The pregnancy test is positive and your period has started
Most women know that every month, approximately in the middle of the cycle, there are days when conception
Cancer in situ of the cervix
Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
Cervical cancer is a malignant neoplasm caused by human papillomavirus serotypes
Vaginal rupture during childbirth. Degree of perineal tear
Injuries to the soft tissues of the birth canal occur, unfortunately, as a result of the pathological course of labor or due to
You feel the heat. Why hot flashes occur in men and how to treat them
Menopause is a period during which hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. Menopause is quite common
How long does it take for your period to come after a Caesarean section?
According to statistics, approximately 25% of children in Russia are born through caesarean section. IN
Is it possible to take Norkolut during menstruation? How to take Norkolut to induce menstruation or delay it? Interaction with other drugs
In gynecology, a fairly common occurrence is a delay in menstruation. The female body cannot always
What are hot flashes during menopause and how can you relieve them?
Diet for menopause (weekly menu) Day of the week First breakfast Second breakfast Lunch Dinner Monday
Postpartum endometritis: treatment and prevention
Childbirth is an exciting and touching moment for every woman. The first days of a baby's life -
Indications for hysterectomy. Recovery and characteristics of sexual life after this procedure
Is intimate life acceptable after surgery? The answer to this question is ambiguous. Resumption of sexual life
Birth control pills Logest - how to take and how do they work?
Which contraceptive is better Novinet or Jess: comparison and differences
Pharmacological action The drug Logest belongs to combined contraceptives with estrogen-gestagen influence. He has
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