diagnostic laparoscopy of the uterus
Contraindications for laparoscopy - absolute and relative
For a thorough examination of the peritoneal and pelvic organs, there are a number of invasive and minimally invasive procedures.
types of blood tests
Clinical blood test: indicators and interpretation in the table, norms for adults
Blood is a liquid connective tissue that performs many functions in the human body: transport, protective,
waxing procedure
Folliculitis - what it is, classification, symptoms and treatment
Folliculitis is an inflammatory lesion of the hair follicle. It is of infectious origin. Bacterial folliculitis in
What you can’t eat if you have gastritis, list of prohibited foods
What to avoid Nutrition for gastritis depends on whether it is acute or chronic, and
What medications are the safest and most effective for tachycardia
Tablets for tachycardia are prescribed if necessary to stop an attack or to treat a disease. The drugs are divided
Causes of discomfort and pain when urinating in men and their treatment
Pain syndrome during urination Various pathological processes that develop in the area of ​​the genitourinary system cause
Nephrosclerosis of the kidneys: what is it and how to treat it correctly
Renal nephrosclerosis Every urologist knows the causes of renal nephrosclerosis, what it is, the outcome of the disease and
Pain in the upper abdomen is a complaint that should be addressed by a doctor.
Stomach pain may indicate temporary organ dysfunction or the development of a serious pathology. That's why
how to treat cough during pregnancy
Causes of dry or wet cough during pregnancy, as well as methods of its treatment in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester: list of syrups, tablets or lozenges
The female body is designed in such a way that after conception its protective functions are significantly weakened to create
Reasons for lack of appetite: why does it disappear, and what kind of diagnosis is needed? (7 photos)
Some people struggle with overeating, while others don't feel like eating at all. When asked why it disappears
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