Meconium in newborns - description of feces is normal, with deviations
March 13, 2020 Share: | | | Meconium is the first stool of a newborn baby.
Kissel for diarrhea: recipes, features of use and reviews
Beneficial properties of the drink Kissel is a healthy drink, our ancestors knew this. For many
After eating, heaviness in the stomach and bloating causes
A feeling like bloating in the stomach can be a symptom of various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Domestic
Is it possible to eat banana if you have diarrhea? Do bananas help with diarrhea in children and adults?
Nutritionists do not recommend including fruits in the diet of a person suffering from diarrhea, so as not to provoke
Digestive disorders in the intestines: causes, symptoms and treatment
What are some causes of indigestion? The term "indigestion" requires a more precise definition. For some
How to properly dilute and drink starch during diarrhea?
How to properly dilute and drink starch during diarrhea? With loose stools, a person loses fluid
Pain under the ribs - the main causes
Feeling of fullness in the left hypochondrium without pain
Other causes of burning There are many causes of painful syndrome in the upper abdomen. Defining them
Girl sitting on the toilet
Diarrhea with delayed menstruation - possible causes and treatment. Delayed menstruation and diarrhea, diarrhea, causes of frequent and loose stools when there is no menstruation
The first signs of pregnancy are varied, often manifesting several symptoms at the same time. In addition to delayed menstruation, there is morning
Enterosgel instructions for use for children with vomiting from 4 years and diarrhea
Poisoning with harmful substances, food, alcohol, drugs is an unpleasant, dangerous phenomenon. Taking intestinal adsorbents –
The benefits and harms of meat during pregnancy. Why you want or don’t want meat during pregnancy. Who will be born if you crave meat during pregnancy?
Causes of nausea from meat Meat, due to the content of muscle fibers and fat, is a product
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