Fish dishes
In what cases can you eat herring if you have pancreatitis?
Fish dishes Preference is given to fresh fish. Since many varieties are difficult to find on shelves
How to treat intestinal colitis: medications for colitis
Let's consider the mechanisms of development of these diseases. The inner layer of the stomach is covered with mucus, consisting of 90%
Treatment of hemorrhoids
The effectiveness of hirudotherapy for hemorrhoids: will leeches help defeat the disease?
The method of hirudotherapy has not yet been accepted by official medicine. Application results do not pass the reliability test.
Features of eating cabbage for gastritis
Diet for gastric diseases is an integral part of medical therapy. Broccoli is considered valuable for gastritis
high temperature in a man
Temperature with a stomach ulcer: reasons, when to seek medical help
If a person has a fever due to a stomach ulcer, then this condition should not be ignored.
The problem of hemorrhoids after childbirth: signs of the disease, suppositories and other recommendations for treatment during breastfeeding
Clinical symptoms and manifestations of the disease Hemorrhoids in a nursing mother occur long before the child is conceived.
Metronidazole for gastritis
Use of Metronidazole for the treatment of gastritis of the stomach
The drug belongs to antibacterial agents that are prescribed for inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa. Gastritis
Diet after removal of intestinal polyps by colonoscopy - food
What diet should you follow after removal of intestinal polyps by colonoscopy?
When treating polyps in the large intestine, not only timely surgery plays an important role
Rules for performing an enema
Is it possible to do an enema for hemorrhoids: 3 ways to cleanse the rectum
Enema for hemorrhoids is an affordable type of treatment recommended in inpatient and outpatient settings. Haemorrhoids
Ursosan drug
Ursosan for pancreatitis, expert opinion
The main effect of the drug and its effectiveness in pancreatitis The drug is manufactured in the Czech Republic in the form
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