Abdominal pain and diarrhea
Stomach pain and diarrhea - what is the reason and what to do?
Abdominal cramps and diarrhea are common manifestations of many pathologies that cause
causes of constipation
Constipation after childbirth: what to do and how to get rid of it
Often a young woman, awaiting the birth of her first child, stoically withstands all sorts of problems in her body,
How to take senade to cleanse the intestines reviews
Release form and composition Produced in the form of flat, round tablets with beveled edges.
How to treat fecal incontinence in children (encopresis)?
Calomania, or, as doctors call it, encopresis, is a common disease among children, with
Constipation after diarrhea and vice versa: reasons, what to do
Everyone, sooner or later, has encountered an illness such as an upset stomach or acute diarrhea.
How to brew dill for bloating as an adult: cool recipes
How to prepare dill water for bloating and flatulence
Periodic bloating occurs in almost every person for various reasons. To remove the consequences
Water diarrhea in an adult: what to do and the reasons for this, treatment of a disease with fever or vomiting at home and what causes it
The dynamic pace of life in which modern society lives imposes special obligations on us. Human
Food for the night
How to behave after a hearty lunch: good and bad habits
Is it possible to sleep after eating? Doctors and fitness instructors do not advise going to bed to rest after eating. This
The upper abdomen hurts under the ribs in the middle in an adult child or a pregnant woman. What is it, what to do
Causes of bloating in the upper abdomen and its treatment
Causes of pain in the upper abdomen There are many factors that provoke pain. Symptoms
Salty taste in mouth
Why is there a salty taste on the lips, what disease is this a sign of?
Causes of a salty taste in the mouth One of the most common causes of a salty taste in the mouth is
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