when to go to a mammologist
10 questions for a mammologist, the answers to which you need to know
Purpose of a visit to a mammologist A mammologist is a doctor specializing in the examination and treatment of diseases arising
causes of chest pain
What to do if your breasts hurt before and during menstruation, what symptoms are dangerous
The nature of the discomfort Pain in the gland is usually accompanied by heaviness and swelling. They may start to hurt
Fraction ASD-2F for gynecological diseases
What is this ASD fraction, the full name of which is antiseptic - Dorogov's stimulant, was developed
Thrush during pregnancy: photos of discharge in women
Discharge from the genitourinary system is a normal physiological process. However, with the slightest changes in the structure of secretions
How to train intimate muscles: a guide for women
Indications for strengthening the muscles of the perineum Like any other gymnastic complex, this exercise is mandatory
Clotrimazole instructions for use ointment for men
Clotrimazole ointment for thrush in men how to use
Symptoms of thrush The causative agent of thrush is sensitive to clotrimazole (this is determined using a sensitivity test).
Cancer smear (cytology) to study cancer cells
Cervical cancer occurs against a background of persistent viral infection (HPV 16,18, 31 and some
How much sick leave after laparoscopy removal of an ovarian cyst
How long do you stay in the hospital after laparoscopy? In most cases, bed rest is recommended only
Clinical picture and symptoms of breast cancer (BC).
In women, it is not always possible to detect symptoms of breast cancer in a timely manner, resulting in a disappointing prognosis.
"Divigel": reviews when planning pregnancy and menopause
Number of voters Have you used the drug? The active component is estradiol. Side effects of Divigel About excess doses
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