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Treatments for stomach pain before and after eating - depending on the cause
Almost every person has encountered a situation where their stomach hurts after eating. Not always this
Causes and treatment of increased intestinal flatulence in adults
Why does increased gas formation occur Every day in the intestines of an adult, about 500 - 600
Nausea with stomach pain, causes and remedies
Causes of stomach pain and nausea Unpleasant symptoms occur for many reasons. They are separated
Constipation occurs when bowel movements occur less than three times a week.
Atonic constipation in children and adults - causes and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, diet and prevention
Video Constipation is a persistent dysfunction of the large intestine with a reduction in stool frequency less than
basket with products
Is it possible to eat cottage cheese if you have constipation and how to use it?
Constipation causes a lot of discomfort and complicates the patient's life. Designed to get rid of this problem
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What causes back pain on the right side above the lower back?
Back pain on the right side above the lower back is familiar to many people, regardless of age. The symptom appears
atonic constipation symptoms
What is the difference between atonic and spastic constipation and how to treat them
Published 03/05/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 6 min · Views: Post Views: 880
spasms in the liver area
Liver colic symptoms in men
Hepatic colic is the most common manifestation of gallstone disease, which occurs when the lumen is blocked.
Ilium bone hurts
Pain in the left iliac region of the abdomen: aching, local, strong, acute, cramping
Syndromes of lumbago disease 2292 The ilium is one of the paired bones of the pelvic ring.
Foods for heartburn: what you need to eat to make it go away
Products for heartburn: list, approximate daily diet
Heartburn is a problem for many, since according to statistics, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are the most common.
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