Drugs to contract the uterus for the purpose of miscarriage

Based on the state of contractile activity of the myometrium, gynecologists judge how well the postpartum period is proceeding. If the uterus contracts normally, then the woman is fine. If the process proceeds more slowly than necessary or is practically absent, this indicates serious problems with the woman’s health. If after childbirth the uterus contracts poorly, is it possible to do something on your own and in what case?

A decrease in the rate of uterine contraction is commonly called subinvolution. Involution is diagnosed by a gynecologist and treated in an inpatient setting. When the uterus contracts normally, some effort on the part of the woman can speed up the contraction of the uterus. If hypotension (decreased muscle activity) or atony (almost complete cessation) is observed, a doctor must correct this situation.

What does uterine contraction normally depend on and how to speed up the process

Contraction of the uterus begins immediately after expulsion of the fetus. Moreover, this organ contracts most actively immediately after childbirth. Its activity depends on:

  • from the fertility of pregnancy;
  • naturalness of childbirth;
  • breastfeeding;
  • motor activity of a woman.

In women who have given birth to more than one child, the organ may contract more slowly. After natural birth, the uterus restores its size by 6 weeks, after surgical delivery by 8 weeks. In nursing mothers, the contractile activity of the myometrium is higher than in non-breastfeeding mothers. Women who started gymnastic exercises in the first days after childbirth observe better contractile activity of the uterine muscles than those who ignore such exercises.

By the contraction of the uterus, doctors judge the course of the postpartum period. If you contract this organ normally, then everything is fine with the woman. In this case, you can speed up the contraction of the uterus by actively applying the baby to the breast, emptying the bladder as often as possible, doing exercises recommended by the physiotherapist in the maternity hospital, periodically straining and relaxing the buttocks, and doing Kegel exercises.

Many women ask what they should drink to speed up uterine contractions after childbirth? There are homeopathic medicines that enhance the activity of the muscles of the uterus, herbal medicines, but if the myometrium is normal, they are not required to be taken. You need to be especially careful when taking medicinal herbs and berry juices when breastfeeding your baby. For example, viburnum is considered a good natural stimulator of uterine contractility. But this product, rich in vitamins and minerals, can cause allergies in a child. Therefore, before using it, you should definitely consult a doctor.

If there are disturbances in the contractile process, it is obvious that pathological processes are occurring in the body that need to be identified and eliminated.

Reasons for taking medications

The uterus is an organ of the reproductive system that greatly increases during pregnancy and quickly decreases immediately after childbirth. Sometimes there are cases when the uterus requires medical help to contract and push out the lochia.

Drugs that contract the uterus are prescribed:

  1. with sluggish labor activity;
  2. after an abortion;
  3. in case of long-term loss of a child;
  4. for removing lochia;
  5. with blood loss from the genital organs;
  6. amenorrhea;
  7. uterine neoplasms.

If the first stage of delivery is sluggish, droppers are used to contract the uterus. This is done so that the process of the birth of the baby progresses and the child does not suffer from a lack of oxygen. For the use of medicines there must be indications, as well as circumstances: partial dilatation of the cervix, a fetus with the head inserted into the pelvis. In the complete absence of contractions and dilatation, there is no point in inducing labor.

After getting rid of the fetus by cleansing, it is important for the uterus to recover from an unwanted pregnancy, so medications are prescribed to tone the muscles. This relieves the woman of blood clots after an abortion.

It happens that girls experience spontaneous miscarriage or are forced to get rid of the fetus for medical reasons. Then you can’t do without cutting medications. They are prescribed after an unpleasant procedure and continue to be administered for 2-3 days to make the cleansing and recovery process faster and easier.

The most common is the use of drugs that contract the uterus during the postpartum period. The medication is part of rehabilitation measures after the birth of a baby, since the reproductive system must return to its original form. These processes cannot be started without contraction of the uterine muscles.

It is in the nature of a woman that during lactation there is discharge and the uterus contracts, but physiological efforts are not enough for a quick and high-quality result. Therefore, after childbirth, additional medications are prescribed.

If there is heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle, the gynecologist prescribes tablets that contract the uterus. This is necessary to increase pressure in the vessels. Before starting therapy, the state of health during treatment is assessed so as not to miss a deterioration of the condition.

It is recommended to understand the classification of abbreviations. There are medications that affect contractile activity and those that affect the tone of the myometrium. You should look at each subspecies separately.

Causes of subinvolution

The reasons why there is a delay in contraction of the fruit-bearing organ can be divided into three large groups:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • anatomical defects;
  • infections.

One of the leading causes of subinvolution is considered to be a lack of prolactin synthesis. This hormone is responsible for milk production and also stimulates the synthesis of oxytocin, a hormone that activates contractile movements of the myometrium. Prolactin is produced at a reflex level at the moment of irritation of a woman’s nipples (during the baby’s sucking of the breast).

Central regulation of the cerebral cortex is of great importance for the process of hormone production; in other words, if a child is desired, prolactin is produced more efficiently (in larger quantities).

Anatomical reasons include the attachment of placental lobules to the wall of the uterus, kinking of the cervix, underdevelopment of the uterus, blockage of the external os of the cervical canal and other defects. Attachment of part of the placenta to the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ is not uncommon and it significantly reduces the ability of muscles to contract. The remaining reasons, taking into account the fact that the woman was able to bear and give birth to a baby on her own, are more in the realm of theory. They may occur, but in practice they are rare.

Postnatal infection is not uncommon. Most often, it is a consequence of the continuation of an infectious process that began before conception or during the gestational period. For example, postpartum endometritis is a consequence of inflammation of the membranes (chorionitis). During inflammatory processes affecting the walls of the uterus, its muscles become flabby and are no longer able to adequately respond to oxytocin stimulation.

Reasons such as heavy weight of the fetus or placenta insertion cannot be an independent cause of uterine atony. They are only auxiliary factors in the presence of other disorders.

Ways to accelerate uterine involution

After removing the placenta, a cold heating pad is placed on the mother’s stomach in the area of ​​the uterus to speed up the onset of contractions. The woman feels the contractions as an unpleasant but tolerable aching pain in the lower abdomen. In some very rare cases, the pain during uterine contractions is so noticeable that it is necessary to administer intramuscular painkillers and antispasmodics.

In many maternity hospitals, women in labor are given injections of oxytocin, a hormone that accelerates the process of involution. Breastfeeding also has the same effect; when sucking, the concentration of oxytocin in a woman’s blood increases greatly and distinct twitching is felt in the muscles of the uterus.

Postpartum hygiene for women is also of great importance: washing, treating wounds, changing pads in a timely manner - all this will protect against infections and prevent possible complications. Doctors also recommend wearing a special postpartum bandage and restorative exercises.

A set of exercises to contract the uterus can be started the day after birth and continued for 10-12 weeks. It is important not to overdo it and exercise in a gentle manner.

Drugs that enhance the contractile activity of the myometrium

If, during a gynecological examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist diagnoses uterine subinvolution, the woman is not discharged from the maternity hospital. A new mother can be discharged only after doctors are convinced that this reproductive organ is shrinking at an acceptable rate. If necessary, uterine contractions are stimulated with medication. Can be used:

  1. Hormones (Oskitocin, Hyfotocin, Sandopart);
  2. Uterotonics based on ergot alkaloids (Ergotamine, Ergotal, Metriclavine and others.
  3. Pituitary preparations (Pituitrin, Hypophysin, Piton and others).

Drugs to contract the uterus after childbirth are taken in a hospital setting, usually in the form of injections, under the supervision of a doctor. It should be borne in mind that some of them (ergot alkaloids) inhibit milk secretion.

Folk abbreviations

The body needs time to recover after childbirth. The first thing that will come to the rescue is lactation. Breastfeeding releases oxytocin. You can try massage to contract the uterus or gymnastic exercises.

Often women use tinctures and decoctions. For example, barberry has a hemostatic effect. To prepare the tincture, you need 1 tbsp. combine a spoonful of barberry leaves with 100 gr. vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Drink 10 drops 2 times a day for a week.

Liquid nettle extract is widely used to contract the uterine muscles during the postpartum period. This drug is prepared independently or purchased at the pharmacy. Take nettle 30 drops 3 times a day.

The extract of Chistica alphabet will help not only contract the uterus, but also improve the lactation process. Prescribed to drink 30 drops three times a day before meals for 3-4 days. Before using the infusion, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies to combat involution

For uterine hypotension, herbal remedies can be used: herbal decoctions, extracts and infusions, as well as homeopathic granules. Recommended herbs for uterine contraction after childbirth are:

  • Chistetsa alphabeta extract;
  • shepherd's purse grass;
  • peppermint herb (water pepper);
  • tincture of barberry leaves;
  • nettle extract.

The pharmaceutical industry offers herbal homeopathic remedies in granular form containing microdoses of herbal extracts. These include Witch Hazel, Sabina, Sekale (based on ergot alkaloids), Millefolium (based on yarrow herb).

Herbal medicines can be prescribed as injections to enhance uterine contractions after childbirth. For example, Spherophysin (alkaloid of spherophysa salsa) is approved for use when Pituitrin is contraindicated. Indicated for loss of uterine tone, it stimulates its reverse development well. Any remedies, including those of herbal origin, must be approved by the attending physician.

Means that stimulate the muscles of the uterus

Home Medical Encyclopedia Medicines Medicines that affect the muscles of the uterus

METHYLERGOMETRINE (Methylergometrinum)

Synonyms: Ergopartin, Methergin, Methylergobazine, Methylergobrevin, Miomergin.

Pharmachologic effect. Strengthens uterine contractions.

Indications for use. Hypotony and atony (decrease and loss of tone) of the uterus after childbirth, bleeding in the postpartum period, during cesarean section and abortion.

Method of administration and dose. 0.5-1.0 ml of a 0.02% solution is injected subcutaneously and intramuscularly, and 0.25-1.0 ml into a vein (in 20 ml of a 40% glucose solution).

Side effect. Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, bradycardia (slow pulse).

Contraindications. Pregnancy, severe cardiovascular diseases, thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease).

Release form. Ampoules of 1 ml of 0.02% solution in a package of 5 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light.

ERGOMETRINE MALEATE (Ergometrinimaleas)

Synonyms: Metriclavine, Ermetrine, Margonovine, Secomethrin, Ergometrine, Ergobazine maleate, Ergonovine maleate, Ergotrat maleate, Ergostabil, Panergal.

Pharmachologic effect. Increases tone and increases the frequency of uterine contractions.

Indications for use. Uterine bleeding (after manual separation of the placenta, immediately after childbirth and in the postpartum period, after cesarean section, abortion, etc.). Bleeding due to uterine fibroids (benign tumors of the muscular layer of the uterus).

Method of administration and dose. Orally 0.0002-0.0004 g 2-3 times a day; parenterally (intramuscularly and intravenously) 0.5-1 ml of 0.02% solution.

Side effect. Headache, dizziness, tinnitus, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chest pain, tachycardia or bradycardia (increased or decreased heart rate), shortness of breath.

Contraindications. Pregnancy, I and II stages of labor, sepsis (blood infection by microbes from the focus of purulent inflammation), severe heart and vascular diseases, liver and kidney dysfunction, thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease).

Release form. Tablets of 0.0002 g in a package of 10 pieces; ampoules of 1 ml of 0.02% solution in a package of 10 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dark place at a temperature not exceeding +10 °C.

ERGOTAL (Ergotalum)

A mixture of ergot alkaloid phosphates. Pharmachologic effect. Increases the tone of the uterine muscles and increases the frequency of its contractions.

Indications for use. Uterine bleeding caused by atony (loss of tone) of the uterus; to accelerate the reverse development of the uterus in the postpartum period.

Method of administration and dose. Orally 0.0005-0.001 g 2-3 times a day, subcutaneously or intramuscularly 0.5-1 ml of 0.05% solution.

Side effects and contraindications. The same as for ergometrine maleate.

Release form. Tablets of 0.0005 and 0.001 g; ampoules of 1 ml of 0.05% solution in a package of 10 pieces; pH of the solution is 2.0-3.0.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light at a temperature no higher than +5 “C.

ERGOTAMINE (Ergotamin)

Synonyms: Ergotamine hydrotartrate, Cornutamine, Ergotartrate, Femergin, Gynekorn, Ginergen, Ginofort, Sekotamine, Sinergan, etc.

Alakaloid ergot Secalecomutum. Ergotamine hydrotartrate is used in medical practice.

Pharmachologic effect. Increases the frequency and amplitude of uterine contractions, and also has sympatholytic and sedative (calming effect on the central nervous system) properties.

Indications for use. Uterine bleeding, atony (loss of tone) of the uterus, incomplete abortion; migraine.

Method of administration and dose. Prescribed orally 10-15 drops of a 0.1% solution (or 40 drops of a 0.025% solution) or 1 tablet (dragee) of 0.001 g 1-3 times a day.

0.5-1.0 ml (0.25-0.5 mg) of a 0.05% solution is injected subcutaneously and intramuscularly. If necessary, 0.5 ml of a 0.05% solution is injected slowly into a vein.

Due to its effect on cerebral circulation, ergotamine is also used in the treatment of migraine. Take 15-20 drops of a 0.1% solution several hours before the expected attack. You can also put 2-4 mg of the drug under the tongue at the beginning of the painful phase of the attack, then 2 hours later - 2 mg until the pain decreases, but not more than 10 mg per day. In case of a severe migraine attack, 0.5-1.0 ml of a 0.05% solution is administered intramuscularly.

Higher doses when taken orally: single - 0.002 g (2 mg), daily - 0.004 g (4 mg); subcutaneously and intramuscularly: single dose - 0.0005 g (0.5 mg), daily - 0.002 g (2 mg).

Side effect. Dyspeptic disorders (digestive disorders); with increased nervous excitability, paleness of the face, coldness of the extremities, paresthesia (a feeling of numbness in the extremities).

Contraindications. Pregnancy, I and II stages of labor, liver disease, kidney disease, sepsis (blood poisoning), severe atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, peripheral vascular disease.

Release form. Dragee 0.001 g in a package of 10 pieces; ampoules of 1 ml of 0.05% solution (in 1 ml 0.5 mg

ergotamine) in a package of 10 pieces; in bottles (20 drops correspond to 1 mg) of 10 ml.

Storage conditions. List A. In a place protected from light.

Ergotamine is also included in the preparations Avamngran, Bellergal, Belloid dragees, and caffeamine.


GIFOTOTSIN (Hyphotocinum)

Synonyms: Pituitrin M.

A preparation of the pituitary gland, maximally freed from vasopressin. Mainly contains oxytocin.

Pharmachologic effect. It has an oxytotic (stimulating uterine contraction) effect.

Indications for use. Weak labor, post-term pregnancy, hypotonic postpartum hemorrhage (bleeding associated with decreased uterine tone); to normalize uterine involution (uterine contraction in the postpartum period) after childbirth and abortion.

Method of administration and dose. Intramuscularly in the first stage of labor, 0.2-0.4 ml 4-6 times a day (every 30 minutes); in the second stage of labor intramuscularly up to 1 ml or 1 ml intravenously in 500 ml of 5% glucose solution or slowly in 40 ml of 40% solution.

To artificially induce labor, hyfotocin is administered 2-4-6 hours after opening of the amniotic sac. The total amount of hyphotocin administered during labor or to artificially induce labor should not exceed 5-10 units.

Contraindications. Discrepancy between the sizes of the fetal head and pelvis, scars and threatening uterine rupture, incorrect position of the fetus.

Release form. Ampoules of 1 ml (5 units) in a package of 6 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a cool, dark place.

DESAMINOOXYTOCIN (Desaminooxytocinum)

Synonyms: Sandopart, Demoxytocin, Deoxytocin.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus and contracts the myoepithelial cells of the mammary gland.

Indications for use. In obstetrics and gynecology to induce and enhance labor during its primary and secondary weakness, to accelerate the involution (contraction) of the uterus in the postpartum period.

Method of administration and dose. Transbuccal (by the cheek). The tablet is placed behind the cheek alternately on the left and right sides and kept in the mouth (without chewing or swallowing) until completely dissolved. It is recommended to reuse the tablets at intervals of 30 minutes. The maximum total dose is 500 units (10 tablets), in rare cases 900 units or more.

If regular, strong contractions occur, subsequent single doses are halved (1/2 tablet) or the interval between doses is increased (1 hour).

If there is no effect, the course of taking the drug is repeated after 24 hours.

Contraindications. Discrepancy between the sizes of the pelvis and the fetus, threatening uterine ruptures, abnormal position of the fetus, too strong contractions, after a cesarean section and other operations on the uterus.

Release form. Tablets containing 50 units, in a package of 10 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding +25 ° C.

OXYTOCIN (Oxytocinum)

Synonyms: Syntocin, Syntocinon, Ipofamin, Ocytocin, Orastin, Oksistin, Oxit, Partokon, Pitocin, Pitupartin, Sinpitan, Utedrin, Uterakon, etc.

Polypeptide hormone of the posterior pituitary gland. Currently obtained synthetically.

Pharmachologic effect. Causes strong contractions of the muscles of the uterus (especially during pregnancy).

Indications for use. To stimulate labor, with hypotonic uterine bleeding (bleeding associated with decreased uterine tone) in the postpartum period. Can be used to artificially induce labor (in case of pregnancy complications).

Method of administration and dose. Intravenously or dropwise, 1 ml in 500 ml of 5% glucose solution; start with 5-8 drops per minute, then the number of drops is gradually increased (every 5-10 minutes by 5 drops, but not more than 40 drops per minute) until vigorous labor is established. Drip administration is continued throughout labor, and the amount of injected solution can be reduced to the minimum that maintains good labor. It is recommended to use antispasmodic (relieving spasms) and analgesic (painkillers) agents (aprofen, promedol, etc.) from the beginning of the oxytocin infusion.

Simultaneous intravenous administration of oxytocin in a dose of 0.2 ml (1 unit) in 20 ml of a 40% glucose solution is allowed only when the cervix is ​​fully dilated and conditions are available for rapid natural resolution of labor.

For weak labor and prolonged labor, 0.5-1 ml intramuscularly or into the cervix. To prevent hypotonic uterine bleeding (associated with decreased uterine tone), 3-5 units are administered intramuscularly 2-3 times a day daily for 2-3 days, and in the presence of such bleeding - 5-8 units 2-3 times a day. for 3 days.

Side effect. Sharp contractions with the development of intrauterine fetal hypoxia (insufficient blood supply to the fetus) are possible.

Contraindications. Threatening uterine rupture; transverse and oblique position of the fetus, discrepancy between the size of the fetal head and the size of the pelvis.

Release form. Ampoules of 1 ml (5 units) in a package of 5 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a cool, dark place.

PITUITRIN (Pituitrinum)

Synonyms: Glanduitrin, Hypophen, Hypophysin, Python, Pituglandol, Pituigan, etc.

Hormonal preparation of the pituitary gland.

Pharmachologic effect. It has oxytocic (stimulating contractions of the uterine muscles), vasopressor (vasoconstrictor) and antidiuretic (reducing urine secretion) effects.

Indications for use. To stimulate and enhance uterine contractions during weak labor, post-term pregnancy, hypotonic bleeding (associated with decreased uterine tone) and to normalize uterine involution (uterine contractions in the postpartum period).

Method of administration and dose. Subcutaneously and intramuscularly, 0.2-0.25 ml every 15-30 minutes 4-6 times. To prevent and stop hypotonic uterine bleeding in the early postpartum period, if necessary, administer 1 ml intravenously in 500 ml of a 5% glucose solution or very slowly 0.5-1 ml in 40 ml of a 40% glucose solution.

Higher doses: single - 2 ml, daily - 4 ml.

Side effect. Large doses can cause spasms (sharp narrowing of the lumen) of cerebral vessels, collapse (sharp drop in blood pressure), hemodynamic disturbances, tetanic (convulsive) contractions of the uterus during childbirth (in case of overdose).

Contraindications. Severe atherosclerosis, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), hypertension (persistent rise in blood pressure), thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the vein wall with blockage), sepsis (blood poisoning), nephropathy of pregnancy (toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy); the presence of scars and the threat of uterine rupture, abnormal position of the fetus.

Release form. In ampoules of 1 ml (5 units) in a package of 6 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a cool, dark place. PROSTAGLANDINS

DINOPROST (Dinoprost)

Synonyms: Enzaprost F, Prostaglandin p2 alpha, PGR2 alpha, Enzaprost, Amoglasion, Minprostin p2 alpha, Panacelan F, Prostaglan, Prostarmon, Prostarmon F, Prostin F2 alpha.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a pronounced stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus.

Indications for use. Used in obstetric practice to excite and stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus at any stage of pregnancy only in a hospital setting.

Method of administration and dose. For the purpose of abortion. A deep transabdominal puncture (piercing) of the amniotic sac is performed and at least 1 ml of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) is removed, then 40 mg (8 ml) of the drug is slowly injected into the amniotic sac. The first 5 mg (1 ml) is administered very slowly and only if the amniotic fluid is clean (not stained with blood). If within 24 hours after the administration of the first dose of the drug, the abortion has not begun or completed, you can (if the amniotic sac is not ruptured) administer another 10-40 mg (2-8 ml) of the drug. Long-term (more than 2 days) administration of the drug is not recommended.

To induce (stimulate) labor (at term) and/or to expel the contents of the uterine cavity in the third trimester of pregnancy in the event of intrauterine fetal death, an intravenous infusion of a solution with a concentration of 15 mcg/ml at a rate of 2.5 is carried out for at least 30 minutes mcg/min. If an adequate response of the uterine muscles is achieved, this pace can be maintained; otherwise, the rate of administration can be increased by 2.5 mcg/min every hour until the desired effect is achieved, but should not exceed the level of 20 mcg/min.

If hypertonicity (increased tone) of the uterus occurs (with or without fetal bradycardia/rare heartbeats), the infusion is interrupted and the need for further use of the drug should be assessed before resuming administration at a lower rate.

If no effect is observed during the first 12-24 hours of using the drug, then stop using it.

Side effect. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bronchospasm (sharp narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi), tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), and with intravenous administration - phlebitis (inflammation of the veins), fever (sharp increase in body temperature).

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the drug; acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs; active cardiac, pulmonary, renal and liver diseases. When prescribed for induction of labor at term, there is also a history of cesarean section or major surgical interventions on the uterus (previous); high degree of discrepancy between the sizes of the pelvis and head; history of difficult and/or traumatic childbirth;

6 or more full-term pregnancies; bloody discharge from the genital tract of unknown etiology (cause) in the second or third trimesters of pregnancy; previous fetal distress (impaired blood supply/oxygen delivery/to the fetus).

Release form. Pills; sterile solution 5 mg/ml in ampoules of 1; 1.5; 4; 5 and 8 ml.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dark place at a temperature not exceeding +5 °C.

DINOPROSTON (Dinoproston)

Synonyms: Prostaglandin E2, PGE2, Cerviprost, Enzaprost-E, Medullin, Prepidil, Prostarmon E2, Prostin E2.

Pharmachologic effect. Prostaglandin E2 preparation. It has a stimulating effect on the contractile activity and tone of the myometrium (muscular layer of the uterus). The use of dinoprostone causes rhythmic contractions of the pregnant uterus during any period of pregnancy. The sensitivity of the pregnant uterus to the drug at the beginning and middle of pregnancy is lower than at the end.

When applied topically, the drug promotes cervical ripening and stimulates smooth muscle contractions (changes that occur during the period of induced softening, effacement and dilatation of the cervix - together these processes are called ripening).

Indications for use. Stimulation of labor during full-term pregnancy - dinoprost tablets; induction (stimulation) of labor in women with full-term or almost full-term pregnancy - vaginal gel; induction (causing) of labor during full-term pregnancy, induction of expulsion of the fetus in the event of intrauterine death, medical abortion, failed abortion, hydatidiform mole (a disease of a pregnant woman, as a result of which the nutrition of the fetus is disrupted, which, as a rule, leads to its death) - concentrate for infusions.

Method of administration and dose. For induction of labor during full-term pregnancy, the dose is selected in accordance with the sensitivity of the patient and maintained at the lowest possible level, ensuring both a sufficient response of the uterus and normal progressive dilatation of the cervix. Orally prescribed in the first dose of 0.5 mg. Subsequently, 0.5 mg is given every hour. If uterine activity is insufficient, the dosage is increased to 1 mg per hour until uterine activity increases. It is not recommended to increase the dose of the drug above 1.5 mg per hour. In case of progressive dilatation of the cervix, it is possible to reduce the dose of the administered drug to 0.5 mg per hour. Long-term, more than 2 days, use of the drug is not recommended.

For intravenous administration, an infusion solution with a concentration of 1.5 μg/ml is used. The initial infusion rate, which is maintained for at least the first 30 minutes, is 0.25 mcg/min. If they reach

desired effect, then administration is continued at the same speed. Otherwise, the rate of administration can be increased to 0.5 mcg/min. In some cases, a gradual increase in the rate of administration to 1.0 or 2.0 mcg/min is allowed, however, the response from the uterus and the possibility of side effects are taken into account.

If hypertonicity (increased tone) of the uterus or fetal distress (impaired blood supply/oxygen delivery/to the fetus) occurs, the infusion is stopped until the condition of the patient and fetus normalizes. After this, the infusion can be resumed at a rate of 50% of the last one.

To induce labor, it is also possible to use vaginal gel at an initial dose of 1 mg. The gel is injected into the posterior vaginal fornix. If necessary, after 6 hours you can administer a second dose of the gel, which ranges from 1 to 2 mg. A dose of 2 mg is prescribed in case of complete lack of effect from the first administration. A dose of 1 mg is used to enhance the already achieved effect.

To induce expulsion of the fetus in the event of intrauterine death, intravenous infusion is used at an initial rate of 0.5 mcg/min, with a further increase in rate at intervals of at least an hour. The infusion rate should not exceed 4 mcg/min. Long-term (more than 2 days) use of the drug is not recommended.

For medical abortion, in case of failed abortion or hydatidiform mole, an intravenous infusion of a solution with a concentration of 5.0 mcg/ml is used. The recommended initial rate of administration for the first 30 minutes is 2.5 mcg/min. If the desired effect cannot be achieved, the rate of administration should be increased to 5 mcg/min. If after at least 4 hours of such infusion the required level of uterine contractility cannot be achieved, and no significant side effects are noted, the infusion rate is increased to 10 mcg/min. If side effects occur, the infusion rate is reduced by 50% or discontinued.

To prepare the solution, use isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution.

Solutions for intravenous use can be used within 24 hours.

Side effect. Increased uterine tone and tetanic (convulsive) contractions of the uterus are possible. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, tissue irritation and erythema (redness of the skin) at the intravenous injection site, hot flashes, trembling, fever, leukocytosis (increased number of white blood cells). The consequence of excessive stimulation of the uterus can be disturbances in the fetal heart rate, fetal compression, and asphyxia (impaired blood supply to the fetus).

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the drug. When prescribed for induction of labor in premature pregnancy also: a history of cesarean section or major surgical interventions on the uterus (previous); high degree of discrepancy between the sizes of the pelvis and the fetal head; history of difficult and/or traumatic childbirth; 6 or more full-term pregnancies; previous fetal distress; abnormal fetal positions; history of pelvioperitonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum in the pelvic area). When prescribing vaginal gel for induction of labor also: non-vertical presentation of the fetus; infections of the lower genital tract; unspecified bleeding from the genital tract during pregnancy; ruptured amniotic sac. When prescribed for medical abortion: infection of the pelvic organs if adequate previous therapy has not been carried out; cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) or vaginal infections (extra-amniotic (into the space surrounding the amniotic sac) insertion is contraindicated).

Release form. Tablets 0.5 mg; sterile solution 10 mg/ml in ampoules of 0.5 ml; sterile solution

for intravenous administration 1 mg/ml in ampoules of 0.75 ml; sterile solution for extra-amniotic administration in 0.5 ml ampoules complete with solvent in 50 ml bottles.

Vaginal gel 3 g (2.5 ml) in syringes of 1 mg or 2 mg of dinoprostone.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dark place at a temperature of +2-+5 °C.

PROSTENON (Prostenonum)

Pharmachologic effect. Prostenok, like dinoprost and dinoprostone, causes stimulation of the uterine muscles and is used to induce labor and stimulate labor.

Indications for use. As a means of stimulating labor, pier is used in a hospital setting for the following conditions: late toxicosis, post-term pregnancy, Rh conflict situation (mismatch between the Rh factor of the blood of the pregnant woman and the fetus) and in other cases requiring early induction of labor , including those accompanied by hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure), cardiovascular failure, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, as well as premature rupture of amniotic fluid, weakness of labor, if there are no contraindications due to the condition of the fetus and mother (see. Contraindications).

Method of administration and dose. For use as a labor stimulant, dilute 1 ml of 0.1% (or 0.5%) solution of prostenon in isotonic sodium chloride solution. To do this, the contents of 1 ampoule are mixed with 500 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution and shaken. The resulting solution is suitable for use within 24 hours.

The prepared solution of the drug begins to be administered at a rate of 6-10 drops per minute. If there is no pronounced effect, after 20-30 minutes the infusion rate is gradually increased to 20 drops per minute (4-5 drops per minute are added every 10 minutes) until regular labor is established. The maximum rate of drug administration should not exceed 35 drops per minute. During the administration of the drug, dynamic monitoring of the nature of labor and the condition of the fetus is necessary. The latent period (time before the onset of the effect) varies from 20 to 40 minutes. If hypertonicity (increased tone) of the uterus occurs or the condition of the fetus worsens, the infusion of the solution is stopped until these phenomena disappear. The infusion of prostenon solution is resumed, halving the dose; in the future, the rate of administration can be gradually increased. Dosing of prostenon should be individualized depending on the activity of the uterus and tolerance. The amount of drug consumed varies from 0.75 to 5 mg.

Side effect. When using prostenon, sinus tachycardia (increased heartbeat), chills, flushing (redness) of the face, headache, drowsiness, and nausea may develop. In these cases, the infusion rate should be reduced. A local reaction in the form of phlebitis (inflammation of the vein) is possible. 3-4 hours after the end of the infusion, body temperature may rise to 37-37.5 ° C, but over the next 2-3 hours it drops to normal. 20-30 minutes after the end of the infusion, a single loose stool may occur, and in case of an overdose and rapid administration, vomiting.

If there is an excessive decrease in blood pressure, the prostenon infusion should be stopped immediately.

Contraindications. Allergy to the drug, postoperative scars and uterine tumors, tendency to uterine bleeding, acute inflammatory diseases of any cause and location (except acute renal

insufficiency), thrombophlebitis of the veins of the extremities and pelvis (inflammation of the wall of the veins with their blockage), circulatory failure stage NB-1H, severe coronary heart disease, manifested by attacks of angina pectoris and rest, acute myocardial infarction. In addition, when stimulating labor, prostenon should not be prescribed to women with an anatomically or functionally narrow pelvis, a discrepancy between the size of the pelvis and the fetal head, or abnormal development of the genital organs.

Release form. 0.1% or 0.5% alcohol solution (1 or 5 mg) in 1 ml ampoules.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dark place at a temperature not exceeding +4 °C.


BARBERRY LEAVE TINCTURE (Tincturafolionimberberis)

Pharmachologic effect. It causes contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and constriction of blood vessels, and somewhat accelerates blood clotting. Has a moderate choleretic effect.

Indications for use. Atonic (associated with decreased uterine tone) bleeding in the postpartum period and with uterine subinvolution (incomplete contraction of the uterus in the postpartum period), as well as uterine bleeding caused by inflammatory processes.

Method of administration and dose. Orally, 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Contraindications. Pregnancy.

Release form. Alcohol extraction 1:5 in 40% alcohol in 25 ml bottles.

Storage conditions. In a cool place, protected from light.

COTARNIN CHLORIDE (Cotarninichloridum)

Synonyms: Stipticin, Oksistiptin, Stiptogen.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a tonic effect on the muscles of the internal organs (especially the uterus).

Indications for use. Uterine bleeding after childbirth, abortion, etc.

Method of administration and dose. Orally 0.05 g 3 times a day. The highest single dose for adults is 0.1 g, daily dose is 0.3 g.

Contraindications. Pregnancy.

Release form. Tablets of 0.05 g in a package of 20 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In well-sealed orange glass jars, protected from light.

NETTLE EXTRACT LIQUID (Extractum Urticaefluidum)

Pharmachologic effect. Has a hemostatic effect for various bleedings. Strengthens uterine contractions and increases its tone.

Indications for use. Atony (loss of tone) of the uterus; atonic or hypotonic uterine (associated with decreased uterine tone) bleeding; to accelerate the involution (contraction) of the uterus in the postpartum period. Bleeding from the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract; nosebleeds.

Method of administration and dose. Prescribe 25-30 drops

3 times a day. It is possible to increase the dose to 40 drops

4 times a day. The drug should be taken 30 minutes before meals.

Side effect. In some cases, hypersensitivity reactions to the drug are possible.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Release form. Liquid extract for oral administration in bottles.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light.

SHEPHERD'S BURSA GRASS (Herba Bursaepastoris)

Contains vitamin K, acetylcholine, choline, potassium salts, organic acids, tannins.

Indications for use. As a hemostatic agent for atony (loss of tone) of the uterus and uterine bleeding.

Method of administration and dose. Orally as an infusion (10.0:200.0) a tablespoon 3 times a day or as an extract 20-25 drops 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications. Pregnancy.

Release form. Cut grass in packages of 100 g; liquid extract in bottles of 25 g.

Storage conditions. In a cool place, protected from light.

WATER PEPPER GRASS (HerbaPolygon! hydropiperis)

Synonyms: Knotweed pepper grass.

Contains flavone glycosides (rutin, quercetin, hyperoside), flavonoids (quercetin, isorhamnetin), vitamin K, polyhopeperine glycoside, tannins (3.8%), organic acids.

Indications for use. As a hemostatic agent mainly for uterine bleeding.

Method of administration and dose. As an infusion (20.0:200.0) 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day; in the form of an extract, 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day.

Release form. Cut grass in paper bags of 100 g; liquid extract in 25 ml bottles.

Storage conditions. In a cool, dry place.

SPHEROPHYSIN (Sphaerophysinum)

Spherophysin is an alkaloid isolated from the plant Sphaerophysasalsula Pall. dc., family. legumes (Leguminosae), growing in Central Asia, Siberia, and Altai.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus. It also has ganglion-blocking activity.

Indications for use. Spherophysin is used in obstetric and gynecological practice for weak labor, bleeding in the postpartum period and atony (loss of tone) of the uterus as a means of accelerating the reverse development of the uterus and helping to stop bleeding. It can be used in women in labor who suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure) and atherosclerosis, when pituitrin is contraindicated.

Method of administration and dose. To stimulate labor, 1 ml of a 1% solution is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly after 1 hour; only 6 injections. Orally, 0.03 g is prescribed again after 2 hours.

Due to its hypotensive (blood pressure-lowering) effect, Spherofizin is sometimes used to lower blood pressure in hypertension (persistent rise in blood pressure) stages I and II.

Prescribed orally 0.03 g 2-3 times a day, 1 ml of 1% solution under the skin or into the muscle (also 2-3 times a day).

Contraindications. Pregnancy. Release form. Powder.

Storage conditions. List B. In well-sealed orange glass jars, protected from light.

STachydisbetonicaeflorefluidum EXTRACTUM

Alcoholic extraction 1:1 in 40% alcohol from the aerial parts of Chistema alphabet.

Pharmachologic effect. Strengthens uterine contractions.

Indications for use. With subinvolution of the uterus (incomplete contraction) after childbirth and abortion, with functional uterine bleeding (inflammatory in nature), bleeding due to fibroids (benign tumors of the uterine body).

Method of administration and dose. Orally, 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications. Pregnancy.

Release form. Available in bottles of 20 and 50 ml.

Storage conditions. In a cool place, protected from light.

print versionThis information is not a guide to self-treatment. A doctor's consultation is required.

Contraction of the uterus after caesarean section

The uterus of a woman who has undergone surgery contracts much more slowly than after a natural birth.

First of all, this is due to a violation of the integrity of muscles, blood vessels and nerve endings. Also, the restoration of the uterus to its previous size is affected by the temporary restriction of the motor activity of women in labor - for the first day they lie under IVs, and subsequently, when walking, they experience pain and discomfort from a fresh suture.

Wearing a postoperative bandage after a cesarean section is mandatory!

Herbs for uterine contraction: positive effect, recipes

There are a huge number of drugs that help terminate an early pregnancy or stop bleeding, but why look for an expensive remedy if everything can be done according to grandmothers’ recipes. Herbs for contracting the uterus significantly save money, and some people prefer traditional methods of treatment over drugs.

What herbs can be used?

There is a list of plants that promote contractility of the uterine muscles. For these purposes you can use:

  • shepherd's purse;
  • white jasmine;
  • nettle;
  • laurel leaf;
  • field grass;
  • red geranium;
  • birch foliage;
  • knotweed;
  • scaly knotweed;
  • spring primrose;
  • hay grass;
  • watercress;
  • sage;
  • tansy;
  • barberry roots and bark;
  • wild rosemary;
  • sagebrush;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • raspberry leaves.

Sometimes the components are combined, after which the composition becomes more effective and efficient.

In what cases can herbs be used?

It is advisable to use herbs that contract the uterus in different situations.

  1. When an unwanted pregnancy occurs, that is, in order to terminate it (abortion). Infusions and decoctions provoke active uterine activity, as a result of which the organ will begin to reject the embryo.
  2. During uterine bleeding. With the help of such remedies, you can reduce heavy menstrual flow and stop it if it lasts too long. They also help eliminate intermenstrual bleeding.
  3. After natural delivery. If a woman in labor does not have pain in the abdominal area, the organ does not contract – this is a pathology. In order for all the clots and remnants of the placenta to come out of the uterine cavity, active contractile activity of the organ is needed.
  4. After a caesarean section. After artificial birth, the organ rarely functions normally and contracts fully. To do this, they again use means that contract the uterus.
  5. During the birth process in the second period. If contractions are weak, the cervix dilates slowly or does not happen at all, then such remedies can speed up the process. If nothing is done, there is a danger that the child will suffocate, or due to a lack of oxygen, various developmental abnormalities may appear in the future.
  6. After spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). If a woman is diagnosed with a miscarriage, and an ultrasound examination shows that not all the remnants of the embryo came out, then she will have to resort to uterine stimulation. This will help avoid serious consequences.
  7. To enhance lactation. Oxytocin is needed to produce milk. If a woman’s body is not able to reproduce it on its own, then various means will help.

In any case, independent use of herbal preparations or one-component formulations is prohibited. A doctor will help you solve the problem and find a way out of the current situation after a thorough examination and examination.

Contraindications and side effects

Herbs that contract the uterus have contraindications and side effects. If you use them thoughtlessly and at your own discretion, the following may occur:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • inflammatory process due to incomplete expulsion of the fetus from the uterus (partial fertilized egg may remain inside);
  • premature birth;
  • heart attack;
  • intoxication;
  • infertility;
  • death.

Contraindicated for use by pregnant women who wish to keep the child.

Some plants are highly toxic; as a result of their use, not only contractions of the uterus occur, but also poisoning of the body, especially if consumed in large doses.

If you drink the mother liquor thoughtlessly, without following the recommendations, then the most unpredictable consequences can occur. This includes malfunction of vital organs, inability to have children in the future, and even death.

Positive effects

The advantages of such herbs include the ability to stimulate milk flow and speedy recovery after a difficult pathological birth or cesarean section. Contractility helps to quickly get rid of clots. Herbal infusions also help stop uterine bleeding between menstrual periods and stop periods that are too long.

A positive effect can be achieved only with the correct use of a particular composition.

Recipes and cooking methods

How to induce uterine contractions at home? This question is often asked by young girls who have an unplanned pregnancy.

It’s embarrassing and scary to admit this to your parents, just like going to the doctor and then such a terrible thought comes to mind. Abortion at home is the most thoughtless and stupid thing.

Keep in mind that if you do this, you may never have children again in the future.

The following recipes will help cause uterine contractions, stop bleeding, and promote lactation. They should be used only after consulting your doctor. Typically, the gynecologist prescribes the drug and one of the following remedies.

White lily

The infusion from this raw material is infused for about ten hours. To prepare, take 30 g of herb and pour 400 ml of warm boiled water. Drink 100-150 ml twice a day.

Shepherd's Purse

Causes contraction of the uterus, normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs, strengthens blood vessels. 50 g of herb is poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 3-5 hours, then filter. You need to drink this throughout the day.

Yarutka field

30 g of medicinal plant is poured with boiling water and infused for 24 hours. After straining, drink 50 ml in three doses.

Nettle decoction

45 g of dry leaves of the plant are poured with half a liter of hot water and left for 4-6 hours. Drink 100 ml three times a day. This remedy is the most affordable and effective in gynecology.

red geranium

Crushed geranium in the amount of 35 g is poured into 350 ml of warm boiled water. It costs 10-12 hours. The entire amount is drunk several times throughout the day.

Birch foliage

It is advisable to pick the leaves in the month of May. Crushed and dried, 500 ml of boiling water is poured in an amount of 25-30 g. You need to add salt on the tip of a knife and leave for 2-3 hours. The resulting liquid should be drunk throughout the day.

Raspberry leaves

Raspberry leaves contain a large number of substances that stimulate the uterine muscles. In addition, after drinking this tea, the cervix softens, which is a significant plus during childbirth. After this, the opening will accelerate, childbirth will not be so painful, traumatic and lengthy. In addition, uterine bleeding ends faster.

Both dry and fresh leaves are used for tea. If fresh raw materials are used, then for 0.5 liters of water you need to harvest leaves. You don’t have to grind them, but simply put them in a teapot or any deep container and pour boiling water over them. After 20 minutes the tea is ready.

If you use dry leaves for tea, you need 30 g of crushed raw materials. This amount is poured into 300 ml of hot water and infused for about 20 minutes.

If the remedy is necessary for successful childbirth, then it is used as follows:

  • 30-34 weeks of pregnancy – 250 ml of chilled decoction once a day;
  • 35-36 weeks – 250 ml at room temperature or a little warm tea no more than once a day;
  • 37 week - twice a day, the temperature should not exceed 36-38 degrees;
  • 38 week – warm broth is drunk three times a day;
  • 39 weeks and before giving birth - 3-4 times 250 ml of hot drink.

If the product is used for other purposes, then the average dosage is 200-250 ml 2 times a day.


You can use both berry juice and bark extract.

To stimulate the uterus, drink a tablespoon of freshly squeezed juice three times a day.

To stop uterine bleeding and eliminate pain during menstruation, take bark and alcohol (1:10). The tincture is prepared over 7-10 days. Drink a teaspoon before meals 2 times (morning and evening).

You can make a decoction from the bark. 50 g of bark is poured into 400 ml of boiling water. The decoction is drunk before meals (morning, lunch and evening) 2-3 tablespoons.

Laurel leaf

To terminate a pregnancy using bay leaves, you need to prepare a decoction. Uncrushed leaves in the amount of 100-120 g are poured with boiling water. This is boiled for 10-15 minutes, cooled and strained.

1 way. The decoction should be drunk before bed. The foliage is rolled up, wrapped in a sterile bandage and inserted into the vagina.

Method 2. The decoction is drunk little by little throughout the day. The foliage is used for chewing. After the decoction is drunk, you need to do some exercises that will create additional stress.


After this, bleeding should appear within 2 days, during which the fertilized egg will be released.

Where to buy and cost

All medicinal plants can be bought at any pharmacy, they are available without a prescription and are cheap. Do not forget, also, that any raw material can be collected independently in the field or at your dacha.

NameQuantityapproximate price
Bay leaf20 g30 rub.
Raspberry leaves50 g20-30 rub.
Shepherd's Purse50 g50-60 rub.
Yarutka field50 g25-30 rub.
Nettle35 g35 rub.
red geranium50 g50 rub.
Birch leaves50 g50-70 rub.
Viburnum bark50 g30 rub.


What can cause uterine contractions? The cheapest and safest means are herbs. They should be used, like medications, only after consultation with the attending physician. They will help during and after childbirth, stop bleeding and enhance lactation. If necessary, they will even provoke a miscarriage.

Source: https://vashamatka.ru/funktsii/sokrashhenie/travy-dlya-sokrashheniya-matki.html

How the uterus recovers after childbirth

The main female organ immediately after expulsion of the placenta is still large, and its inner surface bleeds.
To return to normal volume and restore the mucous membrane, the uterus contracts. Her muscles either contract or relax, losing a certain amount of their cells formed during pregnancy. In the tension phase, the vessels are compressed, some of them are “sealed”. The mucous membrane, inevitably damaged during the separation of the placenta, heals by getting rid of excess tissue. This is accompanied by the release of red discharge, the volume of which decreases over time, as does the amount of blood in it. Uterine contractions also contribute to the detachment of unnecessary cells from the walls of the organ.

The process is regulated by sex hormones, which change their composition. At the initial postpartum stage, serotonin “rules”


, prolactin.

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