Neumyvakin recommends: treatment of hemorrhoids with hydrogen peroxide and soda, enemas and external use

Treatment with folk remedies often suggests using a hydrogen solution for the treatment of chronic diseases. Can peroxide be used for hemorrhoids?

Attention! Treatment of hemorrhoids with hydrogen peroxide is not supported by doctors! Experts reject this method of therapy!
But in books with folk recipes you can find hundreds of happy reviews about such a fight against proctological disease. In the modern rhythm of life, it is impossible to avoid health problems. The first place in the ten most common diseases is inflammation of the rectal tissue. Popularly called hemorrhoids or varicose veins.

The disease causes many difficulties, as it is accompanied by pain and discomfort. According to statistics, more than 50% of people in the world suffer from it, and no one is immune from the occurrence of this unpleasant phenomenon.

Both traditional and non-traditional methods are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. One of the common methods of alternative medicine is treatment with hydrogen peroxide.

Features of therapy at home
How to use peroxide for hemorrhoidsDilute with water and take orally, make enemas, lotions, compresses.
What effectReduction of hemorrhoidal cones, stopping bleeding, eliminating constipation, mitigating the symptoms of the disease.

Scope of application of peroxide in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the scope of application of peroxide is very extensive:

  • proctology (paraproctitis, hemorrhoids, fistulas, dermatitis, anal tear);
  • cosmetology (pimples, acne, discoloration);
  • oncology (cancer of various organs stage 1/2);
  • pulmonology (inhalations for lung damage);
  • dermatology (fungal and bacterial skin diseases, cancer);
  • dentistry (stomatitis, periodontal disease, caries);
  • otolaryngology (pharyngitis, acute respiratory infections, sinusitis, otitis media);
  • endocrinology (dysfunction of the pancreas and thyroid glands);
  • rheumatology, etc. and so on.

In fact, this is not the entire list of pathologies for the treatment of which hydrogen peroxide is used. But there are limits and norms in everything, and using peroxide at home to treat hemorrhoids is no exception! In home therapy, it is allowed (WITHOUT fanaticism!) to combine recipes. For example, peroxide enema and oral peroxide.

Other recipes

There are several other options for using baking soda.


Cold compresses with the addition of sodium bicarbonate help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of acute inflammation of hemorrhoids. In recreational activities, the main component and slightly heated water are used.

For 1 liter of liquid you need to take a portion of 2 tsp. white powder. The resulting contents should be cooled and applied to the formations for half an hour.

Baths based on water and soda are also prepared for medicinal purposes. Treatment should be taken one hour at a time. Such procedures are best used in combination with baths to which decoctions of medicinal herbs or ointments are added.

After a soda bath, it is advisable to treat the anus area with a decoction of oak bark, then lubricate the anus with an ointment composition based on poplar buds.

Sitz baths

Hemorrhoids can be treated with sitz baths containing baking soda. For 3 liters of ordinary water you need to take a little potassium permanganate to get a light pink color of the liquid. Then add several types of oil there. It could be:

  • olive;
  • sunflower;
  • corn oil.

The components are taken in the same volume, for example, 1 tbsp. l. Then add milk and soda to this mixture. Bring the resulting liquid to the optimal temperature. Perform sitz baths until the broth cools completely.

It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. The healing course consists of 20 sessions, although their number and duration depend on the degree of damage.

The procedure is prohibited for men with prostate pathologies!

Sodium bicarbonate for hemorrhoids can be used in another form. An aqueous solution of mumiyo, in an amount of 100 g, must be combined with 250 ml of cow's milk, 15 g of vegetable oil and no more than 5 g of soda. Add the resulting mass to 3 liters of warm water, which has a pink tint after adding potassium permanganate. Treatment should be carried out in courses of 10–12 procedures.

Oral administration

The most popular option for combating hemorrhoids is considered to be oral soda. The essence of this method is to remove toxic compounds from the vessels of the anal area. Toxins enter the human body along with meat, alcohol, due to poor environment and poor nutrition.

For many pathologies, including hemorrhoids, it is necessary to perform a complete cleansing of the body, as well as normalize the activity of the liver. It is in this regard that traditional healers consider sodium bicarbonate an excellent remedy.

Beneficial properties of peroxide for hemorrhoids

Peroxide solution has many useful qualities:

  • stops hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • speeds up the healing of erosions, tears and ulcers of the anus;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prevents bacterial complications in hemorrhoids, etc.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin strongly recommends complex treatment of hemorrhoids, only in this way can the desired result be achieved. That is, to traditional treatment, in addition to antiseptics, add physical therapy and dietary nutrition. If the rules are strictly followed, peroxide at a concentration of 3% will stop the development of the disease in the early stages, and in advanced forms it will relieve pathogenic symptoms.

Treatment of prostatitis with soda according to Neumyvakin

Neumyvakin’s method of treating prostatitis consists of two options, which were tested by the professor personally on himself. He began his medical career as a doctor working on astronaut health problems. Due to the impossibility of carrying out certain types of therapy on board the spacecraft, the doctor began to develop preventive measures. Its important merits include a unique power system. People who use it never suffer from appendicitis. Ivan Pavlovich devoted a lot of time to developing methods for treating prostatitis. Thus, space medicine also helped the male population.

It is immediately worth noting that Neumyvakin’s method with soda for prostatitis is not suitable for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

So, two recipes that, according to the professor, will help in the treatment of prostate adenoma.

Enema with soda

He considers soda enemas for prostatitis to be the first option. The treatment process has the following algorithm:

  • Carry out a preliminary cleansing of the intestines with water;
  • Prepare a soda mixture: one teaspoon per glass of warm water;
  • Inject liquid into the rectum using a bulb;
  • After 30 minutes you can have a bowel movement.

Taking soda internally

The second recipe, according to Neumyvakin, will cure even prostate cancer. At the first stage of treatment, 1⁄4 teaspoon of soda is dissolved in a glass of warm water. The solution is drunk 15 minutes before meals. Over the course of 4 days, the dose of sodium bicarbonate is increased and brought to a whole teaspoon. A course of using soda orally for prostatitis may have a different duration, but the recommended length is at least 3 months.

Neumyvakin on the treatment of hemorrhoids with hydrogen peroxide

Professor Neumyvakin claims that 3% hydrogen peroxide for hemorrhoids is an indispensable remedy. Peroxide saturates organs and cells with oxygen, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and acid-base balance, removes toxins and waste from the intestines, improves the molecular state of the blood and regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Essentially, hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the rectum. Since the disease is directly related to inflammation, thrombosis, pathological expansion of hemorrhoidal veins and their tortuosity.

Modern medicine today offers a lot of drugs, ointments, creams and surgical techniques for hemorrhoids. However, in terms of availability, simplicity of therapeutic procedures and effectiveness, hydrogen peroxide is the leader. For example, Neumyvakin highlights the benefits of H2O2 for hemorrhoids according to symptoms:

  1. Symptom: pain and burning in the anus. 3% peroxide has an anesthetic effect and eliminates discomfort in the rectum during exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  2. Symptom: inflammation of the tissues surrounding the anus (swelling, swelling). By suppressing foci of inflammation, hydrogen peroxide significantly reduces the intensity of the production of pathogenic mediators.
  3. Symptom: itching of the anorectal area. H2O2, when used externally, has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the anus and reduces discomfort.
  4. Symptom: enlargement of hemorrhoids, increased bleeding. 3% hydrogen peroxide has a hemostatic effect, which significantly strengthens the wall of blood vessels, reduces varicose protrusion and other signs of hemorrhoids.
  5. Symptom: thrombophlebitis of hemorrhoidal veins of the anus (thrombosis of the anal veins). Peroxide 3% increases blood fluidity, promotes blood thinning, and enhances the resorption of accumulated blood clots.

When ingested or on the dermis, peroxide breaks down into elements useful to humans - water and atomic oxygen. It is due to the reaction upon direct contact with organic matter that the peroxide drug helps eliminate hemorrhoids.

Doctor of Sciences Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin experimentally proved the effectiveness of 3% peroxide. Due to the fact that H2O2 takes part in the fight against free radicals, in addition to its disinfecting properties, the product is also an active antioxidant.

Neumyvakin on the treatment of hemorrhoids with peroxide

Helpful advice

To cure hemorrhoidal disease, it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, i.e. eliminate constipation. The scientist recommends strengthening his method by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, an active lifestyle and a balanced diet.


In case of exacerbation of internal hemorrhoids, a microenema according to Neumyvakin is very helpful. An enema based on 3 percent peroxide cleanses the rectal cavity from pathogenic microorganisms, reduces inflammation, improves bowel movements and stops bleeding. Before the procedure, it is imperative to cleanse the intestines with a cleansing enema with plain water or drink a laxative. Only after these manipulations can you give a therapeutic peroxide enema.

Microenema recipe:

  1. 200 ml of warm boiled water.
  2. 1 teaspoon 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Mix the components and divide into equal 4 parts (one-time dose 50 ml).
  4. Lubricate the tip of the medical bulb with Vaseline and slowly insert it into the anus with rotational movements.

It is recommended to administer a therapeutic microenema once a day before bedtime. It is advisable to keep the medicinal solution in the intestines until the morning bowel movement. For severe symptoms of hemorrhoids, do the procedure 2 times a day (morning/evening).

The course of therapy against hemorrhoids with peroxide enema is 3-5 days.

Helpful advice

In order to treat hemorrhoids at home with a positive result, you need to strictly follow a diet in order to achieve regular bowel movements. As a rule, with this disease, the diet should be dominated by foods rich in fiber: low-fat soups, whole grain cereals, fermented milk drinks, vegetable oils, etc. During an exacerbation, and even more so if hemorrhoids are already in an advanced stage, you should absolutely not drink alcohol, fatty or spicy foods, semi-finished products, dishes containing preservatives or stabilizers.

Are hemorrhoids and baking soda compatible?

Almost everyone is familiar with soda - it is a slightly salty-tasting fine mixture that is highly soluble in water. This is an alkaline compound, the chemical name is sodium bicarbonate, or bicarbonate of soda. Soda has been widely used by humans for a long time. It is used both in industry and in domestic conditions during the preparation of food, and for the purpose of establishing order, and in the preparation of cosmetic recipes, and as a healing agent. Therapy with soda can alleviate a person’s well-being with numerous diseases, including hemorrhoids.

Soda is a fairly common product in human life. It has a wide range of medicinal properties. Baking soda is considered an effective treatment for various stages of hemorrhoids. It facilitates the course of such a disease, relieves unpleasant symptoms, relieves pain, and eliminates the inflammatory focus. In addition to relieving the symptoms of hemorrhoids, baking soda generally has a beneficial effect on the entire body, helping to cleanse it of toxins and waste.

Hemorrhoids and baking soda are certainly compatible. Using baking soda you can relieve many signs of hemorrhoids. However, before using soda for hemorrhoids, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Lotions and compresses

For external hemorrhoids with bleeding and prolapse of nodes, lotions and compresses based on 3% hydrogen peroxide give good results. Also, lotions are effective for bleeding hemorrhoids.

  • Make a gauze swab from several layers and thoroughly moisten it with a 3% peroxide solution.
  • The lotion is applied to the sore spot for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day every day throughout the acute period until the symptoms are completely neutralized. This is how peroxide disinfects the damaged area.

The duration of treatment for hemorrhoids, therefore, depends directly on the severity of the disease.

Hydrogen peroxide at home is used for minor rectal bleeding, for healing ulcers and tears in the anorectal area, eliminating constipation and preventing purulent complications. Peroxide compresses also help with concomitant diseases of the anal area - cracks, damage, erosion, weeping wounds, skin irritations, etc.

Helpful advice

Ivan Pavlovich advises supplementing compresses with enemas based on decoctions of sage, chamomile, and calendula. For a better healing effect, you can apply a lotion, alternating with taking peroxide orally or with herbal sitz baths.


The author of the method is Professor I. P. Neumyvakin. He strongly recommends taking an oral peroxide solution to treat hemorrhoids. But the procedure must be carried out with a gradual increase in the dosage of the drug. You can't rush, because... the body needs time to get used to the medicine. To prevent an exacerbation, it is necessary to take into account that at the initial stage side effects are likely in the form of nausea, diarrhea, fever, and drowsiness. With such manifestations, the dose of peroxide can be reduced, but it is advisable not to interrupt the course of therapy.

Dosage, rules and regimen for oral administration of H2O2 for hemorrhoids:

  • First day: 1 drop of a 3% peroxide solution in 1/4 cup (50 ml) of warm water.
  • Second day: 2 drops of the drug in 1/4 glass of water.
  • Third day: 3 drops per 1/4 cup.

The main point of the procedure is a gradual increase in peroxide - 1 drop every new day. Drink this solution 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals or 2 hours after.

Ivan Neumyvakin about taking peroxide orally

The course of treatment for hemorrhoids with peroxide orally is 10 days, i.e. on the tenth day, a single dose of the peroxide composition is 10 drops per 50 ml of water. The daily norm is 30 drops. It is better to dose with a regular pipette.

When you reach the one-time norm of 10 drops from the 11th to the 17th day, take a break. Then resume therapy, and immediately with the maximum dose - from the 18th to the 20th day, 10 drops at a time (30 per day). Next is a 3-day break, then: day 20 - 10 drops at a time, day 19 - 9 drops, day 18 - 8 drops. Those. The algorithm for taking a medicinal solution for hemorrhoids is in reverse order.


The described recipes are used as adjuvant therapy, and therefore do not replace the use of traditional medications. To increase the effectiveness of the internal reception procedure, scientist Neumyvakin advises combining his methods, i.e. orally/enemas or lotions.

Soda therapy

Professor Neumyvakin proved that soda can have a beneficial effect on many processes occurring in the body:

  1. Thin and purify the blood.
  2. Lower cholesterol.
  3. Prevent salt deposition.
  4. Remove kidney stones.

in the treatment of hemorrhoids . To do this, you need to add 5-6 tablespoons of soda to a bath of warm (not hot!) water and stir.

You can take a bath for a long time - up to 6 hours . During the process, after 2-3 hours, you can add another 2 tablespoons of soda. The essence of this therapy is to remove toxins and restore the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can take a sitz bath prepared on oak bark.

Another recipe for treating hemorrhoids with soda is somewhat more complicated, but also quite accessible.

For 3 liters of boiled water you will need:

  • milk – 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • potassium permanganate - on the tip of a teaspoon.

The temperature must be at least 40 degrees . The resulting sitz bath must be taken until it cools completely. The course of treatment can vary from 10 to 20 doses, depending on the severity of the disease.

If you repeat the course monthly, the results will not be long in coming; bleeding will disappear and hemorrhoids will begin to shrink. Within a year, it is possible to cure even advanced forms of hemorrhoids.

Exacerbations of hemorrhoids cause attacks of pain. To cope with the unpleasant symptom, you need to wet the tampon in a 2% solution of soda and water. Apply the product to the anus until pain and discomfort disappear.

One of the main reasons for the development of hemorrhoids is congestion in the blood vessels of the rectum. To prevent relapse of the disease, it is recommended to consume soda orally.

To do this, add ¼ teaspoon of soda to a glass of water or milk. The liquid should be warm, but not hot! Take 15 minutes before meals.

Gradually, the dose of soda should be increased, after 3 days you can start adding a third of a spoon, and after another 3 - ½. As a result, the maximum amount of soda should reach a full teaspoon per glass of liquid.

IMPORTANT : You cannot take a solution of soda and hydrogen peroxide orally at the same time, this will cause a chemical reaction. If there is a need to use both drugs, then a minimum half-hour interval should be taken between their doses.

Soda enemas - to do or not? Find out Neumyvakin's opinion:

Read about remedies against “sedentary illness”:

  • different price categories;
  • from hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
  • rating of the best drugs;
  • medications for the treatment of the initial stage;
  • rectal suppositories: for bleeding, homeopathic and with sea buckthorn oil;
  • application of “Zdorov cream-wax”.


If the external use of 3% hydrogen peroxide has no prohibitions, then the use orally and rectally has contraindications.

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Organ transplantation (preparatory or rehabilitation stage).
  • History of allergies to peroxide.
  • Severe pathologists of the rectum.
  • Thrombohemorrhagic syndrome.
  • Stage 4 hemorrhoids.
  • Exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Blood clotting disorders (thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia).
  • Necrosis of hemorrhoids.

Also, Doctor of Sciences Neumyvakin I.P. emphasizes that it is strictly forbidden to take other medications with a peroxide solution! Under no circumstances should you increase the frequency of use or the concentration of peroxide, as You can easily get a burn to the rectum. If you follow the listed rules and schemes, taking into account the warnings, a positive result from treating hemorrhoids with hydrogen peroxide will not take long.

Treatment methods

There are several methods for taking hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Orally. The regimen for taking perhydrol orally begins with a couple of drops diluted in ¼ glass of water. If the body does not give negative reactions, then with each subsequent day the portion increases by 1 drop, stopping at 10-15 drops.
  2. Intravenously. Such procedures should only be done with the permission of a doctor. A 3% peroxide solution should be injected into a vein very slowly, starting with 0.4 ml/20 ml of saline solution. Injections are carried out daily with an increase in dose by 0.1 cc over the course of a week. Next, you should take a break of 1 month and carry out further intravenous injections 2 times a week.
  3. Enema. You need to dilute 15 drops of peroxide in ¼ glass of water. It is enough to rinse the intestines in this way once a day.
  4. External use. Perhydrol solution is often used to rinse the mouth or make compresses, wash wounds or rub the body. To avoid tissue burns, it is better to take 0.5-1% medicine. But to get rid of foot fungus or warts, a 15% remedy is suitable.
  5. Nasal instillation. To overcome inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx (for example, herpes or boils), sinuses and ears, you need to pipette 5-10 drops of a solution diluted in 25 ml of boiled water.
  6. Rinse. They will come in handy for certain diseases of the oral cavity (for example, periodontal disease, stomatitis) or symptoms of colds. For 25 ml of water take 1 tsp. peroxide and rinse your throat or mouth thoroughly 5 times a day.

This Neumyvakin technique can sometimes cause unpleasant sensations, such as a burning sensation in the stomach or sweating. As soon as you notice such symptoms, reduce the dose of peroxide, and resume the course after a couple of days.


Sergey Ivanov, 43 years old. I sat on the concrete and earned myself such a nuisance as internal hemorrhoids. After a while, I practically couldn’t sit normally at all. In general, I did herbal baths and applied ointment, but the problem only worsened - bleeding began, and the pain was so terrible that I wanted to “climb the wall” in the literal sense. I found an article on the Internet about compresses and oral administration of hydrogen peroxide. I did lotions 3 times a day, alternating with oral administration. The burning and itching went away on the third day, and after a week (even 5 days) the hemorrhoids stopped bothering me at all. So I recommend it.

Elizaveta Titova, 27 years old. Hemorrhoids appeared after the second birth. I thought it would go away with time, but I was wrong. The pain did not go away, but rather began to progress. The doctor prescribed an ointment and advised it to be combined with compresses based on 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. I won’t go into depth and will tell it like it is - after a week, there were no bumps, no bleeding, no pain.

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