Sulfacyl sodium and albucid are the same thing or different drugs?
Eye infections are very common among people of all ages and professions. They occur when
What are the benefits of sea buckthorn oil?
Sea buckthorn oil: medicinal properties and applications.
Hello! In this article we will talk about the benefits of sea buckthorn oil. Lately it has become
Magnerot - instructions for use, reviews and benefits of magnesium for the body
Video Drug Magnerot Magnerot is a common medical drug used in combination with other drugs
Heart arythmy
Male cardiac arrhythmia: causes and possible consequences
The pathological condition of a person in which there are constant disruptions in cardiac activity is called arrhythmia. This
Features of coronary heart disease: why it is dangerous, symptoms, how to treat the pathology
Coronary heart disease or IHD is one of the most common and serious cardiac diseases,
Chicken pox in children, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Almost all viral infections have common symptoms: they always develop acutely and are accompanied by symptoms
At a consultation with a neurologist
Treatment of sciatica: therapy for inflammation of the sciatic nerve at home
Pain in the legs and buttocks is called sciatica. It is associated with chronic osteochondrosis or intervertebral
Nurofen suppositories for children
How to give Nurofen to newborns, composition of the drug, adverse reactions and mechanism of action
Analogues The most popular generic Nurofen is Ibuprofen, since the basis of this medicine is
Erespal - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms syrup, tablets 80 mg of the drug for the treatment of cough, hoarseness and sore throat in adults, children and pregnancy
Erespal is a drug with expectorant properties. It comes in tablet form and
Instructions for use of Ambrobene syrup for children
The basis of the drug Ambrobene is the active substance ambroxol. In composition, it belongs to the group of benzylamines
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