Tingling in the lower abdomen
Tingling in the lower abdomen - what does it mean?
Tingling and discomfort in the lower abdomen is a common symptom characteristic of both women and
Psychosomatics - gastrointestinal diseases (causes and consequences)
The intestine is part of the digestive system, an organ of digestion and elimination, starting with the duodenum
Belching and diarrhea
Causes of belching with diarrhea and methods of eliminating the disease
Belching with rotten eggs with constant stomach upset Appearance of belching with an unpleasant smell of rotten eggs
Senna flowers
How to properly treat constipation using senna leaves
Despite the beauty of the flowers of the plant, it is the leaves of Senna that are of clinical value - a herb from
black stool during pregnancy cause
Why is stool dark during pregnancy? Reasons for concern
Pregnancy is a special state of the body that lasts 9 most memorable months. Woman during this period
Women's hands on the stomach
Anal sphincter spasm: causes and solutions
Types of sphincter diseases Most often, the internal sphincter of the rectum is subject to the following diseases: Anal spasm
tummy massage for newborn
How to massage the tummy of a newborn baby with severe colic
Quite often, babies suffer from intestinal colic in the first months of life (here is a detailed article).
Effective Ways to Use Oak Bark to Treat Diarrhea
In Europe, the oak is a sacred plant. It is used to treat pathologies of the larynx, mouth, skin
Psychosomatics of diarrhea in adults: the opinion of Liz Burbo, Louise Hay on what emotions cause diarrhea
The website “Beautiful and Successful” has already written about the psychosomatics of cancer. But there are no psychosomatic reasons
How effective is castor oil as a laxative?
This product is obtained from castor bean. This is a poisonous plant. Moreover, poison is contained in all
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