White discharge in men without odor, is it dangerous?
White discharge from the urethra in men: types and treatment
Health is an important thing for any representative of the stronger sex, especially when it comes to
Fracture of the tibia with and without displacement - treatment and rehabilitation
In terms of frequency of occurrence, fractures of the tibia rank third among fractures of other bones. Total
Causes of weight loss in women, sudden weight loss for no apparent reason, illness, diet, examination and treatment
Causes of weight loss in women, sudden weight loss for no apparent reason, illness, diet, examination and treatment
Almost all women want to have a slim figure and strive to achieve it: they cut down their diet,
Why does my temple on the left side hurt and how to deal with it?
The temple on the left side hurts: causes and treatment of pain
The phrase headache on the left side in most patients is clearly associated with the concept of bursting
What you need to know about hepatitis A: modes of transmission, danger and prognosis
When a hepatovirus enters the human body, hepatitis A or Botkin's disease develops. The disease is accompanied
Stomach volume in adults and children in liters
The stomach (Latin gaster) is a hollow muscular organ that is located between the esophagus and the duodenum. Stomach volume
Type 1 diabetes mellitus: causes, symptoms, treatment
Despite the fact that diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world
daily value of magnesium for women
Magnesium is a vital macronutrient in the human body
Magnesium is necessary for the normal functioning of many processes in the body. It comes only with food.
Congenital heart defect
Heart failure: causes and symptoms of edema
Heart failure is dangerous due to its complications, among which edema occupies a special place. They can be
Signs of superficial gastritis
Superficial gastritis, what is it? Types, symptoms and treatment, diet
Superficial gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, not accompanied by a violation of secretory function. Disease
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