How to cure heel spurs quickly at home

A huge number of people face the problem of heel spurs. It does not affect health in any way, but it causes a lot of unpleasant sensations and discomfort, and also spoils the visual appearance of the foot. What is this disease?

A spur is a specific formation on the foot similar to a thorn, caused by bone overgrowth, which leads to discomfort and pain when walking.

Causes of spurs on heels

The main cause is considered to be an inflammatory process or rupture of the joint ligament in the foot, which receives maximum pressure from a person’s weight when walking, but there are a number of other factors that can influence the appearance and development of the disease:

  • Injury or puncture of the heel.
  • Disruptions in the body's circulatory processes.
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  • Impaired metabolism.
  • Excess body weight provokes excess pressure on the ligaments and joints of the ankle.
  • Excessive stress on the foot or on a certain part of it (long stay in high heels, physical activity at a very fast pace with emphasis on the legs, such as running, skiing, jumping...).
  • Longitudinal flatfoot.
  • Diseases of the spine and joints (osteoarthritis, arthritis, gout).
  • Disorders and malfunctions of the thyroid gland.
  • Prolonged and frequent standing.
  • Incorrectly selected shoes with very thin soles, hard insoles, and very high heels.

People of absolutely any age are susceptible to the disease, but mostly women over 40 years of age, especially those who are overweight, and whose work requires them to spend more than eight hours a day in a standing position, as well as older people due to age-related changes.

Reasons for education

25% of the population has a hereditary predisposition to plantar fasciitis. Not every one of these people starts to develop heel bone overgrowth. Osteophyte formation occurs with increasing load on the foot and the action of other factors from the proposed list.

Reasons for the development of heel spurs:

  1. Flat feet with changes in the load on the foot, tendon deformation (90% of cases).
  2. Diseases of bones and cartilage (rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, lumbar osteochondrosis).
  3. Clubfoot with stress on the outer edges of the plantar fascia.
  4. Intense participation in certain sports.
  5. Heel injuries, including microdamages.
  6. Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.
  7. Valgus deformity of the feet.
  8. Overweight.
  9. Gout.

Pregnant women, fans of stiletto heels, people with metabolic disorders, and overweight are at greater risk than other potential patients. Spurs on the heel appear when there is poor circulation in the foot due to diabetes, or wearing tight or too loose shoes. According to medical statistics, heel spurs are more often detected in women over 40 years of age who have hormonal problems during menopause.

Vulnerable to the disease are those people whose work involves standing for long periods of time and manually carrying heavy loads. Pathology is often found in athletes - representatives of athletics and weightlifting.

Symptoms of the disease

  1. Pain is the most important symptom, which often manifests itself in the acute phase of the disease. It manifests itself with any load on the heel bone, starting from getting out of bed in the morning, as well as after prolonged sitting, immediately there is a sharp pain similar to a strong burning sensation, gradually when walking the pain syndrome becomes less noticeable;
  2. Changed gait . It appears in advanced stages of the disease, when due to severe pain a person cannot fully step on the heel and transfer the main load of body weight to the front of the foot, the gait becomes lame and unnatural;
  3. Calluses and growths on the feet , swelling of the ankle. Calluses appear on the pads near the toes, as well as swelling of the ankles and the foot itself.


When a person develops a spur on the heel, a typical clinical picture is observed. The patient is bothered by sharp and burning pain, and the sensations are similar to the fact that there is a foreign body in the heel, for example, a nail. Such symptoms appear as a consequence of changes in soft tissues. With heel spurs, inflammation of the deep mucous bursae develops and periostitis . Painful sensations develop as a result of the pressure of the bone growth on the soft tissues in which inflammation develops. As a rule, the size and shape of such a growth does not affect the intensity of pain. It often happens that a person does not feel large and sharp spurs, but small and flat ones bring noticeable discomfort and pain.

Heel spurs can have different sizes - from 3 to 12 mm. As a rule, the sharp end of the spur is directed towards the fingers and curves slightly upward. Interestingly, a heel spur a hundred years ago was much less common in people and developed mainly due to injury. Now this disease is widespread, and 80% of patients are women, mainly residents of cities. The disease can develop at any age. But if in older people a heel spur is the result of age-related changes, then in young people the disease often develops as a result of heavy loads (sports, obesity , etc.).

Spurs can appear on one heel or on both heels at once. The first sign of this disease is the appearance of pain in the heel when standing on it. The most intense pain occurs during the first steps in the morning or when resting on the heel after a long break in movement. This symptom is usually called “starting pain”. Throughout the day, while walking, the pain becomes less intense, but in the evening it intensifies again. Sometimes the pain appears only from the inside of the heel, but can also spread to the entire surface of the heel. In this case, a person involuntarily places his heel when walking in order to reduce pain. Because of this, his gait changes. Walking is especially difficult for people who have spurs on both feet. In addition, the pain becomes even worse if the layer of subcutaneous fat in the heel becomes thinner. In approximately a quarter of all cases of the disease, a spur on the heel leads to a partial loss of mobility, which complicates the usual lifestyle and impairs the ability to work.

Treatment methods for heel spurs

There are several approaches to treating this problem, the first thing you should do is contact an orthopedic doctor, and he will select an individual treatment method, and, if necessary, refer you for additional consultation to a rheumatologist, endocrinologist, osteopath, or nutritionist:

  • 1. Special gymnastics and massage to maximize blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • 2. Physiotherapy – laser, ultrasound, ultraviolet irradiation, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis;
  • 3. Long-term wearing of orthopedic insoles;
  • 4. Shock-wave therapy. The method is new, has been used relatively recently, has a number of contraindications, and therefore is used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. It is based on the direction of an ultrasound wave with a specific frequency to the affected part;
  • 5. Treatment with medications, including local blockade;
  • 6. Treatment with traditional methods;
  • 7. Surgical method.

Treatment options

Before drug therapy is prescribed, the patient is referred for routine clinical tests and x-rays to identify pathological bone growths. In addition, an x-ray image of the foot helps distinguish a heel spur from damage to the joints and nerves.

Treatment methods:

  • the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs in the form of ointments, tablets, injections;
  • the use of orthopedic insoles, in more severe cases - an ankle orthosis, crutches or walkers;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk remedies;
  • balneotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage.

During treatment and after completion of therapy, the patient should limit the load on the feet. Individual orthopedic insoles, arch supports and an orthosis relieve the load on the heel bone. It is important to choose comfortable shoes. Shoes, shoes, boots should not squeeze the foot, have a heel 3–4 cm high, and a wide toe. It is necessary to avoid long walking, running, jumping, and carrying heavy objects.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce pain, inflammation and swelling. Hormonal drugs prescribed as injections into the site of inflammation have a more powerful effect. Medicines are used to improve blood and lymph circulation in the affected tissues.

Prescribed NSAIDs:

  • ketoprofen in the form of injections, tablets, suppositories, gel, aerosol;
  • ibuprofen in the form of ointments, suppositories, tablets;
  • diclofenac in the form of ointment, patch, gel.

Applications with therapeutic mud, ozokerite, and bischofite are used to improve microcirculation in the foot. Before applying any external remedy for heel spurs, you should steam your foot with hot water or apply a warm compress. Warm skin better conducts the healing components of ointments and solutions into deeper tissues.

The following physiotherapeutic procedures are useful: shock wave therapy, magnetic therapy, UHF, laser therapy, electrophoresis. Some of the listed methods have contraindications. For example, pregnancy, oncology.

Daily leg exercises (performed regularly):

  • flexion-extension of the foot in a sitting position (1–2 minutes);
  • rolling a bottle or massage ball on the floor with bare feet;
  • walking on the inner and outer edges of the foot, on toes;
  • picking up small objects with your toes;
  • walking on a massage mat.

Advice! In summer, it is advisable to walk barefoot on grass, shallow water, and warm sand.

Treatment of heel spurs with medications and folk remedies is most effective in the initial stage. Thanks to the use of a complex of methods and means, the pain syndrome disappears after 1–2 months.

Lack of treatment and failure of conservative therapy may lead to the need for surgical intervention. Heel spurs can be destroyed with a laser. If the disease is not neglected, surgery can be avoided.

Treatment of heel spurs with medications

Medicine does not stand still, it pleases us with its achievements and development every day, thereby offering us a rather large selection of means to treat the problem we are talking about today, as a rule, these are external forms of medication. Medicines can be purchased at almost every pharmacy at an affordable price.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Aimed at relieving pain and removing inflammation from the lesion for a short period of 3-12 hours. They are used in the form of ointments and gels, the most popular of them: Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Piroxicam, Diclofenac, Ketorol, Indomethacin ointment, Butadione.

As a rule, ointments are applied at night, just before going to bed; after waking up, and about half an hour before you put on your shoes, as well as during the day as necessary.

Local anti-inflammatory drugs

It reduces inflammation, relieves pain, activates metabolic processes, and also serves as an excellent prevention against infection.


Dilute one part of the solution with five parts of boiled, cooled water, soak a bandage or gauze cloth into the liquid and apply it to the affected area of ​​the foot, cover with parchment paper, and then wrap with three to four layers of plastic film or bag, put on a wool sock on top or wrap your foot warm blanket. Keep the compress for about half an hour, 7-10 days in a row.

Medical bile

Dip a sterile napkin in bile and apply it to the spur according to the scheme described in the previous method, but leave it overnight. The course can range from 10 days to two months with daily use.

Dietary supplements (BAS)

All creams can relieve pain and discomfort, as well as improve microcirculation. They can have an effect only in non-advanced stages of the disease. The course is from two weeks to a month.

Ortho cream tiger eye

It has anti-inflammatory and warming effects, which improves blood supply; the essential oils in the composition provide the product with an antibacterial effect.

Shark oil cream

Contains many oils and extracts, alcohols and urea. After application, the foot should be wrapped and rested for one hour.

Pyatkaspor cream-gel

It is able to relieve tension from the legs after a hard day, increases blood flow, relieves pain, and also improves overall mobility of the foot.

Special plasters

Based on plants, they relieve swelling, pain, and normalize blood circulation. It is applied to clean, dry, untreated skin for a period of one to three days, then a break is taken for up to one week, in total you need to make 10-18 applications.

Injection and blockade therapy

Novocaine 0.25-0.5%

Novocaine blockade is used throughout the area affected by the spur, to eliminate the localization of pain, no more than twice a day during an exacerbation or in advanced stages. Glucocorticosteroids – Kenalog, Diprospan, Flosteron

Reduce pain and relieve inflammation. The drug is injected into the most acute painful part on the heel up to three times in 24 hours.

How to cure heel spurs in other ways?

To achieve the best result, simultaneously with taking the above medications and carrying out the appropriate procedures, additional methods should be used:

  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Exposure of the body to direct electric current;
  • Therapeutic baths with paraffin, minerals and medicinal mud;
  • Massage for heel spurs is considered especially effective .

In addition, it is necessary to perform gymnastics recommended by your doctor. Before starting this procedure, it is advisable to apply an adhesive plaster to the affected area, which will minimize the load on the bone growth.

Also, during treatment procedures, a night prosthesis should be used. Its main purpose is to fix the foot at an angle of 90 degrees during sleep, due to which it is possible to relieve pain in the heel area and alleviate the patient’s condition after waking up.

surgery is performed to eliminate the heel spur . During this operation, an incision no longer than 5 mm is made in the affected area, then the osteophyte is removed and the tissue is sutured. Surgery for plantar fasciitis is performed in rare cases, only in acute forms of the pathological process.

Treatment of spurs on the heel with folk remedies

There are many methods that can reduce the pain threshold and relieve inflammation; such treatment can be either alone or in conjunction with drug therapy.

Salt bath

For one liter of very hot water, dilute about 150 grams of salt, preferably coarse sea salt. The duration of soaking the legs in the solution is 30 minutes, constantly adding boiling water. The procedure is best done before going to bed, after finishing it, put on warm socks and sleep in them all night.

Laundry soap

Rub a small bar of soap, then melt it over a fire and apply it warm to the sore area, wrap it with film and insulate the leg, leaving the product overnight, rinse well in the morning. Do it daily for two to three months.


Grate a small head of garlic on a fine grater or squeeze through a garlic press, mix with a teaspoon of refined sunflower oil and rub well into the place where the spur has formed, secure well with a bandage and plaster and leave for three to four hours, interrupt the procedure only if if there is an intolerable burning sensation, repeat once a day until the pain disappears.

Tea mushroom

First, steam your feet well in water and soda, then apply a small piece of kombucha or just a tampon soaked in it to the problem part, after a couple of hours the mushroom or tampon will become dry and should be replaced with fresh ones. At the same time, wrap your leg in a bag and create a state of calm as much as possible.


The method works only at the beginning stage of development. Place a thin slice of freshly peeled potato on the heel and wrap it with an elastic bandage or put on a very tight sock, leave for 40-60 minutes, repeat up to 5 times a week.


100 grams of fresh, unsalted pork lard or lard should be poured with 100 milliliters of vinegar, one large egg along with the shell should be broken into this mixture, ground well, cover with a lid and leave for three weeks in a place protected from light and sun, no more than once a week stir the paste.

The resulting mixture should be applied to a sterile bandage, with a thin ball on a well-steamed, soft heel for 1.5-2 hours, wrapped in cellophane and wrapped tightly. At the end of the procedure, rinse the area where the bandage was well with water. Repeat three to five days in a row.


You will need exactly black radish, you need to finely grate it and apply the resulting pulp along with the juice to the spur, wrap your leg in the same way as described above, but do not squeeze it too tightly, so as not to provoke swelling, and go to bed with such a design. In the morning, rinse your foot well under warm water. A course of three to seven procedures.


Make a dough from honey and flour in a ratio of 1:2, roll it out thinly and put it on the heel, place a cotton pad or a piece of bandage on top and put on a thick sock, preferably made of cotton fabric, leave for 5-6 hours, do it every day until relief.

The benefits and results will be the same if, after using any of the folk methods, you apply an iodine mesh to your heel, it will have a warming and antibacterial effect, which will only contribute to a speedy recovery.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of plantar fasciitis

Treatment with folk remedies for heel spurs has been used for many years. These methods have long proven their effectiveness, which is why they are recommended to be used to relieve pain and inflammation, and in the initial stages of the disease, traditional medicine helps eliminate the disease completely.

Traditional methods of treatment

Compresses, tinctures, decoctions, applications, baths - you can choose any therapy method that is convenient for the patient; the components for them are inexpensive and are available in the public domain. But before the manipulations, you need to consult a doctor, he will help you choose medications. Let's look at the most popular folk recipes.


Treatment with folk remedies for heel spurs is carried out using compresses. Let's look at some of the most famous applications made from onions, garlic, horseradish, bischofite, nettles and potatoes.

  • Onion is used to get rid of heel spurs because of its healing properties: it disinfects, reduces inflammation, and prevents the thorn from growing.
  1. Cut the onion head in half, drop some tar on the cut and tie it to the sore spot for 3-4 hours. This remedy can be used 2-3 times a week until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  2. Grind the onion into a puree, put the mixture in a bag, and then put the leg in there. Wrap the resulting compress with a cloth or towel. The next morning, do not wash your foot, but wipe it dry. Repeat the procedure 2-3 nights in a row.
  • Bischofite for heel spurs helps to completely eliminate the bone growth, stops its growth and relieves swelling from the leg, thanks to its composition: it contains useful microelements. Before use, you need to warm your foot, then apply bischofite gel on gauze, bandage or napkin and apply to the sore heel. Wrap the top in cellophane and put on a sock. The procedure is done before going to bed, remove the bandage in the morning and rinse off the product with water. The treatment course should be at least 15 procedures performed every other day.

Bishofite (mineral and dosage forms)

  • Garlic also helps get rid of an unpleasant disease, it treats pain, inflammation, and prevents infection.
  1. You can simply use chopped garlic as an application on your leg. The maximum time to wear the compress is 4 hours. If there is a burning sensation or any discomfort, the garlic mass must be washed off.
  2. Mix finely grated laundry soap, chop a head of garlic and pour in vodka. The medicine should be infused for 3 weeks. After this, the soft plastic mass can be applied to the sole in a thick layer overnight, and this ointment can be used for no more than 3 days. After the procedure, lubricate your foot with nourishing or baby cream. This folk recipe with garlic helps not only eliminate spurs, but also softens the skin.
  • Treating spurs with horseradish relieves pain and reduces the size of the thorn. Sometimes a single application of the application is enough for the bone growth to stop bothering you. To prepare the compress, you will have to grind the root of the plant through a meat grinder. The resulting paste is applied to the sore heel, wrapped in polyethylene, a sock is put on top and left overnight.
  • Fresh nettle reduces bone growth and relieves inflammation. In order to cure a spur with the help of this plant, you need to grind fresh nettle through a meat grinder and apply the resulting mass as a compress on the sole of the foot for a day. The course of therapy lasts 10–14 days.

Nettle leaves for compress

  • Traditional recipes with potatoes give a quick effect: swelling and inflammation disappear, pain decreases.
  1. Recipe with kerosene: boil the unpeeled tubers, crush them and add one teaspoon of kerosene. Place the resulting puree on polyethylene, tape the application to the sore spot on the sole, and put on a warm sock to enhance the thermal effect. The treatment course consists of 3-10 procedures.

    After a potato compress, it is best to rub fresh celandine juice into the heel. It eliminates stagnation, inflammation, strengthens the body's protective functions.

  2. You can boil small potatoes and peel them in very salty water, let them cool slightly. After this, put your feet in a bowl with cooked vegetables and knead for an hour until the root vegetable has cooled completely. The treatment course consists of 7 sessions.
  • Traditional methods of treating heel spurs recommend using honey. This component is the most common in traditional medicine; with its help you can get rid of numerous diseases and a growth on the leg is no exception.
  1. Mix honey with sea salt in a 1:1 ratio, heat them slightly, then apply the resulting mass to the previously steamed damaged heel. This ointment is applied at night; the sore spot must be wrapped in cellophane and a towel, or put on a warm sock, or you can attach a heating pad. Repeat the procedure for 10 days.
  2. A compress with cabbage and honey relieves discomfort. To prepare it, you need a cabbage leaf and a teaspoon of honey spread on it. Apply the resulting bandage and secure it to the painful area while you sleep. The next morning, wash your feet with warm water; usually 3 procedures are enough to eliminate the signs of plantar fasciitis.
  • Folk remedies for heel spurs using kombucha eliminate signs of the disease, prevent infection, relieve inflammation and pain. Before applying the compress, the leg must be steamed in hot water, and then a piece of kombucha should be applied to the sore area, secured with a bandage or plaster, and walked with it for a day.

Tea mushroom

  • You can treat heel spurs with black radish; it relieves pain after 3-4 uses. To do this, you need to apply a compress of crushed root vegetables to the sore heel overnight. The next morning, the feet are washed with warm water.
  • Many patients wonder how to treat heel spurs with folk remedies at home. Few people know that even ordinary lard is suitable for eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Compresses with lard help alleviate the patient’s condition: they relieve pain and inflammation. To carry out the procedure, just cut off a small piece of fat and apply it to the heel with the spur overnight. Therapy lasts 1-2 weeks.
  • Burdock leaves eliminate inflammation and act as an antiseptic. Only fresh leaves are used; they must be wrapped around the sore heel for one day. The compress is applied several times a week.
  • For plantain applications, only fresh leaves of the plant are used. Every 3-4 hours you will have to change the raw materials for the compress. In the first few days, the pain may intensify even more, but after two weeks the manifestations of the disease disappear.
  • Compresses made from laundry soap relieve swelling and improve blood circulation in the tissues, which prevents the deposition of salts and further growth of heel spurs. The soap should be cut into small slices or grated for better liquefaction. Place in a water bath until a viscous consistency is reached. Apply the mixture to the heel, wrap it in plastic and leave until the morning. In the morning, remove the bandage and rinse the foot with warm water. Course duration is 1-2 weeks.

Laundry soap

  • Propolis is softened and applied to the spur overnight, wrapped in a warm towel or wearing a wool sock. You can use propolis multiple times, but to achieve results faster, it is advisable to apply a new one each time. The product helps remove salt and reduce pain. Duration of the course is 2 months.


Foot baths help eliminate pain, inflammation and swelling. They are best done before bed; they perfectly prepare the skin for the compress. The most common recipes are given below.

  • Sea salt

Traditional treatment with sea salt is simple and accessible to everyone. Salt will relieve inflammation and swelling, and soothe pain. It is best to use it at night, during an exacerbation of the disease. Warm up fine sea salt and soak your feet in it until it reaches room temperature.

Sea salt baths eliminate inflammation and pain. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 liter of hot water and at least 2 tbsp. salt. Immerse your feet in the solution and wait for the water to cool. The procedure can be repeated daily until the symptoms disappear.

  • Clay bath

Any clay will be suitable for use against heel spurs. Pour boiling water over a few handfuls of clay and steam your feet. After a few days, an exacerbation occurs and the pain intensifies significantly, but this indicates the release of salts.

Pink clay

The procedure is carried out until the water cools completely; new clay is used each time. Course duration – 3 weeks.

  • Alcohol and turpentine

Treatment of spurs on the heels with folk remedies is carried out using baths with alcohol and turpentine. They improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, and destroy bone spines. To prepare, you need half a liter of boiling clean water, add 75 ml of salicylic acid and 50 g of crushed baby soap, which must be dissolved in water. Then the hot solution is mixed with 500 ml of turpentine and 100 g of alcohol and mixed thoroughly. The concentrate is diluted with water at a rate of 1-3 ml per 1 liter of hot water. Baths are carried out daily for 15 minutes, the entire course of treatment is 12-15 sessions.

Be sure to be careful when working with the resulting mixture, avoid contact with mucous membranes; do not use if the integrity of the skin is damaged, if there are ulcers or open wounds.

Turpentine is also used for rubbing on the affected area. It improves blood circulation and has a warming effect. It is advisable to apply the product to the sore leg before bed, then put on a warm sock or wrap it in a towel. The duration of therapy will be 7-14 days, then the same break and after that you can take a second course.

  • Horseradish leaf decoction

Folk remedies for heel spurs recommend using not only the root, but also the leaves of horseradish. A decoction of them quickly relieves inflammation and pain, reduces the size of the spur, and prevents it from growing. 100 g of leaves or roots of the plant are boiled in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. The sore leg is kept in tolerably hot water until it cools down. It is recommended to use the recipe twice a week until the symptoms of the spur disappear.

Metals in the treatment of heel spurs

When wondering how to quickly cure a spur on the heel with folk remedies, most patients will not even think that metals: copper and aluminum help relieve pain and inflammation. Aluminum foil should be placed on the sore heel all day to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The heated surface of a copper utensil (basin or plate) is applied to the damaged area until the utensil cools completely. This method of treatment has no duration restrictions. After such warming up, it is recommended to use applications and compresses.

Aluminum foil has an analgesic effect

Also popular methods of traditional medicine in the treatment of heel spurs are products based on iodine, medical bile and vinegar with egg. These methods must be used with caution, because their components can cause burns. At the initial stage of development of the disease, when a heel spur only appears, treatment with folk remedies is most effective.

Numerous home recipes allow you to get rid of plantar fasciitis with little financial outlay, and the basis for their effectiveness is the healing properties of plants and various chemical compounds.

Treatment of heel spurs with folk remedies at home is available to everyone. You can use various familiar components to eliminate symptoms: lard, nettle, turpentine, iodine, etc. The main thing is regular therapy, which will speed up recovery. Traditional medicine can be combined with other treatment methods; it is important to follow all recommendations of your doctor.

Compresses for spurs on heels


The recipe is effective for severe pain. Wash the potatoes well and without peeling them, grate them on the smallest part of a grater, put the potato on a piece of bandage and wrap it in a bag for a day, and on top with an elastic bandage. Change every 24 hours for seven to eight days.


Mix 500 ml of fresh, strained juice of five-year-old aloe with half a liter of pure alcohol, pour in 125 ml of valerian tincture, add 10 tablets of Analgin and Aspirin, ground into powder, and add a few teaspoons with a mountain of red pepper (ground). Place the mixture in a glass container, shake well, close tightly and place in a dry, dark place for 14 days. Make daily compresses from the prepared tincture (as described above) for no longer than 3 hours for a course of up to 2 months. The compress perfectly warms the sore spot, relieves pain and relieves redness.


10 milliliters of iodine 3%, mix with powder from two aspirin tablets, apply the porridge on cotton wool and on the problem part, wrap, wrap overnight, repeat once every 7 days, 3 repetitions in total.


Grind the fresh nettle leaf with a meat grinder, transfer the resulting mixture to a small burdock leaf and apply a compress, securing it with bandages while you sleep at night; if the pain does not subside in the morning, apply a fresh compress again for the whole day.


For two weeks, at night on well-washed, clean heels, apply a thick ball of turpentine (you can buy it at any pharmacy), wait until it is absorbed a little and put on wool socks, in the morning, rinse off the remaining compress with running, cool water.


Spread a very thick layer of liquid honey on a cabbage leaf and secure it to the entire heel with a bag and a sock overnight, rinse off in the morning, repeat three procedures.

Drug treatment

Medicine presents enough options on how to cure spurs at home. It is possible to cure heel spurs using various types of medications. Medications to treat the growth may include:

  • Gels, painkillers creams that relieve inflammation of spurs.
  • Lotions
  • Physiotherapy
  • Injections

Traditional home therapy involves the consumption of non-steroidal drugs that relieve the inflammatory process. They are presented as tablets and ointments.

  • Ibuprofen
  • Voltaren
  • Movalis
  • Naproxen

It is also possible to use hydrocortisone ointment, which can help relieve inflammation. Every day, in the mornings and evenings, you need to lubricate the diseased areas with the medicine so that it accumulates in the damaged tissues of the heel.

Indomethacin and ibuprofen are applied to heel spurs with extreme caution, since there may be negative consequences for the gastric and intestinal tract of the victim.

When plantar fasciitis occurs, treatment at home can include corticosteroid injections injected into the area. Thanks to this session, it is possible to remove inflammation and pain in a short period of time. But such injections are painful, and subsequent injections may cause rupture of the plantar fascia.

Another homemade way to get rid of thorns on your heels is to use a patch. It contains pain-relieving components, magnetic compounds and natural stones. The patch can have a beneficial effect on the reflexogenic areas of the foot. This allows you to stimulate the skeletal and nervous systems, as well as internal organs. By eliminating the inflammatory process, blood flow in the diseased area of ​​the foot is normalized.


When a thorn forms on the heel, Dimexide is often used at home. The medicine refers to a modern drug that relieves pain and relieves inflammation.


The medicine is produced in the form of a solution and is used externally. Thanks to the components present in the drug, the following is observed:

  1. Deep penetration into the spur tissue.
  2. Signs of inflammation, pain, swelling of joints, ligaments, and tissues go away.

For heel spurs, treatment with dimexide at home will eliminate the problem in a short period of time.

It is important to know that this medicine is used only externally in the form of lotions.

It is recommended to apply dimethyl sulfoxide lotions for 10-30 days. A compress with dimexide is used as follows:

You should mix a large spoon of the drug with 3 tablespoons of water. After preparing a homemade solution, wet the gauze and attach it to the spur. A home session lasts half an hour and is carried out up to 3 times a day.

Medical bile

Treatment of heel spurs at home using the product has a beneficial effect on the outcome. Before using the medicine, it is recommended to steam the injured limb, wipe with a towel and apply a tampon.

Medical bile

Fix the lotion on the spur using a bandage, wrap it with polyethylene, put on socks and lie down to rest. The bile is left until the morning, after which the legs are washed.

The home option for curing spurs with bile takes 10 days. The effect does not appear immediately, but 7 days after the course of such therapy.


This is a simple device used to treat heel spurs at home. With regular home sessions, it is possible to achieve good results after 2-4 manipulations.


Treatment of heel spurs with Vitafon at home helps:

  • Progression of lymphatic drainage in the heel area.
  • Establishing metabolic processes, which will allow tissues to be better nourished.
  • Relieving swelling and inflammation
  • Quickly tightening the spur
  • Boosting the immune system

When this type of treatment is supplemented with other methods, the pain syndrome will go away in a couple of days. To consolidate the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to carry out up to 10 procedures. If a medicinal effect is prescribed on the growth, then under the influence of the device its effectiveness becomes even stronger.

In general, this technique is similar to a high-quality massage that acts quite deep under the skin.

It is convenient to heal a thorn at home with a vitaphone, since it is possible to coordinate the depth of influence. An acceptable treatment time is selected for victims individually, based on the anatomical features and degree of pathology.

Massage for heel spurs at home

Massage for spurs provides improved nutrition for the ligaments and muscles of the ankle, increases blood flow, which allows you to enrich the foot with oxygen, and also strengthens its muscles and relieves swelling and heaviness in the legs. There are several types of massage for this problem, but we will talk about the massage itself, which you can easily perform at home.

Straight-line pinching

The heel is completely covered by the phalanges of the fingers and the heel tubercle is pinched, from bottom to top and in the opposite direction. In this case, one finger (thumb) is on one side of the heel, and the other four are on the other, we do several pinching on one side, then on the opposite side.

Circular massage with fingertips

The heel should be covered with four fingertips on one side, and one on the other, with circular movements, we massage, alternating sides, selecting the degree and force of pressure individually depending on the intensity of the pain.

Circular movements of the phalanges

We press the first phalanges to the palm, and with the second phalanges of the 4 fingers, massage the heel in a circle, paying special attention to the hardest part of the foot.

Massage with the phalanx of the thumbs

Using the phalanges of the thumbs from both hands, we alternately rub the right and left sides of the heel, movements are made from the bottom of the heel, gradually increasing the pressure towards its top.

Massage with heel shift

We grab the heel with our hand or both hands and press on it, as if we are trying to move it from its place, moving it in different directions, toward us and away from us.

Before starting the massage, you should steam your feet in hot water, each massage movement should be done for 3-5 minutes, as a rule, the general course of such a massage consists of 10 sessions, after a two-month break you can do another 10 if necessary.

The difference between a heel spur and a spine

Some patients confuse a heel spur with a spine. To avoid making such mistakes, you should study the signs of these diseases. In the first case, the formation appears on the bone in the heel area, under the soft tissues. In turn, the spine can be located on the skin, on the palms of the hands or on the sole. If removal of a heel spur in Moscow can be done at different stages of the disease, then it is better to start treating the heel spur at the initial stages of the pathology, since it can develop into a malignant tumor.

Make an appointment Online booking

  • Clinic on Krasnopresnenskaya Volkov Lane, 21
  • Clinic on Varshavskaya Varshavskoe highway, 75, building 1
  • Clinic in Annino Varshavskoe highway, 154, building 1

Prevention of heel spurs

  1. Regularly perform simple exercises to stretch your feet, roll an object on the floor with your feet, lift small objects with your toes, pull socks toward and away from you with or without your hands.
  2. When walking barefoot at home, it is good to create a contrast between hot and cold surfaces. In the summer, walk barefoot on shells, stones, sand.
  3. Choose comfortable and proper shoes, with a stable last and moderately high heels.
  4. Control your weight and metabolic processes of the body.
  5. If you have flat feet, wear properly fitted insoles and massage your feet several times a week.
  6. Avoid prolonged stress on your legs, both during sports and simply while working.
  7. Avoid overload and foot injuries.

The desired effect can be obtained without medication or surgery; the main thing is not to start the process of spur growth, but to begin treatment without fail as soon as you feel a slight tingling sensation and a slight lump in the heel area.

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Any folk remedy is not a panacea for heel spurs. Natural medicines help some patients, but not others. The main purpose of home procedures is to reduce the intensity and prevent the inflammatory process in the tissues surrounding the bone growth. If inflammation decreases, pain and redness occur less frequently.

Important! Heel pain will not go away unless you reduce the load on the lower limbs and spine.

Prevention of bone growths begins in young years. You should stick to a healthy diet and watch your weight. If flat feet are detected, then you need to spare your feet as much as possible and wear orthopedic shoes. It is necessary to prevent other diseases that can provoke plantar fasciitis.

Causes and factors of heel spurs

The main reason is the physical nature of the disease. When a person is in an upright position, about half of his body weight falls on the plantar fascia, and the greatest tension occurs at the site of attachment of the fascia to the heel tubercle. If the load is constant, then microtears are possible (they can heal on their own), but if trauma occurs constantly, then inflammation with pain develops. Sometimes, as a compensatory reaction, marginal bone growths are formed, which are popularly called “heel spurs.” Bone growth (spur) can be of various sizes (from a few millimeters to a centimeter). Usually the disease does not occur on its own, but is one of the symptoms of a number of diseases. It is important to understand exactly why plantar fasciitis occurs and diagnose the body. After all, the diseases that accompany it can vary in nature from harmless flat feet to metabolic disorders. Diagnosis of plantar fasciitis itself is not difficult: it usually consists of recording complaints, visual examination of the patient, palpation, and the diagnosis of “heel spur” is confirmed by the results of x-ray (but it is important to know that in the early stages, x-ray does not show a “heel spur”, which is not excludes the presence of inflammation). Ultrasound diagnostics is also possible. The main factors that lead to the occurrence of “heel spurs”:

  • Flat feet;
  • Overweight;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Poor blood circulation in the blood vessels of the legs;
  • Various metabolic disorders;
  • Viral infection;
  • Possible neurodystrophic disorders;
  • Acute calcaneal injury;
  • Chronic calcaneal injury;
  • Complications of any chronic rheumatic disease (arthritis, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.) - here it is important to say that in some cases, when radiography does not confirm the diagnosis of “heel spur”, and the pain does not go away, this requires clarification of the diagnosis.

Of course, flat feet in combination with excess weight is one of the most common causes of “heel spurs” (because the load on the heel fascia increases), but the diagnosis must still be confirmed by a specialist, because too often there is a combination of certain signs of diseases ( for example, infection of soft tissues is possible). Therefore, during the examination, it will be necessary to take a general and biochemical blood test to identify the presence of infections, metabolic disorders and exclude the presence of various rheumatic diseases.

Medication therapy

NSAID drugs will relieve pain and inflammation.
To improve the effect that herbs and other non-traditional remedies have on heel spurs, conservative medication is used. This therapy involves the use of several groups of drugs:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs for blockade;
  • normalizing blood circulation;
  • accelerating tissue regeneration.

Reasons for the development

In the vast majority of cases, a heel spur develops against the background of flat feet. The fact is that with flat feet, the distribution of the load on the foot and the overtension of the tendons change significantly. As a result, inflammatory processes in the surface layer of bone tissue begin to form in the foot area. This is how a heel spur appears, the symptoms of which significantly reduce a person’s quality of life. In addition to flat feet, the causes of the disease can be: metabolic disorders, acute and chronic heel injuries, improper functioning of the circulatory system, poor vascular permeability, as well as some chronic inflammatory diseases - polyarthritis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis.

Regardless of the cause, treatment for heel spurs should begin as quickly as possible. The main efforts of doctors are focused on eliminating the main factor that caused the development of inflammation. We also note that the popular folk treatment for heel spurs, which has been fashionable in recent years, does not solve the problem of acute pain. Of course, folk remedies can temporarily reduce the intensity of pain, but they do not eliminate the causes of their occurrence, so the participation of a surgeon or orthopedist in the treatment process is mandatory.

Heel spur is a dangerous and unpleasant disease

Frequent microtraumas of the heel fascia caused by salt deposits provoke the development of nonspecific inflammatory processes. The connective tissue thickens, the formation of salt deposits increases, and as a result, bone growth with the formation of bone-salt osteophytes. The formation causes compression of soft tissues and is accompanied by acute pain.

Obesity, increased physical activity on the feet, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, injuries to the spine, lower extremities, metabolic disorders with the formation of salts, blood circulation, wearing tight shoes, heredity, provoke the development of the disease.
Lack of treatment and elimination of the causes of the problem leads to the growth of the growth and the development of inflammation of the bone tissue. Plantar fasciitis can progress rapidly and lead to disability. Regular examination of heels, timely removal of calluses and corns, and the use of therapeutic heel pads are reliable prevention of the disease. High quality orthopedic products in the online store

Symptoms of heel spurs

Inflamed fascia of the foot is characterized by the following symptoms.

  1. Pain when walking. The intensity of pain depends on the severity of the lesion. The main cause of pain is chronic inflammation of the fascia of the sole;
  2. Gait disturbance. Limping occurs when the load is placed on the foot;
  3. The appearance of swelling of the ankle joint, calluses on the fingers, growths on the feet.

The diagnosis of heel osteophyte is made by a surgeon or orthopedist after conducting a diagnostic ultrasound or radiography. To treat the disease, a specialist prescribes complex therapy using preventive insoles, which reduce mechanical and impact pressure on the foot.

Spur on the heel. Main symptoms and how to treat at home? Photos and reviews

A heel spur is a fairly common condition that can affect any of us. It does not pose a serious threat to health, but it does cause considerable inconvenience when walking.

The development of the disease is influenced by various factors, but it is quite easy to recognize.

What is a spur? These are bone growths that occur due to heavy load on the tendons. They lead to deformation of the bone tissue of varying degrees, changing the shape of the heel bone - most often the spur is wedge-shaped or spherical.

In this article we will look in detail at how foot deformation occurs, what spurs on the heels are, the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of a heel spur is pain, acute or burning. Most often, it appears after a long stay in a horizontal position or a sitting position, when there is no load on the heel, and then, getting out of bed, you put emphasis on your leg, then the first unbearable pain appears. As you walk, the pain decreases slightly, and if you move away, the pain may be minimal and increase closer to the evening.

With a heel spur, the entire surface of the heel hurts - often patients compare this pain to the fact that someone is sticking needles into the heel or driving a nail. The degree of pain depends not on the size of the spur, but on its location.

The second symptom is a change in gait. This phenomenon is very easy to explain. A person tries not to step on a painful point, places his foot in a way that will not be uncomfortable for him - as a result, the gait takes on an unnatural appearance.

Specific calluses may appear at the site of the spur. The pain is observed both when walking barefoot and wearing shoes, it makes no difference.

What does a heel spur look like:

Where does the spur come from?

Let's look at why heel spurs appear:

  1. Heel injury. Most often observed in young people due to improper distribution of the load on the heel bone or a fall. Athletes who engage in running, athletics, and long jump are also susceptible to heel spurs. Due to bone injury, the tissue begins to grow together incorrectly, forming outgrowths that will later become a spur.
  2. Congenital foot pathology, for example, flat feet. It changes the gait and the redistribution of weight on the foot. There is an incorrect anatomical location of the ligaments, which can lead to their damage. With frequent inflammatory processes in the heel, due to injury to the ligaments, inflammation of the bone tissue occurs, which is where the spur appears.
  3. Excess weight, which is a common cause of diseases not only of the legs, but also of other organs. A spur appears when there is excessive body load on the ankle and heel area.
  4. Chronic diseases such as gout and diabetes. They lead to improper development and regeneration of bone tissue, which will cause the growth and appearance of spurs.

Diagnosis and differences with other diseases

Pain in the heel area can also occur with other diseases, so it is important to differentiate a heel spur from other diseases.

Sometimes a spur is confused with a heel bone fracture and rheumatoid arthritis. In the first case, it is worth taking the simplest x-ray of the foot, which will clearly show what kind of pathology it is. The presence of a break or crack will indicate a fracture, and the growth of bone tissue in the heel bone in the shape of a wedge will indicate a spur.

To distinguish between spurs and arthritis, it is worth doing a biochemical blood test for rheumatoid factor, which will show the presence or absence of this pathology. Based on correct diagnosis, you can prescribe adequate treatment and get rid of the annoying spur.

Prevention of unpleasant manifestations

Let's look at what preventive measures should be taken to avoid getting a heel spur.

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The simplest thing is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, following a diet, constantly monitoring your weight, fighting extra pounds, and eliminating harmful foods from your diet will prevent the appearance of not only heel spurs, but also more serious diseases.

You should take the treatment prescribed by your doctor for diseases of the skeletal system and for injuries to the heel bone in particular. Chronic diseases such as gout, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis should also be treated properly so that they do not lead to serious complications, one of which is heel spurs.

If you suffer from flat feet, then you need to wear the right orthopedic shoes.

By adhering to preliminary preventive measures, you can avoid such an unpleasant disease as heel spurs and save on drug treatment.

Treatment and method of getting rid of the problem

If it so happens that you have a heel spur, then let's look at treatment options.

As with other diseases, there are two types of getting rid of the problem - seeing a doctor and using prescribed medications, and self-medication with traditional methods that you have read or heard somewhere from specialized sources.

Treatment of heel spurs is not simple - it consists of a complex of measures, varying in cost and severity, but all steadily lead to a complete cure.

These include:

  • shock wave therapy, external impact on the heel spur with magnetic waves and electrophoresis;
  • taking medications from the glucocorticoid group, such as hydrocortisol and others;
  • immobilization of the foot, that is, its immobilization, removing the load from the affected foot;
  • the last and last resort is surgical intervention on the foot to remove the pathological growth on the heel bone.

The first thing to do with a heel spur is to unload the foot, reducing the stress on it as much as possible. It is necessary to spend more time in a horizontal or sitting position, reduce walking time to a minimum, use a different supporting leg, wear special shoe insoles or orthopedic shoes.

In severe cases, it is necessary to use crutches, a cane or a wheelchair if the pain is unbearable. But it is worth remembering that this is just the beginning, and you are only relieving your pain symptoms, but not treating the disease itself. It is impossible to do without drug therapy. Often it is this that leads to the patient’s complete recovery.

When treating heel spurs and its symptoms, ointments of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic group have the greatest pharmacological effect. These include:

  • Voltaren gel;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Oxycam;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Diclofenac and other ointments, of which there are an endless variety in any pharmacy chain.

The ointment is applied to the affected area until completely absorbed, three to five times a day for 14-18 days.

The second medicinal method of treating heel spurs is the use of irritants. They reduce the inflammatory process and enhance metabolic processes in the heel area.

The most powerful of this group of drugs is Dimexide .

The method of using it is as follows: it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4, applied to a napkin or cotton pad, preferably sterile, and applied as a compress for half an hour on the heel area. This poultice must be kept for several minutes. It must be used about 10-15 times per disease cycle.

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Dimexide is a fairly common remedy; you can buy it at any pharmacy in the city. It is quite cheap and effective for heel spurs.

If you cannot figure out the medical treatment of heel spurs on your own, contact a specialist at the clinic. They will prescribe a course of medications best suited to your situation.


Traditional methods of treating spurs are also very popular, and some even replace drug therapy. You can prepare the necessary ingredients right at home, after consulting with your doctor.

The most popular is the use of heated alcohol . This treatment method has deep roots and has been tested for many generations, so we can clearly say that it helps.

Here's how to do it correctly: heat a frying pan over low heat, pour alcohol into it. You need to warm it up for a few minutes, then pour it into a certain container.

It is worth remembering that alcohol is a flammable substance and this procedure must be carried out with great care!

Find a comfortable position and place a container of alcohol in front of you. Place the painful heel there and keep it there for at least 20 minutes. Next, take it out and do not wipe it with a towel, but leave the alcohol on your foot.

Alcohol has a strong analgesic effect. Recommended to everyone, without exception, who suffers from this pathology of the skeletal system.

Heel spurs can also be cured with a mixture of chicken eggs, butter and vinegar. As you can see, the ingredients are simple and you can buy them anywhere, so this method is very common.

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. The egg is mixed with melted butter and vinegar. Vinegar is used in an amount sufficient to drown the egg in the glass.
  2. Next, the mixture is hidden in a dark place and covered with a lid or cap.
  3. After a few days, the product is removed, mixed and applied to a bandage or gauze, which was previously folded in several layers.
  4. Next, apply a compress to the affected area and put a sock on top. It is advisable to perform the procedure every day, but frequent use can lead to peeling of the skin. Then you should take a break from these poultices.

Additional treatment options

If you want to use herbal ingredients for heel spurs, think about a plant like nettle. It will relieve your heel pain for a long time and will help even with large spurs.

What will you need? A few nettle leaves and a few burdock leaves. Nettles are crushed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder. This mass is applied to a burdock leaf, which is used to wrap the painful heel. This is all fixed with an elastic bandage or gauze bandage; you can use a sock, but do not damage the burdock leaf.

This compress should be used at night, when the foot is at maximum rest. Do this for two weeks, every day.

It is also worth mentioning that the healing properties of nettle also help with other diseases of the skeletal system. It is better to collect nettles in the spring, when they are most saturated with useful substances.

Guided by information about heel spurs and its symptoms, treatment and prevention, you can protect yourself and save yourself from this disease. If you are sick with a heel spur, then the treatment measures, both medicinal and folk, are described in detail above.

Wearing orthopedic shoes and insoles

At the first appointment, the doctor recommends that the patient with a heel spur wear orthopedic shoes and insoles, and special slippers at home. These remedies are used in the complex treatment of heel spurs.

Orthopedic shoes and insoles redistribute the load from the heel to the middle of the foot, which reduces the tension of the plantar fascia, prevents its tears and reduces pain. Constantly wearing orthopedic insoles in patients with longitudinal flat feet prevents the development of heel spurs.

People with heel spurs should definitely switch to wearing sensible shoes. During the day it is good to wear orthopedic sneakers or shoes, and at home - special slippers with a side, heel pad and instep support. Systematic use of orthopedic shoes and insoles for a long time delays the development of plantar fasciitis in people with flat feet and helps heal heel spurs.

Application of medicinal plasters

Another method of treating heel spurs at home is the use of medicated patches. The therapeutic effect of the patches is associated with their irritating effect, which they have at the site of application. Mostly, patches are used that contain hot chili peppers and pain-relieving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components. These are patches such as “Doctor Pepper”, Chinese “Gentong Pin” with medicinal herbs and magnetic powder, and others.

As a result of the irritating effect of the patches, the blood vessels dilate as after a hot bath. Increased blood circulation stimulates an anti-inflammatory effect at the level of local immunity. In addition, the patches affect biologically active points of the foot. After each application, pain decreases; as a result of 10 procedures, inflammation of the plantar fascia disappears. Patients experience relief after just 3-4 applications. Therapeutic patches are effectively used to treat heel spurs at home.

Night orthoses

The use of night orthoses is an effective way to treat heel spurs, available at home. Heel pain is not caused by a spur, as many people think, but by inflammation of the plantar fascia. This degenerative process is caused by micro-tears in the collagen fibers of which it is composed. In conditions where the foot is constantly under excessive load, the fascia cannot withstand it and its collagen fibers tear.

This process is especially indicative in the morning, when a person with a heel spur, getting out of bed after sleep, steps on his heel and feels the so-called starting pain. The fact is that during rest, the fascia is in a naturally compressed state, and in this position, micro-tears on it grow together overnight, and the inflammation heals. But in the morning, with the first step and load on the foot, the collagen fibers tear again and pain shoots through the heel. It continues until the sick person diverges, that is, stretches the fascia, while experiencing pain.

But if at home at night the foot is immobilized at a right angle with the help of an ankle orthosis, then the micro-tears will heal on the stretched fascia, which means there will be no pain in the morning. This will save the aponeurosis from damage during the first steps in the morning. To enhance the effectiveness of night orthoses, it is better to wear them after evening therapeutic exercises, when the fascia is well stretched.

In the complex treatment of plantar fasciitis, the use of night orthoses at home is an effective method that prevents the progression of heel spurs and significantly speeds up recovery.


The tell-tale sign that spurs on the legs indicate is painful sensations in the heel. The intensity of the pain syndrome does not depend on the size of the bone growth. Sometimes X-rays do not reveal a heel spur, and the patient goes crazy with pain. Conversely, radiography reveals a large tumor without accompanying symptomatic signs. The occurrence of painful paroxysms depends on the location of the thorn. The closer the osteophyte is to the nerve endings, the greater the discomfort.

Cases have been recorded where painless appendages turned out to be an abnormal variant of the anatomical structure of the foot.

Due to prolonged inflammation of the plantar fascia and constant traumatic effects on the periosteum, the heel spur begins to quickly increase in length and width. As the pathological process progresses, it entails degeneration and dystrophy of nearby bone and soft tissues, ligaments, and tendons.

When the ankle joint is affected, bursitis develops. Exudate accumulates in the joint cavity, the foot swells, local redness and hyperthermia appear, and the range of motion in the joint is moderately limited. In case of joint diseases, a “hot nail in the heel” is felt not only when walking, but also at rest. Most of all, the pain syndrome “spurs” at night.

A person who is tormented by inflammation of the heel spur can be easily recognized by his gait. When the heel hurts unbearably, patients try to shift the load to the forefoot. If heel spurs have formed on both feet, the sufferer uses a sliding step when walking, similar to a skier.

Laser treatment

Laser treatment is used when there is no effect from conservative therapy. Thanks to the laser beam, it is possible to reduce swelling, relieve inflammation and pain, and quickly restore damaged tissue. However, it will not be possible to remove a bone growth using a laser.

Treatment is carried out in courses, with no more than 10 procedures prescribed for the first course. They must be performed daily. After 2 weeks the course can be repeated.

Benefits of treating heel spurs with laser:

  • If the patient takes medications, their therapeutic effect will be enhanced;
  • There are no side effects;
  • The healing process will be accelerated;
  • The effect lasts for a long time;
  • There is no risk of developing an allergic reaction;
  • The procedure does not require hospitalization of the patient.

Disadvantages of treating heel spurs with laser:

  • It will not be possible to get rid of the bone growth;
  • Presence of contraindications (tumors, diabetes mellitus, heart and pulmonary failure, thyrotoxicosis).


A special set of exercises can relieve pain symptoms and alleviate the course of the disease. However, before performing physical exercises, it is necessary to warm up. There are five exercises that are considered the most effective:

  • Place your feet one behind the other in one line, lean your hands against the wall. Squat down until you feel a stretch in the back of your ankle.
  • Stand on an elevated platform so that your heels hang down. Hold onto the wall with your hands. Gradually bend towards the surface until you feel the muscle at the bottom of your ankle stretch.
  • Place your foot on an oval object and roll with your sole. If you experience pain, you can first keep the device in the refrigerator.
  • Make yourself comfortable in a sitting position and place small objects of different sizes on the floor. Take turns using your fingers to grab the parts and place them in some container.
  • Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. Pull the foot towards you with a tape or belt, holding in this position for 15 seconds.

With an integrated approach to therapy, radical treatment (surgery) is not necessary.

The mechanism (stages) of formation of a bone hook is a spur. Common Misconception

A little lower, look at the correct image of spur formation, which clearly shows the stages and mechanism of hook formation as a result of increased mechanical stress. Here they are:

  1. First, tears of the plantar aponeurosis occur
  2. due to tears in the fascia and aneurosis, an inflammatory process occurs
  3. the inflammatory process leads to ossification of the plantar tendon (aponeurosis) at the site of attachment to the heel and the formation of a hook

I emphasize once again that heel spur and plantar fasciitis are names of the same disease . It is popularly called a heel spur because of the obvious hook on the heel on x-rays, and the medical name is plantar fasciitis.

The x-ray image almost does not show that the hook (spur) has a continuation in the form of the plantar ligament and this is its ossified area, and not the growth of the bone tissue of the heel as a result of a violation of salt metabolism. We have dealt with the main misconception of many sufferers - the bone tissue of the heel does not grow when a spur forms .

In most cases,
plantar fasciitis is a disease of women ; men rarely get it. It depends on fluctuations in hormones at the beginning of menopause - and as a result, tissues lose their elasticity. In this case, it is tendon tissue and the place of its attachment to the bone is the most vulnerable place, which is why plantar fasciitis develops here. Up to 15-17% of the female population have this problem, and after 50 years, every fourth woman is sick; after 75 years, up to 85% of the population (both men and women) suffers from plantar fasciitis.

Foot taping

Taping can be used to treat heel spurs at home. The method is used to fix the plantar fascia in a stretched state and maintain the longitudinal arch of the foot. During the procedure, an elastic band or sports tape is used. At home, you can use a regular patch 3–4 cm wide.

To be effective, taping is carried out after a set of gymnastic exercises to stretch the plantar fascia. Before the procedure, the foot is given a physiologically favorable position of flexion at a right angle to the lower leg. During taping, the tape is pulled at the moment when it bends around the foot from below in front of the heel. As a result of taping, when walking, part of the load on the fascia is taken by the tape. In general, the use of taping at home prevents damage to the plantar fascia, which means it relieves pain and serves as a prevention of heel spurs.

Diagnosis of pathology

The diagnosis is made based on the patient's complaints, medical history and physical examination. The doctor palpates the arch of the foot to identify painful areas, determine their size, and determine stiffness. To confirm the diagnosis, a number of instrumental studies are carried out:

  • X-ray of the foot. The resulting images clearly show the bone growth. X-rays are also used to exclude pathologies with similar symptoms, such as osteoarthritis or a calcaneal fracture;
  • MRI or CT. With the help of these studies, it is possible to assess the condition of not only bone, but also cartilage tissue, as well as nerve trunks, blood vessels, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

Ultrasound is the least informative in diagnosing heel spurs, so it is used if there are contraindications to MRI, CT, or radiography. But ultrasound is safer, which allows it to be used to monitor treatment results.

General medications

Drug treatment of heel spurs at home is aimed at eliminating inflammation of the plantar fascia and relieving pain. If pain is not eliminated after using ointments and gels, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used for internal use. An orthopedist will tell you exactly how to treat a heel spur at home, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

It must be remembered that drugs of the pharmacological group NSAIDs irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The consequences of use can be not only nausea and vomiting. With increased acidity, NSAID drugs in any dosage form contribute to the formation of erosion or stomach ulcers. Therefore, the doctor prescribes them in the absence of contraindications, for use after meals and in courses no longer than 7 days.

Drug treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduces or eliminates fascial inflammation and associated heel pain. After a medicinal course of treatment in combination with other methods available at home, swelling of the ankle joint disappears and the kinetics of the foot is restored. Drug therapy for heel spurs is carried out in conjunction with therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, wearing orthopedic shoes and general unloading of the foot.

Effective treatment methods using physiotherapy

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are used to complement the therapeutic approach. The procedures have been proven to be highly effective in combating the disease. Impact on the affected area will help improve the condition, relieve inflammation and pain. It is necessary to treat a heel spur when the first unwanted symptoms appear, which can be easily treated with physical procedures. Otherwise, surgical removal of the bone growth will be suggested.

Shock wave therapy

A little-known but effective method will help eliminate salt deposits - the use of an acoustic wave. Limestone deposits are broken down and removed by blood. Sessions help eliminate clinical symptoms: pain, swelling, discomfort. A positive result of therapy is achieved in 85% of cases. Limitations and contraindications of the method. Pregnancy and lactation, patients with a history of cancer and infectious diseases, heart and vascular diseases, blood clotting problems. The ultrasonic wave disrupts the functioning of pacemakers.

Ultrahigh frequency therapy

The purpose of the method is to expose the lesion to a high-frequency electric current. Due to deep heating of tissues, renewal processes are launched, blood microcirculation is enhanced, and lymph movement is stimulated. This relieves pain and inflammation and relaxes the muscles. UHF therapy is contraindicated in the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases, low blood pressure, proliferative conditions, and pregnant and lactating women.


Physiotherapeutic method using electromagnetic fields. The magnetic effect dilates the vessels of the lower extremities, increases blood flow through the vessels, and stimulates the movement of lymph. Tissues are saturated with oxygen. Magnetic like relieves discomfort and removes liquid from tissues.


Helps deliver medications to the affected area using electric current. The method relieves tissue pain, has a beneficial effect on the source of inflammation, and promotes tissue restoration. Contraindications to the procedure are acute infectious diseases, bronchial asthma, dermatitis of various etiologies, oncology, heart failure, and hypertension.


Another method of x-ray exposure is successfully used in the treatment of planetary fasciitis - laser. The radiation beam is directed to the damaged area, which improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, stimulates regeneration and restoration, but does not destroy the saline osteophyte.


Let's start with the basics of what a heel spur is. People renamed the pathological bone growth because of its resemblance to a claw or thorn. In medical language, the anomaly is called osteophyte, exostosis. But blaming the shoot for all the troubles is unfair. The spur forms against the background of inflammation of the plantar fascia.

A wide plate of connective tissue fibers covers the sole from the top of the heel to the toes. Healthy fascia is stretched like a string, which provides the foot with an anatomically correct position and uniform distribution of loads when walking. The ligament protects the bone and joint elements of the lower leg from possible damage and penetration of pathogens.

Excessive pressure on the fascia leads to the formation of small cracks and tears. If a person ignores microtraumas and continues to load the foot, the ligament becomes inflamed and the tissue of the connecting plate is destroyed. When healthy cells die, calcium salts, which the fascia is rich in, are released. The elements are deposited in the structure of the heel bone, forming an osteophyte.

The opinion that a heel spur can be felt through a thick layer of tissue is erroneous. Palpation of the affected area from the side of the sole indicates only pain.

Ointments, gels and creams

One of the first things that a doctor prescribes in the treatment of heel spurs is the use of external remedies at home, such as ointments, gels, and creams. At the beginning of treatment, anti-inflammatory ointments are used to rub into the heel area after steaming the foot in hot water. At home, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments Indomethacin, Voltaren and Diclofenac are used. The gels “Ketoprofen”, “Fastum gel” and “Dexalgin” are also used for rubbing. These gels and ointments relieve inflammation at the site of application and reduce pain.

At home, you can also use warming ointment "Capsicam". Its anti-inflammatory effect is due to a local irritant effect, which causes increased blood circulation. The influx of additional blood has a healing effect, which reduces inflammation of the aponeurosis, and as a result, reduces heel pain.

If the pain does not stop, the doctor may prescribe the hormonal ointment Hydrocortisone. But self-medication with hormonal drugs is strictly contraindicated!

Rubbing with ointments and gels at home is carried out regularly, in courses of 10 days.

External remedies are traditionally used at home for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They are able to reduce pain even during use.

How to deal with heel spurs with Dimexide?

Dimexide is a pharmaceutical solution characterized by anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. Also, Dimexide for heel spurs helps relieve pain and soften the spine.

The main feature of Dimexide is the ability to penetrate deep into the epidermis, destroying pathogenic microorganisms there. This remedy is indispensable in the presence of inflammation caused by infection.

A heel spur, treated at home with Dimexide, quickly decreases and eventually disappears completely.

The compress is prepared as follows: 1/4 cup of warm water is mixed with 20 ml of Dimexide. Take a multilayer gauze swab and moisten it with the resulting solution. Using a bandage, the tampon is attached to the heel, and a bag or cling film and a woolen sock are put on top. You need to walk with the compress for at least half an hour.

It is better to repeat treatment with Dimexide in the morning and evening for two weeks in a row. After removing the tampon, it is necessary to apply effective ointments for heel spurs with moisturizing and antimicrobial characteristics.


To treat a heel spur, you need to see a podiatrist. He will prescribe orthopedic products that help with walking (special insoles), medications, and, if necessary, refer the patient for treatment with the shock wave method. You can also contact an osteopath or rheumatologist. For overweight people, consultation with an endocrinologist or nutritionist will be useful.

Examination, as a rule, does not detect visible changes caused by inflammation in the area of ​​the plantar heel spur. A thick layer of soft tissue makes it impossible to palpate it, but palpation reveals pain that occurs when pressure is applied to the heel from the plantar region. A posterior heel spur sometimes manifests itself in the form of callus of the skin and the appearance of edema, localized from the side of the attachment of the Achilles tendon to the heel bone.

In most cases, the following is prescribed:

  • radiography. The image clearly shows a spike-like growth, with its sharp end injuring soft tissues. Perhaps the cause of the change in bone tissue was a fracture. Radiography will confirm or rule out this assumption;
  • blood test for biochemistry. Don't give up on research. Without it, it is impossible to exclude rheumatic diseases that cause pain in the heel.
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