The best folk recipes for the treatment of duodenal ulcers
A duodenal ulcer is a chronic disease that is a defect in the lining of the organ. Unlike
Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics: symptoms and treatment
It is difficult to find an adult who is not familiar with antibiotics. Often these drugs
Is it possible to eat tomatoes and cucumbers with chronic pancreatitis?
Eating tomatoes helps improve digestion, increase appetite, suppress the growth of harmful bacteria that live in
Is it possible to eat pasta with gastritis of the stomach or not?
If you have stomach problems, the patient should eat certain foods that will not cause further harm.
Warm hemorrhoids
3 types of baths for thermal procedures for hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are an inflammatory process of the rectum, in which the nodes enlarge due to disruption of natural blood circulation.
Vitamins for the pancreas for pancreatitis: the benefits of targeted action
The need for vitamins The functioning of the pancreas is disrupted when the body lacks a supply of substances responsible
Biliary reflux gastritis: causes, treatment and nutrition
Prevalence In the International Classification, the disease is recorded under code K29.6 in the group “Other gastritis”. Because the
Enzymes produced by the pancreas
Digestive enzymes of the gland juice play a major role in the digestion of food. From proper work and
Inflammation of the gastric mucosa: symptoms, causes and treatment
Inflammation of the gastric mucosa Doctors call inflammation of the gastric mucosa gastritis. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is associated
Is it possible to eat avocado if you have gastritis? - ZdavNews
What fruits can you eat if you have a stomach ulcer and how much?
Currently, gastritis is one of the most common diseases of the Tract. He is accompanied
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