Can a virgin experience delay and why?

For some reason, many people think that delayed menstruation can only occur in an adult woman who is sexually active. However, as medical practice shows, this is far from the case. Virgins may also experience a delay in menstruation. In some cases this is not dangerous. In others, it requires immediate medical attention. In this article, we will look at the main reasons for delayed periods in virgins, and also learn how diagnostic observations are carried out and therapeutic measures are taken. Read this article carefully so as not to panic prematurely. After all, perhaps there is simply no reason to worry.

When do critical days begin?

In fact, the body of each young representative of the fair sex is individual. Some people start their periods a little earlier, others a little later. However, the normal age for the onset of menstruation is approximately thirteen years.

During menstruation, old uterine epithelial cells are shed and leave the body along with fluid. A little blood also gets into it. On critical days, a girl usually feels very lethargic and tired. This may cause pain in the abdomen, chest and lower back. Frequent mood swings may also occur.

The first disruptions of the menstrual cycle

Delayed periods in virgins can be observed the first two years after they begin. This suggests that significant hormonal changes are occurring in the girl’s body, so it may take some time for a full recovery period. Some young representatives of the fairer sex notice that after the first menstruation there may be no bleeding at all for quite a long time. There is even such a condition as a virgin who has not had her period for three months. There is no need to worry too much about this, but it is still recommended to consult a gynecologist for consultation.

What can be considered a delay?

The menstrual cycle in young girls stabilizes only within 12 to 18 months after the first menstruation. Delay in virgins during this period is the norm, since the reproductive system is just beginning to function.

Note! Until the age of 14, gynecologists do not pay much attention to the instability of the menstrual cycle in virgins. If the delay worries a 15-16 year old girl, then it is possible to identify pathological processes that can lead to the absence of menstruation for 35 days (oligomenorrhea) or even for six months or more (amenorrhea).

Normally, by the age of 15, a girl should have a period from one period to another - 23 - 30 days. Innocent girls should not worry too much about a one-time delay. However, if there are regular violations, there is no need to delay. If the cause is serious disorders, the consequence may be infertility.

If the girl is a virgin, but she has a delay, you should see a doctor

What are the physiological causes of delay?

Delayed menstruation in virgins occurs under the influence of various factors: from emotional experiences to the development of diseases. Physiological causes mean provoking factors that affect the entire human body.

Physiological reasons for the absence of menstruation in virgins:

  • psycho-emotional disorders: worries about studies, stressful situation in the family and others;
  • excessive mental stress: preparing for exams, performances, etc.;
  • physical activity: excessively active sports or doing housework;
  • change of living environment: often associated with relocation;
  • unhealthy diet: diets for weight loss, addiction to fast food, lack of vitamins, etc.;
  • taking a number of medications for a long time;
  • intoxication: a consequence of the influence of addictions.

It can be difficult to determine the cause of delay in young innocent girls, so when talking with a gynecologist, the patient should be honest and not hide any facts regarding lifestyle.

Cycle disturbances can even occur due to addiction to fast food

What are the pathological causes of delay

Much more dangerous than physiological causes are pathological ones. Under the influence of pathologies, at the time of formation of the functions of the internal genital organs, serious disorders can occur, which subsequently cause difficulties with conception.

Pathological causes include:

  • hormonal abnormalities: during puberty, hormonal imbalances are a natural condition, but they still significantly affect the menstrual cycle;
  • diseases of a hereditary nature - cardiovascular diseases, structural anomalies of organs and others;
  • inflammatory processes – cystitis, endometritis, cervicitis and other pathologies;
  • infectious processes - most often thrush.

Acute respiratory diseases, exacerbation of gastritis, kidney pathologies and diabetes mellitus can also provoke a delay in menstruation if the girl is a virgin.

One of the reasons for the delay may be cystitis

Frequent provocateurs of failures

There can really be a lot of reasons for a virgin to miss her period. There are a huge number of factors that provoke this phenomenon. Only by figuring out exactly why menstruation is delayed can you understand how to behave in such a situation.

Very often, disruptions in menstruation can occur due to a sudden change in climate. The body needs to adapt to such changes, including female organs. In this case, there is no need to be afraid. Usually your period starts a little later.

Also, the delay may be caused by the girl’s emotional state. If a representative of the fairer sex is very worried or worried, then her period may begin a little later. In some cases, on the contrary, they begin earlier.

This phenomenon can also occur in girls on very strict diets. Critically low weight, as well as insufficient intake of food into the body, can lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle. In addition, poor nutrition will lead to many other dangerous health problems.

How is delay prevented?

By the age when a girl can begin her first period, it is necessary to have a conversation with her about all the features of the menstrual cycle and the prevention of its disorders. Parents themselves must also monitor the teenager’s lifestyle.

In order to prevent delays in menstruation, it is recommended that virgins:

  • eat well and properly, excluding junk food;
  • do not exceed permissible physical activity;
  • monitor your weight norm so as not to go to extremes;
  • when following a diet, consult a nutritionist rather than refuse food;
  • If you are stressed, seek help from loved ones or a psychologist.

Delay in virgins is quite common. If such violations are one-time and occur rarely, then there is no need to worry. But if there are frequent disruptions in the cycle, a visit to the doctor is mandatory. It should be remembered that her ability to bear children depends on the formation of a girl’s reproductive system.

Delayed sexual development

The onset of the first menstruation before the age of fourteen is considered normal. However, if by this age such sexual characteristics as pubic and armpit hair, as well as breast swelling are very sluggish, and there is no bleeding, then this indicates delayed sexual development. In this case, the girl must visit a gynecologist in order to accurately determine the cause of this phenomenon. Some treatment may need to be done to resolve this problem. However, please note that visiting a doctor is considered mandatory, otherwise there is a risk that in the future the woman will not be able to conceive and bear a child.

What can be considered a delay?

In gynecology, it is customary to divide this problem into two types, which depend on the type of disorder - duration and frequency. Test results may indicate the following deviations:

  • if, after establishing a regular cycle and the first menstruation, there are no menstruation for more than six months - a sign of amenorrhea. Typically, this diagnosis is given to girls who are at least 16 years old or older. This condition can be considered normal for one year, since the menstrual cycle is just getting better;
  • Oligomenorrhea is an interval between periods of more than 35 days.

If a girl encounters a delay just once, this is not a reason to worry. Typically, the menstrual cycle lasts for a period of 23 to 35 days, and the absence of menstruation for 10 days is not considered a delay.

However, if a girl experiences regular cycle irregularities, this condition cannot be ignored, especially with an established cycle. Ignoring the problem can lead to the development of pathological conditions, such as infertility.

Features of the emotional state

A delay in menstruation in a virgin can also be observed due to excessive emotional stress. Indeed, today teenagers of twelve to fifteen years old really have a very difficult life. They learn very huge amounts of information in school. In addition, they visit a large number of tutors and sections where they engage in intellectual activities. It is also worth adding that at this age teenagers are in a state of conflict with the whole world. After all, it seems that parents and teachers are opposed to them.

Typically, at this age, teenage girls fall in love with a member of the opposite sex for the first time. And if such attraction is not mutual, then it can end in an emotional breakdown. Against the backdrop of such great psycho-emotional stress, a virgin’s period does not come. So, in this situation, a delay can be observed until the emotional state of the teenager normalizes. Sometimes this period lasts quite a long time. In this case, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and, if necessary, reduce your intellectual load. After all, this can have a negative impact on your overall health.

Hormonal changes in the body

As you know, in the body of the fair sex there are two female hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone. If they are released in sufficient quantities and work harmoniously, then young girls will not have problems with menstruation, and they will look attractive. However, if the hormonal system is not working correctly, then you may begin to wonder why virgins do not have periods.

If the female hormonal system does not work correctly, the follicles located in the ovaries mature with a delay. In this case, ovulation may be greatly delayed or absent completely.

If there are problems with female hormones, girls may begin to develop traits that are characteristic of men. For example, facial hair may begin to appear, the voice may become rougher, and the body may become unfeminine. In this case, you need to urgently seek help from a medical institution, because hormonal imbalances can be fraught with serious consequences. Everything may end with the woman being unable to bear and give birth to a baby.

What treatment is required

Regular delay in young girls can be treated with completely different methods. It depends on the root cause of the deviations.

It is much easier to restore the cycle if its disruption was caused by psycho-emotional experiences or an incorrect lifestyle. Menstruation will be restored as soon as the virgin begins to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. The only additional impact may be taking vitamin-mineral complexes.

In difficult situations, for example, with depression or weight problems, it is recommended to visit a psychologist. The specialist provides significant assistance, since in adolescence girls perceive everything much more acutely and parents may simply not find an approach to the child.

If the cause is a disease, then treatment is carried out in accordance with the measures taken to combat the specific pathology. In such cases, treatment may be prescribed by another specialist, but after consultation with a gynecologist.

From this video you will learn about the possible causes of delayed menstruation:

Excessive passion for sports

Of course, sport is incredibly beneficial for the health of the whole body. However, everything should be in moderation, including physical exercise. Quite often, for example, a delay in menstruation by 5 days occurs in a virgin who is actively involved in sports. The more a representative of the fair sex exercises, the more weight she loses. If there is very little fat accumulation in the body, then the protection mode is activated, because the woman’s health is at risk, and first of all, the functions that contribute to successful conception are blocked. Therefore, if virgins have not had their periods for 2 months, then perhaps this is a reason to significantly reduce the level of physical activity.

What is considered a delay?

Gynecologists usually divide the problem into two types, depending on what kind of disorder is present - duration or frequency. After analyzing these indicators, the following deviations are identified:

  • If from the moment of the first menstruation (and they occur at the age of 11 - 15 years) and after the establishment of a regular cycle, menstruation disappeared for 6 months or more, then this is amenorrhea. Patients present with this problem in 0.6 - 1.2% of cases. Mostly, the diagnosis is given to girls who are at least 16 years old or older. It is worth noting that from the moment of the first menstruation and in the coming year, fluctuations in the interval and duration are quite acceptable. After all, the cycle is just getting better, so there’s no need to panic.
  • If the interval between menstruation is more than 35 days, then it is called oligomenorrhea.

In the event that a failure happened once, and the next time everything returned to normal, this is also not a reason for alarm. The optimal period between menstruation is from 23 to 35 days. Gynecologists do not consider a deviation of 10 days to be a problem.

However, regular violations, especially in adolescence, cannot be ignored if the cycle is established. If you let the situation take its course, in the future it can lead to the sad and most terrible diagnosis for a woman - infertility.

How is diagnostics carried out?

If a girl has not had her period for quite a long time, the gynecologist will refer her for diagnostics. It will include several stages, namely:

- conducting MRI and CT scans to determine the absence or presence of tumors in the brain or ovaries;

— taking tests to check the level of female hormones, as well as thyroid hormones;

— conducting ultrasound diagnostics, which can be used to determine the presence of tumors in the female genital organs, as well as the presence of other dangerous pathologies.

Disease as a cause

If menstruation is delayed, this may indicate a pathology of the genitourinary system. Most often, this symptom is explained by the following diseases:

  • endometritis;
  • salpingitis;
  • oophoritis;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

With endometritis, oophoritis and salpingitis, leucorrhoea usually appears. Several times a month, specific discharge with blood streaks may occur.

Another reason for delayed menstruation in girls who are not sexually active is uterine fibroids. The most common factor causing menstrual delay is polycystic ovary syndrome. The main provocateur of this condition is hormonal imbalance. Against this background, a large amount of male hormones appears in the girl’s body.

An equally dangerous reason for the delay of “critical days” is ovarian dysfunction. The main reason for this condition lies in the incorrect functioning of the neuroendocrine system. The functioning of the thyroid gland, cerebral cortex, pituitary gland and hypothalamus is disrupted.

Features of treatment

If a virgin does not have menstruation for a month, then in this case it is not always necessary to carry out any treatment. If menstruation has just begun, then the cycle may be irregular for several years, and this is not a pathology.

In other cases, treatment should be carried out depending on the cause of the pathology.

If the delay occurs due to a poor emotional state, then in this case you need to do everything possible to normalize it, namely: reduce intellectual stress and increase physical stress, try to avoid conflicts, if necessary, visit a psychologist and take sedatives.

If the cause of the delay is hormonal changes, then you cannot do without medical help. It is very important to normalize the work and rest schedule, as well as select hormonal medications that are suitable in a particular case. Don't forget that every girl's body is individual. What may suit one patient may not suit another.

If menstruation fails due to excessive physical activity, then in this case the only thing that can be done is to reduce physical activity, as well as ensure sufficient rest after the workout itself.

Do not forget that the untimely onset of menstrual periods may also depend on the presence of a large number of dangerous diseases in the body. Therefore, without eliminating the cause of such pathologies, you simply will not be able to regulate your menstrual cycle.

Reasons for delayed periods in virgins

As a rule, girls experience their first menstruation when they reach the age of eleven. From the beginning of the cycle, delays occur quite often. The factors on which the regularity of menstruation at this age depends can be the functioning of the child’s body, nervous overload, changes in hormonal levels or growth problems.

Normally, the formation of the menstrual cycle continues throughout the year. During this period, the time between the onset of subsequent bleeding varies significantly. If such manifestations are not accompanied by severe discomfort, then most likely there is nothing to worry about.

If a girl has not yet entered into sexual activity, then pregnancy is not considered as a possible reason for a missed period. Therefore, the impetus for its occurrence can be environmental factors, internal problems, nervous overload or the development of various diseases.

Most often, disturbances in the rhythm of menstruation can occur due to:

  • formation of the girl’s hormonal background;
  • suffered stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • side effects of certain medications;
  • long-distance travel and flights;
  • sports hobbies;
  • strong emotional shocks;
  • past influenza;
  • iodine deficiency in the body;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • severe metabolic disorders;
  • changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • cachexia;
  • excessive obesity;
  • ovarian pathologies;
  • suffered trauma;
  • the appearance of a cyst;
  • presence of cystitis;
  • various gynecological diseases;
  • renal pathology;
  • organic brain damage;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • development of cancer;
  • infections and fungi, etc.

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These numerous reasons can cause sudden changes in the synthesis of female and a pronounced increase in the level of male sex hormones, significant disruption of the uterus, a decrease in its tone, disruption of the menstrual cycle, a lack of biologically active substances in the body or changes in the cerebral cortex.

The development of infectious diseases is also possible. You should not think that they can only occur in those who are sexually active. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, swimming in questionable bodies of water or visiting bathhouses can lead to infection with fungal or bacterial diseases.

Their most common manifestation is thrush, which often develops even due to decreased immunity. At first, she may not manifest herself in anything other than delays in the onset of menstruation.

But disruptions in the regularity of menstruation in virgins also occur for simpler reasons. Most often, they are severe nervous shock, a passion for fashionable diets, overload in the school curriculum, which disrupts the metabolic process and leads to severe weight loss. In cases where the child has no appetite, delays can become commonplace.

Very often, disruption of the menstrual cycle occurs in the summer, when the family goes on vacation to remote resorts in hot countries. Long flights and sudden changes in the usual climate usually have a negative impact on the girl’s general hormonal background.

Some children at this age go in for sports and even receive the highest ranks in various types. Such achievements require intense training. But physical overload and extreme fatigue also greatly affect the overall functioning of the body, quite contributing to the occurrence of a delay in menstruation. In this case, a lot of energy is consumed and the amount of fatty tissue, from which female sex hormones are formed, sharply decreases. As a result, their significant deficiency appears.

In general, excessive fatigue for any reason usually immediately affects the functioning of the menstrual cycle.


If menstruation is delayed in adolescents, it is recommended in any case to consult a gynecologist to accurately determine the reasons. This way you can immediately know if there is cause for concern. Perhaps you just need to wait a little, or undergo a course of special treatment.

Even those girls who have never had sexual intercourse may experience a delay in menstruation. Experts identify many provoking factors for this condition. In some situations, the cause is menstrual irregularities, in others – psycho-emotional disturbances. But it is also important to take into account the fact that girls’ periods do not stabilize immediately. Sometimes this may take more than one year. Regardless of the reason, it is necessary to undergo examination by a gynecologist, since a delay may also indicate the development of serious abnormalities in the female body that provoke infertility.

Treatment of delayed menstruation in girls

Even a virgin who has not had sexual contact in her life needs to stabilize her menstrual cycle. She needs to be sure to follow the calendar and mark each date on which her period starts.

If the periods between them differ significantly, you should consult a gynecologist. It is possible that the reason lies in the development of a disease of the female genital area or a congenital anomaly of its development. The same should be done in case of severe pain accompanying menstruation, heavy bleeding or uncharacteristic discharge in the middle of the cycle.

If there are significant disruptions in the onset of the next menstruation, the gynecologist prescribes correction of the patient’s condition and lifestyle.

If there are no disturbances in the body, the daily routine should be changed and the activity of the psycho-emotional sphere should be normalized. Sometimes a specialist prescribes sedatives. As soon as the external cause is eliminated, menstruation will begin, and the menstrual cycle will gradually stabilize.

If the diet is unbalanced or there is a lack of required microelements, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed.

In cases where there are disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and psyche or a brain injury has been suffered, the intervention of a neurologist or psychotherapist is necessary.

If a hormonal imbalance is detected, then special pharmacological agents are prescribed to normalize the synthesis of estrogen.

However, it is better to avoid the causes that lead to menstrual irregularities. If delays are repeated often enough, such irregularity can lead to the development of gynecological diseases.

To prevent this from happening, you need to:

  • give up various diets;
  • take vitamins;
  • maintain a daily routine;
  • do morning exercises;
  • beware of conflict situations;
  • be examined by a gynecologist at least once a year;
  • conduct a full examination of the body, etc.

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These preventive measures will stabilize metabolism, provide tissues with the required biologically active substances, normalize the activity of the nervous system and eliminate congestion in the pelvis.

During puberty, girls begin to have periods, indicating that the genitals are beginning to fully function. If a girl begins to be sexually active, then the absence of menstruation, of course, can be a symptom of pregnancy. But a delay in menstruation in virgins is possible. There can be many reasons for the absence of menstruation, so a visit to the doctor and diagnostic testing is recommended.

Teenagers sometimes have problems with menstruation and delays

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