Can a virgin experience delay and why?
For some reason, many people think that delayed menstruation can only occur in an adult woman who
Uterine fibroids against the background of internal endometriosis: symptoms and treatment.
Signs of uterine fibroids in combination with endometriosis This is what fibroids look like. Fibroids are called benign tumors.
Hello! On what day of your period can you remove the IUD and how long...
What is a “female IUD” and does it really eliminate menstruation for several years?
Description of the procedure Mirena is a hormonal system containing levonorgestrel. The spiral is inserted into the uterine cavity,
Drugs to contract the uterus for the purpose of miscarriage
Based on the state of contractile activity of the myometrium, gynecologists judge how well the postpartum period is proceeding.
Menstruation with an ovarian cyst: delay, pain, how it comes out, how many days, removal
Ovarian cyst no menstruation. Ovarian cyst as a cause of delayed menstruation
What is a cyst? An ovarian cyst is a benign tumor formation, which is a hollow bubble,
How to restore flora after thrush treatment
Features of itching with thrush Thrush is caused by the activity of fungal microorganisms of the genus Candida. This fungus is
Hog uterus and red brush for endometriosis
Red brush for endometriosis: effectiveness, how to take?
Which is better: red brush or hog queen? Borovaya uterus is a strong medicine that
testosterone in women
Low testosterone in women: causes, consequences, treatment
Testosterone is a hormone responsible for the formation and development of secondary sexual characteristics, bone growth and
how to explain to a girl about periods
How to tell a girl about her first period
When to start a conversation An attentive mother is obliged to mentally prepare her child for this day in advance.
Can there be toxicosis during a frozen pregnancy?
Everyone knows that pregnancy progresses differently for all women, but at the same time
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