Treatment of external hemorrhoids in women, how to cure quickly?

With hemorrhoids, patients are bothered by severe pain, which manifests itself due to the increase in hemorrhoid cones. How does hemorrhoids hurt? Pain syndrome occurs due to reflex effects, flatulence, constipation. Pain is felt with the urge to defecate and stretching of the anal walls.

Many people are specifically familiar with hemorrhoidal pain first-hand. The syndrome affects the quality of life; in addition to discomfort, patients are tormented by unbearable painful sensations. Hemorrhoidal pathology is expressed not only by painful nodes, but also by the lower back, lower abdomen, and back.

What kind of pathology is this

To determine how inflamed internal hemorrhoids hurt, you should find out what kind of pathology it is and what its manifestations are. Most often, the disease develops gradually, without foreshadowing anything about itself from the very beginning. Patients feel discomfort with heaviness in the anus, constipation becomes more frequent, and pain appears after bowel movement. If a person likes spicy food, enjoys drinking alcohol, or carries heavy loads, the pathology intensifies faster.

People do not often immediately pay attention to such changes in the state of their health; only after the symptoms increase does the patient think about the possible development of some kind of disease in the rectum.


First signs

  • the appearance of seals around the anus;
  • traces of blood on paper, linen and feces;
  • swelling of the perineum and anorectal canal;
  • prolapse of cones into the lumen;
  • decreased passage for feces;
  • difficulty moving stool through the intestinal capsule.

Hemorrhoid cones are localized both externally and externally; sometimes proctologists diagnose combined hemorrhoids, which are marked by nodes both inside and outside the rectal organ. When hemorrhoidal pathology worsens, the risk of thrombosis increases. This phenomenon requires an immediate proctological examination, diagnostic measures and effective therapy; sometimes it is impossible to do without surgery.

Classification of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids in girls are divided into several types:

  • Clinical course:
  • spicy;
  • chronic.

The two forms of the disease are phases of the same process.

Types of hemorrhoids:

  • internal location of the cones under the mucous layer, above the dentate line;
  • external location of cones under the jagged line;
  • combination of external and internal location of cones.

Stages of development:

  • The first is expanded nodes in the form of bulges in the lumen without prolapse. During bowel movements, traces of blood are observed.
  • The second is prolapse of cones during defecation with self-reduction;
  • Third, the bumps fall out even with light loads; they are straightened by hand.
  • Fourth, the bumps constantly fall out without the possibility of repositioning.

Factors contributing to the development of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a delicate pathology that is not usually shared with friends or family. Therefore, when women, men and the elderly experience pain in the anus, they endure discomfort and pain in the anorectal area until the last moment, when the pathology reaches an advanced stage.

Pain with formed hemorrhoids in women and men is provoked by several factors:

  • Incorrect, unbalanced diet.

We eat right.
Hemorrhoidal pathology occurs in people who greatly overload the intestines. With frequent consumption of fried and fatty foods, sweets, smoked foods. It is junk food that provokes pain in the anus during difficult bowel movements. A lack of fermented milk, cereals, and fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet causes bloating with inflamed hemorrhoids. Poor diet is the main cause of constipation, which increases pressure in the pelvic choroid plexus. Over time, congestion forms in the pelvic organs, which provokes internal hemorrhoidal formation.

Initially, internal hemorrhoids do not manifest themselves with severe symptoms, but over time, without timely treatment, the intensity increases. A diet high in fiber is the main preventive measure to eliminate hemorrhoidal inflammation.

Without regular physical activity and exercise, blood circulation in the pelvic organs and anorectal area is disrupted, and pain appears in the anus and tailbone due to hemorrhoids. Also provocateurs of hemorrhoids are sedentary, heavy, standing work, long-term driving.

  • Hard work, pregnancy, difficult childbirth.

Hemorrhoids are provoked by strength sports, pregnancy, and labor during childbirth. Loaders often encounter hemorrhoidal pathology as they constantly move heavy loads. Due to the increased pressure of the growing uterus, pregnant women experience pain in the anus during pregnancy. Labor with strong pushing also causes postpartum hemorrhoids. An occupational disease is called hemorrhoids in athletes and bodybuilders.

The formation of hemorrhoid cones is possible due to existing pathologies: tumor processes, genetic predisposition to varicose veins, addiction to alcohol.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids in women

The beginning of recovery should begin with changing your own life. A simple set of measures will help relieve the severity of the disease and prevent the development of complications. For the treatment of internal hemorrhoidal inflammation, it is recommended:

  • increase physical activity;
  • eliminate heavy loads at work and in sports;
  • normalize intestinal motility by performing special gymnastics;
  • stop constipation by normalizing your diet;
  • wash with cool water;
  • carry out preventive measures to exclude the disease.

The development of hemorrhoids in women causes blood stagnation, so important attention is paid to activating blood circulation. To do this you need:

  • use physiotherapy - electrophoresis, laser therapy, magnet treatment, UHF;
  • use medications;
  • perform a special set of therapeutic exercises;
  • stop drinking alcohol.

Complex therapy for internal hemorrhoidal inflammation in women includes:

  • use of rectal suppositories;
  • use of ointments, gels in the form of tampons;
  • administering enemas to facilitate the process of defecation;
  • use of medications aimed at eliminating the causes and symptoms of the disease;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • organization of dietary meals;
  • use of traditional medicine;
  • in complex, advanced cases - surgical intervention.

Treatment at home

Proctologists recommend, along with prescribing medications and procedures, the use of traditional methods of alleviating the condition of internal hemorrhoids. Women can try recipes using natural ingredients at home. Treatment must be agreed upon with the doctor to take into account the stage of the disease and symptoms. The following will be useful:

  • tampons using pork fat;
  • ingestion of herbal decoctions;
  • enemas with potato juice;
  • ice candles.
  • Folic acid during pregnancy
  • Duodenogastric reflux
  • Sunglasses with prescriptions

They will help relieve painful symptoms in women with hemorrhoidal inflammation localized inside the rectum:

  • Ice packs – stop bleeding;
  • introduction of tampons with gruel of pureed carrots, beets - relieves pain, itching, burning;
  • lotions with a decoction of herbs - relieve swelling and inflammation;
  • potato candles - accelerate healing;
  • microenemas with a decoction of sage, string, chamomile flowers - disinfected, dried.

Sitz baths play a special role in home treatment. It is important to use them taking into account the characteristics of the disease. Changing the temperature of the solution and components helps solve a variety of problems:

  • warm baths using herbal decoctions, bay leaves, and birch tar disinfect and relieve inflammation;
  • cool – stop bleeding, soothe, relieve pain;
  • dry with warm smoke of onion and garlic - activate blood circulation.

Drug therapy

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids in women, when the inflammation is internal, is carried out with the help of medications. Everyone solves their own problem of eliminating symptoms and helping to cope with the disease. For local treatment, rectal suppositories are used:

  • Ultraproct – quickly relieves pain;
  • Methyluracil - regenerate tissue, stop bleeding;
  • Natalsid - approved for use during pregnancy;
  • Bufexamak – relieves inflammation;
  • Sea buckthorn - promotes drying and rapid healing of cracks.

Popular suppositories for internal use for hemorrhoids in women - Relief Advance - are distinguished by:

  • Therapeutic effect: pain relief, stopping inflammation, bleeding, cell regeneration, local increase in immunity.
  • Indications for use: presence of nodes, cracks in hemorrhoids.
  • Advantage: natural component, fast action.
  • Ingredients: active substance – shark liver oil:
  • Dosage: three times a day after bowel movements;
  • Side effects: swelling, allergic reactions.
  • Contraindications: granulocytopenia, thromboembolism, sensitivity to ingredients.

When treating women with internal hemorrhoids, medications are used in the form of tablets for oral administration. Proctologists prescribe:

  • Suprastin is a sedative that relieves itching;
  • Gutalax – a laxative to relieve constipation;
  • Detralex is a phlebotonic that promotes the outflow of venous blood;
  • Escin is an angioprotector for strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory drug;
  • Oletetrin is an antibiotic for purulent processes;
  • Pentalgin, which relieves pain.

A popular drug for diagnosing hemorrhoids in women is Venoruton, which is distinguished by:

  • Therapeutic effect: activation of venous tone, protection of blood vessels, reduction of edema.
  • Composition: active substance – rutin.
  • Indications for use: complications of hemorrhoids, venous insufficiency.
  • Advantage: use during pregnancy from the second trimester.
  • Dosage: capsule three times a day.
  • Side effects: headache, diarrhea, skin rash, heartburn, nausea.
  • Contraindications: first trimester of pregnancy, intolerance to components.

Minimally invasive treatment methods

When the disease is in the last stages of development, severe bleeding, prolapse of nodes are observed, there is a possibility of pathological complications, and surgical intervention is prescribed. There are modern minimally invasive methods for treating hemorrhoids. One of the methods is sclerotherapy:

  • applicable, including stage 3 of the disease;
  • a special compound is injected into the nodes to stop bleeding and reduce the size of the lump;
  • the operation lasts about half an hour;
  • disadvantage - possible complications, risk of relapse;
  • pros: no pain.

Among the minimally invasive methods is infrared coagulation. The method does not eliminate nodes, it only stops bleeding. An effective treatment option is ligation with latex rings. When performing the technique:

  • the operation is performed without anesthesia;
  • a latex ring is put on the internal nodes, tightening the leg;
  • the process lasts 10 minutes;
  • you can process several nodes at once;
  • The lump dries out after such intervention and is excreted in the feces;
  • If the rings are applied incorrectly, bleeding may occur;
  • allowed during pregnancy.

Surgical methods

In the absence of results from other treatment methods, in case of complex pathologies, radical surgery is prescribed. Progressive methods of influence are used:

  • the use of cryodestruction - the use of low temperature liquid nitrogen;
  • use of a radiobeam scalpel;
  • burning tissue with high temperature laser beam.

Among the radical surgical methods for treating internal hemorrhoids complicated by infection, bleeding, tissue necrosis, the following is used:

  • Thrombectomy – performed under local anesthesia. An incision is made at the node through which the blood clot is removed. The wound heals without stitches using therapeutic bandages.
  • Hemorrhoidectomy - excision of the affected tissue along with the lump, followed by laser coagulation.
  • Hemorrhoidopexy - suturing the node using special devices.

Causes of pain syndrome development

To find out what causes pain in the anus in women during pregnancy, before and after childbirth, it is recommended to undergo a proctological examination and identify the cause.

Pain after bowel movement in women and men can be caused by:

Internal lump

  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • injuries to the mucous tissues of the rectal organ;
  • transmission of the syndrome by nerve roots from other organs;
  • increased pressure in organs and tissues adjacent to the anorectal area.

The inflamed mucous membrane and tissues become thinner and, when feces move through the rectal capsule, they injure the mucous membrane. Trauma to the intestine leads to the formation of cracks, fistula tracts, and wounds that do not heal for a long time and bleed after bowel movement. In some cases, blood loss is very massive, which threatens anemia.

With hemorrhoids, pain radiates to the tailbone, abdominal cavity, and groin. The swelling of the inflamed lumps leads to distension of the intestines, so the organ tries to empty itself faster. The impact also has a detrimental effect on the uterus and other genital and digestive organs. During sexual intercourse, women with hemorrhoids also feel discomfort, and in men, hemorrhoids affect the outflow of urine.

Where does hemorrhoids hurt?

There is no clear answer to the question of where it hurts with inflamed hemorrhoids. The pathology manifests itself as nagging pain due to improper bowel function or psycho-emotional overload. If hemorrhoids are inflamed, how does it hurt, and where does the pain radiate?

Patients complain of painful symptoms in the abdomen and back. Sometimes the pain can radiate to the lower limb, tailbone. With chronic hemorrhoids, headaches often occur in the temples. Hemorrhoids often hurt in the anus during pregnancy and after it.


To find out the cause of pain in the anorectal region and peritoneum, it is necessary to undergo diagnostic measures with a proctological examination. Arriving at the appointment, the patient must report exactly where hemorrhoids hurt, unless, of course, the patient has already encountered the pathology before. Perhaps the symptoms are associated with other pelvic diseases.

The doctor palpates the intestine and examines the anus. When identifying internal hemorrhoidal inflammation, instrumental examination with an anoscope (anoscopy) is used. During this examination, the proctologist inserts a device into the anus to examine the condition of the intestinal mucous tissue.

Additional instrumental measures include:

  • irrigoscopy;
  • coloncopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy.

Urine and blood tests are mandatory. With a comprehensive diagnostic approach, it is possible to accurately determine the factor provoking pain and prescribe effective therapy.

Pain in the coccyx and abdomen with hemorrhoids is similar to signs of other diseases.

Similar symptoms of hemorrhoids occur with:

Sphincter injury

  • polyps;
  • tumors;
  • anal fissures;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • helminthiasis;
  • diabetes;
  • psoriasis;
  • acute paraproctitis.

Soreness in the lower peritoneum indicates an inflammatory process in the appendages, appendix, urolithiasis, inguinal hernia, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence.


Hemorrhoidal pathology is treated conservatively and surgically. Hemorrhoids and pain in the tailbone with burning, itching, and pain in the anorectal area are eliminated with painkillers in the form of rectal suppositories, ointments, creams, and gels.

In addition to medications, it is recommended:

  • dietary nutrition;
  • taking tablets to improve blood circulation;
  • therapeutic exercises for the anorectal area;
  • motor activity.

Among the surgical measures used to eliminate hemorrhoids are:

  • sclerotherapy - injection of sclerosant into hemorrhoid cones to cause the walls to stick together and heal;
  • ligation is an operation intended to eliminate grade 2-3 hemorrhoids (placing latex rings at the base of the lump (preventing the node from feeding);
  • cryotherapy – cold therapy on lumps, after which the lump dies;
  • laser – elimination of inflammation, blood loss.

Pain in the intestines with inflamed hemorrhoids can be eliminated with folk remedies:

Ice suppositories

  1. Ice – ice suppositories prevent discomfort and relieve tissue inflammation. To prepare candles, you can use chamomile infusion, poured over your fingers in a medical glove and frozen in the freezer. Suppositories are intended for rectal administration.
  2. Potatoes – the fruit should be used to make a paste for compresses on the anus. Processed potatoes are wrapped in gauze and used for their intended purpose. Keep the compress on the anus for about fifteen minutes, 2 times a day.
  3. Hemorrhoidal pain radiating to the groin is relieved by washing with cool water.
  4. You can eliminate anorectal varicose veins with sea buckthorn oil. The product contains a vitamin-mineral complex that has a positive effect on the health of vascular walls, relieves inflammation, and improves regenerative properties in the intestinal mucous tissues.
  5. Honey-sea buckthorn lotions - two components are mixed in equal quantities. A gauze napkin is dipped in the prepared mixture and applied to the anus for 5-7 minutes three times a day.

What a woman needs to know about hemorrhoid treatment

When it passes into the anus of a woman during pregnancy, the expectant mother should pay attention to this and inform the local gynecologist. Any pathological manifestation must be prevented at an early stage of development.

Treatment is prescribed according to parameters, depending on what pain is felt with hemorrhoids. Some pregnant women think that the discomfort is temporary and will go away on its own, but this is completely wrong. Hemorrhoids with the development and enlargement of the uterus only further aggravate the situation of the expectant mother.

After diagnosing the condition of the anorectal veins, the proctologist prescribes approved therapy, which helps reduce anxiety and prevent hemorrhoidal development. The main therapy is prescribed after the baby is born.

How to avoid getting sick

External hemorrhoids are a reason to seek medical help

First of all, when treating hemorrhoids, the patient must radically change his lifestyle, because if this does not happen, the disease will constantly haunt him, returning after the course of treatment again and again. The disease at the first stage can be completely treated without the use of medications; to do this, it is enough to follow these useful tips from specialists:

  • increasing the amount of fiber and fluid in the diet. Eating cereals, vegetables and fruits must be accompanied by plenty of drinking, since a sharp increase in the fiber consumed can be accompanied by flatulence and constipation if you do not drink a lot of liquid. If everything is done correctly, the stool will become softer, and this will help avoid injury to the anus.
  • use a laxative. The use of various natural laxatives, such as prunes, promotes regular bowel movements, and this, in turn, will reduce the size of the nodes and reduce the likelihood of new ones.
  • don't use toilet paper. For external hemorrhoids, it will be more useful to wash with warm water without soap, or use wet wipes to blot the anus.
  • sleep on your stomach. This position during sleep helps reduce swelling. move. Exercise, gymnastics, walking are excellent tools in the fight against hemorrhoids, which are also useful in its prevention.
  • use a soft place to sit. If your work requires a sitting position, it is recommended to use a pillow to cushion the place where you have to sit for a long time. You also need to take regular breaks, during which you need to get up and stretch.

To prevent hemorrhoids, as well as to treat them in the early stages, it is not necessary to use medications: it is enough to simply change your lifestyle and diet.


If there is pain in the anus in women, men, the elderly or children, it is necessary to undergo a proctological examination to identify the cause of the disease and establish the correct diagnosis.

After treatment, preventive measures should be followed:

Walking outdoors

  • Eat a balanced diet, avoiding fast foods, hot, fried, spicy foods, and smoked foods.
  • You need to eat in fractional portions, but often (6-7 times a day).
  • Do exercises in the morning.
  • To walk.
  • After bowel movements, wash the anus with cool water.
  • Do not wear tight, synthetic underwear.
  • Monitor your psycho-emotional state and be examined annually by a proctologist.

Pain in the abdominal cavity can appear for various reasons. Without a proctologist, you cannot diagnose the disease and select therapy. Diseases are best treated at the beginning of their development.

Diet for external hemorrhoids

Since the disease is chronic, the patient has to constantly monitor his condition and prolong the period of remission. This is a complete rejection of destructive habits, an active lifestyle, proper nutrition and regular implementation of preventive procedures using alternative treatments. In addition, be sure to follow a diet for external hemorrhoids, which excludes the consumption of fatty and fried foods:

  1. Eat fractionally, in small portions up to 5-6 times a day.
  2. Avoid alcohol and drink up to 2 liters of water per day.
  3. The daily menu must contain plant fiber.
  4. Vegetable oils and fermented milk products are mandatory ingredients in the daily menu.
  5. Preservatives, smoked meats, semi-finished products, excess salt and spices are strictly prohibited.
  6. Consuming natural antioxidants in the form of greens and green vegetables.

Causes of the disease

Hemorrhoids in women are a common disease. It occurs especially often after childbirth. Characterized by severe painful sensations.

There are quite a few causes of the disease, but the main one is muscle overstrain, which can lead to the formation of knots and cause acute pain to a person while sitting or walking.

A person suffering from this disease constantly thinks about pain, is afraid of exacerbation of the condition, and cannot relax. In this case, it is necessary to know the reasons for the occurrence. Many people become irritable because their lower body hurts.

You need to know that hemorrhoids are a long-term disease; for half of patients it causes constant pain and discomfort.

Sedentary lifestyle and constipation are also causes of pain.

Symptoms of the disease

Pain from hemorrhoids in women is most often observed in the anus. They are often present in the groin area, severe pain prevents a person from sitting, and it becomes painful to go to the toilet. In this situation, the patient cannot sit down even for a few minutes, and due to anxiety, the person may experience headaches, irritability, and frequent mood swings.

Hemorrhoids manifest themselves differently in women, the intensity of pain depends on the location of the node and the duration of the pain. For example, it is common to experience pain during constipation, which can only be felt during bowel movements. If constipation is treated, the symptom may disappear for a while.

Severe pain occurs with inflamed nodes. Increased pain occurs during and after bowel movements.

Discomfort deserves special attention if anal fissures are present. Perhaps they cause the most severe pain, the cracks bleed, and in their intensity resemble inflammation of the skin. Pain during bowel movements increases, hard feces touch cracks and hemorrhoids, the pain is unbearable, constipation appears psychologically, which leads to deterioration of health.

This disease requires treatment, but the difficulty is that it is difficult to recognize in the early stages of development.

It is difficult to say when the pain will appear and how long it will last. Severe painful sensations may appear only after a week, or even more. In any case, the pain will not go away faster than after treatment. To cure the disease, you should contact a specialist who can recommend surgery. Fortunately, now the operation is very quick, the patient does not even need to be observed in the hospital.

How are external hemorrhoids removed?

If drug treatment does not bring results, the issue of surgical intervention is decided. Tactics depend on the stage of hemorrhoids and the general condition of the patient. External hemorrhoids are most often removed using minimally invasive methods, and this technique is considered optimal for the second to third stages of hemorrhoidal disease. They use: sclerotherapy - desolation of the node after the introduction of a special preparation - sclerosant - into its thickness; photo-, electro-, laser- or radiocoagulation of cones; disarterization of external nodes with alternate ligation of feeding vessels under ultrasound control.

Classical techniques are indicated for node thrombosis (thrombectomy) or from the third stage of the pathological process (hemorrhoidectomy, hemorrhoidopexy). It is possible to perform surgery in the early stages at the request of a patient who does not want (or cannot) long-term drug therapy.

Thrombectomy lasts several minutes and consists of opening the node under local anesthesia, removing the blood clot and stopping the bleeding. The wound remains open, under an aseptic dressing, and the patient is sent home. If there is a risk of complications (an advanced case), he is left in the hospital for the entire period of rehabilitation.

Can hemorrhoids be painless?

How the anus hurts during hemorrhoids has already been said above, but can this disease occur without pain? The disease can manifest itself only by bleeding from the anus, without causing any discomfort. In the early stages of the disease, hemorrhoids may occur without any symptoms at all.

Internal hemorrhoids may not show any symptoms for quite a long time; such a disease can only be diagnosed with a thorough examination of the rectum.

Why are external hemorrhoids dangerous?

Often women do not rush to see a doctor, believing that external hemorrhoids will go away on their own. In addition, in the initial stages it may not make itself felt for quite a long time.

However, such complacency is dangerous. Without adequate treatment, the disease becomes chronic, which is much more difficult to get rid of.

External hemorrhoids in pregnant women should be treated from the onset of the first symptoms, without delaying the problem until childbirth.

In the absence of proper treatment, complications are possible, including:

  • Thrombosis;
  • Infringement of large nodes;
  • Paraproctitis;
  • Polyps;
  • Anemia due to frequent bleeding;
  • Tissue necrosis.

With constant damage to the rectum, the cells can degenerate, which will cause the most serious complication - a malignant tumor.

The best prevention of hemorrhoids and cancer is timely diagnosis and treatment under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Pain during hemorrhoids

Painful sensations can appear in different areas of the body. For example, pain may be:

Experts in the field of proctology report that abdominal pain in the early stages of the disease is very common. The cause of these pains is impaired bowel function and constipation. Patients often have fewer bowel movements, and poor physical condition and stress can worsen the disease and increase pain.

Most often, pain occurs in the lower abdomen and lower left region. They may be accompanied by heaviness in the intestines and bloating. If these signs often appear or intensify, then you should immediately contact a specialist to eliminate the disease as early as possible.

Pain can appear in the back or radiate to the lower back, but this happens quite rarely; rather, such painful sensations arise due to diseases of the spine. Sitting for a long time can cause an exacerbation of the disease. If you have pain in the spine, it is better to consult a specialist to find out the cause of its occurrence.

Many patients mistakenly believe that pain in the tailbone is associated with hemorrhoids. This is most often caused by spinal injuries or pinched nerves. Incorrect, tight clothing can cause pain.

Discomfort with hemorrhoids is felt throughout the body. And due to the fact that the pain is often very severe, it is not always possible to endure it. Pain in the tailbone may be due to complications that follow an advanced form of hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is better not to hesitate, but to consult a doctor; if the patient doubts the cause of the pain - in the tailbone or the abdomen - he can consult a therapist, he can refer the patient to a proctologist, surgeon or neurologist.

Symptoms appearing after surgery

Pain after hemorrhoid surgery is common. Here everything depends on the type of operation (classical, minimally invasive), preoperative condition and even the person’s mood.

As a rule, in such situations, the usual analgesics save. They quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, allowing the recovery and healing process to proceed.

If the pain continues longer than acceptable or intensifies, you need to see your treating proctologist again.


Author of the article Alexey Alexandrovich Egorov, proctologist

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Treatment and prevention

In women, treatment for hemorrhoids may be as follows:

  1. The main aspect of successful treatment is proper nutrition. Under no circumstances should constipation be allowed; food should be varied; prunes, beets, and bran should be added to the diet.
  2. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, frequent physical activity.
  3. Use of laxatives and suppositories. In some cases, surgery.

Prevention of hemorrhoids includes eating a diet that contains fiber. A sedentary lifestyle provokes constipation and hemorrhoids as a result. Muscle overstrain and the formation of knots occur during a standing lifestyle, for example, in certain professions where you have to spend most of the time on your feet.

In any case, it is better to prevent the development of the disease, watch your diet and move more. And at the first signs of illness you should consult a doctor.

Itching, burning, pain in the anus are a signal about the development of proctological disease. How to relieve pain from hemorrhoids at home?

Almost everyone knows the saying about how pain protects our health. But sometimes chronic diseases begin suddenly and develop asymptomatically. Hemorrhoids are no exception! Many sensations in the early stages of the disease are characterized as nothing more than unpleasant. But one day, acute pain and prolapse of nodes make a person’s life unbearable.

What drugs are used for exacerbation of hemorrhoids?

Since exacerbation of external hemorrhoids is most often provoked by thrombosis of the node, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor at the first signs of this situation: pain, heat in the anus, change in color of the nodes, reaction of nearby tissues.

Today, the most effective way to treat an acute attack is to relieve congestion in hemorrhoidal cavities. Priority is given to the use of phlebotonics in the form of tablets and ointments based on natural flavonoids - escin, rutin, diosmin. The most effective for external hemorrhoids are Detralex, Relief Advance, Troxerutin.

Pain syndrome can be relieved with traditional NSAIDs: Nurofen, Ketorol, Diclofenac. In practice, local anesthetics with anesthesin derivatives are used: Proctosan, Procto-Glivenol, Anestezol.

Thrombolytic and fibrinolytic therapy for acute external hemorrhoids is practiced in the form of combined heparin-based liniments, which have a powerful anti-inflammatory, antipastomatic, and angioprotective effect. For hemorrhoids with node disintegration, antibiotics are used. When treating aggravated external hemorrhoids, local hemostatics are sufficient - Tachocomb, Androxon (if bleeding from hemorrhoidal cones threatens the patient’s life, general resuscitation principles are used).

A special place in the drug therapy of acute external hemorrhoids belongs to laxatives based on psyllium, lactulose and macrogol.


There should not be severe pain with hemorrhoidal disease! More often, intolerable sensations are signs of other proctological diseases.

Pain with hemorrhoids in women and men is characterized by: squeezing, burning, pain and itching in the anus, pain in the tailbone. The initial stages of the pathology can occur without pronounced symptoms.

With internal hemorrhoids, an unpleasant feeling of incomplete bowel movement often appears. At night, when a person sleeps, mucus or blood may appear.

What are internal hemorrhoids in women?

Inflammatory disease of the veins of the rectum, caused by congestion, is not uncommon for the female body at any age. Pathology is associated with lifestyle, work and physiological characteristics. Weakness of the walls of venous vessels provokes:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • slow outflow of venous blood;
  • overflow of cavernous formations;
  • expansion, deformation of blood vessels;
  • the appearance of nodular formations.

With internal hemorrhoids, the lumps are located under the layer of mucous membrane of the rectum at the site of the plexus of veins. When passing solid feces, the following occurs:

  • thinning of the walls of blood vessels;
  • the occurrence of cracks, fistulas;
  • the appearance of bleeding;
  • blood clot formation;
  • pinching accompanied by pain;
  • prolapse of nodes from the anus - transition to the external form of the disease.

The development of internal hemorrhoidal inflammation is provoked by two factors:

  • Dystrophic changes in the muscles of the rectum, which normally hold the lumps inside the anus. When weakened, the nodes shift to the lower part and fall out.
  • Disorder of contraction of the walls of blood vessels, disruption of the functioning of venous valves. Cavernous formations fill with blood, but it does not come out, but stagnates in the veins, causing nodular expansion.


Burning and itching can cause pain

Why does pain occur? There are pain receptors only in a small area of ​​the anal canal, below the so-called dentate line. The rectum itself does not have such receptors.

Internal hemorrhoids cannot hurt! Pain syndrome occurs only when they are pinched and fall out. But the area adjacent to the rectum gives various unpleasant sensations. If an infection gets there, then unfavorable processes develop, even purulent ones (as with paraproctitis). In this case, every bowel movement becomes a test, and the pain is accompanied by fever and abdominal pain.

If the external hemorrhoidal node has worsened, then pain occurs due to thrombosis and inflammation of the external nodes. The appearance of anal fissures also causes unbearable itching and burning.

Many people experience severe pain when going to the toilet. Proctologists often report in their reports that with hemorrhoidal disease, many patients begin to experience mental fear when the urge to defecate occurs.

Unpleasant sensations may appear during pregnancy, after lifting heavy objects, while playing sports, or after drinking alcohol.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids: external nodes

One of the main differences in the external form of hemorrhoids is that in most cases it is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. Not in all cases, enlarged hemorrhoids accompany this form of the disease: at first they look like small compactions, which over time increase in size and cause discomfort to the patient. External hemorrhoids, in general, may have the following symptoms:

  1. discomfort in the anal area. It is often accompanied by itching, and if you scratch the itching area, skin irritation may occur.
  2. bleeding. External hemorrhoids are rarely accompanied by bleeding, especially if the formations around the anus are small. As their size increases, the likelihood of them being damaged by dense feces also increases, resulting in bleeding.
  3. pain during stool. As a result of an exacerbation of the disease, when hemorrhoidal seals begin to become inflamed, the process of defecation is often accompanied by pain, which disappears during remission.
  4. seals around the anus. As the disease progresses, these formations can have different sizes and shapes, and can be easily felt by the patient.

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External hemorrhoids can often occur with various complications. For example, external seals that occur with this disease can be complicated by thrombosis. This complication manifests itself in the node as a result of long-term stagnation of blood. The blood becomes thicker and this causes a blood clot to appear. It bursts the knot, causing terrible pain, especially intensifying when the patient moves. The node itself swells, hurts when touched and has a bluish color.

Inflammation is another possible complication of external hemorrhoids. During it, redness of the skin around the inflamed node is noticeable, and the patient’s temperature rises sharply. In cases where the inflammatory process reaches the subcutaneous tissue, the entire perineal area swells, the patient experiences acute pain not only in the node itself, but also next to it.

External hemorrhoids have characteristic symptoms, and although they often do not cause severe discomfort to the patient, the disease must be treated as quickly as possible so that various complications do not arise.

How to quickly relieve pain symptoms

A rather lengthy but effective procedure will help relieve pain from hemorrhoids! It consists of alternating cold compresses and lubricating the anal area with ointments.

The process can be performed at home:

  1. Many freezers now have a stock of ice cubes. You need to take one or two (depending on the size), wrap it first in polyethylene, then in several layers of bandage or cotton fabric.
  2. The resulting compress is placed between the buttocks to the sore spot for several minutes.
  3. After a while, the compress should be put aside. Lubricate the anal area with any available painkiller or complex cream. Heparin ointment, Ultraproct cream, Fleming ointment, etc. are suitable.
  4. After half an hour, you can apply a compress again for a couple of minutes, then repeat the lubrication procedure.

It is important to carry out procedures without fanaticism. Hypothermia can cause inflammation in the urinary canal.

Not all people tolerate cold and related procedures well. In this case, you can use painkillers and complex ointments without using compresses. If there are no spasms of the anus, pinched nodes or absolutely unbearable pain, then you can use rectal suppositories. For example, Gepatrombin, Relief, Ultraproct.

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