Sputum with blood: causes of hemoptysis
Why does sputum with blood appear when you cough - connection with diseases
Situations often arise when, during a cough, when expectorating sputum, there is blood in it
Iridocyclitis schematically
Iridocyclitis (acute and chronic): how it develops, types, signs, diagnosis, treatment
It happens that eye diseases concern one particular department, tissue or structure of an organ. Yes, when
17-OH-progesterone (17-hydroxyprogesterone): what is it, the norm in women and men by age, reasons for deviations from the norm, interpretation of test results for 17-OPK
What is this? Steroid hormones are synthesized in the body from bile acids. Their synthesis is
Fatigue after waking up
Treatment of sleep disorders in adults: causes, consequences, prevention
A person spends a third of his life in the “dream world.” Taking into account the average duration
The pancreas is sick, the first signs and symptoms of pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is a serious disease that begins its development as a result of inflammation of the pancreas. Men suffer
Drug electrophoresis
Electrophoresis procedure. Indications and contraindications.
Medicinal electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure by which medicinal substances are introduced into the human body.
Nordic walking with poles - detailed instructions and study of walking techniques
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Meat broths
What you can (cannot) eat in the first days after a cerebral stroke (ischemic) and nutrition at home for bedridden patients
Stroke is an extremely dangerous condition that often results in the death of the patient. After graduation
discomfort in the wrist joint
What to do if your right hand hurts in the wrist area
Such problems should not be left without medical supervision, since ignoring pain in the wrist
Localization of acoustic neuroma
Neuroma (schwannoma). Causes, diagnosis, treatment
Neuroma is a benign tumor formed by cells of the myelin sheath of nerve trunks. These cells are called Schwann cells
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