Vitamins for the pancreas for pancreatitis: the benefits of targeted action

The need for vitamins

The functioning of the pancreas is disrupted when the body lacks a supply of substances responsible for the production of hormones and digestive juice.

Poor absorption of starchy substances is observed, and sugar accumulates in the blood. Progression occurs:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Pancreatitis.
  3. Cystic fibrosis.

To reduce the risk of developing these diseases, a person is recommended to change his diet and use special vitamin complexes.

First of all, the pancreas needs B vitamins. They contribute to the production of insulin. The organ also needs substances such as glutamic acid, cystine, nickel, and sulfur.

What can a lack of vitamins lead to?

Vitamins are necessary in the formation of enzymes and hormones. Vitamin deficiency causes a condition called hypovitaminosis, and with persistent deficiency, avitaminosis is diagnosed.

Hypovitaminosis develops slowly over time. The first signs of the development of a pathological condition are irritability, rapid fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, and decreased concentration.

With a prolonged lack of vitamins, central nervous system disorders occur, the skeletal and muscular systems and mucous membranes change, and immunity decreases. Lack of vitamins affects intellectual and physical indicators and negatively affects reproductive and sexual function.

Vitamin deficiency develops due to poor nutrition, as well as as a result of the body’s failure to absorb the food taken. With vitamin deficiency, there is a likelihood of developing gingivitis and relapse of chronic diseases. A person begins to complain of dry skin, chapped lips, frequent colds, and decreased ability to work. Deterioration of vision and impaired thinking are observed.

Vitamins are fat-soluble (a, e, k, d) and water-soluble (group b and ascorbic acid). Fat-soluble ones accumulate in lipocytes and the liver, and after burning fat they appear in the bloodstream. Water-soluble substances are not deposited; excess of these substances are eliminated from the body. This explains hypervitaminosis of fat-soluble vitamins and hypovitaminosis of water-soluble vitamins.

What does the pancreas require?

What vitamins for the pancreas should be taken in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the organ? In addition to group B, gastroenterologists advise paying attention to vitamins A and E.

B1 synthesizes pyruvic acid, which is involved in the oxidation of glucose. The following products are very rich in it:

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • sweet pepper (red)

Important metabolic processes are impossible without B2-B12. They are found in cheese, brewer's yeast, parsley, grains, and liver. In case of chronic pancreatitis, these products are not consumed. Therefore, the diet involves additional intake of vitamin complexes.

The body really needs A and E. They contain whole milk, as well as potatoes, dairy products, onions, and cucumbers. Fat-soluble vitamins tend to break down quickly. You should eat dishes made from these products immediately after cooking.

Protein products contain glutamic acid and cystine. Sulfur is found in nuts, turnips, egg yolks, gooseberries, strawberries, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Lean meats and fresh vegetables contain nickel.

Complex drugs

Complex vitamin preparations will help restore the functioning of the pancreas. Be sure to visit your doctor, who will tell you which drug will best affect your body. The most commonly prescribed medications are:

  • Vitrum is a vitamin and mineral complex that allows you to restore the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  • Supradin is a drug based on vitamins from group B. It also contains minerals and ascorbic acid. Taking capsules promotes overall strengthening of the body, improves metabolic processes, and stops degenerative and pathological changes.
  • Aevit is a popular remedy that accelerates tissue regeneration and restoration.
  • Duovit is a medicine that is prescribed to all patients with a diseased pancreas. It reduces the load on the organ, removes waste and toxins accumulated in it. The product also minimizes harm from an unbalanced diet.
  • Antioxicaps is a complex with selenium, iron, carotene, ascorbic acid. After 2-3 months of regular use, you will restore the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Keep in mind that uncontrolled intake of vitamin complexes can lead to hypervitaminosis - this is dangerous for the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamins for pancreatic diseases

With a pronounced lack of B vitamins, patients are prescribed intravenous drips. After this, a new stage of treatment begins. The doctor explains in detail what vitamins you need to take for diseases of the pancreas. The patient is given an appointment:

  1. Complivita.
  2. Adaptovita.
  3. Supradina.
  4. Duovita.
  5. Multitabsa.
  6. Vitrum.
  7. Antioxycapsa.

Taking dietary supplements is allowed. To restore the normal functioning of the organ, the patient is allowed to take supplements such as Sveltform+ and MEGA. Considering that some components of dietary supplements conflict with medications, they can only be taken after permission from a specialist.

Therapy with vitamin and mineral complexes

A balanced complex is drunk during times of relative well-being. The names of the drugs differ, but they contain substances with minerals.

Prescribing an approximate treatment course and dose, taking into account the age, especially the elderly, and the patient’s well-being, remains with the doctor. If there is a severe form of deficiency, then it is preferable to take vitamins in the form of injections.

It is important to remember that for nutrients, hypervitaminosis becomes more dangerous due to their lack. The beneficial effect will come quickly if you drink them on time and when indicated. Only then can it be realistic to live for a long time without exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Taking vitamins for pancreatitis

When asked whether it is possible to take vitamins for pancreatitis, the attending physician answers after blood biochemistry. To improve the effect, it is recommended to periodically change vitamin complexes. Typically, patients are prescribed:

  1. Ultivita.
  2. Vitacompa.
  3. Centrum AZ.
  4. Supradina.
  5. Adaptovita.
  6. Aevita.

Whatever complex is prescribed to the patient, it should be taken only after the condition has stabilized. Most drugs stimulate the endocrine and secretive functions of the organ. Taking them in the acute stage of the disease contributes to the worsening of the disease.

What can the doctor prescribe?

After stopping the acute stage, while still in the hospital, the patient can be prescribed injections of B vitamins, for example, intramuscular capsules of B6 and B12 every other day for 5 days. Multivitamin complexes in the form of tablets and capsules are prescribed for home use.

The most popular and effective drugs

  • Vitrum. A common multivitamin complex with various modifications. Vitrum Atheroline (multivitamins with microelements), Vitrum Beauty (a complex containing multivitamins and microelements that reduce cholesterol levels in the body), Vitrum Vitamin E (the drug contains a daily dose of vitamin E), Vitrum Calcium, Vitrum Calicium + Vitamin D3, Vitrum Kids (for children) and others.
  • Duovit. A well-known medicine for adults and children. The plate contains 5 red and 5 blue tablets, the daily dose of which completely replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • Multi-tabs. Complex of vitamins and minerals. The drug Multi-tabs B, Classic, Maxi, Intensive and others stands out separately. Prescribed depending on the age and gender of the patient.
  • Complivit. A complex multivitamin preparation in the form of white tablets. It not only replenishes the deficiency of nutrients in the body, but also increases resistance to physical activity, therefore it is recommended for people of working age with chronic pancreatitis.
  • Supradin. Medicine in the form of tablets or effervescent tablets for dissolution in water. Contains a complex of all microelements necessary for the body, as well as vitamins B, A, C, E and D3. Supradin is an excellent vitamin for pancreatitis and cholecystitis, but only after stopping the acute stage of the disease.

All the described vitamin complexes are allowed for pancreatitis. Which one to choose is up to your doctor to decide. If you are planning to buy a cheaper analogue, consult a specialist about the possibility of replacing one drug with another.

Advice: Perhaps in the pharmacy you can find cheaper analogues of vitamin complexes, which, at first glance, have a similar composition. However, branded drugs are produced using special technology. It is possible that in a cheap drug, due to incorrect production technology, some vitamins simply neutralize others

Remember that hypovitaminosis in pancreatitis cannot be corrected by adding prohibited foods to the diet. This will worsen the work of the pancreas and cause an exacerbation of the process.

Inflammation of the pancreas requires more than just following a diet and taking prescribed medications. Vitamin therapy is of no small importance. These can be either individual drugs or complexes. It is thanks to them that it is possible to compensate for the lack of nutrients resulting from disruption of the process of food absorption. In addition, vitamin deficiency can also be caused by a strict diet prescribed for pancreatitis.

A particularly increased need occurs immediately after an exacerbation. This is explained by the fact that treatment of the disease always proceeds using very strict diets and even therapeutic fasting. Vitamin deficiency manifests itself in the form of rashes, brittle hair, dry skin, and so on. If, immediately after the acute symptoms are relieved, you start taking vitamins for pancreatitis, you can not only avoid these signs, but also significantly improve your overall well-being.

To strengthen the body, you can use both individual drugs and complexes. In any case, only the doctor decides which vitamins to take after the acute stage of inflammation of the pancreas is removed.

Treatment of pancreatitis with B vitamins

This group is prescribed to the patient in order to strengthen the immune system. They also help normalize metabolic processes. Taking B1 helps normalize protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism and regulate water balance. An adult needs 2 mg of this drug per day.

The daily requirement of B2 varies from 0.02 to 0.03 g. It should be taken throughout the day. B6 is injected into the patient's muscle. B12 can be taken orally. But often the vitamin is injected into a patient’s muscle or vein.

Vitamins PP for inflammation of the pancreas

Taking nicotinic acid activates the secretion of gastric juice. It is prescribed when the symptoms of pancreatitis disappear. The RR group is accompanied by dilation of blood vessels. Against the background of normalization of blood flow to the organs, metabolic processes are stabilized.

In diseases of the pancreas, this acid is poorly absorbed. Therefore, the doctor prescribes it additionally to the patient. The patient is prescribed tablets of nicotinic acid. You need to drink it after eating. Sometimes the patient is prescribed injections.

Taking vitamins A, C, E. Often the patient is prescribed multivitamin complexes. They include vitamins A, E, C. Vitamin A is an excellent antioxidant. It is prescribed to improve health and stop infections.

Vitamin C has a powerful immunostimulating and general strengthening effect. It maintains normal iron concentration, helps stabilize cholesterol, and stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands. The use of vitamin E helps neutralize free radicals. It stimulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is often prescribed for stool disorders.

Vitamins A, C, E

These compounds are required to be taken when the pancreas becomes ill. They provide a general strengthening effect on the patient’s body, play the role of antioxidants, help noticeably relieve pain, and provide the prevention of dyspeptic disorders. Insufficient content of vitamin compounds E, C, A in food is one of the reasons that provokes the formation of stones.

The lack of sufficient supply of vitamin B weakens the nervous regulation of the sphincter of Oddi and normal motility of the gallbladder. Thus, cholecystitis due to poor nutrition and impaired metabolic processes leads to the appearance of pancreatitis (the pancreatic and bile ducts are common when their substances enter the small intestine). Vitamin compound E is an active natural antioxidant that helps eliminate free radicals and harmful substances.

It helps improve the functioning of the digestive system, eliminate pain symptoms, and prevent constipation. Vitamin C has a general strengthening, immunostimulating effect necessary to suppress inflammatory processes. Plays a significant role in maintaining optimal iron levels in the blood.

Participates in maintaining balanced cholesterol levels (formation, use). It stimulates the work and regulates the functions of the endocrine system as a whole, and has a beneficial effect on the glucoregulatory function of the liver and its condition. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant; its compounds include many components that are involved in fat metabolism.

It strengthens the body, helping to destroy infections. Products allowed for pancreatitis have large reserves of useful microelements. Red, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, cherries, etc. - vitamin C.

Liver and cheeses are carriers of vitamin A in large quantities. Broccoli is rich in vitamin A, folic and ascorbic acids. The body's reserves of vitamin E are replenished from oat and barley porridges. Vitamins C and E are contained in rosehip and sea buckthorn drinks, which should be drunk regularly.

The best remedies for cholecystitis

Often pancreatitis is a consequence of cholecystitis, the course of which is complicated by stone formation. This is explained by the fact that at the mouth of the nipple of Vater, the pancreatic, bile, and common ducts open.

From there the juice with bile comes to the duodenum. Bile stagnation is formed from bile pigments and cholesterol. The main provocateur of this condition is poor nutrition. Vitamins E, B, C help stop the development of the pathological process. They help normalize the functioning of the gallbladder.

Healthy foods

In addition to the vitamins prescribed by the doctor for the pancreas for pancreatitis, the patient is advised to change his diet. The diet should include broccoli, which has an excellent antitumor effect, as well as kiwi and millet.

Kiwi takes part in the synthesis of pancreatic juice, millet plays a prominent role in the formation of insulin. Eating green apples improves digestion. White cabbage has a regulating effect on the organ.


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