An unpleasant burning sensation often accompanies diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or occurs as a result of eating heavy foods, pregnancy and other factors. A series of studies will help determine the exact cause of this symptom. In addition to the treatment procedures, certain products will help relieve the attack. The most valuable are the seeds for heartburn. This article will tell you whether they are always appropriate and how to use them correctly.
Properties of sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are a generous gift of nature, the fruit of the long development of a plant with an eloquent name, a valuable and organic type of food for humans, rich in biologically active substances and vitamins. To appreciate its benefits for heartburn, you need to know what it contains.
Sunflower seeds contain more calcium than milk, and the microelement is adjacent to the catalysts for its beneficial properties. If a person cannot tolerate dairy products, then the seeds can serve as the main source of calcium for the body.
Unsaturated fatty acids, which make up half the mass of peeled seeds, are indispensable for healthy metabolism and strengthening of vascular walls. By mixing sunflower seeds with honey, you can get a sweet and healthy dessert that strengthens the immune system.
The effect of seeds on heartburn
Both the benefits and harms of all seeds and nuts are explained by the large amount of fat in their composition.
Heartburn is caused by contact of acidic stomach contents with the esophageal mucosa. Episodic cases of heartburn as a result of overeating or excessive and untimely physical activity, as a rule, do not cause noticeable damage to the esophageal mucosa. But cases of regular backflow of food are fraught with serious complications, including rupture of the esophagus.
The benefit is that fat, entering the stomach as part of the food mass, gently neutralizes hydrochloric acid secreted by special cells of the stomach and normalizes the acid-base balance of the upper gastrointestinal tract. This is especially important when the acidity of gastric juice is high. In addition, an oil film on the surface of the affected mucosa may have a temporary protective effect, reducing the burning sensation. But with deep lesions of the mucous membrane, consumption of seeds does not provide a relief effect.
Carotene in the seeds (provitamin A, found in large quantities in sea buckthorn berries) has a powerful wound-healing effect, which is especially valuable for ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes, and antioxidants prevent the occurrence of dangerous cellular mutations (failures in cell division) and tumors.
The harm of foods high in fat is that they force the gastrointestinal tract to work harder. Complete digestion and assimilation of such products requires ideal coordinated work of the digestive glands - the liver, pancreas, timely influx of bile and adequate secretion of hydrochloric acid, which is impossible in conditions of low acidity: stagnation of fatty foods, insufficiently saturated with gastric secretions, stimulates gas formation and heartburn.
Useful video
We invite you to watch a video about foods that cause heartburn:
Pumpkin has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and treats a number of diseases. Thanks to vitamin group B and vitamins C, E helps in the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers, heartburn, and removes waste and toxins from the body. This vegetable is beneficial in any form, be it porridge or juice. Pumpkin seed oil is also used in medicine. Pumpkin is especially effective in curing heartburn.
The head of the therapeutic department, Viktor Alekseevich Dvornikov, answers:
Heartburn occurs as a result of the release of stomach contents into the esophagus. It is a clinical symptom of a disease such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The presence of erosion in the esophagus and a diaphragmatic hernia indicates the presence of GERD. With this disease, patients need regular examination; it should be done once or twice a year. You are needlessly afraid and refuse to undergo FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy). Such an examination does not affect erosion and will not worsen your condition. But the resulting erosion must be monitored. It can heal and disappear, or it can continue to progress and turn into an ulcer, which can lead to cancer.
If six months have passed and you are concerned about the symptoms of this disease, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo an examination. This disease requires constant monitoring and treatment.
As for pumpkin juice, with this disease you can drink both pumpkin and tomato juices. The main thing is not to drink them at night.
If you have an illness, it is important to follow not only therapeutic measures, but also to lead a correct lifestyle:
- avoid physical activity after meals, especially those associated with bending the body and lifting heavy objects;
- after eating you can’t lie down, it’s better to walk for about forty minutes;
- under no circumstances eat three hours before bedtime;
- sleep on high pillows;
- Avoid drinking carbonated drinks.
All this will help ensure that the manifestations of the disease will be minimized.
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The appearance of heartburn is associated with the release of processed food into the esophagus. In addition to the factors causing symptoms due to pathologies of the stomach and intestines, gastroesophageal reflux is identified. In medicine, this disease is called GERD. In this case, erosions in the esophagus are observed. Sometimes the patient has a diaphragmatic hernia. This pathology requires regular visits to the doctor. Complex therapy is prescribed every six months. Nutrition plays an important role. Therefore, foods such as pumpkin are considered fruits that can help or harm heartburn.
What causes heartburn after sunflower seeds
A large amount of oils entering the stomach as part of the food mass provokes intense secretion and outflow of bile, which is necessary for their breakdown and adequate absorption of breakdown products in the intestines.
Any disturbance in the uniform flow of bile provokes its subsequent reflux into the stomach and esophagus (the so-called bile reflux), which is more destructive to the mucous membranes of the esophagus than acid reflux.
Obstacles to normal bile flow are:
- spasms of the walls of the bile ducts;
- stones that impede the production and outflow of bile from the gallbladder;
- spasm of the valve of Oddi, which regulates the flow of bile into the duodenum;
- liver failure caused by pathologies of liver tissue;
- fatty deposits in the abdominal area, compressing the liver.
Important! The insidiousness of most diseases of the liver and biliary tract is their asymptomatic course. Hepatic colic often acts as a kind of “cherry on the cake”: when the disease has already taken on an intractable chronic form and even requires surgical intervention.
Preference Issues
There is no fundamental difference in the composition of sunflower or pumpkin seeds, oilseed flax or sesame seeds. All these plants are cultivated and new varieties are developed precisely for the sake of obtaining oil.
There is a slight “specialization” in the properties of the seeds of these plants in their entirety. For example, sesame and cumin seeds are antiseptic, they are very rich in iron and in small quantities can normalize liver function.
Small shiny flax seeds are an excellent natural adsorbent, due to which they help to effectively overcome the consequences of poisoning. The viscous gel-like consistency of their infusion is used to protect the mucous membranes; it also helps to normalize intestinal function, facilitating peristalsis.
Note! Ground flax seeds have greater nutritional value, since their hard peel prevents adequate absorption of nutrients. Flaxseeds can be added to any dish.
Flat pumpkin seeds contain a record amount of zinc, so they are useful primarily for men as an additional remedy in the treatment of prostatitis. Pumpkin seeds contain the antihelminthic poison cucurbitin.
It is important to preserve their transparent green film: all vitamins and valuable microelements are concentrated in it.
Features of the vegetable
Pumpkin belongs to the pumpkin family. The cultivation of the vegetable began around 3 thousand years BC in Mexico. It was only in the 16th century that pumpkin was brought to Europe by the Spaniards.
Today this vegetable is one of the most cultivated crops. For the pumpkin to fully ripen, it requires abundant watering (the composition is 90% water) and warmth. The product is ready for use in August-September. Pumpkin contains a large amount of nutrients. The scope of application is not limited to cooking. The product is also used in medicine and cosmetology.
Useful substances of the product:
- Vitamins: B, F, D, A, PP, C, T, E.
- Minerals: calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, zinc, cobalt, iron.
- Fiber: represented by pulp.
- Essential amino acids: in seeds.
- In addition to the substances important for health present in this vegetable, the product is also low in calories.
There are 22 kilocalories per 100 grams of pumpkin consumed, so it can be used by people who want to lose weight and have a number of diseases.
Pumpkin contains a large range of vitamins and minerals
- Is it possible to eat pumpkin if you have pancreatitis?
In general, the following useful properties of the product can be noted:
- Improved digestion: low in calories and high in water and fiber.
- Reducing hypertension: lowers blood cholesterol levels, equalizes water-salt balance.
- Treatment of diseases of the hematopoietic system: against the background of the presence of iron and vitamin T.
- Reducing the symptoms of inflammation: local application is possible, the effects of which reduce pain and accelerate regenerative processes.
- Improvement of vision: against the background of beta-carotene present in the product, the eye system is strengthened.
- Diuretic effect: minerals, namely salts and potassium, help dissolve kidney stones and promote their gradual elimination from the body.
- Strengthening immunity: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an excellent way to prevent viral infections.
- Reduction in the incidence of cancer: not clearly established, however, for tuberculosis and throat cancer, taking the product had a positive effect on the dynamics of the process.
- Rejuvenation of the body and alignment of sleep: beneficial substances trigger cellular regeneration of the body.
- Application in cosmetology: the principle of moisturizing and nourishing action is inherent in the use of shampoos, lotions, gels, masks, soaps.
Sunflower seeds during pregnancy
Heartburn in pregnant women usually occurs after the 20th week and is not directly related to increased secretion of stomach acid. The anatomy and physiology of the pregnancy process are such that they lead to significant compression of the stomach: the dome of the uterus rises so high that it literally flattens it, pressing it from below to the diaphragm. Under such conditions, the backflow of food mass, which causes heartburn, is facilitated as much as possible.
For a variety of reasons, most standard heartburn medications are not suitable for pregnant women. In this situation, seeds become an excellent way out.
In addition, vitamins A and E contained in the seeds are extremely beneficial for the female reproductive system (normalizing hormonal levels). They are recommended to be included in the diet to prevent constipation, a frequent companion of pregnant women.
Heat treatment causes oxidation of healthy fats and sharply reduces the nutritional value of sunflower seeds. They must be washed thoroughly and simply dried in a room with good ventilation. She should prepare the healthiest and safest seeds for the expectant mother herself. You should peel the seeds by hand to protect tooth enamel, which is especially fragile during pregnancy.
"Psychotherapist" in peel
It is useful not only to infuse and steam sunflower seeds, but also to simply peel them. A well-known symptom of neurotic disorders is an irresistible need to perform small, sometimes meaningless actions, a kind of “movement for the sake of movement.” Sometimes, in a moment of strong emotional excitement, people begin to bite their nails, constantly adjust their clothes, or unnecessarily rearrange small furnishings.
The process of consuming seeds has a certain psychotherapeutic effect. Removing the seed skins uses fine motor skills. The monotony of the peeling process helps relieve emotional stress, calm down, relax and distract from negative emotions, relieve anxiety or panic.
Folk remedies for heartburn using cereals
Oatmeal is not only a source of nutrients, but also an excellent remedy against a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach. To do this, you can soak 2.5-3 spoons in 120-150 ml of water and leave for 8-10 hours. The solution should be drunk on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day, but not more than 14 days. The remaining cereal can be seasoned with milk and eaten. After a two-week break, the procedure can be repeated.
Buckwheat , fried and crushed to a powder consistency, in some cases also relieves heartburn. If you take 1/8 teaspoon of this cereal, you can forget about the unpleasant sensations.