Long periods: causes and ways to eliminate pathology The duration and intensity of a woman’s periods are
What plants and foods contain estrogens?
Hormonal levels affect the external and internal “beauty” of women. According to clinical studies, estrogen levels
female belly
Propolis tincture in gynecology application
Propolis therapy in gynecology Traditional medicine has long used propolis and its preparations for
in the basket
The healing properties of nettle during menstruation
Beneficial Properties of Nettle We have already mentioned some of the beneficial properties of nettle, but let's define them
Adnexitis: causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease
Now it is difficult to imagine how people lived without antibiotics. Then the mortality rate was a hundredfold
Women's herbs in gynecology 1
The collection of herbs is anti-inflammatory. Gynecological anti-inflammatory herbal collection
Features of herbal medicine Women's herb should be used correctly, only then will it bring tangible benefits to the body.
When will your period come after stopping duphaston? How to restore your menstrual cycle
Lack of menstruation after taking Duphaston The drug Duphaston, which is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone
After ovulation, nipples hurt: causes, symptoms, consultation with a gynecologist
Sore nipples after ovulation - pregnancy? After ovulation, you may experience chest pain and
Causes of breast pain: warning signs
Mastalgia This condition is also called mastodynia, and it describes the entire spectrum of breast pain.
What are the dangers of foci of cervical erosion after childbirth?
What is it? Visually, ESM looks like redness around the opening of the cervical canal. Defeat represents
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