Colposcopy – what is it, why and how is the procedure performed?
Dysplasia. Strange story. Large iodine-negative area
If there are obvious signs of pathology of the reproductive system in a woman, one of the first tests is colposcopy.
Why thrush in the middle of the cycle?
Causes of thrush in a woman in the middle of her cycle
When is brown bleeding between periods normal Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna Psychologist. May be from
Is it possible to use contraceptive suppositories during menstruation?
Advantages and disadvantages There are two types of suppositories - anal and vaginal. They are used for
fibroids and sauna
Is it possible to have sex with uterine fibroids?
Is it possible to take a steam bath with uterine myomatosis? Is it possible to steam if you have uterine fibroids?
Reflection from the endometrium. Endometrial thickness for conception: norm and causes of violation. Function of the endometrium of the uterus in the female body
The menstrual cycle is caused by changes that occur in the endometrium (the inner mucous layer of the uterus). Menstruation is a process
Collecting the contents of follicles using a puncture: all the nuances of the most important stage of IVF
What is an in vitro fertilization program? Thanks to the revolutionary development of assisted reproductive technologies, a treatment method has emerged
why did my periods suddenly disappear?
What to do if you miss your period after losing weight, how to restore your menstrual cycle
Lack of menstruation due to pregnancy in a woman Why did my periods suddenly disappear? The most common reason
Tumor marker ca 125: normal in women, including cysts, endometriosis, fibroids
If a woman has been diagnosed with endometriosis, then she must undergo additional tests aimed at
What to do if the uterus prolapses? Treatment methods
What is surgery for uterine prolapse?
Inflammation again! Unfortunately, the first signs of trouble in the pelvic floor often go unnoticed.
Girl meditating
Blood test for sex hormones during menopause: norms and deviations of hormonal levels
Menopause is a natural process of attenuation of reproductive function in every woman, associated with a decrease
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