Thrush of the mammary glands - complications during breastfeeding
Many people associate the word thrush with a white coating in the mouth of newborns. However
Hormonal imbalance after a frozen pregnancy. Recovery after cleansing a frozen pregnancy. When to start a new life
Pregnancy is one of the important periods in the life of every woman, however, it is not always
Hair loss during menopause
How to stop hair loss during menopause: useful tips
Causes of the disorder Many ladies wonder whether hair can fall out during menopause. Practice has shown
Douching with celandine for female inflammation reviews recipe. Treatment of ears with celandine
Medicinal properties and contraindications of celandine Herb celandine has the following therapeutic effect: Relieves inflammation and
Endometriosis after cesarean section: what you need to know
Endometriosis is not fully studied, but definitely one of the most unpleasant gynecological diseases.
Curettage of the uterus during a frozen pregnancy
Why does fetal development stop? Who is experiencing this? Is it possible to have a baby later? –
endometriosis symptoms after childbirth
Endometriosis goes away after childbirth. Endometriosis after childbirth - features of the course and treatment of the disease. Stages and clinical picture of internal endometriosis
In this article we will look at the symptoms of endometriosis after childbirth. This is a gynecological disease, not of an inflammatory nature.
Why do you crave sweets during your period: possible reasons, hormonal changes in the body and doctors’ opinions
From puberty to the end of reproductive age, every woman regularly faces
at a homeopathic doctor's appointment
Homeopathy in the treatment of endometriosis: will there be any results?
If you do not start treatment correctly, then: Blood loss will increase, the cycle will shorten, and anemia will develop. IN
Before, during and after menstruation, the right side of the lower abdomen hurts
Many women are accustomed to considering severe pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation as the norm. However, it's far away
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