Pain in the sacral area before menstruation: physiology or pathology?
In medical terminology, pain in the sacrum is called sacrodynia or sacralgia. And if at
Methods to increase progesterone in women naturally
The importance of progesterone for the female body: main functions and normal levels in the blood Basic physiological
Ignoring the first symptoms of the disease can worsen the course of the disease
Folk remedies and herbal teas for the treatment of mastopathy: recipes that helped
Classification of mastopathy The following types of mastopathy are distinguished: Diffuse. The safest form of the disease is manifested by the presence of small
normal luteal phase
The first signs and symptoms of progesterone deficiency, methods of treating decreased function of the corpus luteum of the ovaries
First stage of the luteal phase During ovulation, the granulosa membrane ruptures, in medical terms.
The incubation period of thrush: how long does it take for candidiasis to appear?
Duration of the incubation period for thrush in women
What factors provoke the rapid development of the disease? In adults and children, thrush is often affected by:
Metabolic disease
Is it possible to do physical therapy for an ovarian cyst?
What is contraindicated to eat? The main cause of ovarian cysts is a disruption of hormones in the body.
Methods for treating and diagnosing polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome: answers to frequently asked questions
About 8% of women of childbearing age suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome. Pathology manifests itself in various disorders
Is it worth the risk of sunbathing in a solarium or in the open sun if you have fibroids, and how dangerous is it?..
Is it possible to take sun and heat baths with uterine fibroids?
≡ Home → Tumor diseases of the uterus → Myoma → Benign tumor of the uterus, according to
Is it acceptable for women with mastopathy to take radon baths?
Fibrocystic changes in the mammary gland are mastopathy. With this disease, formations form in the chest
Using Levomekol ointment for thrush
The female reproductive system is vulnerable to fungal diseases, which affect all age groups. Candidiasis requires
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