Sweet pepper for gastritis with high acidity
Doctors do not recommend eating pepper for gastritis. However, this rule applies to the period of complications,
How to restore the liver after antibiotics: instructions
Preventing pathological processes is easier than treating them. Many people have to use antibiotics in large quantities. At
First aid for stomach ulcers at home
Exacerbation of a stomach ulcer - how does it go? An attack of peptic ulcer is most often caused by the action of negative
At what age can a child be given beets and beet juice?
Beetroot: beneficial effect on the intestines The composition of red beetroot includes plant fiber, complex
Why can the tongue be coated with a yellow coating? The top layer of the tongue is the mucous membrane,
The child does not eat well. 5 reasons for lack of appetite in children
Causes of loss of appetite It is customary to distinguish the following types of changes in appetite: complete loss of appetite (anorexia); partial
Affordable and effective inhalations with mineral water
Gastritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The bacteria Helicobacter pylori is considered a common causative agent of the disease.
Why does a lump appear in the throat and how to breathe deeply?
The stomach is a section of the digestive tract, a temporary “storage” for food, located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity.
Stool color in liver cirrhosis photo
What does stool with blood look like in case of intestinal cancer photo
Abnormal bowel movements and black stool with stomach ulcers Black stool with stomach ulcers
Lactobacterin for a newborn: instructions for parents
The official definition of probiotics was given by the World Health Organization only in 2002, although the existence of
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