Is it possible to eat yogurt for pancreatitis? What kind of yogurt is good for pancreatitis?

If you have inflammation of the pancreas, it is recommended to completely exclude some dishes from your diet, but this does not apply to most fermented milk products. So, it is allowed to consume yogurt for pancreatitis, but not just any yogurt and not in any quantity.

Yogurt for pancreatitis can be consumed, but not just any yogurt and not in any quantity.

The benefits of yogurt for patients with pancreatitis

Yogurt is produced from milk by fermentation as a result of interaction with certain microorganisms (thermophilic streptococcus, probiotic lactobacilli - Bulgarian bacillus). This product has a number of properties that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the pancreas during inflammation:

  1. Providing the body with proteins of animal origin, vitamins, microelements, which are needed as building material for the regeneration of all tissues, including glandular ones.
  2. Bacteria improve the condition of the microflora of the digestive tract: inside the intestine, the concentration of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria increases, which inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs.
  3. Normalizing the state of the intestinal microflora helps to increase the body's defenses (immunity), which allows you to quickly cope with inflammation and activates the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  4. When the pancreas becomes inflamed, its secretory activity and the production of digestive enzymes, including lactase, are disrupted. Beneficial bacteria have enzymatic activity and help break down milk sugar (lactose) into oligosaccharides, and milk protein (casein) into amino acids needed by the body.
  5. If you regularly eat yogurt, intestinal motility is normalized and constipation is eliminated.
  6. Dairy products are able to neutralize many harmful chemicals that enter the body with synthetic drugs that are prescribed to the patient for pancreatitis.


To summarize, let’s remember and put the main points together.

  • So, the answer to the most important question “is it possible to eat yogurt with pancreatitis” has been received: in case of inflammation of the pancreas, this product is indeed allowed to be eaten, but it must be introduced into the diet gradually and no earlier than 20-30 days after the end of the critical period . Gastroenterology specialists advise consuming yogurt for second breakfast, afternoon snack or second dinner, but in no case as an addition to a full breakfast, lunch or dinner, otherwise there will be a serious load on both the gastrointestinal tract and the weakened pancreas. Finally, the fermented milk product must be fresh, or at best, prepared independently, because this is the only way to be sure that it will not contain preservatives, dyes, or other undesirable additives.
  • Refusal of fatty and fried foods, as well as the consumption of alcoholic beverages, multiple and small meals, daily exposure to fresh air, healthy sleep and stress resistance - all these are measures that will greatly help resist the disease and prolong periods of remission.
  • A fermented milk product such as yogurt undoubtedly helps in restoring the pancreas. However, in order for its use to bring only benefits to the body, you should familiarize yourself with the rules that tell you exactly how to eat this delicacy for people suffering from pancreatitis.

Yogurt in the acute stage of pancreatitis

At the stage of exacerbation, with a pronounced inflammatory process with intense abdominal girdle pain, symptoms of dyspepsia and fever, the diet should be very strict. For the first few days, it is not recommended to eat anything at all, even dairy and fermented milk products, in order to “unload” the digestive tract. As a result of fasting, the secretory and motor activity of all gastrointestinal glands decreases.

You can start drinking low-fat yogurt only 2-3 weeks after the onset of the acute process. The product must be fresh, natural, without flavors, preservatives, or dyes.

Making homemade yogurt

Today the range of such products is quite huge. On store shelves you can find delicacies to suit your taste. But if you have a disease such as pancreatitis, you must remember that yogurt should be without any additives. It is best to choose a classic white product; if necessary, you can add fruits and syrups yourself.

Homemade yogurt is much healthier than the one sold in the store

Recently, homemade yogurt has become popular. To prepare such a product you will need a starter. It can be purchased at the store. The entire cooking process boils down to stirring the starter in warm milk. The resulting mixture is left in the yogurt maker for some time. The resulting product has a pleasant taste and has beneficial properties.

Yogurt is good for adults and children. For a disease such as pancreatitis, it will be the best addition to the diet.

Yogurt during remission

After the exacerbation subsides, you can gradually diversify the menu by adding more dairy products. You can drink any yogurt, but the fat content should not exceed 3%. At the stage of stable remission, juices and pulp of fresh fruits are added to the yogurt product. If your blood glucose level is normal and there is no diabetes, you can add a little honey.

A large number of industrially produced drinking yoghurts are sold in stores. When purchasing, you should carefully study the composition, because it is not equally beneficial for all products. Activia yogurt for pancreatitis is supported by many experts because it is a natural bioproduct that effectively restores the intestinal microflora and does not worsen the condition of the pancreas.

Natural yogurt is recommended to be used as a salad dressing instead of fatty sour cream or mayonnaise, which is strictly excluded in case of chronic disease.

How to choose yogurt

Which option is best for those wanting to lose weight? If you want to include such a product in your diet during a diet, you need to know which yogurt will not add excess weight, but, on the contrary, will allow you to lose several kilograms.

  • First of all, you should choose a natural one, which contains only milk and sourdough. There should not be any additives in the list of ingredients.
  • The second condition when choosing a product for weight loss: the proteins and carbohydrates included in its composition should be approximately equal.
  • Dyes, flavorings and sweeteners are excluded. A natural product will bring much more benefits in the process of losing weight than a tasty and aromatic one, but harmful to the body.
  • Often, when we eat yogurt, we consume simple carbohydrates, which will gradually turn into fat. Therefore, it is necessary to make a choice based on the composition of the fermented milk product, and not on the flowery advertising slogans on the packaging.
  • The natural version has the natural taste of sour milk. It may not be as pleasant as fruit options, but it is much healthier. And one more important condition: yogurt that is good for weight loss must contain two bacteria necessary for the gastrointestinal tract: Streptococcus thermophilus and the so-called “Bulgarian bacillus.” These two microorganisms process milk, breaking down sugar and giving the fermented milk product certain properties.
  • The product does not last long, but it contains bacteria necessary for the gastrointestinal tract, which have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

The most common product in this category is 2.5% fat. The calorie content of this yogurt is 72-76 kcal. The higher the fat content, the higher the calorie content. Low-fat has a calorie content of 50 kcal. The fattest reaches 100 kcal.

When choosing yogurt for a person with pancreatitis, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The product must be natural.
  2. Flavorings, dyes and thickeners are not allowed in the composition.
  3. Fat content should be no more than 1% (in remission - no more than 3.2%).

Guided by the selection recommendations, you can find a useful product that will improve the condition of a patient with pancreatitis.

Yogurt perfectly replaces kefir, having a stronger positive effect on the body

Rules for consuming yogurt during illness

To speed up recovery and not aggravate the condition of the gland with pancreatitis, following several rules when introducing any new product into the diet, including yogurt:

  1. You need to start consuming it with small portions: no more than a quarter glass once a day, then you can gradually increase the amount and volume of the product and bring it up to 250–300 ml per day.
  2. It is advisable to use the fermented milk product for a separate meal, for example, during an afternoon snack, supplemented with crackers or lean dry biscuits. It is also recommended to drink unsweetened yogurt after dinner a couple of hours before bedtime.
  3. Food for pancreatitis should be warm, since cold or hot foods irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and aggravate the course of pancreatitis.
  4. Before consuming yogurt, it is important to make sure that it is fresh and check its expiration date. A stale product will not only not be beneficial, but can also cause food poisoning.
  5. It is advisable to buy a simple classic fermented milk product, for example, Activia, and add natural fruits and berries there yourself.
  6. If pain, nausea, or flatulence appear after eating yogurt, you should stop drinking it and consult a doctor.
  7. If possible, it is better to prepare the product at home yourself. This is the only way to be absolutely sure of the quality and freshness of the ingredients used.

What kind of yogurt is possible and what should it be?

Indeed, in case of inflammation of the pancreas, the presence of yogurt in the diet is not only acceptable, but also recommended by both gastroenterologists and nutritionists. However, this does not mean at all that you can take the product you want from the display case, or even the first one you come across. Here you should understand that many store-bought yogurts do not contain even half of the beneficial substances discussed above. In addition, industrially produced yoghurts contain thickeners and dyes, preservatives and flavorings. The consumption of such products is undesirable for all people in general, and even more so for patients with pancreatitis. Regular consumption of yoghurts “supplied” with harmful ingredients can worsen the general condition and provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

This is why it is preferable to make your own yogurt. For many, this idea may not seem very successful, since a lot of questions immediately arise: how exactly can this product be obtained, what is it made from, and whether any special equipment is needed for its preparation. In reality, everything is much simpler. In order for the yogurt to be no less tasty than the store-bought one, and to make it work at all, you only need to purchase milk and a bacterial starter culture, which can be found in almost every dairy department. The second and, perhaps, the main rule is to use a yogurt maker, which will make real yogurt even without your participation - you just need to set the desired program, and home production will immediately begin.

For those who do not want to experiment at home, there is another option - natural Greek yogurt, which is produced without the addition of various fruit impurities and flavors. It is a light, sweetish mass of a snow-white hue, which can be eaten either in its pure form or in a slightly modified form: just add a small amount of baby fruit puree, crushed dry cookies or honey into it, and the product will immediately become more attractive and tasty. Greek yogurt also has another advantage over those containing pieces of fruit: it can be used as a salad dressing or instead of sour cream in a breakfast casserole.

How to cook at home

Homemade yogurt has many more beneficial properties than store-bought yogurt, so for pancreatitis it is recommended to use a homemade product.

2 tbsp. l. The resulting starter should be mixed with 1 liter of heated milk, poured into molds and again kept in the yogurt maker for 6 hours. Then you should close the jars with a lid and put them in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Those who do not have a special device for preparing fermented milk products can use a thermos. For this recipe you will need 1 bottle of dry starter and 1 liter of pasteurized milk. The milk needs to be boiled, held over low heat for 2-4 minutes, cooled to 40°C, then gradually poured into the bottle with the starter, remembering to stir.

Pour boiling water over the thermos several times and pour the prepared mixture into it, then close the lid and leave for 6 hours. After this time, the yogurt should be transferred to another container and refrigerated for 2-3 hours.

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Yogurt is a tasty and healthy fermented milk product prepared from milk by fermentation with a culture of Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus. Due to its medicinal and dietary properties, yogurt has virtually no contraindications and is included in the menu for various diseases. Pancreatitis is no exception - yogurt for pancreatitis is not only allowed, but also indicated for consumption.

What is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas, it is classified as severe and causes a significant deterioration in a person’s well-being. This is an acute or chronic inflammation of the digestive system, which is accompanied by a disruption in the release of enzymes into the intestines. As a result of this, malfunctions occur in the entire digestive tract; carcinogens enter the human body, which have a negative effect on the production of insulin and general metabolism.

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