Antiemetic drugs during chemotherapy

Vomiting and nausea are not independent diseases, but symptoms of a developing disorder. It may be associated with poisoning of the body with toxic substances, improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other reasons. If such symptoms occur once and can be quickly eliminated, undergoing a medical examination is optional. If the patient’s condition does not worsen, he may not contact specialists, but simply maintain a healthy lifestyle and proper diet. But with constant nausea and developing vomiting, we can talk about pathological and dangerous processes for the patient. In this case, self-medication is undesirable and it is better to consult a doctor who can prescribe anti-vomiting medications, taking into account the patient’s condition.

Medicines for vomiting and nausea

Causes of vomiting and nausea in children and adults

Among the main reasons for the violation are the following:

  • the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, while vomiting at this stage is considered relatively safe and requires the use of medications only if there is a threat of miscarriage and a large loss of the woman’s body weight;
  • late period of pregnancy, in which case the patient’s condition requires special monitoring, since the cause is most often hidden in pathologies such as gestosis, arterial hypertension and other life-threatening pathologies;
  • inflammatory processes in the digestive tract;
  • cancer processes in the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, which ultimately leads to their disintegration and irritation of the vagus nerve, which provokes an unpleasant symptom;

    Main causes of nausea

  • pathologies of the inner ear and high blood pressure;
  • increase in intracranial pressure, especially against the background of the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • crises in the presence of VSD, while in addition the patient may complain of attacks of fear, hand tremors and other unpleasant sensations;
  • the effect of alcohol and other toxins on the body and the gastrointestinal tract in particular;
  • drug overdose or intolerance;
  • intestinal obstruction, which can be caused by a tumor and other reasons;
  • helminthic infestation, which can be complicated by any of the above reasons.

When to see a doctor

Attention! With food poisoning, the patient rarely experiences a large number of symptoms other than nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness. For other reasons for the development of discomfort, as a rule, a whole bunch of disorders appear that affect the entire body. But if a symptom manifests itself for more than a day, even in the absence of dysfunction of other organs, you need to seek specialized help.


Centrally acting drugs will not be effective if taken simultaneously with sedatives. Sleeping pills, antidepressants, anesthesia negatively affect brain activity. The department responsible for reflexes becomes insensitive to external medicinal effects.

Apomorphine and other central medications are contraindicated for children and the elderly, pregnant women, patients suffering from mental and central nervous system disorders.

Reflex drugs have even more contraindications. They are strictly forbidden to take for stomach ulcers. If an antiemetic drug has been taken, the action may be redirected to the mucous membrane and lead to irritation of internal organs.

Weakened people and patients with poor immunity should not use the emetic technique.

The main condition for taking emetics is the presence of moderation and common sense. Do not use too much or ignore the instructions. Then there will be no negative impact. It is advisable to consult a doctor before taking pills.

Every person has at least once experienced the feeling of a lump rolling up to the throat. Nausea is experienced on a merry-go-round, on a boat or on an airplane. Pregnant women suffer from vomiting. Even overeating sometimes causes vomiting. Is it good or bad? Is vomiting necessary?

The nature of the human body takes care of self-cleaning through vomiting. This is the act of eruption of the contents of the stomach and esophagus, resulting from contractions of the diaphragm. Accompanied by rapid breathing, palpitations, increased salivation, and pale skin. Vomiting is preceded by a complex of unpleasant sensations – nausea. These are protective reflexes. The human body thus reacts to unpleasant odors and stress, gets rid of excess food, and mobilizes strength. Harmful substances and poisons are removed from the internal organs, stopping the toxic effect.

The protective factor is triggered in case of poisoning, intoxication, kidney disease, liver disease and other conditions. Regulated by the nervous system. In some situations, it requires stimulation with medications.

Anti-vomiting and nausea medications for children


The drug Motilium can quickly suppress the gag reflex, relieve heartburn, nausea, hiccups and increased gas formation

A drug based on domperidone that quickly blocks dopamine receptors. Thanks to this effect, it is possible to quickly suppress the gag reflex, get rid of such disorders as heartburn, nausea, hiccups and increased gas production. The dosage of the drug is selected individually for each child and can be 0.25-0.5 ml per kilogram of weight. In childhood, it is recommended to take only the liquid form of Motilium, as it is quickly absorbed and acts within the first few minutes. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.


The drug Cerucal in tablet form

An excellent antiemetic that can quickly relieve symptoms and prevent further deterioration of the patient’s condition. In childhood, the medication can be taken in the form of tablets and injections for intramuscular administration. The tablet form of Cerucal can only be used from the age of six. In this case, the dose of the active substance is 0.5-1 tablet three times a day 30 minutes before the main meal. When using injections, the specialist administers 1-2 ml of the active substance, the number of daily doses depends on the severity of the patient. The duration of treatment is determined according to individual indications.

Hydrovit and Regidron

The action of Regidron and Gidrovit is aimed at stopping vomiting and restoring water balance

The action of these medications is aimed at stopping vomiting and restoring water balance. Hydrovit and Regidron are pre-diluted with a glucose solution; usually a liquid is used at a concentration of 5% of the active substance. Medicines with glucose are mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1. To restore the mineral balance, the drug is given to the baby every five minutes, a teaspoon. At this pace, treatment continues for several hours until the patient drinks the medication at a dose of 100 ml/kg body. This usually takes 3-6 hours. Then the same solution, also at a dose of 100 ml/kg, is taken for the remaining hours of the day. The need to re-take Regidron and Gidrovit is determined by the attending physician.

Attention! Self-treatment of children with vomiting and prolonged nausea is prohibited. If the baby’s condition does not improve within 2-3 hours, emergency help must be called.

Help with intoxication from low-quality products

In this case, the need for a gag reflex is caused by harmful or expired food entering the stomach. Some pathologies require adherence to a strict diet. Eating a small portion of poor quality or prohibited food can significantly worsen the patient’s condition. In practice, it is extremely rare that vomiting occurs on its own, so it has to be provoked. For any type of intoxication, first of all, do gastric lavage. If your health does not return to normal after this, call emergency help.

Buscopan against vomiting and nausea

Video: What to give a child when vomiting, nausea

Buscopan copes well with vomiting caused by gastrointestinal pathologies

This drug can be taken from the age of six, but most often it is prescribed to adult patients. Buscopan copes well with vomiting, which was caused by gastrointestinal pathologies, as well as problems with the kidneys and gall bladder. Available in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. Suppositories for the described syndrome are used only if oral use of the drug is impossible.

Taking into account the severity of the disease, patients are recommended to take 10-20 mg of the active ingredient 20 minutes before the main meal. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disorder and is completely determined by the attending physician. When using Buscopan, it is imperative to maintain a drinking regime and avoid dehydration.

Attention! In some cases, when treating vomiting and nausea with Buscopan, patients complained of side effects such as allergic reactions, dry mouth and tachycardia.

What types of tablets are there?

You can buy these drugs without a doctor's prescription. In case of alcohol or food intoxication, vomiting occurs almost immediately, so there is no point in using them. When eating low-quality, heavy, fatty food, it must be provoked. Most people resort to traditional medicine.

1. The first group is “Central impact”. The drug is Apomorphine. It affects the vomiting centers of the nervous system.

  • bearing a child;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • ulcers, vascular problems;
  • mental disorders.

It is also prohibited for children and the elderly. If the dosage is exceeded, hallucinations may occur! Therefore, please read the instructions before use.

2. The second group is “Reflex impact”. Medicines: Digoxin, Levodopa, Paroxetine. They cause a reflex of the vagus nerves of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum, thereby stimulating the contents to come out.

For emergency cleansing of the stomach in case of poisoning with stale food, alcoholic beverages, toxic substances, drugs that cause vomiting are used: cardiac glycosides, alkaloids, opioid analgesic medications and others.

Dimenhydrinate against vomiting and nausea

The drug Dimenhydrinate is used to suppress the gag reflex and nausea during travel and travel.

This drug is used to suppress the gag reflex and nausea during travel and travel. But it also copes well with unpleasant symptoms if they are provoked by other disorders and it is impossible to use a more suitable medication. Dimenhydrinate also copes with dizziness and mild headaches.

Taking the drug and its dosage depends on the age of the patient and the intensity of discomfort.

Group of patientsDose
Children from one to six years old¼ - ½ at a time
Children from seven to twelve years old½ – 1 tablet at a time
Adults and children over 12 years old1-2 tablets once
For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs1 tablet at a time
If you are allergic to any medicationsMinimum possible doses for each group of patients

Analog of Dramamine Dimenhydrinate

The drug is usually taken once, but can be used repeatedly, but not more than three doses of the active substance. At the same time, you should not drink Dimenhydrinate for a long time to suppress discomfort that is not associated with trips and travel.

In some cases, the medication provoked side effects such as problems with urination, so men with prostatitis and other problems in the genitourinary system of this type should take the drug with great caution. Side effects such as severe weakness and drowsiness also occur. Rash and swelling are reported extremely rarely.

Attention! Despite its real effectiveness, even in suppressing unpleasant symptoms caused by pathological processes, Dimenhydrinate should not be taken by cancer patients. Vomiting and nausea of ​​this nature must be suppressed with more highly specialized means.

When can medications be prescribed?

Anti-vomiting medications in children are prescribed only by the attending physician and only after studying the results of blood and vomit tests for infections or pathological processes in the body. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated. In addition, you cannot use antiemetic drugs without a doctor’s prescription, referring only to the instructions.

  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • weakened vision;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • difficulty breathing.

It must be remembered that anti-vomiting drugs do not eliminate the underlying cause that caused this phenomenon. Such medications only help to stop the vomiting process for a while. Once the vomiting stops, the doctor is unable to assess the situation and diagnose the nature and amount of vomit.

Antiemetic drugs are also not supported by the fact that when the body is intoxicated, all harmful substances, while suppressing nausea and gag reflexes, remain in the body, which significantly aggravates the patient’s recovery process.

The doctor prescribes antiemetic drugs strictly individually - anti-vomiting injections or other drugs.

To ensure that the prescription is correct, the pediatrician examines the child, assesses the severity of his condition, and, if possible, determines the cause of vomiting. If acute attacks are associated with pathological phenomena in the digestive organs, head trauma, or neurological pathologies, the doctor decides in favor of prescribing antiemetics.

Bonin against vomiting and nausea

The drug Bonin can be used to relieve an unpleasant symptom without taking into account its etymology

This drug can be used to relieve an unpleasant symptom without taking into account its etymology, with the exception of cancer patients. At the same time, Bonin perfectly suppresses toxicosis in pregnant women and prevents further deterioration of the patient’s condition and removes the threat of miscarriage and exhaustion.

The therapeutic effect after using Bonin begins to unfold within an hour. And the achieved effect lasts throughout the day. Doses and number of daily doses can only be determined by the attending physician. Typically, the dosage of the active substance is 25-50 mg once. In rare cases, the drug provoked such undesirable effects as increased dry mouth, drowsiness and apathy against the background of increased fatigue.

Attention! During pregnancy, any antiemetic drugs are prescribed only if vomiting is recorded more than 10 times per day and there is increased uterine tone, as well as weight loss.

Furazolidone against vomiting and nausea

The drug Furazolidone

The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral use. In addition to vomiting and nausea, Furazolidone also relieves unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea, increased gas formation and flatulence. It is most often used to relieve discomfort caused by poisoning, infections and problems in the functioning of the digestive tract.

To relieve an unpleasant symptom, you need to take 2 tablets of the active substance 30 minutes before meals or when an attack occurs, if it is primary. During the day you should drink 6 doses of the active substance, divided into three uses. The duration of therapy cannot last more than 10 days, but doctors recommend stopping treatment on days 5-7. For diseases of the pancreas, it is not recommended to take the drug or a serious adjustment of the dose that is safe for the patient is required.

Attention! In childhood, you can use a drug similar to Furazolidone called Nifuroxazide . It is available in the form of a suspension and has minimal effect on the pancreas.

The drug Nifuroxazide in the form of a suspension

Video: Furazolidone tablets

Sorbents against poisoning

The list of popular medications acting on the principle of mucosal envelopment and adsorption consists of the following items:

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  • Enterosgel. Doctors recommend using a homogeneous suspension both in case of acute poisoning and to alleviate the symptoms of chronic pathology. Contraindications include intestinal atony.
  • Smecta. Helps get rid of signs of acute infection if the cause of the disease is viral flora. The duration of treatment is up to 7 days.
  • Activated carbon. Cheap tablets with a characteristic black color quickly improve the condition if symptoms of dyspepsia are present. The only condition for refusing therapy is the identification of ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes of the digestive system.
  • Enterodesis. The tolerability of the drug allows it to be included in the treatment regimen for poisoning even for a small child. If you follow the recommendations, diarrhea disappears in a matter of hours, even if the disease is of an acute infectious nature.
  • Kaopectate. Depending on the age group, tablets or a suspension with active ingredients in the form of aluminum silicate hydrate and a similar magnesium compound are selected.
  • Filtrum. A natural herbal medicine based on hydrolyzed lignin powder blocks toxic substances of various natures.

The sorbent anti-poisoning agent binds viruses, toxins, bacteria, water in the intestinal lumen and at the same time forms a protective layer on the walls of the digestive organ that prevents unwanted absorption of harmful substances.

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Navobane against vomiting and nausea

This medication is one of the most powerful and fastest-acting in its class. It is used to relieve an attack during the treatment of oncological processes and during the recovery period after any surgical interventions. Taking into account the complication of the condition, it is possible to adjust single doses and the number of daily uses.

Drug Navobane

Typically, adult patients are prescribed 5 mg of the active ingredient once on the first day of therapy. In this case, Navobane is administered intravenously. From the second day, it is taken in the form of capsules; they should be taken one hour before meals. The patient takes one dose of the active substance once a day. Instead of capsules, you can also use the solution, but for this it is initially diluted in equal quantities with any fruit juice. The dose is also 5 mg of the active ingredient. The duration of therapy is six days.

For alcoholism

The fight against alcohol addiction is a long process that does not always bring results.
Apomorphine is used as a subcutaneous injection. Before vomiting begins, the patient is given a certain type of alcohol. Thus, it appears that the reflex opened after the use of an alcoholic drink. Tablets are produced in the form of gelatin capsules. Use the medication, gradually increasing the dose, until the need to empty the stomach appears. The drug irritates the mucous surfaces of the oral cavity, so you should not drink it before meals.

This medicine contains morphine, so you can buy an emetic at the pharmacy only with a prescription from a specialist.

Treatment of alcoholism with apomorphine is carried out for at least 7 days, in some cases the period can be increased until alcohol intolerance appears.

Gag reflexes when drinking alcoholic beverages appear as a protective reaction of the human body aimed at eliminating toxic substances. Ethanol metabolites in the liver lead to general poisoning of the body. It is in these cases that medications are prescribed to cleanse the stomach and prevent intoxication.

Among medical products, one can also note teturam and esperal, which contain disulfiram, which prevents the breakdown of ethanol in the blood. As a result, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting appear.

In addition, emetic tablets can be used in conjunction with alcohol-containing drinks. In these cases, the negative effects in the form of a reflex eruption of stomach contents provoke a strong aversion to ethanol in the alcoholic, and he often stops drinking.

Latran against nausea and vomiting

The drug is available in several forms: syrup, tablets, rectal suppositories and solutions for injections. The release form of Latran depends on the etymology of nausea and vomiting. During chemotherapy and during the recovery period after surgical interventions, the solution should be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. For moderate syndrome, as well as for the treatment of vomiting due to the use of large quantities of any medications, syrup or tablets are used. Rectal suppositories are used only if oral treatment is not possible.

The drug Latran in tablet form

The dosage of the active substance for an adult patient also varies and can be 8-32 mg of the active ingredient. The duration of therapy is usually five days, regardless of the reason for taking Latran; an exception may be patients with vomiting and nausea after an overdose of medications. Their treatment may be one-time or shorter.

Anti-nausea medications without gag reflex

A drugImageDosePrice in Russia in rubles
Rennie1-2 tablets (no more than 11 per day)150-400
Phosphalugel1-2 sachets (no more than 6 per day)350-500
De-Nol1 tablet four times a day1000
Gastal1-2 tablets (no more than 8 per day)150-400
Omez20-40 mg80-200
Festal1-2 tablets (no more than 6 per day)130
Maalox1-2 tablets (no more than 8 per day)100-300

Attention! The medications described are also excellent for heartburn. Some medications can relieve symptoms of disorder and indigestion. With a gag reflex, they can only have a supporting role to alleviate the general condition.

If problems such as nausea and vomiting occur, taking into account your general condition and response to treatment, it is recommended, if possible, to undergo a medical examination. It will allow us to identify the exact cause of the violation and predict the further development of the situation. In addition, the doctor will be able to more correctly select the dose of the active substance and the most suitable medication. With proper treatment, relief comes within the first day, regardless of the main factor provoking the disorder.

How to quickly remove toxic substances from the stomach?

As soon as you feel the first signs of nausea, induce vomiting so that the poison does not enter the bloodstream and other organs. Taking timely measures will help avoid serious consequences. All the previously described methods will come to the rescue, but you need to remember about contraindications and side effects.

Almost all medications and substances for vomiting are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, esophageal canal;
  • oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sulfuric acid burns;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • fatigue, powerlessness.

In case of drug poisoning, it is prohibited to take copper sulfate, tartar emetic, apomorphine and similar medications. Often, for infectious disorders, colds, expectoration of sputum, thermopsis extract and anise oil are prescribed. Pectol tablets have all these qualities. The rest of the recommendations will be announced by the doctor during an individual consultation.

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