma, photo:

Types of diseases that affect internal organs:

  • Wen of the pancreas and stomach appears when it is large enough; it can cause compression of surrounding organs and disruption of their function. Nausea, vomiting, stool retention, and sometimes even intestinal obstruction appear. A rupture of the capsule of such a tumor with the contents entering the abdominal cavity is very dangerous.
  • Angiomyolipoma. The kidney is surrounded by fatty tissue, in which the tumor forms. This is a neoplasm of a mixed type, consisting of fat, muscle cells and blood vessels. What is it, kidney lipoma, look at the photo:

The diameter of the lesion can be from 1 mm to several cm. A large node can compress the tissue of the organ and disrupt its function. Angiomyolipomas are either congenital bilateral or acquired unilateral.

  • Large diffuse tumors on the neck can lead to breathing, swallowing and speech problems. They can also cause compression of the thyroid tissue and impair its function. Tumors in the neck and axillary area can be constantly injured, which leads to itching, pain, infection, and sometimes malignancy.
  • Breast lipoma - what it is is not difficult to understand, since this organ consists of adipose and glandular tissue. Fatty deposits in the breast form frequently and can have a nodular or diffuse form.

With lipomatosis, multiple lesions appear on the body. The disease can be general or local in nature. Multiple formations can appear either in a specific area of ​​the body or over its entire surface.

Lipoma: causes of the disease

It is difficult to say exactly why wen appears. Most likely - due to impaired metabolism in fatty layers. As a result, fat cells accumulate and continue to grow.

If you ignore the disease, then soon such formations will become enormous in size and this will no longer be just a cosmetic problem.

Wen (lipomas) may have the following causes:

  • Hormonal imbalances in the body.
  • Impaired metabolism.
  • Poor and unhealthy diet.
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys.
  • Genetic inheritance.
  • Malfunctions of the pancreas, thyroid gland, and gallbladder.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Diabetes.
  • Breast augmentation operations.

The reason for the formation of lipoma may also be hidden in low physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.

Wen occurs equally often in both adults and children. Timely diagnosis and treatment will save a person from possible complications.

What to do if a lipoma appears, is it dangerous?

First of all, you should consult a doctor to find out whether it is a benign node or cancer cells. It is difficult to feel internal manifestations. Unpleasant symptoms appear only with large tumors that compress blood vessels and tissues. They can lead to dysfunction of internal organs or limbs. Thus, intra-articular neoplasms can be accompanied by severe pain and impaired movement. Ulcers located near nerve trunks can also be painful: when they are compressed by a growing tumor, a person experiences severe pain. Large nodes can fester and become a permanent source of infection.

Complications of the disease

Lipoma is a fatty deposit under the skin, which in itself is not so scary. However, if you consider that lipoma can have different causes (including metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalance), then you need to think about treating this sore immediately.

There are cases when a simple and harmless wen develops into cancer. This happens when the lipoma encapsulates and a pathological flora develops inside it. The formation is ignored by the patient and not treated, and as a result the diagnosis is “liposarcoma” - a malignant tumor consisting of cells that can degenerate from fatty deposits.

The fact that the wen is inflamed is indicated by:

  • Redness, pain.
  • A sharp increase in size.
  • Filling of the lipoma with fluid.

In such cases, you should immediately contact a specialist for further diagnosis and treatment. Remember, timely detection of cancer is 50% of successful treatment! And it’s even easier to radically remove the lipoma and not lead your body to malignant tumors.


Diagnosing external lesions is usually not difficult. But sometimes, by the appearance of a mixed type, it is difficult to distinguish a wen from a malignant formation. In this case, the growth is removed followed by histological examination. Sometimes tumor tissue taken by puncture biopsy is subject to examination.

To identify internal nodes, the following instrumental studies are carried out:

  • Ultrasound (ultrasound). It is possible to identify a tumor located in other tissues and internal organs (breast, stomach, etc.). Based on ultrasound signs, the doctor decides how to cure the lipoma.
  • X-ray – helps to identify neoplasms in bones, joints and muscles.
  • Magnetic resonance and computed tomography (MRI and CT) are highly accurate methods that allow you to identify tumors in any part of the body.
  • Laboratory studies of biopsy material.

Atheroma and its characteristics

Atheroma is a small bag of skin with a capsule. This type of wen usually develops in areas of the skin with increased sweating. This is a benign neoplasm, it is also called a skin cyst. This type of wen appears in the following places:

  • neck;
  • face;
  • back;
  • behind the ears and on the earlobes;
  • groin area;
  • breast.

When palpating the atheroma, an elastic structure is felt; the size of the formation ranges from 5 mm to 3 cm. As a rule, it does not cause pain, with the exception of cases of inflammation of the formation. Atheroma can become inflamed due to the fact that it has a direct connection with the environment. Infection, dust and dirt can enter through the duct. The skin around the tumor does not change. If you look closely, you can see a dark dot in the center of the formation. This is the duct.

The composition of atheroma, unlike a wen (lipoma), is always constant: sebum and a certain amount of epithelial cells. Such neoplasms affect men more often. This is due to the fact that men's skin is oilier than women's, and it does not always receive proper care.

How and with what is lipoma treated?

The tactics for treating these tumors, like any other benign growths, is surgical. The need for surgical intervention is determined by the signs and symptoms of the node from the surrounding tissues. Wen is removed according to the following indications:

  • at the request of the patient, if he considers the neoplasm a cosmetic defect;
  • with a rapid increase in cell volume;
  • if it is located in a place of permanent injury (in the lumbar region or on the neck);
  • if it rests on a thin stalk that is prone to twisting, there is a risk of developing necrosis (death) of its tissue with subsequent infection;
  • for internal tumors that impair the function of organs and tissues.

Treatment methods for lipomas

There are several ways to remove wen:

  1. Surgical. The main radical method. Easy to use - an incision is made above the wen, after which it is removed. The advantages of this method are the absence of relapses of the disease. Disadvantages - a scar remains “for memory”. Therefore, this method is rarely used to remove lipomas on the face and neck.
  2. Laser. Laser removal of lipomas under local anesthesia. The scar after such manipulation is almost invisible.
  3. Minimally invasive. Similar to the surgical method. The only difference is that the cuts are made to a minimum size. As a result, the scars are almost invisible.
  4. Liposuction. Softening and “suction” of the wen using a special needle. There are no scars left. However, there are chances of recurrence of lipomas.

A disease such as “lipoma” can have a variety of causes, and most importantly, not fully studied by medicine. But, like any disease, the appearance of wen is better to prevent than to treat.

Wen removal

Is it possible to get rid of a lipoma, how is it removed, which doctor should I contact to have it removed - these questions interest all patients.
Lipomatosis should be addressed to a surgeon. After examination and examination, he decides whether the tumor needs to be cut off. Lesions in internal organs and deep tissues are identified during the examination, sometimes by chance. They are removed by specialists who treat these parts of the body - urologists, gynecologists, surgeons, orthopedic traumatologists, etc.

Several surgical techniques are used:

  • excision with a scalpel - used mainly for the removal of superficial pedunculated lipomas;
  • endoscopic method - the operation is performed when the tumor is deep, optical equipment is used, which allows you to perform all manipulations with minimal trauma and see your actions on the monitor screen;
  • using the liposuction method - adipose tissue is sucked out with a syringe or needle connected to an electric suction device; since the tumor capsule is not removed, relapse of the disease is possible;
  • surgical laser - used to remove subcutaneous wen along with the membrane; the risk of bleeding and infection is minimized;
  • radio wave knife (Surgitron device) - an even more effective and safe way to remove subcutaneous tumors;
  • the method of electrocoagulation is an outdated painful option, which is still used to remove small superficial nodes with the destruction of their capsules.


When the disease is just beginning to develop, the neoplasm does not cause visible symptoms or discomfort. This leads to the fact that a person does not immediately turn to specialists to start therapy. There are single and multiple lipomas. Neoplasms are a node surrounded by a capsule. When adipose tissue begins to grow, the lipoma may not be limited to the capsule and occupy a large area of ​​the skin. When the tumor grows, you may notice the following symptoms characteristic of lipoma:

  • discomfort in the area of ​​the tumor;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • lymph stagnation.

To reduce the likelihood of serious complications, if lumps appear under the skin, you should not delay consulting a doctor. If the swelling is not eliminated through effective treatment, tissue nutrition will be disrupted, as a result of which suppuration may form, leading to skin necrosis.

This phenomenon can result not only in serious infectious complications, but also lead to sepsis, which is life-threatening.


There are no special prophylactic agents against neoplasms.
But the risk of development is reduced if a person leads a healthy, active lifestyle and eats right. This leads to normalization of fat metabolism, which means reducing the possibility of wen appearing on the body. In the article we told you how to distinguish a lipoma, as well as how to remove it.
This is a benign neoplasm, which extremely rarely degenerates into malignant. If you suspect it, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of complications. The use of traditional methods of treatment is prohibited. Share on social networks


Wen are divided into several types:

  • soft tissue lipoma (such a compaction is extremely rarely located under the skin);
  • lumbosacral lipoma (a neoplasm develops in the spinal cord or vertebrae);
  • perineural lipoma (it surrounds the nerve endings, so its removal is quite difficult);
  • intermuscular lipoma (such a compaction grows into muscle tissue, so it is necessary to carefully remove it to avoid possible relapses in the future);
  • lipoma of tendons and synovial membrane of joints;
  • milia (white wen, mistakenly mistaken for acne, which appears on the face due to blockage of the sebaceous glands, which are too active in their functions);
  • thoracoabdominal lipoma (a neoplasm that develops in the area of ​​the peritoneum or chest after receiving severe mechanical injuries);
  • angiolipoma (often, such neoplasms affect the kidneys and practically do not appear on the skin);
  • adenolipoma (a type of wen containing components of the structure of the sweat gland);
  • pericallosal lipoma (neoplasm developing from fat cells of the corpus callosum of the brain, or in the interhemispheric fissure).

What it is?

A lipoma, also known as a wen or mesenchymal tumor, looks like a capsule of fibrous tissue filled with fat inside. In modern oncology, lipomas are classified as benign neoplasms. Wen can appear almost anywhere: on the back, on the head, on the leg (foot, heel, shin and thigh), armpit, arm, groin in women and men, even in the mouth. Intermuscular lipoma and bone lipoma are also found.

Distinctive features of lipoma

Most lipomas are characterized by the absence of clearly defined boundaries. These types of tumors tend to take the form of single or multiple nodules.

The neoplasm is mobile and moves during palpation. The majority of lipomas look like soft tumors that do not cause pain. Formations containing excess connective tissue can acquire increased density.

The wen is well supplied with blood, independent of the surrounding tissues, does not tend to affect them, but is capable of growing in the space located between the nerves and vessels, freeing up the necessary area for its development.

The average size of a lipoma often reaches 3-5 cm. Less commonly, the size of the neoplasm can be twice or three times larger. The pathological formation is characterized by almost 100% benignity (inability to form metastases) and slow growth.

Areas of the body that have a layer of fat become areas where lipomas form. The tumor is most often located subcutaneously, but sometimes affects other places:

  • areas between muscles;
  • mammary glands;
  • intestines;
  • perirenal, retroperitoneal sections;
  • mediastinal region (the area of ​​the chest cavity limited by the sternum and spine), myocardium (layer of the heart muscles).

Less commonly, the place of lipoma growth is the meninges, liver, large nerves, and uterus.

In most patients, single fatty formations are detected. Patients with concomitant pathologies (diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders) are susceptible to multiple tumor formation.

Extermination by folk remedies

Most often, patients try to cope with this problem on their own, which in most cases is very effective. There are a huge number of folk methods for getting rid of lipoma, the most popular of which will be discussed in this article.

Vishnevsky ointment

The site of the neoplasm is generously lubricated with the product, and the ointment should be carefully rubbed for a minute so that it penetrates into the deeper subcutaneous layers. Apply a cotton swab on top and secure the application with a band-aid. Change daily.

The ointment has a pronounced fat-dissolving effect ; its components will cope with the pathology within a week.

Vodka compresses

Vodka, being an alcohol-containing component, disinfects and effectively breaks down fatty enzymes , due to which the formation decreases in size and then disappears completely. Compresses should be done every evening. The vodka is slightly diluted with water to avoid skin burns.


Used comprehensively in combination with lard. For one part of ground garlic, take 2 parts of lard. Melt the mixture and apply it warm to the seal. To improve the result, cover with a cabbage leaf. Do this for several days. The wen gradually shrinks until it disappears completely.

Golden mustache

A universal remedy for the treatment of many diseases. Grate the plant leaf, spread it over the wen and apply a film. Secure with cotton cloth and leave until morning. Keep for at least 10-12 hours.

As a result, after 1.5-2 weeks there will be no trace of the disease left. The plant literally shrinks the fat, making the tumor smaller and smaller until it disappears completely.


Use carefully, trying to avoid burns. Make a strong infusion, do not throw away the pulp. Cool. Distribute the thickener over the affected area, moisten a cotton swab generously with the decoction.

Apply for 20 minutes twice a day. As treatment progresses , the wen will open on its own and the fluid will come out.

A tumor called lipoma: what is it and how to treat it so that there is no relapse? Is there a brain lipoma and why is it dangerous? The answer is in this article.

Follow the link causes of lipoma on the leg.


Used internally. Single dosage – 1 tablespoon once a day. Can be diluted in warm milk, water or kefir. The spice activates the processes of pathology regression, and it resolves.

In addition, drinks with the addition of cinnamon have a general strengthening and immunostimulating effect on the body as a whole, speed up metabolism and regulate metabolic processes.


Used as a nettle tincture. Stinging varieties of nettle are used along with the root part. The grass is crushed, tightly folded into a glass jar and filled with vodka. Leave for 20 days. Treatment is carried out by applying compresses at night. The plant quickly burns fat.


We are talking about horse chestnut. Grind several fruits of the tree into powder and mix with honey. Apply to the location of the formation. The course of treatment is long - the resorption effect will be noticeable no earlier than a month.

Ground pepper

The pepper is placed on a linen cloth soaked in alcohol and applied to the lipoma for 15 minutes. The course is twice a day for 20 days. Pepper gradually absorbs the components of the formation until it is completely eliminated. Alcohol disinfects the outer surface, preventing the development of inflammation.

Vegetable oil

Distribute 30-40 grams of oil onto a cloth. Cover with paper so as not to stain your clothes. Do it daily. As a rule, 4-5 applications are enough.

The effect is achieved by maintaining a warm environment, which will gradually melt the fat and eliminate the problem. And the oil will soften the skin surface and protect against irritation.

Green and onions

Bake the product in the oven. Apply warm to the affected area like a compress, covering with cloth and film. A few manipulations are enough. Onions have a warming and fat-absorbing effect.


Grate a small root vegetable on a medium grater. Apply the resulting pulp in a thick layer to the lipoma, fix it and wrap it with thick cloth to create a warm greenhouse effect.

Leave it on all night. Repeat a day later. Protect clothes from staining. The beets will soften the fat and the tumor will gradually dissolve.

A raw egg

The main requirement is that the product must be raw and certainly fresh, preferably taken from domestic chicken. A film is removed from the egg and applied to the wen with its inner side.

When it dries out and falls off on its own, a new egg will be needed. Duration of treatment is 15-20 days. The film will gradually draw in the accumulated fat formations and the problem will disappear. Slight redness of the skin is acceptable.

When is a lipoma surgically removed in a hospital? How is laser lipoma removal performed? This article provides a detailed description of the process.

Follow the link for a description of the consequences of lipoma on the abdomen.


Grind the grains to a powdery consistency. Make a compress and apply to the affected area. Do not remove for 2-3 days. Repeat as needed.

The structural content of the anomaly becomes softer and spontaneously comes out , being absorbed into the grain flour.

Hydrogen peroxide

Dilute the product with warm boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Soak a cotton swab well and apply it to the wen. Repeat three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, after which the tumor will break through and the fat will come to the surface.

Aloe, Kalanchoe

A universal remedy in home medicine. Cut the plant leaf along its entire length (it must be at least three years old - by this time useful substances accumulate to the maximum).

Place the pulp inside, secure and leave overnight. As a rule, a one-week course is enough for the medicinal flower to break down fat cells 100% and eliminate lipoma.


The process is troublesome, but very effective. The difficulty is that the procedures should be done at least 3 times a day. Cut off the juicy leaves (preferably from the bottom), rinse well and chop.

Wrap in gauze and apply to the wen. The plant absorbs the fatty component, completely removing it from the body.


These include all kinds of combinations of medicinal preparations, which are brought to the state of decoction. The method is effective as a lotion, which should be done regularly.

The medicinal components contained in many plants will eliminate inflammation, disinfect and draw out excess fat.

Kefir + red clay + salt

Mix all components in the same ratio until the consistency of a thick paste. After wetting your hands in vegetable oil, roll out the cake and apply it to the affected area. Cover with film and warm cloth.

Several such procedures and the tumor will disappear. The ingredients actively relieve inflammation and dry out subcutaneous fat accumulation.

Salt + sour cream + honey

Mix the components in a 1:1 ratio. Steam the affected area. Apply the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Remove and rinse thoroughly with water. Use every other day.

The course of treatment depends on the size of the pathology, the tissues of which are completely liquefied under the influence of the mixture.

Pine pollen + honey

Take one tablespoon of the ingredients, mix well and apply to the surface of the skin in the place where the lipoma is located. Secure with gauze or bandage. Change 2-3 times a day. Do this for at least 7-8 days until complete healing.

For sensitive skin, a slight burning sensation may occur during therapy, which can be eliminated with cosmetic oil. Honey perfectly breaks down fatty tissues, breaking them into small fractions and removing them from the body.

Vinegar and iodine

Take a tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and iodine. It is preferable that vinegar be made entirely from natural ingredients so as not to provoke allergies. Lubricate the wen every 2-3 hours until it is completely dissolved.

Why do lipomas form?

Typically, lipoma occurs when metabolic processes in adipose tissue are disrupted. This mainly concerns the process of destruction of subcutaneous fat deposits - lipolysis.

Other reasons for the formation of a wen may be diseases of the pancreas and liver; hypofunction of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland.

Lipomas often occur with diabetes, alcoholism, and the development of upper respiratory tract cancer. Doctors do not rule out that a predisposition to lipomas can be inherited.

Which specialist diagnoses lipomas?

Diagnosis of fatty tissues is the area of ​​expertise of an oncologist. It is this specialist who should be contacted if superficial subcutaneous lipomas appear. In the case of the development of deep tumors or the appearance of pain in organs under pressure, the patient needs to consult a therapist and more specialized specialists - a surgeon, hepatologist, nephrologist.

External examination of the neoplasm helps to identify its location in areas rich in adipose tissue, its mobile nature, and type of consistency.

When palpating a lipoma, there is most often no pain. In order to determine the nature of the tumor formation, a puncture is performed followed by the study of tissue fragments.

To diagnose an internal tumor, the patient is prescribed:

  • Ultrasound visualizing the accumulation of fatty tissue;
  • X-ray, which helps to identify areas of clearing;
  • MRI;
  • CT.

Differential diagnosis serves to distinguish a benign tumor from hygromas (cystic formations filled with serous fluid) and atheromas (sebaceous gland cysts).

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