Physiotherapy during menstruation: is it possible or not?

What is electrophoresis

Medicine currently offers the population a huge number of different hardware techniques. But among all of them, the main place is occupied by such a procedure as electrophoresis. Let's consider what this procedure involves.

Electrophoresis is a procedure in which an electric current helps the medicine get into the damaged area of ​​the body and promotes its recovery: under the influence of the electric current created by stationary electrodes, the molecules of the drug move directly to the area where their effect is needed. Thus, the effectiveness of treatment increases significantly.

Using this method, you can administer drugs in small volumes, and this reduces the possibility of side effects, and even more so in this way you can avoid an overdose. The required medicinal dose is prescribed by a physiotherapist. The largest amount of medicine occurs precisely at the place where it enters the body.

People have been using this method for more than 100 years, and therefore specialists have accumulated extensive experience in its implementation. Electrophoresis is most necessary in cases where the diseased body is characterized by an inflammatory process. Electrophoresis is excellent in the treatment of various neurological pathologies; it is also effective when it is necessary to relieve muscle spasms, and also accelerates circulation processes at the cellular level.

Let's look at how the electrophoresis procedure occurs.

Carrying out this method of treatment does not represent any complex system. By following simple rules, a specialist can achieve results in the smallest number of sessions. There are the following ways to carry out this procedure:

  1. “Tub” is a method that involves the following procedure: the diseased part of the human body is placed in a special vessel containing a medicinal solution and electrolyte.
  2. The interstitial treatment method is one of the most effective methods. Medicinal substances are administered using electrodes directly inside. The electrodes are constantly exposed to electric current, and this promotes rapid absorption of the drug. But special attachments, which are equipped with electric current, are placed on problem areas of the skin and body. Thus, with the help of an electric current, the medicinal substance reaches the required place.
  3. The most commonly used technique in medical practice is galvanic electrophoresis. When carrying out such a procedure, special pads are placed on the skin of a sick person, which are soaked in a medicinal substance. After this, the drug enters the body under the influence of electrodes. They create a concentration of a substance that spreads throughout all tissues.

Equipment for amplipulse therapy

For SMT therapy, the following devices are used: “Amplipulse” (series 4-9), “Amplidin”, “El Esculapius MedTeCo”, “Physioaktiv”, “Stimul-1”, as well as multifunctional physiotherapeutic devices: “Sedaton”, “Radius”, "Refton", "Combi 200".

Today the following devices of various modifications are used:

  • "Amplipulse" (models 4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
  • "Amplidin"
  • "AFT SI-01-MicroMed",
  • "El Aesculapius MedTeCo".

The most commonly used devices are modifications 4 and 5. "Amplipulse-7" can be used for amplipulse therapy and electrophoresis, since it works in two modes.

Each device is equipped with electrodes for different parts of the body with a set of fasteners. The current strength, pulse duration, and procedure duration are regulated by switches on the main unit.

To carry out the procedures, plate electrodes for percutaneous application and electrodes for abdominal application (rectal, vaginal, urethral, ​​intragastric) are used, which can be single or reusable. Round electrodes on a hand holder are also available.

For external use, hydrophilic pads are used. The size of the electrode should correspond to the area of ​​the painful area.

Features of electrophoresis during menstruation

Electrophoresis during menstruation is a difficult question, but we will try to answer it as easily as possible.

First, let’s determine in which cases the electrophoresis procedure cannot be performed:

  • This treatment should not be prescribed to people with various heart diseases, which are characterized by an irregular rhythm, or who have heart failure;
  • This treatment should not be prescribed to people with diseases such as complex lung diseases, which are directly related to the fact that there is a low level of oxygen in the alveoli;
  • You should not choose treatment with electrophoresis for those people who are faced with bronchial asthma, as well as tuberculosis;
  • people who have any type of cancer cannot be treated using methods that involve thermal procedures.
  • People with weak blood vessels and a tendency to bleeding should not attend thermal procedures, because this only leads to a large volume of blood released. The same rule applies to women during their period.

Absolutely all physical impacts on the pelvic area that occur during a woman’s menstruation are contraindicated. This means that bleeding may increase, and there is also a chance that hormonal disruptions will occur. Some doctors claim that there have been cases when women's periods intensified after the electrophoresis procedure, and the duration of this period increased.

Gynecologists recommend avoiding such procedures during menstrual periods to avoid unwanted consequences. However, in general, one should focus on the general condition of a woman’s body when deciding on the possibility of carrying out physical procedures.

Magnetic therapy and menstruation

The influence of the magnetic field has a beneficial effect on the woman’s body. This method of treatment has proven effective in the fight against inflammatory diseases, adhesions, and infertility.

The device has special attachments that allow you to influence not only externally, but also internally. Control occurs using a computer; the physiotherapist alternates polarities during the session. The technique is prescribed during exacerbation of endometritis, colpitis, endocervitis. The magnetic effect is complemented by conservative treatment, and the woman feels relief much faster. At the same time, the period of taking medications is significantly reduced, the body does not experience greater stress, and recovers faster.

As a rule, the technique is not used during menstruation. The risk of bleeding increases. Treatment begins after the end of the critical days. Timely administration of therapy helps a woman get rid of many problems and restore the health of the reproductive system. Magnetic therapy helps a woman bear a healthy baby.

Properly selected physical procedures speed up the healing process and a woman’s recovery after illness. Therapeutic electrophoresis, magnetic therapy in addition to conservative techniques help preserve women's health, and many will be able to realize their cherished dream of becoming a mother.

Doctors' opinion

For about 100 years, doctors have been using the electric current method to speed up recovery. During this time, medicine has improved, and thus this method has become one of the most effective.

In general, doctors advocate prescribing physiotherapeutic procedures for patients, but specialized specialists, for example, gynecologists, recommend being wary of such treatment methods. This is due to the fact that absolutely all physical influences that are aimed at the pelvic area are contraindicated during menstruation. Even minimal thermal or mechanical effects can increase bleeding, and there is also a chance that hormonal disruptions will occur.

When prescribing electrophoresis, the attending physician must know all the characteristics of your body.

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the many positive aspects and relative safety of electrophoresis, there are also contraindications to its use. These primarily include:

  • malignant tumors, regardless of their location;
  • some heart diseases;
  • acute inflammation;
  • heat;
  • some skin diseases, such as dermatitis or eczema;
  • skin damage at the sites where the electrodes are applied;
  • individual allergic reactions to exposure to drugs or electric current.

In addition, physiotherapy can be used with caution during pregnancy. Most often during this period, treatment with papaverine or magnesium is used. At the same time, electrophoresis allows you to use even potent drugs, for example, aminophylline, which is usually used in extreme cases, without harm to the child.


To summarize, electrophoresis during menstruation is not recommended in standard cases, since undesirable consequences may occur in the form of an increase in the intensity and duration of discharge. However, there are a number of exceptions, which should also be discussed with a doctor who knows all the characteristics of your body. If the need for physical therapy is high, and menstruation is usually not very heavy, then it is quite possible to carry out a procedure that most likely will not have a detrimental effect on the body.

Other types of physical therapy

Laser therapy is the effect of laser light on a specific area of ​​the body and is used in a variety of branches of medicine:

  • in neurology,
  • in pulmonology,
  • in dermatology,
  • in cardiology,
  • in otolaryngology,
  • in dentistry,
  • in gynecology.

During menstruation, laser therapy should not be performed only in case of heavy bleeding.

An amplipulse is electrical stimulation, it occurs at intervals during which relaxation or electrosleep occurs. Amplipulse therapy can also be performed during menstruation, only if the discharge is not very heavy.

Most often, doctors do not want to carry out procedures during menstruation due to the fact that pain and complaints from the patient may increase, but this does not pose any danger to the body. But if you are still afraid to carry out treatment during menstruation, then it would be better to start treatment on the 5th or 7th day of the cycle, then the course of therapy will end by the beginning of the next menstruation. If for some reason there is a break in treatment and lasts more than 3 days, then further procedures will not have any effect on the body, then it would be better to stop the procedures and start the procedures again after 2 months.

If there is a spiral

Most trainers who teach intimate muscle gymnastics speak out against Kegel exercises with spirals. But some experts believe that when exercises are performed correctly, only the pelvic floor muscles are involved, and not the uterus. That is, the exercises should not cause uterine contractions.

Also, if the gynecologist has allowed a woman to have vaginal sex, then it is still possible to use the IUD, since there is no possibility of infections spreading from the vagina to the uterus.

Intimate exercises can be done for girls after childbirth to restore muscle tone and increase libido after possible separation from a partner. They also help eliminate problems with the bladder and genitourinary system, namely urinary incontinence due to dysfunction of the muscles of the genitourinary diaphragm. Therefore, it is worth weighing the pros and cons of establishing a spiral.

Important. An incorrectly installed spiral together with gymnastics can damage the mucous membrane. Therefore, if spotting appears for several months, you need to consult a doctor.

The influence of amplipulse on the human body.

The procedure works as follows: certain areas of the human body are exposed to electrodes with alternating currents, the frequency of which is 2 – 5 kHz. The amplitude of their modulation is 10 - 150 Hz. The electrodes have different sizes and modes of operation; a hydrophilic swab is placed in the electrode cavity, which absorbs and holds a certain amount of liquid.

The current acts gently on the tissue, and the skin receptors do not experience irritation. This is a painless procedure that brings relief and recovery to the patient.

The doctor, having carefully studied the medical history, determines the parameters of the action of the electrodes, as well as the frequency, duration, intensity, number and frequency of procedures.

The modern Amplipulse device is capable of influencing 4 procedural fields; it allows you to smoothly regulate the current strength.

This device performs several functions:

  • the ability to dilate blood vessels;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • anesthesia;
  • stimulation of various types of muscles;
  • anti-edematous effect, etc.

Some models of the device can even be used at home.

Treatment of gynecological diseases using magnetic therapy

Modern gynecologists recommend the widespread use of physiotherapeutic techniques for the treatment of most gynecological diseases. Most often, magnets are used to combat inflammatory processes in the female genital area, infertility and adhesions.

As mentioned above, the Alimp-1 device has a number of special attachments that allow magnetic therapy to be carried out not only through the anterior abdominal wall, but also directly deep into the female body. This makes it possible to create the necessary magnetic field contour, and various computer programs facilitate alternating polarity during the procedure.

A similar technique is used even in the acute period of various colpitis, endometritis and endocervitis. This tactic of external influence combines well with traditional methods of treating female diseases and can significantly reduce the time required to use medications.

However, when carrying out therapy for the female genital area, the question again arises of whether to do magnetic therapy during menstruation. Most gynecologists believe that due to the risk of bleeding, it is better to postpone the use of this treatment method until after menstruation.

If magnetic therapy is recommended for a woman during pregnancy, then in this case there is no question of using this method during menstruation. Magnet treatment will help expectant mothers successfully bear and give birth to a healthy child

We recommend reading the article about mammography during menstruation. From it you will learn about the timing of the examination, the methodology and recommended days of the menstrual cycle for diagnosis.

Advantages of electrophoresis

There are many advantages to this type of therapy:

  • Medicines are administered in small doses, which greatly reduces the risk of side effects.
  • The medicine injected under the skin with electrodes is distributed throughout the body with physiological fluids, because of this the therapeutic effect increases over time.
  • Medicine enters the body in the form of ions, and this is the most active form of the substance.
  • The drug administered during physiotherapy accumulates in a certain place, without overloading the blood and stomach with concentration.
  • The medicine penetrates into the affected areas, even if the blood microcirculation at the site of inflammation is impaired.
  • The drug is not destroyed by saliva and gastric juices.
  • Electric current charges have a positive effect on the entire body.

Indications and contraindications

The basic rule of physiotherapeutic treatment is its use in combination with traditional therapy. Treatment with physical factors at the time of exacerbation of the disease is not allowed. First, the cause of inflammation is eliminated and the symptoms of the disease are relieved. Physiotherapy helps speed up the healing process at the final stage of treatment. It is often used during periods of remission of chronic diseases to reduce the severity of exacerbations and reduce the frequency of relapses.

General contraindications to physical therapy are the following conditions:

  • fever;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • malignant formations;
  • leukemia;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • taking medications that thin the blood;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • heart disease;
  • installed pacemaker;
  • thrombosis;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • acute disorders of the nervous system;
  • dermatological diseases.

Treatment cannot be carried out with any of the methods if there are specific contraindications. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications.

For cervical erosion

Intimate gymnastics has the following beneficial properties:

  • Cleanses internal muscles from pathogenic microflora,
  • Helps normalize the process of natural secretions,
  • Increases precise blood supply, that is, a large amount of useful substances enters the vaginal muscles and its healing occurs.

How do you get rid of pain during menstruation?

Exercising intimate muscles prevents erosion. Ectopic epithelium of the cervix is ​​one of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system. The disease can arise from various factors, it can be inflammation of the mucous membrane and vaginal dysbiosis.

Intimate exercises for existing cervical disease are not a contraindication.

Important. It is forbidden to do exercises with bleeding erosion.

The main contraindication for exercise is acute inflammatory processes. To determine the type of erosion and its extent of spread, you should consult a doctor. To do this you will need to do a colposcopy.

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