Diarrhea due to pancreatitis
How to stop diarrhea with pancreatitis?
Causes of diarrhea during pancreatitis During a malfunction of the pancreas, the patient experiences diarrhea.
Propolis for gastritis: recommendations for use and contraindications
Treatment of gastritis with propolis Propolis is used in the treatment of gastritis due to the following action: preventing the proliferation of pathogens
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Chronic pancreatitis with excretory insufficiency: what is it?
Chronic pancreatitis with exocrine insufficiency develops during a long-term inflammatory process in the pancreas (over
All patients have to take painkillers for pancreatitis, but different medications are used for different forms of pathology
What medications to take for pancreatic pain
All patients have to take painkillers for pancreatitis, but different forms of pathology require different
Lymphofollicular hyperplasia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
What is intestinal hyperplasia? This pathology means excessive production of intestinal lymphoid tissue cells,
Coffee and the pancreas
The effect of coffee on the human pancreas
The question of drinking coffee for pancreatitis concerns almost every gastroenterology patient. The coal-black drink has long been
How to find out the normal acidity (pH) of the stomach without gastroscopy
Gastric acidity is measured in pH and characterizes the concentration of acid in the stomach. Shifts in
How does colic manifest?
An attack of cholelithiasis symptoms first aid
In 24 hours, the liver produces about 2 liters of bile. This unique and complex
How is jelly useful for pancreatitis?
How to prepare oatmeal jelly for use with pancreatitis
Inflammation of the pancreas is a disease, the treatment of which largely depends on compliance with
Is it possible to quickly cure hemorrhoids at home?
Hemorrhoids are a serious disease that affects the veins of the anal canal. As a rule, it occurs on
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