Main types of gaskets and features of choice
In general, a gasket is a part placed between two parts of a structure. In everyday life
Can a tampon go inside the uterus and how to remove it?
Is it possible for a tampon to get inside the uterus?
Hygienic tampons are a modern and very convenient means of hygiene during menstruation. In contrast
menstrual cycle
About the continuously developing follicles in the ovaries in women?
The growth and development of the follicle and the subsequent ovulation period of the egg formed in it are the main
Application of Dimexide
How big is the list of drugs for mastopathy of the mammary glands?
About the disease Mastopathy is the proliferation (benign neoplasm) of breast tissue. She comes across quite often
Ovarian cyst and raisin tincture
Ovarian cyst in women: symptoms and non-surgical treatment methods
Ovarian cyst: causes and symptoms The causes of cysts are: obesity, menstrual irregularities due to
ovary after drilling
The mechanism of ovarian drilling in women
Description of the procedure What is it? Drilling is suggested if ovulation does not occur. One of
Ureaplasma urealyticum: what is it and how to fight it
Frequently asked questions How does ureaplasmosis manifest in pregnant women? What is the treatment? Why is this dangerous? Can
Herbs for mastopathy: advice from a mammologist and methods of use
Mastopathy is a common female disease that many women of different age groups have encountered. By
Smear for latent infections in women - analysis procedure and possible results
Basic biomaterial Dozens of diseases are known that are classified as infectious in medicine. For each one is examined
causes of bleeding between periods
Blood on the 15th day of the cycle causes. Bleeding in the middle of the cycle - all possible causes
Causes of bleeding in the middle of the cycle Bloody discharge between periods can be due to various reasons,
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