What is the difference between Pancreatin and Mezim?
Mezim forte for pancreatitis for the pancreas
What is the difference between Mezim and Festal? There are contraindications, consult a specialist. Mezim is a famous German
The use of glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Glycerin suppositories are a proven remedy in the fight against hemorrhoids. Rectal suppositories are the most used
What kind of anesthesia is used for laparoscopy of the gallbladder?
In the last decade, laparoscopic operations account for the largest share of the number of surgical procedures performed in
Iberogast in the treatment of diarrhea and other digestive disorders: a detailed description of the action of the drug
Release form and composition of the drug Iberogast is available in the form of drops for oral use. By
Laboratory tests
We confirm dysbacteriosis in an infant - we take tests
What is dysbiosis and why is it dangerous? Dysbiosis is a condition that means a lack of microbiota balance
We treat stomach cancer with folk remedies: how to relieve pain?
There are many examples of positive results when medications and traditional treatment of stomach cancer are combined
bloody stool during pregnancy
Blood from the anus in a woman during early and late pregnancy: how dangerous is it and how to treat?
Possible dangers Should you worry if you see blood in your stool? This phenomenon may
Chicken liver for gastritis - MyStomach || Is it possible to eat chicken liver for stomach ulcers?
Chemical composition of the liver Vitamin B2 promotes the absorption of iron from foods entering the body. At
Sweet pepper for gastritis with high acidity
Doctors do not recommend eating pepper for gastritis. However, this rule applies to the period of complications,
First aid for stomach ulcers at home
Exacerbation of a stomach ulcer - how does it go? An attack of peptic ulcer is most often caused by the action of negative
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