Effective Ways to Use Oak Bark to Treat Diarrhea

In Europe, the oak is a sacred plant. It is used to treat pathologies of the larynx, mouth, skin and mucous membranes. Burns, frostbite, sweating, gynecological pathologies are the main indications for the use of this medicinal product. Oak bark contains tannin. Oak bark eliminates irritation of the mucous membrane, inflammation and pain.

Chemical composition and benefits

Treatment with oak bark and leaves began a long time ago. It contains substances that have an astringent effect, so oak bark helps with diarrhea without fail. Diarrhea leads to unpleasant consequences: dehydration, abdominal pain. Fixing drugs are not always available in your home medicine cabinet. Traditional recipes using bark are gentler, having a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system.

Oak bark is effective against diarrhea due to its composition. This plant is actively used in the manufacture of various drugs. Includes:

  • Tannins. These are astringent substances that play an important role in securing the stool. They improve immunity, making tissues impermeable to pathogens.
  • Polysaccharides - pentosans. Diarrhea can be caused by infection or inflammation in the stomach, intestines, and pancreas. Pentosans have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote healing of cracks and ulcers.
  • Pectins. These components are also important for normal digestion. To avoid loose stools, food must be well digested in the stomach and then in the duodenum. Pectins promote the breakdown of nutrients and reduce the time spent on their absorption.
  • Catechin from the group of flavonoids. It has a bactericidal effect and also reduces the number of pathogenic microbes in the intestines. Thus, it helps to attenuate the inflammatory process and eliminate infection.
  • Flavonoids. These substances are mainly used to strengthen the nervous system and also relieve irritation.

In addition, the bark contains many microelements and vitamins necessary for the body.

Medicines cannot be replaced with folk remedies. Not all causes of loose stool can be eliminated without medications. You should not refuse the prescribed treatment.

In case of diarrhea, the medicinal properties of the plant can not only stop the loss of fluid, but also normalize the functioning of the stomach, restore its mucous membrane, and relieve inflammation.


Useful Features

The development of diarrhea most often results from food poisoning, the penetration of bacteria into the body, excessive use of laxatives, and dietary disorders. The release of liquid feces is the result of accelerated motility and impaired absorption of water and nutrients in the intestines. This is due to inflammatory damage to its walls.

The effectiveness of using oak bark against diarrhea is due to its astringent and antimicrobial properties. It successfully copes with inflammatory processes. This product contains a number of active components:

  • Sugar;
  • tannins;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • starch;
  • flavonoids;
  • pentosans;
  • proteins;
  • levulins.

The medicinal properties of this product are due to the large amount of tannins. It may contain 10-25% of these components. According to their chemical structure, they are high-molecular phenolic structures.

This product contains tanning components, which are derivatives of catechin, ellagic and gallic acids. When they react with protein elements, they become denatured. Thanks to this, an astringent effect is achieved and inflammation is eliminated. As a result, a protective layer is formed in the intestines, which prevents subsequent damage to the organ.

Oak bark has anthelmintic and antibacterial characteristics. Therefore, this substance can be used as part of a complex therapy for diarrhea caused by parasitic infestations and intestinal infections.

Action for diarrhea, indications and contraindications


The bark is used as a local remedy for paresis and bruises and for oral administration for diseases of internal organs. Even weak decoctions are quite concentrated, so the effect is observed within the first 2 days. There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to take oak bark for diarrhea, but the most effective is regular ingestion in small portions.

Decoctions from this plant soothe irritated intestines, stop loose stools, without causing constipation.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to drink decoctions and infusions from the bark during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or give to small children. In the absence of an allergy, the product will not harm the child, however, it is necessary to consult a doctor. During pregnancy, it is better to refrain from ingesting any herbs without a doctor's prescription.

The indication is diarrhea caused by poisoning, overeating, pancreatitis, helminthic infestations (oak bark is excellent at removing parasites). However, there are contraindications:

  • Childhood. It is not recommended to give herbal decoctions to small infants. There is a high probability of developing an allergic reaction and side effects. It is recommended to see a pediatrician before use.
  • Allergy. Before taking decoctions, you should make sure there are no allergies. You can apply the decoction to the skin or take a small sip and wait 15 minutes. If there is no rash, cough, watery eyes, or itching, you can prepare the medicine.
  • Haemorrhoids. Oak bark is used for this disease, but as a local anti-inflammatory agent. Constipation often leads to inflammation of the rectum, and oak bark will only worsen this ailment. Consolidation of the stool will cause the hemorrhoids to become even larger.
  • Vomit. The substances contained in the plant can cause severe nausea. If the patient is already vomiting, it is better to use another remedy.

It is worth remembering that folk recipes are medicine. Uncontrolled use will provoke gastric diseases and worsen the patient's condition.

Features of treatment for children

To make a useful solution, you need to take 1 small spoon of oak bark and chamomile, place in a thermos and add 500 ml of water. After half an hour, the mixture can be filtered and cooled to a comfortable temperature. Add 10 drops of valerian to the finished product. It can only be used for performing an enema.

On a note. For infants and children under 2 years of age, any formulations containing this substance are strictly prohibited. It contains many tanning and astringent ingredients that are harmful to the child’s body.

How to use it correctly for diarrhea

There are several ways to use oak bark for intestinal disorders. With any method of preparing the medicine, it is necessary to follow the dosage and carefully monitor the appearance of new symptoms. If the diarrhea gets worse, there are signs of dehydration, or the temperature rises, you should consult a doctor.

Decoctions and infusions are quite effective, but they cannot always replace drugs. For example, certain disorders require antibiotics. For treatment to be effective, it is important to follow the instructions for use:

  • Decoctions are taken one glass or half at a time. The dosage depends on the patient's condition and disease. For example, for helminths, half a glass a day twice a day is enough. In case of intoxication and disruption of the pancreas, you need to drink in small portions, but often: one tablespoon.
  • To get a quick effect, it is important to brew the bark correctly. The raw materials are poured with boiling water and left warm for an hour. This time is enough for the beneficial substances to be released.
  • Alcohol tincture is taken in small doses. 40 drops per day are enough for an adult. This portion is divided into 2 times. The tincture is dripped into a spoon or a small amount of water. It must be remembered that ethyl alcohol is aggressive towards the gastric mucosa. If you have an ulcer or gastritis, it is better to abandon the tincture in favor of a decoction.
  • If we talk about how to take the decoction for adults, then it is worth remembering that it should not be too strong. Tannins are fixative and, in case of overdose, lead to constipation. The optimal dose is 15 g of herb per glass of boiling water. Excess medicine will not speed up recovery.

Instructions for use are included with any drug. Traditional medicine recipes are no exception, so it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can determine the dosage based on the patient’s condition and age.

Children over 3 years of age can be treated with decoctions. The dosage is halved. It is recommended to start with small portions so as not to cause a severe allergic reaction.

Water tincture of oak bark

In addition to alcohol tincture, you can prepare a water one.

To prepare it you need:

  • Cool 500 ml boiled water. It should be at room temperature.
  • Then you need to place 10 g of bark in a glass vessel with a geometric lid.
  • The bark is filled with the remaining water and closed tightly.
  • The solution must be infused in a warm place for at least 10 hours. After this it will be ready for use. For diarrhea, take 20-30 ml every three hours. If a person feels relief, do not stop treatment. The course must last at least 3 days.

How to prepare it yourself?

Oak bark is freely sold in pharmacies. Some people doubt the quality of the raw materials, so they prefer to prepare it themselves. For the correct production of anti-diarrhea remedies, the following rules have been developed:

  • The bark of young oak (up to 20 years) contains the most useful substances. Finding a young oak in a city is not so easy. A suitable tree should grow further away from polluted areas and roads.
  • The process of separating the bark from the trunk is complicated by its density. To make it peel off easier, this should be done in April, when the buds are just beginning to bloom. When the leaves appear, the protective cover is already tightly seated.
  • You need to cut branches up to 10 cm long, that is, young ones without visible damage, lichens, cracks, or uncharacteristic growths. You need to choose even branches.
  • Before brewing the collected bark, you need to prepare it. It is crushed and then dried in the sun (but not in direct sunlight) for 5 days. The room must be ventilated.
  • Turn the bark over once a day so that it dries evenly. The resulting raw materials are stored in paper bags or bags in a dry and dark place.

There are several rules on how to drink and how to make medicines according to traditional recipes. In order for a decoction of oak bark to be beneficial for diarrhea, you need to brew it correctly. When preparing the medicine, clean boiled water is used. The product is infused for about an hour. The finished medicine should be drunk within 24 hours. Infusions do not last long. If the product remains, it is put in the refrigerator until the next day, but it will lose its effectiveness.

The decoction is prepared in a saucepan by adding the bark to boiling water. You need to simmer for no more than half an hour over low heat. Long heat treatment will reduce the amount of nutrients. The resulting broth is cooled and filtered.

Procurement rules

The results of treatment largely depend on the quality of the oak bark. To combat diarrhea, only bark removed from young trees can be used. Thick material from old trees is not suitable for treating diarrhea. When drying the material, do not allow it to get wet. In this case, there is a loss of medicinal properties. Raw materials must be dried in a dry, well-ventilated room.

The bark must be spread out in a thin layer and turned over every day. Medicinal raw materials should not have any damage or cracks. Material affected by lichen is also unsuitable for treatment. Oak bark should be collected in early spring. During this period, the buds bloom. Collecting raw materials does not cause any difficulties, since the bark is easily separated from the tree trunk.

Bark is harvested from already cut down oak trees. Do not remove bark from a “living” tree, as this may lead to its death. To collect raw materials, it is better to give preference to those trees that grow far from industrial zones and busy roads. Otherwise, instead of a therapeutic effect, you will receive a large dosage of heavy metals and other harmful emissions that accumulate in the plant.

You should not choose areas for cutting that are damaged by fungal infection or other pests. It is better to carefully sort out the raw materials and clean them of debris, dust and other contaminants. You should not wash oak bark under running water. Using a sharp knife, you need to make transverse circular cuts, and then carefully cut it lengthwise. In this case, you need to try not to damage the barrel.

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