Watermelon for pancreatitis: can you eat it or not, the benefits of melon for the pancreas

Melon and watermelon for pancreatitis: is it possible or not?

According to medical statistics, the key to success in the treatment of pancreatitis is conscientious adherence to the diet. Many patients note that sticking to a diet can be extremely difficult. Spicy foods, everything fried, and most sweets are prohibited. A special taboo is placed on drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco. In the summer, when juicy watermelons and fragrant melons are on the shelves, you just want to taste the sweet fruits. But is it possible to eat watermelon if you have pancreatitis? Will eating melon harm your body? Does it matter whether the disease is in remission or in the acute phase? Pancreatitis and cholecystitis are ailments that can provoke each other. In the article we will answer the most pressing questions regarding the consumption of these berries in the presence of the mentioned diseases.

Is it possible or not?

Sunflower seeds for pancreatitis are prohibited in any form.

During the period of exacerbation of pancreatitis, only dietary products are allowed. During the period of stable remission of a chronic disease, low-fat dishes are allowed. If the disease is asymptomatic, many people forget to adhere to these rules.

Those who like to chew seeds in front of the TV do not think that this product can harm them. Is it worth finding out whether you can have seeds for pancreatitis and what kind? Sunflower seeds are a favorite delicacy of many; grilled meats, halva are made from this delicacy, and they are added to baked goods and salads.

This product is high in calories, despite its size. Surprisingly, when consuming half a glass of seeds, the body receives 600 kcal of energy. This explains their chemical composition, predominantly fatty – 63% fat per 100 g.

The disadvantages of sunflower seeds for a sick stomach and pancreas include their solid structure - they are poorly absorbed in the stomach and irritate its walls. Therefore, in case of acute pancreatitis, this product in any form is prohibited. Well, in remission?

If you have pancreatitis, you can eat watermelon and melon: truth or myth?

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas. The most likely factors leading to the disease are alcohol abuse, heredity, side effects after surgery, viral infection, etc. Since the digestive system is affected, patients are first prescribed a specialized diet. Are watermelon and the pancreas in an inflamed state compatible? Is it possible to eat melon with pancreatitis or is it from unauthorized products?

Doctors have a well-established consensus on this matter. During an exacerbation, neither melon nor watermelon are indicated. But upon achieving remission, they may well enrich the rather meager diet of patients with pancreatitis. As a rule, the daily dose is determined individually by the attending physician.

Chronic form and watermelon

After eliminating acute symptoms, the patient is interested in whether it is possible to drink juice, eat watermelons and melons with chronic pancreatitis. With pancreatitis of the pancreas, which has a chronic form, the fetus causes virtually no harm to the pancreas. Despite this, watermelon is added to the diet with caution.

If the remission stage has begun, expand the menu to include vegetables, fruits and berries, the amount of which, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s pathology, ranges from 100 g to 1.5 kg. At the same time, the daily norm of the product, which the patient can eat during stable remission, is divided into several doses (3-4), avoiding overeating.

At this stage, some connoisseurs of canned food are interested in whether it is possible to eat canned watermelon with chronic pancreatitis. Doctors almost always give a negative answer to this question. This is due to the fact that in this form the berry will harm the pancreas, provoking the return of symptoms characteristic of the acute stage of pancreatic disease. Patients who have fluctuations in the amount of carbohydrates should be careful about including berries in their diet, since the fruit contains a high concentration of fructose, as a result of which the body may not produce enough insulin.

It is recommended to start including watermelon in the diet for chronic pancreatitis from juice, with the approval of the attending physician.

After this, taking into account the reaction of the pancreas to the product, the doctor will determine whether or not to eat the pulp of the fetus if you have pancreatitis. Melon for chronic pancreatitis helps to normalize carbohydrate metabolism, however, it can be added to the diet only after stable remission has been established. The doctor allows the use of melon, taking into account a gradual increase in the size or number of servings. If after the first meal of juice, pulp or dishes from melon the pancreas hurts, limit its intake in fresh form, reduce the daily intake of the product or mix the fruit with fruits and berries, drinks.

A doctor’s decision about the possibility of consuming berries in the diet of a patient with pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas represents a reasonable compromise between awareness of the importance of the intake of microelements and vitamins and limiting the number of servings taken in food.

Is it possible to drink watermelon for pancreatitis and cholecystitis: expert opinion

Currently, watermelons are represented by many varieties. In the windows you can see original square watermelons, oval ones, with yellow flesh, etc. Even despite the diversity, standard fruits that are red on the inside are still in high demand. They perfectly quench thirst, becoming extremely attractive on hot summer days.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with pancreatitis - a pressing question for those who have been diagnosed with this. Doctors agree that the answer depends on the course of the disease.

  • So, when there is an active inflammatory process in the organ, a ban is imposed on any fresh berries. The juicy pulp of watermelon contains fibers that stimulate increased gas formation. For those with damaged glands, this results in severe colic, painful bloating and endless diarrhea. Returning to the main thing, is it possible to eat watermelon during pancreatitis (exacerbation), our answer is absolutely not.
  • The only thing that medical workers emphasize is that when the disease syndromes subside and the clinical picture is already in a satisfactory state, the gradual introduction of the product is allowed at the final stage of nutritional rehabilitation therapy. When answering whether it is possible to eat watermelon with chronic pancreatitis, doctors look at the above conditions and make a competent decision.
  • Remission is a period when you can forget about the ban. Carbohydrate metabolism is one of the common consequences of the disease. However, due to the fact that the glycemic load of the juicy fruit is low, pancreatitis and watermelon are in perfect harmony. A significant plus is that it is not glucose, but fructose that predominates in its simple sugars, and therefore does not require large amounts of insulin. This is extremely important, since diabetes mellitus often develops against the background of pancreatitis. In the phase of stable remission, you can eat watermelon with pancreatitis from 150 g to 1.5 kg. in a day.

For cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder, it is strongly recommended to include watermelon in your diet. Rich in plant fiber, it helps relieve constipation and prevent its further occurrence.

Standards of use

As mentioned above, the consumption rate of watermelon for pancreatitis can vary from 150 g to 1.5 kg per day. At the same time, eating the fruit is possible only during a stable phase of remission of the disease.

You should eat the pulp, starting with small dosages, gradually increasing the portion until it is comfortable for the body. It is allowed to include the fruit in reasonable quantities in salads, desserts, and make juices or jams. You cannot consume the berry pickled or salted, or eat 1–2 kg of pulp at a time.

Melon for pancreatitis and cholecystitis: harm or benefit?

Serpentine, green, honey, oval - all these are popular varieties of melons. A chilled sweet dessert is perfect for the summer table, but can those whose pancreas is inflamed treat themselves with it? It is believed that melon and pancreatitis are incompatible. But by analogy with watermelon, only a certain stage of the disease falls under the taboo.

So is it possible to eat melon with pancreatitis in the acute phase? Despite the appetizing appearance and dizzying aroma, the inflammatory process does not allow patients with pancreatitis to eat melon pulp. Simple carbohydrates worsen the condition of the gland, creating unnecessary stress on endocrine cells. Bloating, excessive gas formation, foamy stools - their cause lies in the simple sugars and fiber that make up the melon. Unripe fruits especially aggravate the dysfunction of the organ.

Can you eat melon if you have pancreatitis in remission? The doctors answer is affirmative. If positive dynamics continue, then it is first recommended to consume melon through mousse, and only later in fresh form. The optimal daily dose is 400 g, the maximum is 1.5 kg.

The inflammatory process of the gallbladder - cholecystitis, does not interfere with eating a tasty representative of the melon crop. Moreover, melon has a laxative effect, which promotes reflex bowel movements.

Pancreas size in humans, normal in adults and structure of the organ: head, body, tail.

Diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas as the main factor in successful treatment.

Recipes for preparing healthy dishes based on watermelon pulp

It is recommended to eat the berries mainly fresh, as part of fruit and vegetable salads or in the form of drinks. It is better to avoid canned varieties, and eat jam with great caution and in small doses.

Homemade juice

Making natural refreshing watermelon juice is very simple and affordable. To do this, select a ripe fruit without cracks or rottenness, wash it thoroughly and cut it. Using a spoon or knife, extract the watermelon pulp and remove the black seeds.

It is best to extract juice using a modern juicer. In a matter of minutes, it will squeeze out all the liquid from the pulp and leave an almost dry pulp. If this device is not available, you can grind the pulp to a puree using a brander or masher and strain the puree several times through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

Ready-made watermelon juice should be drunk fresh throughout the day, without leaving it in the refrigerator, alone or in combination with other juices (apple, currant, pumpkin, etc.). Also, if you have pancreatitis, drinking cold drinks is not allowed.

Refreshing mousse


  1. Watermelon pulp – 800 grams;
  2. Gelatin – 10 grams;
  3. Sugar – 80 grams (or sweetener).

Gelatin is poured with lukewarm water and left to swell for 10-15 minutes (according to the instructions).

Grind the watermelon along with sugar using a blender until it becomes a homogeneous puree. The mixture is brought to a boil, gelatin is added and mixed thoroughly. After cooling, beat the mousse with a mixer until foamy and serve slightly chilled.

Watermelon honey

To prepare this dish, you will not need additional sweeteners or sweeteners, since its only ingredient is ripe watermelons.

All the juice is squeezed out of the pulp of three watermelons. Place the liquid on the fire, bring to a boil and keep on the fire for another 2-4 minutes.

The cooled boiled juice is filtered through two layers of gauze to remove remaining fibers and pulp, and simmered over low heat for 3-3.5 hours until thickened. The mixture must be stirred periodically and the resulting foam must be removed.

The finished mass is poured into clean jars and left to cool completely.

Watermelon for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is one of the diseases in which the patient must adhere to a strict diet and limit the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. Sometimes it is very difficult to follow the doctor’s instructions and you want to diversify the menu, so at the beginning of autumn, when the melon season begins, doctors are often asked if it is possible to have watermelon for pancreatitis.

Since the pulp does not contain much fat, which can be harmful in case of pancreatitis, it would seem that watermelon should not be prohibited. However, the juice of the berry contains simple and complex carbohydrates that can increase pancreatic secretion, which can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis. Therefore, doctors allow the consumption of watermelon only for a certain type of pathology, provided that the disease is in remission.

Chronic form of the disease and watermelon

In case of chronic pancreatitis, your doctor may allow you to consume watermelon. Only obligatory during the period of remission, when there are no manifestations of pathology. This rule should also be followed by those patients who have impaired carbohydrate metabolism. After all, the berry contains fructose, which means that the body does not need to produce a lot of insulin.

Watermelon for pancreatitis has a good diuretic effect, provides the body with folic acid, increases the intensity of processing of food proteins and lactation. The berry contains antioxidants that can suppress inflammation, prevent the development of tumors, and slow down age-related changes. Moreover, it contains very few calories, which allows it to be used for diets and “fasting” days.

As for melon, it can also be consumed by patients with chronic pancreatitis, again only during the period of remission. It helps normalize carbohydrate metabolism. However, you should not eat too much of it; you must gradually increase the number of servings.

If after the first use of melon the patient feels pain and other manifestations characteristic of the disease, then it should be eaten only in small quantities or added to other dishes.

Eating watermelon during an exacerbation

Pancreatitis is nothing more than inflammation of the pancreas due to the action of its own enzymes, which are activated ahead of time. To reduce the synthesis of pancreatic enzymes, you need to avoid fried, fatty foods and those that cause increased secretion.

Therefore, the first recommendation during an exacerbation is to create functional rest for the pancreas and other proximal organs.

During the period of exacerbation of pancreatitis, when the patient experiences nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain radiating to the back and shoulder blades, consuming melons will only intensify the symptoms. The carbohydrates they contain cause an increase in the secretion of enzymes.

Watermelon has a choleretic effect and leads to increased gas formation because it contains fiber. Even a little eaten juicy pulp can cause unpleasant symptoms in the form of intestinal colic, diarrhea and flatulence.

Consequently, the answer to the question whether it is possible to eat watermelon during an acute stage of pancreatitis is clearly negative. But if the inflammatory process, localized in the area of ​​the pancreas or gall bladder, is quickly treatable and the person does not experience discomfort, then, in agreement with the attending physician, a small amount of melons can be included in the diet.

First, you can try them in the form of a mousse and monitor your individual reaction. If you do not feel heaviness and bloating, and there is no frequent urge to go to the toilet, then you can switch to eating fresh watermelons and melons, but in small portions.

Use during acute illness

Diet rules for patients with acute pancreatic inflammation indicate that fresh fruits, berries and vegetables should not be consumed. Food must be cooked and pureed. Watermelon for pancreatitis is no exception!

This is explained by the fact that the juicy pulp of this product includes dietary fiber, which can provoke the formation of strong gases in the intestines. If the patient dares to eat a little watermelon, he will be overtaken by such adverse consequences as intense colic in the intestines, repeated loose stools and bloating.

Usually people buy melon along with watermelon. It is also forbidden to eat it during acute pancreatitis and during an exacerbation of the chronic form of the pathology. The reason is that when you eat melon, the following happens:

  • The work of the endocrine system is activated, the production of secretions from the digestive organs increases.
  • Due to the entry of large amounts of sugar into the blood, the activity of the pancreas increases and intensive synthesis of insulin occurs.
  • The production of hydrochloric acid and pancreatic juice increases.

As soon as the inflammatory process begins to subside, the doctor may allow you to include watermelons or melons in your diet. However, this is a possible option only if the pathology is mild.

Is it allowed to eat watermelon during remission?

And if at the stage of exacerbation the diet must be strict so as not to increase inflammation, then is it possible to eat watermelon with chronic pancreatitis or should you forget about it altogether. Experts do not prohibit eating watermelon during the remission phase. This applies even to those patients who have problems with the breakdown of carbohydrates.

The fact is that the sweetness of the berry is given not only by glucose, but also by fructose; therefore, the body does not need to synthesize a lot of insulin to absorb the product. Newly delivered melon watermelon has a very low glycemic index.

For chronic pancreatitis, you can eat watermelon; it will not harm the pancreas and will not provoke increased secretion of pancreatic juice. At the same time, the berry contains a lot of useful substances that have a positive effect on the entire body, which makes it an indispensable product that can diversify the menu of people with problems with the digestive system.

Watermelon pulp consists of 5.5–13% easily digestible sugars (ripe pumpkin mainly contains glucose and fructose, and sucrose is formed during storage).

The edible part of watermelon is rich in pectin, proteins, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins (B1, B2, B9, PP, A, C).

Watermelon has a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, laxative and strengthening effect on the body. It not only normalizes digestion, but also enhances the contraction of the intestinal walls.

Folic acid, which is part of the striped berry, helps the absorption of protein foods, which is important for patients with pancreatitis, since a long course of the disease leads to protein starvation.

The positive effect of watermelon is due to its composition:

  • since the large striped berry has a diuretic and laxative effect, it will help get rid of swelling and cleanse the intestines of accumulated masses;
  • watermelon is rich in antioxidants, which cleanse the body of free radicals, thereby eliminating inflammatory processes and preventing the appearance of tumors;
  • salts of iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on the digestive, cardiovascular system and endocrine glands;
  • fiber speeds up digestion and helps remove “bad” cholesterol from blood vessels;
  • folic and ascorbic acid have an antisclerotic effect;
  • watermelon does not put stress on the liver and urinary tract, and alkaline compounds affect the acid-base balance, which leads to normalization of the acidity of gastric juice.

And another positive property of pumpkin is its unique taste. In case of inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), which often leads to pancreatitis, you can not only eat ripened watermelon, it is even recommended to include it in the diet, since fiber helps get rid of diarrhea and prevents its further occurrence.

For gastritis that has developed against the background of pancreatitis, berries are allowed to be consumed. It even helps normalize acidity. But you should not eat too much of it, as this can lead to stomach fullness and discomfort, and vomiting.

Chemical composition and calorie content of watermelon

Watermelon is a pumpkin fruit of a herbaceous annual plant of the Cucurbitaceae family. It is considered the largest berry, the shape of which can vary from a regular ball, oval to cube. According to culinary classification, watermelon is considered a fruit.

In terms of the number of useful components among fruits, the described fruit occupies a leading position. Its chemical composition is represented by vitamins and minerals.


  • groups B (B1, B2, B6, B9): take an active part in energy exchange, improve and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, relieve insomnia, and help reduce stress;
  • vitamin E: has pronounced antioxidant properties, prevents rapid aging of the body, participates in cell regeneration, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • vitamin H: normalizes blood clotting, takes part in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and genitourinary system, helps neutralize the effects of poisons and chemicals;
  • vitamin PP: regulates cholesterol levels in the blood, maintains the required glucose level, fights free radicals;
  • ascorbic acid: strengthens the immune system, helps produce collagen, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, increases the body's protective functions.


  • potassium: regulates the acid-base balance, activates the work of many enzymes, improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • calcium: strengthens musculoskeletal tissue, is responsible for blood clotting, normalizes hormone levels, required for the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • magnesium: activates collagen synthesis, interacts with many enzymes, ensures the most important metabolic processes, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • iron: transports oxygen to blood cells, prevents the risk of anemia, has a positive effect on metabolism, takes part in hematopoietic processes;
  • phosphorus: necessary for bone formation, participates in cellular energy metabolism, takes part in many physiological processes, regulates acid-base balance in the body;
  • sodium: necessary for the functioning of the kidneys and liver, is responsible for transporting amino acids and glucose into blood cells, retains minerals in the blood, protects cells and tissues from dehydration.

In addition, the berry contains water, fiber, dietary fiber, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids, and starch. It has a low calorie content, with only 25–27 kcal per 100 g of pulp.

BJU of fruit:

  • proteins - 0.6 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.8 g.

Which watermelon to choose so as not to cause exacerbation of pancreatitis

The pumpkin ripening period is late August, early September. It is during this period that it is recommended to consume melons in order to get maximum pleasure and benefit from the product. Today, watermelon can remain on store shelves until the end of December, however, the taste and usefulness of these berries is extremely doubtful.

It is better to refuse fruits that are too late, as well as fruits that are too early (which appear on sale out of season), not only for people with pancreatitis and cholecystitis, but also for absolutely healthy people. Fresh berries contain much more useful substances than those that have been stored for a long time.

Since watermelon is a seasonal berry, people have learned to prepare it for future use. They make jam, candied fruits, and mousses from it. Gourmets have even learned how to marinate and fry watermelon. Patients with pancreatitis should still refuse the last two options even during the period of remission of the disease.

During the period of stable remission of pancreatitis, the patient can consume up to 1.5 kg of watermelon and up to 0.5 kg of melon, and during the period of exacerbation it is better to completely abandon fresh vegetables, berries and fruits.

Watermelon is capable of accumulating nitrates in the pulp. Taking such a fruit can provoke poisoning with a classic clinical picture: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Children may experience severe dyspeptic disorders after eating such a fruit.

It’s better not to eat watermelon if you have “dormant” pancreatitis if:

  • white or yellowish veins are visible in the pulp;
  • the color of the pulp has a lilac tint;
  • The pulp is glossy in appearance and not grainy.

Despite the fact that experts advise assessing the appearance of the pulp before eating a watermelon, it is prohibited to buy cut fruit, since bacteria and various substances very quickly settle and accumulate in the berry.

Not only the consumption of berries with a large amount of nitrates, but also when eating a large amount of pulp or overripe fruits can have a negative impact on your well-being. To avoid indigestion or pain in the abdominal area with chronic pancreatitis of the pancreas, doctors advise consuming watermelon, observing the following rules:

  • Do not eat the permitted daily dose immediately, but divide it into several servings;
  • although watermelon seeds contain beneficial oils, they still have to be removed, as they can lead to inflammation of the gastric mucosa and have a negative effect on the pancreas;
  • It is not recommended to eat a variety of watermelon that does not have seeds;
  • do not eat berries before bed, as this will not only lead to frequent urination at night, but will also put additional stress on the pancreas.

Against the background of chronic pancreatitis, pathologies such as diabetes mellitus, narrowing of the duodenum, cholecystitis, gastritis, ulcers and others can develop.

For those patients who have complications, it is still recommended to ask their doctor whether it is possible to eat watermelon in a particular case. If you decide to taste the juicy pulp of the striped berry, then it is better to eat a piece of no more than 150 grams and monitor the body’s reaction.

How to choose a good watermelon without harm to your health

A person can only gain benefits from consuming watermelon by eating a high-quality, natural fruit. Watermelons have the ability to accumulate harmful substances and toxins, which is why it is not recommended to purchase berries grown near the highway, roadway, chemical plants, or in areas contaminated with toxins.

When choosing a watermelon, experts advise following the following rules:

You can determine the quality of watermelon at home using several simple methods:

  • place a little watermelon pulp in a glass of water: if the liquid has acquired a rich pink color - watermelon with nitrates, if the water has become cloudy with a slight shade of pink - the fruit was grown without the use of chemicals;
  • Place a whole watermelon in a large container with water: if the berry floats, it is chemical-free; if it sinks, the fruit was grown using chemicals.

Watermelon is a juicy, aromatic and healthy fruit that has not only excellent taste, but also excellent medicinal properties. However, before including it in the menu, people with pancreatitis should definitely consult a doctor, not eat the berry during an exacerbation of the disease, and follow a clearly defined consumption pattern.

Is it possible to eat watermelon and melon with pancreatitis?

Most people associate summer with relaxation, sun, beach, delicious fruits and berries. The most favorite summer delicacies for many are watermelon and melon. These are very sweet, aromatic and juicy fruits that bring great pleasure and benefit. But with some diseases you have to follow a strict diet that excludes most fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. But melon and watermelon for pancreatitis are not allowed for consumption by every patient.

Let's sum it up

Both melons and watermelons can and should be consumed for pancreatitis. They contain important trace elements and minerals that the body needs to maintain metabolic processes. During the acute phase, you should not eat the fruits, so as not to worsen the condition even more. Pieces of watermelons and melons are included in the diet only after all symptoms of an exacerbation have subsided, monitoring their tolerance. The consumption rate is selected individually. You can consume no more than 1.5 kg of fruit in one day.

Watermelon is a large berry that has a unique taste and is loved by almost all children and adults. It has many beneficial properties, but it also has contraindications. In this regard, the question arises, is it possible to eat watermelon for pancreatitis? After all, people suffering from various pathologies of the digestive system cannot eat all foods.

Harm and benefits of melon and watermelon for pancreatitis?

Fresh watermelon and melon, due to their composition, have many beneficial effects that improve the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body:

  • The diuretic effect is achieved due to the high water content of these berries. This effect helps eliminate edema, remove fine sand from the kidneys (prevention of urolithiasis), and cleanse the body of toxic products that enter the systemic bloodstream due to inflammatory and other pathological processes occurring in the pancreas.
  • A small amount of plant fiber helps improve the motor function of the intestines, gallbladder, and its ducts. As a result, the liver produces bile, excretes it (choleretic effect), normalizes stool, and eliminates constipation. This promotes the evacuation of toxins from the body, the removal of cholesterol and other compounds harmful to blood vessels. And also the choleretic effect of these berries is an excellent prevention of cholecystitis due to stagnation of bile and the ingress of microorganisms, the formation of gallstones, the presence of which significantly aggravates the course of pancreatitis. Melon has a particularly pronounced effect on the peristalsis of the digestive organs.
  • The antioxidant effect of various compounds: lycopene and many vitamins (A, E, C) has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, hair, nails and the entire body as a whole. The removal of free radicals caused by antioxidants prevents the degeneration of normal or inflammatory cells into malignant ones.
  • The presence of various microelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron) and vitamins in the fruit helps to normalize many metabolic processes and improves cell division processes. And this helps damaged tissues recover faster, that is, the regeneration of pancreatic cells during inflammation, hepatocytes (liver cells) during hepatitis and other body tissues are accelerated.
  • Increasing immunity, activating the body's defenses in the fight against the inflammatory process in the pancreas.
  • Effective weight loss for obesity. This effect is due to the fact that watermelon and melon remove excess fluid from the body, and also quickly cause a feeling of fullness when consumed due to their high content of light carbohydrates. Most of the sugars are fructose, the absorption of which, unlike glucose, does not require increased production of insulin by the pancreas. Thanks to this, these berries are not contraindicated in case of diagnosed diabetes mellitus.

Is it possible to eat watermelon during pancreatic inflammation?

According to the botanical classification, watermelon is a berry. Due to the large amount of useful substances and water in its composition, it is included in the menu of many therapeutic diets. The berry is also not prohibited for pancreatitis. But, despite this, it can be eaten only after a full examination by a specialist, carrying out the necessary tests, instrumental research methods, and accurately establishing the stage of the disease.

Watermelon in the acute stage of the disease

The inflammatory process in the pancreas is characterized by damage to the gland tissue, swelling of its excretory ducts, and narrowing of their lumen. This state of the organ does not allow it to fully participate in the digestive processes.

On the first day of acute, reactive pancreatitis or during exacerbation of chronic pathology, it is recommended to follow the principles of therapeutic fasting: eat nothing, drink only clean still water or weakly brewed rosehip tea.

After acute symptoms subside (reduction of abdominal pain, relief of vomiting, diarrhea, normalization of body temperature and general condition of the patient), the patient is recommended to follow a strict diet based on the consumption of pureed and liquid dishes from certain cereals and vegetables. Raw fruits and berries, including watermelon, are excluded from the menu during an exacerbation.

Watermelon for chronic pancreatitis, in the remission phase of the disease

After the cessation of intense abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and normalization of the patient’s tests, the doctor allows watermelon to be introduced into the diet. It can be eaten fresh, prepared into mousses, jams, candied fruits, and added to fruit salads.

Start eating fresh pulp or watermelon juice, 1 spoon at a time. If your health does not deteriorate after a meal, then the one-time volume of the fetus can be increased to 150−200 g. During the day, you are allowed to eat up to 1.5 kg of a high-quality product.

Watermelons are also used to make preparations for the winter - salted or pickled. Such dishes should not be consumed during pancreatitis due to the presence of preservatives and salt that are harmful to the condition of the pancreas.

Features of use

Due to its balanced vitamin and mineral composition, watermelon is a component of many therapeutic diets. However, it should be consumed in strictly dosed portions, only after a complete examination of the body and consultation with a professional.

It is strictly forbidden to consume watermelon in any form during the acute phase of the disease, since it can cause serious harm to the human body. When inflammatory processes occur in the pancreas, it is imperative to avoid consuming any raw fruits, berries and vegetables.

Watermelon contains dietary fiber, which during an exacerbation of the disease can increase the formation of gases in the intestinal area, thereby causing digestive problems, the development of acute diarrhea, and severe pain in the digestive tract.

Consumption of watermelon during acute pancreatitis will only aggravate the problem and lead to increased inflammatory processes, the appearance of intestinal colic, and diarrhea.

After severe pain in the stomach stops, nausea and diarrhea go away, and the general condition of the body normalizes, doctors allow watermelon to be included in the daily menu. The berries can be consumed raw, boiled, in salads, juices and compotes.

They start consuming berries with 1 tablespoon of pulp at a time, gradually increasing the dosage to 200 g. You are allowed to eat up to 1–1.5 kg per day in the absence of a negative reaction from the body. It is very important to consume berries at room temperature, not from the refrigerator.

Cholecystitis is a disease in which inflammation of the gallbladder occurs, which is the most important organ of the abdominal cavity for performing vital functions. As with exacerbation of pancreatitis, eating watermelon during the acute phase of cholecystitis is prohibited.

You are allowed to enjoy the delicious fruit during the period of stable remission.

In this case, several rules should be followed:

  • eat in small portions;
  • consume no more than 250 g of pulp at one time;
  • add vegetable oils and a sufficient amount of liquid (from 1.5 liters of clean water) to the diet.

If there are stones in the gall bladder, it is better to avoid consuming berries, so as not to provoke the movement of stones through the ducts and their blockage.

Is it possible to eat melon if you have pancreatic diseases?

According to various classifications, melon belongs to pseudoberries or vegetables. This product, due to its composition, brings many benefits to a healthy person. But with pancreatitis, when the patient is forced to follow a strict diet, the product can be eaten only if the attending physician allows it.

Melon during acute pancreatitis

During an exacerbation of chronic inflammation in the pancreas, you should not eat melon, because it contains a large amount of plant fiber, which the body cannot process if all digestive processes are disrupted. In acute pancreatitis, eating melon will provoke increased diarrhea, flatulence and increase abdominal pain. Particularly dangerous in this regard are unripe fruits, the pulp of which consists of coarse plant fibers.

Melon during remission of the disease

Melon for pancreatitis is allowed for use only after the exacerbation has subsided and stable remission has been achieved. It is recommended to first grind the pulp of the fresh fruit using a blender for best absorption. It is also allowed to drink melon juice in small quantities. At one time, the patient can eat up to 200 g of melon, if nausea, pain, and bowel movements do not develop after eating. The maximum daily volume of product is 1.5 kg.

How to eat?

It is recommended to eat melon as an independent dish and not combine it with other products. Pumpkin, like all vegetables and fruits, does not linger in the stomach, but almost immediately enters the small intestine. If the stomach is full, then the melon begins to ferment in it, which causes gases to be released, which provoke bloating, belching, nausea, lead to stool problems and bad breath.

Eating melon on an empty stomach is also not recommended, since fiber irritates the walls of the empty intestine, and secreted gastric juice is aggressive to the gastric mucosa. But if motility and acidity of gastric juice are reduced, then the doctor may advise eating pumpkin half an hour before meals to stimulate the release of hydrochloric acid and increase peristalsis.

Nutritionists do not recommend combining melon with other foods. Thus, melon eaten after milk or fermented milk products gives a pronounced laxative effect. If pumpkin is found in the stomach with alcohol, diarrhea or constipation occurs, and gastric lavage may be required. You should not drink melon with water, as this will speed up fermentation and cause colic and diarrhea.

For pancreatitis in remission, melon is introduced gradually and the reaction of the digestive system to the vegetable is monitored. First, you should eat a small piece of pulp and, in the absence of dyspeptic symptoms, the portion can be gradually increased. You can eat 450 grams of melon per day; some patients tolerate the vegetable well and can eat up to 1.5 kg of melon pulp.

Nutritionist's advice on eating watermelon and melon

Melon and watermelon are good for the pancreas when consumed correctly. In order for the fruits to bring maximum benefits to the body, in order to avoid dangerous health consequences, it is recommended to consult a specialist before adding them to the diet.

These products are introduced into the menu gradually to avoid excessive stress on the pancreas. Portions should not exceed 200 g. These berries should be eaten as a separate meal, without eating or drinking anything else.

You cannot eat berry seeds, as they are difficult to digest, especially with pancreatitis!

Due to the reduced concentration of glucose in melon and watermelon, despite the sweet taste of their pulp, many doctors (gastroenterologists, nutritionists, endocrinologists) allow them to be eaten even by patients with diabetes and obesity.

The nutritionist will explain which berries are best to choose and in what form the patient is recommended to consume them.

How to choose the right tasty and healthy watermelon and melon?

The main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a product at the market or store counter, according to reviews from doctors and buyers themselves:

  • Imported watermelons and melons are useful only in certain seasons: mid-late summer and early autumn. You should not buy these products sooner or later, as they contain large amounts of nitrates and other chemical compounds: traces of fertilizers, pesticides.
  • The berries must be whole, that is, it is not recommended to buy half, a quarter of a watermelon or melon. Cut fruits with exposed pulp absorb dust, heavy metal salts, and toxins from the environment.
  • The size of a watermelon or melon should be medium - approximately 5–7 kg. You should not buy giant berries, as the likelihood of a high nitrate content in such fruits is extremely high.
  • When you squeeze a ripe watermelon with your hands, you can hear a crackling sound. If you squeeze a melon, the ripe berry may become slightly deformed.
  • By tapping the rind of a whole watermelon or melon, the buyer hears a booming sound, as if there is emptiness inside the fruit. If the fruit is unripe, the sound will be dull.
  • The tail of a ripe watermelon is dark and dry. Berries with a green tail should not be purchased.
  • The rind of the fruit should be free of signs of damage, rot or mold.
    Several methods for determining nitrates in watermelon are described:
  • When a berry is placed in water, a watermelon without nitrates drowns, but a “harmful” one does not.
  • When cut open, the “healthy” fruit has a grainy, sugary pink surface and thin veins. The “harmful” product has a smooth, glossy cut, the flesh has a burgundy or purple hue, and the veins are thick and fleshy.
  • When a piece of nitrate-free pulp is lowered into a container of water (glass), it takes on a pinkish color from watermelon juice, while a nitrate piece will color the water a brighter, more saturated color.

    Watermelon and melon are the most favorite summer berries. They have many beneficial effects on the human body due to their healing composition. For pancreatitis, these fruits are among the approved products for the remission stage. During an exacerbation, you should not eat any fresh fruits and berries. Before use, you should consult with your doctor, who will prescribe the necessary examination to confirm that the exacerbation has subsided, explain when you can start eating watermelon or melon, and how to choose the right healthy product in the store.

  • Rules of consumption

    Melon is good for the pancreas when consumed correctly. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to consult with your doctor before adding the fruit to your diet.

    The doctor will explain how it affects the pancreas, and also whether melon can be consumed fresh for pancreatitis.

    Can melon be used for cholecystitis and pancreatitis? Introduce vegetables into the menu gradually so as not to overload the pancreas. A single serving is no more than 200 g. It is not recommended to use it together with other products, as it is an independent dish, allowed for consumption two hours after a meal. Otherwise, bloating, nausea, and diarrhea occur. Also, you should not consume the product on an empty stomach in large quantities, in order to avoid the development of an exacerbation of the disease. In addition, the vegetable should not be washed down with liquid.

    In the remission phase and with cholecystitis

    In many cases, pancreatitis provokes the development of diabetes, in the presence of which it is not recommended to eat melon. And also pathologies of the pancreas often cause disruptions in the functionality of the gallbladder. However, for cholecystitis, the product in question, on the contrary, is indicated for use. The sweet fruit has a laxative effect and bile is removed from the body faster.

    Melon for pancreatitis is consumed in moderation. This rule applies to the period of remission of the disease and cholecystitis. First, it is recommended to introduce it into the diet in a mushy state that has undergone heat treatment. It is also allowed to drink melon juice in small quantities. Up to 200 g of sweet vegetable is allowed per dose.

    The maximum allowed daily volume of the fetus is 1.5 kg (provided there is no diarrhea, pain in the abdomen and nausea).

    If after introduction into the diet there is a positive trend, you can switch to the raw product. You should start by drinking 100 - 150 ml of melon juice. In the absence of a relapse, it is allowed to introduce fresh ripe fruit pulp into the diet (no more than 500 g/day).

    Eating melon helps strengthen the immune system, restore water-salt balance, and supply the body with useful substances. After entering the stomach, the pectins contained in the fruit help remove toxic compounds from the human body.

    In acute and chronic stages

    A person who is faced with the disease in question is wondering whether it is possible to eat melon with pancreatitis. In case of acute pathology of the pancreas, it is not recommended to add the fruit in question to your diet, which is due to the high content of plant fiber, which the digestive tract, in turn, will not process due to disruption of the digestive processes. It can increase diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. Unripe fruits, which contain coarse plant fibers, are especially dangerous.

    Eating melon for chronic pancreatitis: is it possible or not? In this form of the disease, it is recommended to eat melon after heat treatment. Dishes allowed for consumption from the fruit in question include: jam, jelly, jelly or baked pieces.

    The rate of melon consumption per day per person is calculated individually, depending on the tolerance of the fruit and the body’s reaction.

    Useful properties of watermelon

    Striped berries are not only everyone’s favorite delicacy, but also a source of many useful substances. Watermelon contains elements such as:

    Watermelon is rich in vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, PP and folic acid. And the lycopene contained in it provides an anti-inflammatory effect. Watermelon is 80% water and has a mild diuretic effect.

    The product is low-calorie, does not contain proteins and fats, which is important for people suffering from pancreatitis.

    Watermelon is good for people with diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. And also for those who often have digestive problems. The product contains fiber necessary for normal intestinal function, so it will be useful for patients with chronic constipation.

    Despite all the beneficial properties, with pancreatitis of the pancreas, the berry can greatly worsen the patient’s condition, and a diet with a limited amount of raw vegetables and fruits is the basis for the treatment of both chronic and acute forms of the disease.

    The pancreas produces enzymes for digestion. With pancreatitis, this process is disrupted, so you can only eat thermally processed dietary foods so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract. If you do not adhere to this rule, pain syndromes of varying severity may occur, triggered by bloating and fermentation in the intestines.

    Watermelon for patients with cholecystitis

    Cholecystitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the gallbladder. It can also occur in acute or chronic form, often accompanied by stone formation. As the pathology progresses, less and less bile takes part in the digestive process, which has a bad effect on the absorption of fats.

    With cholecystitis, patients must also follow dietary rules so as not to aggravate the course of the disease. Watermelon is a permitted product, but precautions must be taken. You shouldn’t eat a lot of it, but nothing bad will happen from 2 slices.

    The berry will have a good effect on the patient’s body, helping to cleanse it, normalizing the functioning of the digestive system and the gall bladder itself. But the benefits of the product are possible only with moderate use. Otherwise, various unpleasant symptoms may appear.

    Also, when the gallbladder is inflamed, it should be remembered that the patient’s health condition may worsen in the following cases:

    • If the body receives insufficient dietary fiber and, conversely, too much easily digestible fats and carbohydrates.
    • If a person regularly overeats, ignore the established meal schedule.
    • If the patient eats spicy, fatty foods, or drinks alcohol.

    So is it possible to eat watermelon for pancreatitis and cholecystitis? It is possible, but strictly subject to certain rules. You should not feast on it during an exacerbation or during an acute form of inflammation of the pancreas, and in case of a chronic disease it is necessary to observe the measure.

    Pancreatitis is an inflammation that occurs in the pancreas. Since our body is a well-coordinated mechanism, all its parts - organs - depend on each other. Due to the close proximity of the pancreatic ducts and the gallbladder, chronic pancreatitis is often accompanied by another disease - cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). Thus, it turns out that one diseased organ can lead to the disease of another.

    Watermelon and pancreatitis

    Is it possible to eat watermelon if you have pancreatitis? What are the benefits and harms of berries for patients with pancreatic inflammation?

    The product contains a large amount of simple and complex carbohydrates, the consumption of which creates additional stress on the pancreas, which forces the organ to work harder. The patient experiences pain, nausea and vomiting. Do not forget about the choleretic qualities of watermelon, which provokes the release of large amounts of pancreatic juice.

    Like all plant foods, watermelon contains a large amount of dietary fiber. These substances are not processed by enzymes and are broken down in the intestines. Fiber is essential for the functioning of the small and large intestines, but it causes colic and bloating in people with pancreatitis. Excess dietary fiber in the diet can awaken the disease, even if it is in long-term remission.

    It is precisely because of the presence of carbohydrates and dietary fiber that you should not eat watermelon during an exacerbation of pancreatitis. When the inflammatory process becomes acute, it is necessary to give up fresh vegetables and fruits. If the patient ignores the diet, severe pain awaits him. Watermelon can cause diarrhea.

    Is it possible to eat watermelon for chronic pancreatitis? Only the attending physician can answer this question.

    During the remission stage, the diet is gradually expanded, watermelon and melon are allowed.

    However, it is worth remembering that if you have pancreatitis, you can eat watermelon only in small portions, 150-200 g at a time. The doctor also decides how much product can be consumed during the day, since it depends on the stage of inflammation of the pancreas. In case of mild disease, 1.5 kg of berries is allowed; in case of severe damage, you should not eat more than 500 g. You need to be able to distinguish a good fruit from a low-quality one grown on nitrates. A low quality product is harmful even to healthy people. In case of diseases of the digestive system, this can be life-threatening. Pancreatitis and watermelon are a difficult combination; you should not neglect the rules of the diet.

    What you need to know about melon

    The beneficial properties of any product will be reduced to zero by improper storage or preparation. It is easy to accidentally harm the body. For diseases of the digestive system, the issue of correct consumption of fruits and vegetables, and melon, is extremely important.

    How to choose a melon

    To avoid harm, you need to choose the right fruit:

    1. When purchasing, make sure the peel is intact. The vegetable should not have stains, cracks, or dents. Through damage, pathogenic bacteria enter the fetus.
    2. The melon should be ripe, but not overripe. A ripe melon usually has a thin yellow rind of different shades (varieties with green or brown skin have been bred) without greenish spots, with a dried tail and a strong aroma.
    3. It is dangerous to eat cut melons that have been left in a room or in the sun for a long time; such products quickly deteriorate.

    Recommendations when choosing a melon must be followed; for pancreatitis, the rules are especially important. If an unripe fruit causes short-term digestive upset in a healthy person, the increased load on the pancreas of a patient with pancreatitis will provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

    How to eat melon correctly

    The main rule for eating vegetables is that melon cannot be combined with other products. This is an independent dish, allowed for consumption two hours after eating. Melon is not a dessert, even if the vegetable is considered a dessert. Melon is digested in the intestines, practically not remaining in the stomach. It is better for the organ to remain empty. Otherwise, digestive problems are guaranteed: bloating, nausea, diarrhea, constipation. In the stomach, the sweet fruit is not digested and begins to ferment. It is not recommended to consume the aromatic vegetable on an empty stomach, especially with pancreatitis (occasionally permitted by a doctor for medicinal purposes).

    Before nutritionists figured out the incompatibility of melon with other foods, there were deaths from misuse. Milk, fermented milk products, and alcohol should not be taken at the same time as melon. You will need to wait one and a half to two hours before your next meal.

    Before cutting, the sweet vegetable is thoroughly washed. Despite the tender flesh, it is dangerous to swallow in a hurry - you need to chew each piece well.

    It is not necessary to eat the melon until it crusts; the flesh close to the skin may not be ripe enough.

    Melon and pancreatitis

    The possibility of introducing melon into the diet of a patient with pancreatitis depends on the current phase of the disease. In case of persistent remission, melon should be included in the menu, taking into account the beneficial properties listed above. It should be administered with caution, taking into account the principles of nutrition during illness, after consultation with the doctor. It's better to start with mousses and jellies. If there are no negative consequences of consumption, it is permissible to try fresh melon. Melon juice diluted with warm water is allowed for pancreatitis. The drink retains the beneficial properties of the sweet vegetable, does not contain fiber, and eliminates the risk of harming the pancreas and stomach.

    Melon in the diet of a patient with pancreatitis

    For people with pancreatitis, eating melon can end sadly.

    Melon is not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains almost all B vitamins, as well as A, C, E, H and PP. It contains even more minerals than watermelon. The more significant of them are the following:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;

  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • iodine;
  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium.
  • Is it possible to eat melon with pancreatitis? The fruit contains much more carbohydrates than watermelon, so eating it fresh is not recommended. This can cause pain, colic and loose stools.

    When the pancreas becomes inflamed, insulin production is disrupted. Eating melon during pancreatitis can cause a sharp increase in blood sugar, even in patients who do not have a predisposition to diabetes.

    Is it possible to have melon for pancreatitis outside the acute stage? If the patient has a chronic form of pancreatic disease, the product can be of great benefit.

    Eating melon will help normalize carbon metabolism.

    It is worth giving preference not to fresh melon, but to mousses, jelly and juice from melon pulp. You can eat no more than 100 g of product at one time. During cooking, especially juice, fiber is destroyed, due to which the negative impact of the product is significantly reduced.

    The same rule applies to watermelon. If it gives you a stomach ache, you can replace fresh berries with a small amount of juice.

    Is melon allowed during remission?

    When the clinical symptoms of pancreatitis subside and the disease goes into remission, the patient’s diet expands and may already include melons and watermelons. Pancreatitis often forms against the background of cholecystitis (in this case, melon is allowed to go into remission) and can provoke diabetes mellitus (melon is consumed in minimal quantities), therefore, before including melons in the diet, it is necessary to find out whether other pathologies have developed against the background of the disease and whether the normal sugar metabolism in the body.

    It is recommended to add melon to your diet first in the form of mousse or jelly. Juice from the vegetable is also useful, since it does not contain fiber and retains all the beneficial substances. If no unpleasant symptoms appear after eating melon, then you can eat it fresh, but in small quantities.

    Melon has many beneficial properties, so its consumption has a positive effect not only on the digestive system, but also on other body systems. Pumpkin contains sugar, fiber, vitamins A, C, P, fats, potassium, sodium, and iron salts.

    Thanks to its composition, it has the following effects:

    • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
    • increases the body's immune defense;
    • improves hair structure;
    • is a source of antioxidants that slow down aging, prevent the growth of cancer cells, and reduce the severity of inflammatory processes;
    • removes toxins from the intestines thanks to the fiber it contains;
    • promotes the removal of small stones from the urinary organs;
    • stimulates hematopoiesis;
    • restores water-salt balance;
    • has some anthelmintic effect;
    • improves digestion because it contains enzymes.

    Thus, melon is one of the few foods allowed for chronic pancreatitis, since it is not only tasty and replenishes the lack of vitamins, but also has properties beneficial to the whole body.

    Watermelon and melon for gastritis

    All internal organs are interconnected, so one disease can provoke another that is not related to it at first glance. Most often, people with pancreatitis are diagnosed with gastritis and cholecystitis. The functioning of the liver and intestines is disrupted, which leads to indigestion, indigestion and a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition.

    Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder caused by excess production of pancreatic juice and a lack of enzymes. Impaired production of digestive juice can cause an exacerbation of gastritis, which, when entering the chronic stage, can cause severe pathologies, including oncology.

    Due to enzyme deficiency, the intestines also suffer, as a large amount of undigested food enters it. Pancreatitis provokes gastritis and cholecystitis, and gastrointestinal diseases cause inflammation of the pancreas. Patients require complex treatment. Watermelon for gastritis, if the pathology is not accompanied by other diseases, can be eaten; there are no indications for prohibition, but this should only be done with the permission of a doctor. The quantity of the permitted product is also determined by a specialist.

    Due to the large amount of liquid and the absence of acid, the berry cannot damage the gastric mucosa. However, if you abuse this delicacy, you can stretch the walls of the stomach, which in turn will lead to an exacerbation of gastritis. If watermelon gives you a stomach ache, you should not eat it.

    If patients eat 1-2 pieces, watermelon will not cause harm. You should not eat cold food, so the watermelon should be at room temperature. It is undesirable to eat fruits that have been cut for a long time.

    They may begin to develop pathogenic microorganisms that can negatively affect the stomach and liver.

    It is better to avoid eating melon if you have gastritis. This product is not digested in the stomach and can cause fermentation. The result is nausea, heartburn and flatulence. Melon is not recommended even in remission. If the doctor has approved the product, then its use must be limited to 70 g per day.

    How to be sick with gastritis?

    Currently, gastritis is a fairly common pathology of the digestive system. Most often it occurs in people who eat incorrectly or irregularly. It can develop together with cholecystitis and pancreatitis, which may be the causes of its occurrence.

    Is it allowed to eat watermelon if you have gastritis? In normal conditions, stomach acidity ranges from 1.5 to 3 units. It helps food dissolve faster. With gastritis, acidity is disturbed, becoming either less pronounced or more than it should be normal. Such failures can lead to adverse effects on human health.

    By itself, watermelon for gastritis is not able to change the level of acidity. However, if the patient eats a large amount of berries, his stomach will become full, stretched, and pressure and traumatic effects will be exerted on its walls. As a result, the patient may experience pain, heaviness in the stomach, vomiting and other negative manifestations.

    Therefore, if you have gastritis, you should eat no more than 1-2 slices of watermelon. Then the berry will have a beneficial effect on health. The choice of product is no less important; it must be fresh and of high quality. Also, if you have gastritis, you should not eat cold berries; they should be at room temperature.

    Watermelon for cholecystitis

    Inflammation of the pancreas and gallbladder are often diagnosed simultaneously. Is it possible to have watermelon for pancreatitis with cholecystitis? This is a rather controversial issue. On the one hand, watermelon harms the pancreas, and on the other, it can improve the functioning of the intestines and gall bladder.

    Patients suffering from cholecystitis need fiber, so they need fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. To avoid exacerbation of pancreatitis, watermelon should be consumed in minimal quantities, but regularly, if there are no contraindications to the product, as in the case of calculous cholecystitis.

    The calculous form of the disease is accompanied by the formation of gallstones. Watermelon has a choleretic effect and can cause blockage of the bile ducts with stones, which will cause severe pain and worsen the patient's condition.

    Eating melon for cholecystitis is also not prohibited. However, its amount should not exceed 500 g per day. Melon should be eaten separately from other foods, taking a 2-hour break. In order to maintain good health in case of gastrointestinal diseases, the diet must be coordinated with the attending physician, this is especially important during the season of fresh vegetables and fruits.

    Use in acute cases

    When choosing foods for a diet, patients are interested in whether it is possible to eat watermelon and melon during acute pancreatitis. Doctors advise not to include fresh fruits and berries in the menu, since their consumption harms the functioning of the stomach and causes bloating and flatulence.

    A patient eating watermelon with pancreatitis ensures that a large amount of fiber enters the stomach, which will cause the intestines to hurt from watermelon and cause diarrhea.

    After eating the fruit, the production of pancreatic secretions and hydrochloric acid increases, which negatively affects the pancreas and leads to the return of the severity of symptoms.

    The entry of more sugar into the blood provokes intense insulin production and adds stress to the inflamed gland. The production of digestive juice increases and the endocrine glands in the patient’s body are activated.

    Melon, like watermelon, is included in the diet for acute pancreatitis after the symptoms of inflammation have been relieved. This form of the disease, with a mild course of the disease, allows you to plan on eating a small amount of berries on the menu.

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