What is hemorrhoidectomy? Preparation, consequences and rehabilitation after surgery
The Milligan-Morgan operation is the gold standard in the treatment of severe forms of hemorrhoids. Technical rules
What degree of hemorrhoids is an indication for caesarean section?
In women, hemorrhoids after cesarean section are a common consequence. Enlargement of the uterus during prenatal period
Can you eat dates if you have inflammation of the pancreas?
Dates are amazing fruits with many beneficial and nutritional properties. About the benefits of fruits to humanity
How long do people live with stage 4 pancreatic cancer? Prognosis and possible treatment
In all cases, stage 4 pancreatic cancer cannot be treated. During this period there is
Creon and the pancreas
How to take Creon for chronic pancreatitis?
Creon is often used for pancreatitis, but it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.
Photo hemorrhoidal lump
What to do if hemorrhoids burst and are bleeding, or how to treat ruptured cones and hemorrhoids?
After thrombosis of the hemorrhoid, the lump swells and cracks at the most inopportune moment. What to do,
Signs of constipation
How to deal with constipation due to pancreatitis: effective treatment methods and recipes for loosening stools
What causes constipation in pancreatitis? Constipation with pancreatitis what to do? With this disease it can
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be dangerous
Hemorrhoids as indications for caesarean section during pregnancy
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are even more dangerous Hemorrhoids often accompany pregnancy; according to statistics, every second future
It’s like there’s a lump in the stomach: causes, treatment, prevention
Stomach cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the stomach. More often
What antibiotics should I take for internal hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are a delicate disease that brings significant discomfort to a person. Treatment options for this disease
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