We treat stomach cancer with folk remedies: how to relieve pain?

There are many examples of positive results when medications and treatment of stomach cancer with folk remedies are combined. Using healing tinctures and decoctions of celandine, hemlock, aloe, burdock or calamus root, propolis, ASD:
  • pain and symptoms are relieved;
  • the acid-base balance is normalized;
  • tumors are treatable;
  • the pumping of lymph, which removes toxins, improves.

Before treatment with folk remedies, you need the recommendations of your doctor. Herbs are allergens, so many doctors are against their use in an organism weakened by cancer.

Hemlock Grass

An alcoholic tincture of the herb treats the tumor. Hemlock shoots are finely chopped with a knife, poured into a 3 liter jar by 1/3, and 0.5 liters of vodka are added. After mixing, the vodka is topped up to the brim and the jar is tightly closed with a lid. The alcohol tincture should be kept in the refrigerator for 14-20 days, shaking daily. Treatment regimens:

  • 1 morning - 1 drop in 250 ml of water on an empty stomach;
  • 2 morning - 2 drops in the same amount of water;
  • 3 morning - 3, etc. up to 40 drops.

On the 41st morning, the number of drops is reduced by one daily to the original dosage. This treatment should be done up to 3 times with a break of 5-10 days.


As soon as you notice the above signs of stomach cancer, you need to change your diet. We will offer you a diet that will help remove unpleasant symptoms and strengthen the body. A proper diet combined with folk remedies for treating stomach cancer will help you overcome the problem.

  1. Poultry contains less saturated fat than lamb, pork and beef.
  2. Fish should be included in the diet almost every day, as it contains unique fats that prevent the proliferation of cancer cells.
  3. If you like milk, it is better to choose a low-fat option.
  4. Choose low-fat cheese.
  5. Replace sunflower oil with corn or flaxseed oil.
  6. Avoid excess fiber intake at every meal, as fiber can suppress the stomach and worsen the patient's health.
  7. To defeat cancer, eat salads made from vegetables and fruits.
  8. Of course, you need to completely eliminate alcohol and cigarettes from your diet. It is also not advisable to consume red meat, canned food, sausages, salted and smoked foods.
  9. Cancer often suppresses appetite. If you don't want to eat, you don't need to force your body. In our article you will find recipes for herbs that increase appetite in cancer patients.


When treating celandine, fresh juice is especially effective.
It is impossible to say for sure whether it is possible to cure stomach cancer, but it is possible to relieve pain. Fresh juice, infusion, and alcohol extract from flowering celandine are especially effective. Treatment of stomach cancer with celandine is carried out using the following methods:

  1. 25 g of celandine crushed with a knife are brewed in 200 ml of water. You need to take 25 g of the decoction during the day between meals.
  2. Fresh juice is poured with vodka 1:1. The alcohol extract is kept for up to 7 days in a dark place and taken 10 g up to 4 times a day when diluted in 250 ml of water. There is a second scheme for taking alcohol tincture: take 20 drops of the product diluted in 30 g of water before meals. In this case, you need to increase the number of drops daily, one at a time, up to 50.
  3. 5 g of celandine is poured into 150 ml of boiling water. After infusion for 30 minutes, the drug is drunk in an amount of 75 ml 20 minutes before meals.
  4. 1 kg of plant is dried in air for 2.5 hours. After passing through a meat grinder, the juice is squeezed out of the mass. The resulting juice is mixed with 250 ml of 96% alcohol. You need to take the drug an hour before meals, 4 times a day, 25 g, with water.

Treatment according to the theory of Otto Warburg

This is a complex method, which is a logical continuation of the theory that stomach cancer is a parasitic disease, and Trichomonas are recognized as the main pathogenic microorganisms. The founder of the biochemical theory of the development of cancer of any organ, including the stomach, is Otto Warburg: a two-time Nobel laureate in the field of medicine. This quote belongs to him:

“Cancer, unlike other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But even for cancer, there is only one primary cause. Roughly speaking, the root cause of cancer is the replacement of respiration using oxygen in the body of a normal cell with another type of energy - the fermentation of glucose."

The method of treating stomach cancer according to the theory of Otto Warburg includes:

  1. You need to include iodine in your diet - this can be done by increasing the amount of seaweed and feijoa you eat, applying iodine nets to your skin, or drinking ¼ cup of warm water daily with 1 drop of iodine dissolved in it.
  2. Regular use of decoctions of medicinal herbs, which must include burdock and birch leaves. At the same time, it is necessary to consume dogwood and elderberry berries, as well as chaga.
  3. Eat 10 apricot kernels daily. 10 is the maximum limit, since apricot kernels contain toxic substances. But the main thing is that this product contains a large amount of the so-called anti-cancer vitamin B17.
  4. Every morning you need to take a tablespoon of any vegetable oil into your mouth and hold it for 15-20 minutes without swallowing. As you spit it out, notice that the oil has changed color - it has become completely white. Otto Warburg assured that the white color is an accumulation of Trichomonas colonies, and the process itself is a cleansing of the body from these pathogens.

Please note: just the described method of getting rid of trichomonas will not help - you must take other measures - for example, taking a course of the drug Metanidazole.

The most important thing that the famous scientist points out is that stomach cancer tends to actively develop in an acidic environment. What is the natural environment in the stomach? That’s right, it’s acidic, which means it must be alkalized. Otto Warburg strongly recommends taking calcium. Please note that this is a rather difficult mineral to absorb, so you need to take calcium supplements at the same time as magnesium supplements - it improves the absorption of the necessary mineral.

Important: If you have been diagnosed with stomach cancer, you should not take calcium carbonate. The fact is that in this form and if there are problems in the stomach, it is practically not absorbed - it is necessary to consume ionized calcium.

And one more recommendation from Otto Warburg - stop eating dairy products, baked goods and sweets in any form during treatment for stomach cancer. Meat promotes the development of acidification processes in the gastrointestinal tract, so its amount in the diet should be limited, but vegetable juices can and should be consumed in large quantities.

Please note: Otto Warburg’s theory of the biochemical etiology of cancer is recognized by official medicine. But this does not mean at all that when diagnosing stomach cancer, you can refuse the help of professionals and rely only on the described recommendations of the scientist. It is necessary to carry out therapeutic measures only in combination, under the supervision of specialists and with their unconditional approval.

Recommendations for treatment with honey and propolis

Beekeeping products have a beneficial effect on the well-being of patients with cancer of any degree and successfully treat complications after chemotherapy and radiation. Folk remedy with honey for tumors:

  • "Wine honey" To prepare you will need 250 g of honey, 500 ml of Cahors, 150 g of squeezed aloe juice. The product is kept in the dark and cold for 5 days and taken 30 minutes before meals three times a day, 25 g each. The tincture envelops the mucous membrane in the stomach, protecting against inflammation.
  • Sea buckthorn medicine with honey. 500 g of sea buckthorn berries are poured with 1000 ml of buckwheat honey and infused in a dark place for 30 days. Take 50 g three times a day after meals and wash down with 500 ml of milk.

Traditional methods of using propolis:

  • Chew 6 g of product thoroughly 3 to 5 times a day 60 minutes before meals.
  • Drink an alcohol tincture of 20 g of crushed propolis in 100 ml of 96% alcohol. The mixture is kept in the dark for 7 days with daily stirring. You need to take 40 drops diluted in warm milk or water 1.5 hours before meals three times a day.

Doctor's opinion

Treatment with folk remedies for stomach cancer is only an addition to the main treatment with chemotherapy. These remedies can only improve the patient’s general condition, but only radical treatment can destroy a malignant tumor. Therefore, doctors' reviews about the treatment of stomach cancer are very mixed.

Folk remedies can have a positive effect in the postoperative period, when the body is recovering. They will help increase the body's resistance, speed up the healing process and normalize metabolism. But in no case can folk remedies be an alternative to official medicine.

Aloe juice

Aloe leaves older than 3 years can help a patient with stage 4 stomach cancer. After collecting them, you need to keep them for 10 days in a dark place, and then prepare the cognac tincture in three stages:

  1. 50 g of plant juice is mixed with 500 ml of cognac.
  2. 3 geranium leaves are poured with 30 ml of boiling water. The solution is kept in a thermos for 12 hours.
  3. The two liquids are poured into one container and 3 drops of iodine are added. You need to take the product three times a day, 50 ml.

Another traditional medicine is preparing aloe juice with honey:

  1. 75 g of aloe juice is mixed with 20 g of May honey.
  2. 20 g of elecampane grass is poured into 500 ml of water. The solution is kept on fire at a boil for 5 minutes. 150 ml of dry red wine and the mixture from step 1 are added to the decoction.
  3. You need to drink the drink 3 times a day, 5 g after meals.

Let's cure cancer with an aloe drink with red wine, which is prepared from the leaves of this plant, elecampane root, chaga, taken 10 g each and poured with 500 ml of red wine. The product is kept with shaking for 7 days and consumed 75 ml after meals three times a day.

Features of nutrition after removal of the stomach for cancer

After removal of the stomach for cancer, nutrition has a number of features, which are easily explained. In a healthy person, this organ performs several very important functions at once: it accumulates food, ensures its softening under the influence of gastric juice and grinding due to the contraction of muscle walls. In addition, the hydrochloric acid and protein components contained in the gastric secretion serve as natural antiseptics that kill pathogenic bacteria, and a special enzyme called lipase starts the process of breakdown (emulsification) of solid fats.

Important! The bulk of enzymes and hydrochloric acid is formed in the upper part of the stomach. Therefore, if the bottom remains untouched, the nature of nutrition in the long term changes slightly. The changes mainly concern the frequency of eating and its volume - you need to eat often and in small portions, chew food slowly.

It is better to exclude soups from the diet. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the amount of “heavy” animal fats to a minimum, and consume sugar and other quickly digestible carbohydrates not simultaneously with other foods, but in the intervals between meals. These simple rules will reduce the risk of developing “dumping syndrome” - a sharp drop in blood pressure after eating.

The same recommendations apply to patients who have the lower parts of the stomach preserved. In this case, with fractional meals, the likelihood of dumping syndrome occurring is much less, since the pylorus and pyloric valve continue to function, and food does not enter the intestine as quickly as in their absence. However, patients with the lower part of the organ removed have more problems digesting fat, which, with the wrong diet, can lead to pale, foul-smelling stools.

The patient receives detailed recommendations on the choice of products, their processing, frequency of food intake and its volume along with discharge from the hospital. With minor interventions, after a certain time, the gastroenterologist can remove some of the restrictions.

Poisonous tinctures

Poisonous plants are universal remedies for the treatment of stomach cancer of any degree.
Universal folk remedies for the treatment of stomach cancer of any degree are poisonous plants. Fly agaric can stop cancer. The remedy is prepared from mushroom caps, which are cut and poured into a 1 liter jar. Mushrooms are filled with cold water and kept for 30 days in a dark place. Take the medicine after straining 60 minutes before meals, 1 drop diluted in 25 g of water. Every day the dose of the medicine is increased by 1 drop up to 10 units. Then it is reduced to the original amount. The course of treatment with the drug is 20 days. Therapy is repeated after a break of 10 days.

Aconite root is soaked in boiling water for 60 minutes. Then the product is crushed and filled with 60% alcohol. The tincture is aged for 3 weeks and taken in the morning on an empty stomach immediately with 1 drop in 25 ml of water. Every day, add 1 drop, increasing to 10 units. Then the amount of water for dilution is doubled. After reaching 20 drops in 50 ml of water, the product is taken in a reduction to the original amount. The disease is treated in 3 courses with breaks of 21 days. When the tumor stage is advanced, loading doses are allowed: 20 drops in 50 ml of water three times a day.

You should be aware that the use of such drugs can harm the stomach in case of overdose.

Effective recipes

Many patients with liver cancer wonder whether the disease can be cured. An oncologist can answer this question accurately and individually. Statistics show that if the pathology was detected in the early stages, then complete recovery occurs in ninety percent of cases.

But there are even cases where people recovered in later stages, as well as in the presence of metastasis. It will not be possible to do without surgery even in the early stages. If cancer is detected in a timely manner, the tumor itself is excised, and the organ can be saved. In advanced cases, complete removal of the stomach is indicated.

Traditional recipes help cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, speed up recovery and slow down the processes of cell degeneration. Alternative medicine can also be part of palliative treatment, in which it is no longer about recovery. Specialists try to relieve a person’s pain and suffering, as well as improve their quality of life.

Other methods of treating stomach cancer with folk remedies

  • Sea buckthorn oil 25 g three times a day before meals. Sea buckthorn remedy helps relieve the first symptoms.

  • ASD 2 - fraction from raw materials of animal origin is used according to the system: days 1-5 - 5 drops of ASD every 4 hours from 8 am;
  • 6-8 - break;
  • 9-14 - 10 drops of ASD 4 times a day;
  • 15-17 - the amount increases by 5 drops of ASD, etc. up to 50. Take 50 drops of the ASD fraction until recovery.
  • 50 g of fresh St. John's wort flowers are poured into 500 ml of unrefined sunflower or sea buckthorn oil. The tincture is kept in the dark for 1 week, 40 days in the sun with the lid open. You need to take 1 time in the amount of 10 g before meals.
  • The grated chaga mushroom is diluted with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 5. The product is infused for 2 days, filtered, and the sediment is squeezed out. You need to take 125 ml 30 minutes before meals three times a day. While consuming the mushroom, it is forbidden to take penicillin or give intravenous glucose infusions.
  • "Chestnut beer" is made from the flowers or fruits of the tree. This will require 3 liters of water, 10 g of sour cream, 200 g of sugar, 1 glass of flowers or 33 fruits. After mixing the ingredients, the product is infused in a warm place for 2 weeks. It should be consumed in small sips throughout the day.
  • 10 g of dried potato flowers are brewed in 0.5 liters of water and infused in a thermos for 3 hours. Use the product every day, 100 ml after meals.
  • 10 g of dried or plantain is brewed in 250 ml of boiling water. You can take the drink in any quantity before meals.
  • It is recommended to treat cancer with bleeding using a tincture of chaga with knotweed root. To prepare, you will need 10 g of mushroom and 10 g of knotweed in 250 ml of boiling water. The product is kept in a thermos for 10 hours. You need to drink 2 glasses a day. An alcoholic tincture of these ingredients is prepared from 75 g of chaga and knotweed root in 500 ml of vodka and aged in the dark for 14 days. You need to take the drug 25 g 6 times a day for several months.
  • 100 pieces. green walnuts are placed in a 3 liter jar and filled with purified kerosene to leave an empty space of 5 cm. The jar is rolled up with a metal lid, buried in the ground 70 cm under a load of up to 12 kg for 90 days. The product is used 10 g 15 minutes before meals for 90 days.
  • Baking soda is used together with milk in a dosage of 10 g per 200 ml, respectively. You need to be treated with baking soda for 3 weeks according to the following system:
      1 week - on an empty stomach before and after breakfast;
  • 2 weeks - on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals;
  • 3 weeks - before or after breakfast.
  • Symptoms

    The onset of the disease is quite easy to miss, because similar signs are characteristic of many other gastrointestinal ailments. At an early stage of cancer, the following symptoms can be observed:

    • chronic burning sensation in the stomach;
    • bloating;
    • nausea;
    • loss of appetite;
    • sometimes - slight abdominal pain

    As the disease progresses, new symptoms of stomach cancer appear:

  • weight loss;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • vomit;
  • blood in stool;
  • abdominal pain becomes more intense
  • Early pain most often occurs in the epigastric region - that is, in the gastric “pit” or in the area above the navel. These signs appear after eating and disappear when the patient is hungry. This pain does not subside after taking heartburn pills or digestive enzymes. Sometimes cancer gives a feeling of disgust from eating meat. As the disease progresses, abnormal bowel movements appear (the stool becomes tarry, black in color and has an unpleasant odor, which is a consequence of gastrointestinal bleeding). Common signs of stomach cancer are anemia, pale complexion and fatigue, all of which are caused by bleeding from the tumor.


    Some people have been able to quickly get rid of stomach cancer through long-term fasting. Although doctors are against this approach, fasting treatment has been used in folk practice in all countries for centuries. And if there are miraculous cases of healing, then why not try? Indeed, in a case like cancer, there are no universal recipes, and everyone must choose their own method.

    So, when the first symptoms of stomach cancer appear, you need to start a long course of fasting. First, set aside one day a week in which you will not eat anything. You can only drink distilled water, and at night you need to do an enema with chamomile. This course must be continued for 2 months so that the body gets used to fasting, and you can move on to the second stage of treatment for stomach cancer.

    At the second stage, you need to do a three-day fast every two weeks. It is best to choose Friday, Saturday and Sunday for this so as not to go hungry at work. As before, we drink only distilled water and do enemas at night. We also continue this course for 2 months.

    Then comes a more severe fast: it should last 5 days. You must use all your willpower to stick to this regimen. Of course, it is best to put aside everyday activities and give your body a rest. A five-day fast should be carried out once a month for six months.

    If you have completed the previous stages with dignity, then your body has become accustomed to doing without food, and you will feel significant relief from cancer. Now you can proceed to the next stage - a week-long fast. It is also recommended to do it once a month. During fasting, there is a significant reduction in the symptoms of stomach cancer, or even their complete disappearance.

    The ideal option is if you force yourself to fast for 2 weeks. But this can only be done after long-term training of the body. During starvation, cancer cells do not receive nutrients and therefore self-destruct. At the same time, the body itself can survive, the main thing is to maintain the correct drinking regime (that is, drink a lot of water). We hope that after completing all the fasting courses, stomach cancer will disappear and you will never feel unpleasant symptoms again. Watch a fragment of the program “Live Healthy!” on the topic of stomach cancer:

    Nutrition and prognosis

    The cancer process and prediction of tumor development depend on many factors (patient’s age, type of cancer, metastases, etc.), and it is difficult to take them all into account. In the presence of acute chronic diseases, the risk of early death increases.

    The same applies to older patients - if a cancer tumor develops, they have less chance of recovery than younger patients. It's all about tissue resistance to malignant cells and the resilience of the body's immune system.

    Diagnostic accuracy is an important factor, since it allows us to initially determine the correct cancer treatment process.

    You can increase your chances with innovative treatment methods in modern clinics in Western countries.


    If, with terminal stage stomach cancer, a person can still eat on his own, then he should do this at regular intervals up to 5-6 times a day. Fried, fatty foods, canned food and marinades, red meat, sauerkraut, hot seasonings, mushrooms, strong tea and coffee, cocoa, alcohol, and carbonated drinks are excluded from the patient's diet.

    If a person is fed through a gastrostomy tube, then special high-calorie mixtures are used.

    The main questions for stage 4 stomach cancer are related to how long patients live and whether the disease can be cured. According to statistics, 20% of patients with terminal gastric cancer continue to live 5 years after treatment. Irreversible processes occurring in the body disrupt its functioning.

    However, prognosis for stage 4 gastric cancer depends on the extent of damage to internal organs, age, immune status, extent of metastasis, timeliness of diagnosis and adequacy of therapy, as well as the type of tumor. The most favorable prognosis is observed after treatment of the squamous cell type of disease. The most dangerous type of tumor is considered to be infiltrative.

    If the damage to the body is too extensive, then life expectancy for stage IV gastric cancer is significantly reduced.

    It is difficult to take into account all the factors that aggravate or alleviate the patient’s condition and the approach of death. Older patients have less of a survival advantage than younger cancer patients. The reason is the body’s greater supply of immune forces and tissue resistance to cancer cells. The patient's condition, aggravated by other chronic (acute) diseases, significantly reduces life expectancy.

    Life expectancy is influenced by forms of cancer; one of the most dangerous forms is infiltrative.

    One of the lifespan factors is the presence and extent of spread of metastases in separated organs. If diagnostic results are misinterpreted, the wrong treatment regimen is prescribed, which affects the duration of stage 4 cancer.

    With favorable values ​​of all factors, taking into account the social, mental and emotional state of the cancer patient, living after stage 4 gastric cancer for 5 years accounts for approximately a fifth of all cases of the disease. It is possible to extend a patient’s life by 10-15% when using innovative technologies in Japan, Israel and Western countries.

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